Inovision Model 35080B: Non-Invasive KVP Divider

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Inovision Radiation Measurements

Diagnostic X-ray
Inovision Model 35080B DXR
Non-Invasive kVp Divider 35080B

■ Perform accurate kV tests on

radiographic, mammographic, and
fluoroscopic X-ray equipment in
just seconds
■ Check both above and below table
■ Display calibrated analog voltage
signal on either a Model 35050A
Dosimeter, a storage oscilloscope,
or TRIAD™ QA Software
■ Optional filter packs available for
CT, mammographic, and mobile
■ Rh/Rh measurement capability
when used with mammographic
filter pack pair
The Model 35080B Non-invasive kVp Divider quickly and accurately measures • Non-invasive technology eliminates the
kV for all modalities. The unit checks both above and below table tubes and hazards of high-voltage cables and the
displays the results on either the Model 35050A Dosimeter, a storage oscilloscope, need for bulky divider tanks
or TRIAD™ QA Software. The Model 35080B Non-invasive kVp Divider is
• Easier and more accurate non-invasive
highly portable and eliminates the need for bulky and heavy high-voltage divider
method for measuring kVp of high
ripple and mid-high frequency
A patented* wide range filter pack is included with the Model 35080B Non-invasive generators than invasive dividers,
kVp Divider and provides accurate readings for the range of 50 kVp to 150 kVp. which may give a distorted reading
Four optional filter packs are available for use with the Model 35080B Non-invasive from increased capacitance of high
kVp Divider for CT, mammographic, and mobile applications. voltage cables
APPLICATIONS • Quick setup time enables testing of
Superior accuracy and outstanding performance have made the Model 35080B more systems in less time than with
Non-invasive kVp Divider the industry standard among X-ray equipment cumbersome divider tanks
manufacturers. Its speed and simplicity greatly facilitate quality assurance,
calibration, and service procedures and enhance productivity. • High speed precision log circuitry
permits a wide variation in technique
The Model 35080B Non-invasive kVp Divider works with the high-speed, accurate,
factors, without sacrificing accuracy or
wide-bandwidth oscilloscopes normally used for repair and calibration of X-ray
frequency response
generators. Exposure time for single-phase, three-phase, DC, and high-frequency
generators can also be measured when the waveform is displayed on an oscilloscope. • Optional filter packs enable testing in
A digital display of the kVp value may be achieved by connecting the Non-invasive virtually all modalities
kVp Divider to a Model 35050A Dosimeter.
• Rh/Rh measurement capability when
The Model 35080B Non-invasive kVp Divider contains a pair of precision detectors Model 35080B Non-invasive kVp
that produces a ratio signal when exposed to X-rays. This ratio signal is proportional Divider is used with Cadmium K-edge
to the instantaneous tube voltage (kV). Results are not influenced by the tube and Linear Mammo Filter Pack Pair
current, and represent a real-time measurement.
Each filter pack that is used with the Model 35080B Non-invasive kVp Divider
contains a pair of filters of different thicknesses. The filters of an installed filter
* Patent Numbers 4,843,619 and 4,916,727
pack are positioned directly above the detectors of the Non-invasive kVp Divider.
Because the filters have different thicknesses, the quantity of X-rays reaching each
detector is different. The resulting ratio signal depends directly on tube voltage.
Filter thicknesses are selected to produce the most accurate readings for a given
kV range.

6045 Cochran Road • Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 • Phone: (800) 850-4608 / (440) 248-9300 • Fax: (440) 349-2307 •
Range 50 kVp to 150 kVp, using only the wide-range Dimensions
radiographic filter pack (Model Number 37617) 2.375 in (w) x 3.5 in (d) x 8.25 (h)
(6.0 x 9.0 x 21 cm)
Range and versatility are extended with the use
of special optional filter packs Weight 1 lb 8 oz (0.68 kg)
Accuracy Accuracy of ± 2% of reading in the range of Standard Accessories
50 kVp to 150 kVp, exclusive of linearity, Wide-range Filter Pack, Model Number 37617
filtration, and gain effects (for 50 kVp to 150 kVp)
Linearity corrections automatically applied when Fitted carrying case
using Model 35080B Non-invasive kVp Divider Optional Accessories
with Model 35050A Dosimeter
CT Filter Pack, Model Number 33551
Response Time 150 µs (10 - 90%) Provides precision measurements in the 70 kVp
to 140 kVp range with an accuracy of ± 2%
CalibrationInternally generated signal provides a calibration
check Active area is just 3.8 cm x 0.48 cm, to
accommodate the narrow beam of most scanners
Minimum Time for Valid Reading
1 ms, 3-phase; one line cycle, single-phase Cadmium K-edge and Linear Mammo Filter Pack
Pair, Model Number 37351/37355
Tube Current Cadmium K-edge Mammo Pack uses the
Wide dynamic range from 4 to 3000 mA inherent stability of the cadmium k-edge as an
(3 phase), 2 to 1500 mA (single phase) absolute reference for precision measurements
Generator settings will vary in waveform and between 27.5 kVp and 29.5 kVp with ± 0.5 kV
distance accuracy
Less than ± 1 kV effect for wide-range radiographic Use the Linear Mammo Pack with the Cadmium
filter pack covering 50 kVp to 150 kVp K-edge Mammo Pack for precision calibrations
Specialty filter packs may have different of ± 1.0 kV accuracy from 22 to 40 kVp
characteristics Mobile Filter Pack, Model Number 37946
Environmental Easily and accurately measures kV on mid-
frequency generators (≥ 1 kHz) with substantial
Temperature Range 0 to 35°C
kV ripple (> 10%)
Relative Humidity 20 to 80%
Provides precision measurements in the range
Storage Temperature - 35 to 50°C of 50 kVp to 135 kVp with accuracy of ± 2%
Orientation Low Range, Model Number 38237
Long axis of the Model 35080B Non-invasive Provides precision measurements in the 30 to 90
kVp Divider oriented perpendicular to axis of kVp range with an accuracy of ± 2%
X-ray tube to eliminate heel effect For radiographic generators using tungsten target
Power One 9-volt battery, 60 hours operation
“Battery-Check” function connects battery to
output terminals for voltage measurement

Regulatory Compliance
Certified to meet European EMC directive 89/336/EEC and
FCC Part 15 Class A
This includes EN55011 Group 1, Class B. Meets safety
standard IEC 601-1 (1988), Amendment 2 (1995)

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

TRIAD is a trademark of Inovision Radiation Measurements, LLC.
35080B-DS rev 2 26 oct 01

6045 Cochran Road • Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 • Phone: (800) 850-4608 / (440) 248-9300 • Fax: (440) 349-2307 •

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