NTS AJK 2024 Test 001

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NTS AJK 2024 Test 001

It is compulsory to attempt this test for all participants

Do this test for just only once.

After the final result, this test may be attempted for practice

This test consists of 50 marks while the time limit is also 50 minutes

Passing criteria is 70 percent i.e. 35 questions out of 50

Good luck

1. Example of a academic co-curricular activity is: (1 point)

⚪ Athelatics
⚪ Volley ball match
⚫ Essay writing competition
⚪ Races

2. Better classroom manageent provides opportunities for ___________ to motivate students to meet (1 point)
the challenges and achieve daily objectives.
⚪ Headmaster
⚪ Parents
⚪ Students
⚫ Teacher

3. Classroom management is the foremost responsibility of __________ (1 point)

⚪ Prnicipal
⚫ Facilitator of learning
⚪ Students
⚪ Parents

4. Social development can be created through: (1 point)

⚪ Lecture
⚪ Written exams
⚪ Teacher centered method
⚫ Projects and games
5. Which of the following is not the component of a lesson plan? (1 point)
⚪ Evaluation
⚪ Procedures
⚫ Dress code
⚪ Objectives

6. Which of the following is not a method of assessment? (1 point)

⚫ Roll Call
⚪ Observation
⚪ Checklist
⚪ Questioning

7. Core focus of classroom procedure is: (1 point)

⚫ Peer interaction
⚪ Students movement
⚪ Marking attendance
⚪ Teacher student interaction

8. Bringing together scientific ideas to form unique idea is called as: (1 point)
⚪ Analysis
⚫ Synthesis
⚪ Application
⚪ Evaluation

9. Which of the following a teacher should use in a classroom except: (1 point)

⚪ Incentives
⚪ reinforcement
⚫ Punishment
⚪ Motivation

10. School physical material and equipment is recorded in: (1 point)

⚫ stock register
⚪ Cash book
⚪ Personal files
⚪ Diary and dispatch register

11. Pin drop silence is the _________ notion for better classroom management. (1 point)
⚪ Modern
⚪ Effective
⚫ Traditional
⚪ Western

12. Higher order thinking as per revised Bloom's Taxonomy is: (1 point)
⚪ Recalling
⚪ Understanding
⚪ Applying
⚫ Creating

13. Assessment for learning is also called as: (1 point)

⚫ Formative assessment
⚪ Summative assessment
⚪ Self assessment
⚪ All of the above

14. The highest level of affective domain is: (1 point)

⚫ Characterization
⚪ Attending
⚪ Valuing
⚪ Organization

15. Audio Lingual method is based on: (1 point)

⚪ Bloom's Taxonomy
⚫ Skinner's Behaviourism Theory
⚪ Spensor's method
⚪ Spearman's method

16. Aesthetic development of learners is achieved through: (1 point)

⚪ Lecture
⚪ Home
⚪ Games
⚫ Theatre

17. The ability to adapt to a new situation for solving problems is called: (1 point)
⚪ Creativity
⚪ Learning
⚪ Memory
⚫ Intelligence

18. Traditionally, teachers were regarded as responsible for passing _____ to the next generation. (1 point)
⚪ Culture
⚫ Knowledge
⚪ Rules
⚪ Games

19. The purpose of assigning homework to the students is: (1 point)

⚪ Keep them busy
⚪ Study at home
⚪ Check their progress
⚫ Develop self study habit

20. The purpose of classroom management is to ensure positive and productive: (1 point)
⚪ Physical environment
⚪ Teaching environment
⚪ Supporting environment
⚫ Learning environment

21. Nadeem is addicted _____________smoking. (1 point)

⚪ of
⚫ to
⚪ for
⚪ at

22. He was accused _____________theft. (1 point)

⚫ of
⚪ to
⚪ for
⚪ with

23. He is blind ___________one eye. (1 point)

⚪ of
⚫ in
⚪ on
⚪ with

24. He begged __________mercy. (1 point)

⚪ of
⚫ for
⚪ on
⚪ at

25. She was certain ___________her success. (1 point)

⚫ of
⚪ for
⚪ with
⚪ at

26. The class consists ___________40 boys. (1 point)

⚫ of
⚪ for
⚪ with
⚪ in

27. Aslam is devoid ____________good manners. (1 point)

⚫ of
⚪ for
⚪ with
⚪ at

28. Saira was engaged ___________Burhan. (1 point)

‫⚪‬ ‫‪of‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫‪for‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫‪with‬‬
‫⚫‬ ‫‪to‬‬

‫‪29. Women in Pakistan are entitled ___________vote.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬

‫⚪‬ ‫‪of‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫‪for‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫‪with‬‬
‫⚫‬ ‫‪to‬‬

‫‪30. Ali is fond ____________playing cricket.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬

‫⚫‬ ‫‪of‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫‪for‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫‪with‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫‪to‬‬

‫وہ" اور "یہ" مثالیں ہیں ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ کی۔" ‪31.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم نکرہ‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم معرفہ‬
‫⚫‬ ‫اسم اشارہ‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم موصول‬

‫وہ اسم جو کسی آواز کو ظاہر کرے کہالتا ہے۔ ‪32.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم آلہ‬
‫⚫‬ ‫اسم صوت‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم مصغر‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم موصول‬

‫وہ اسم جو کسی چیز کی اچھائی یا برائی بیان کرتا ہے کہالتا ہے۔ ‪33.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم حاصل مصدر‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم معاوضہ‬
‫⚫‬ ‫اسم صفت‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم موصول‬
‫وہ اسم جو کسی دوسرے اسم کی جگہ استعمال ہو مثال تو‪ ،‬تم وغیرہ‪ ،‬کہالتا ہے۔ ‪34.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬
‫⚫‬ ‫اسم ضمیر‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم معاوضہ‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم صفت‬
‫⚪‬ ‫اسم موصول‬

‫بے معنی لفظ کہالتا ہے۔ ‪35.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬

‫⚪‬ ‫کلمہ‬
‫⚫‬ ‫مہمل‬
‫⚪‬ ‫جملہ‬
‫⚪‬ ‫تردیدی جملہ‬

‫کوہ ہمالیہ" مثال ہے ــــــــــــــ کی۔" ‪36.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬

‫⚪‬ ‫اسم نکرہ‬
‫⚫‬ ‫اسم معرفہ‬
‫⚪‬ ‫خطاب‬
‫⚪‬ ‫تخلص‬

‫وہ اعزازی نام جو کسی شخص کو اسکی علمی‪ ،‬ادبی یا قومی خدمات کے عوض دیا جاتا ہے کہالتا ہے۔ ‪37.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬
‫⚫‬ ‫خطاب‬
‫⚪‬ ‫تخلص‬
‫⚪‬ ‫لقب‬
‫⚪‬ ‫کنیت‬

‫وہ مختصر سا نام جو شاعر یا ادیب اپنے کالم میں اصل نام کے بجائے استعمال کرتے ہیں کہالتا ہے۔ ‪38.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫خطاب‬
‫⚫‬ ‫تخلص‬
‫⚪‬ ‫لقب‬
‫⚪‬ ‫کنیت‬

‫ابن مریم ہوا کرے کوئی‪ ،‬میرے درد کی دوا کرے کوئی۔۔ یہ جملہ مثال ہے ــــــــــــــ کی۔ ‪39.‬‬ ‫)‪(1 point‬‬
‫⚪‬ ‫خطاب‬
‫⚪‬ ‫تخلص‬
‫⚪‬ ‫لقب‬
⚫ ‫کنیت‬

40. ‫ ڈبیہ اور پگڑی وغیرہ مثالیں ہیں ــــــــــــــــــ کی۔‬،‫ پیالی‬،‫دیگچی‬ (1 point)
⚫ ‫اسم مصغر‬
⚪ ‫اسم مکبر‬
⚪ ‫اسم ظرف مکاں‬
⚪ ‫اسم ظرف زماں‬

41. Elements which have same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called as (1 point)
_________ ?
⚫ Isotopes
⚪ Isomers
⚪ Allotropes
⚪ Allomers

42. Electric motor was invented by __________ ? (1 point)

⚫ Michael Faraday
⚪ Oliver Evans
⚪ Thomas Edison
⚪ Horace Day

43. The main Constituent of Biogas is__________? (1 point)

⚫ Methane
⚪ Hydrogyn
⚪ Oxygen
⚪ Carbin dioxide

44. CNG stands for? (1 point)

⚪ Converted Natural Gas
⚫ Compressed Natural Gas
⚪ Conduced Natural Gas
⚪ Conducted Natural Gas

45. Medulla oblongata is a part of human ___________? (1 point)

⚪ Heart
⚫ Brain
⚪ Liver
⚪ Lungs

46. Big Bang theory explains_____________? (1 point)

⚫ Origin of Universe
⚪ Origin of Sun
⚪ Laws of physics
⚪ None of above

47. Sunlight is a Great Source of ____________? (1 point)

⚪ vitamin C
⚪ vitamin E
⚪ vitamin K
⚫ vitamin D

48. The study of the weather is called____________? (1 point)

⚫ Meteorology
⚪ Weatherology
⚪ Ecology
⚪ Geology

49. The olfactory nerves affect what sense in brain? (1 point)

⚪ Feel
⚪ Touch
⚫ Smell
⚪ Hear

50. Winter Solstice means____________? (1 point)

⚫ longest night
⚪ longest day
⚪ smallest night
⚪ smallest day

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