IEE Final Paper111
IEE Final Paper111
IEE Final Paper111
Prof.Gouri Patil 2. Megha Bhagat , 3 Poornima Patil, 4 Samreen
We are developing such a system which can that will commute the two pins of the device
be used to restrict this smuggling. Every tree from on to off and viceversa if the sensor
will be equipped with one small electronics
unit which consists of Micro Controller, reaches a certain angle.
MEMS sensor, GPS and IOT module. In big
forest, each tree will be having sensor unit
which is fitted on stem of tree will The code example is exactly as the one we
Communicate with their server unit .The would use for a pushbutton but substituting this
communication between tree unit and server
unit take place by using IOT module. Tree one with the tilt sensor. We use a pull-up resistor
cutting will be detected by sound sensor and (thus use active-low to activate the pins) and
MEMS. By using sound sensor we can predict
the cutting tree .once the tree will fallen the connect the sensor to a digital input pin that we
nearest tree will sense the sound of fallen trees will read when needed.
and send the signal to server.Sensor values
having some fixed threshold value, once the
threshold value will match to the current
value, it will send the alert signal to server due 4.2 Software Requirements: Arduino IDE,
to that signal the forest ranger may get more Embedded c.
alert on that particular area. Due to nature 4.2.1 Arduino IDE:
disaster some trees may fallen, for that Arduino consists of both a physical
purpose we are using GPS module for programmable circuit board (often referred
continuous monitoring of trees location to as a microcontroller) and a piece of
software, or IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) that runs on your computer,
used to write and upload computer code to
4.1 Hardware Requirements: Arduino Uno, the physical board.
Tilt sensor
to disconnect your GPS receiver from the board ADXL362 sensed data by a Microphone.
every time you want to upload a new program ). This paper proposes a microcontroller based
anti-poaching system employing a WSN
The serial pins will be created in pin 2 and 3 for
protocol, which is capable of detecting theft
RX and TX respectively, we will not be
by monitoring vibrations produced while
connecting anything to pin 3 however because
we do not wish to send any data to the GPS cutting trees using a MEMS accelerometer.
module, only receive. We also need an object of A low power msp430f5528 microcontroller
the TinyGPS library: is used along with 2.4 GHz CC2500
transreceiver to communicate to a central
SoftwareSerial gpsSerial(2, 3); // create gps
Base Station from a unknown location
sensor connection
where activity is detected. WSN is widely
TinyGPS gps; // create gps object used technology for monitoring application
The “gpsSerial” object is used to extract data to reduce the limitation of transmitting
from the GPS receiver, the “gps” object is used capacity of a communication module and
to separate the receiver’s data into individual also to reduce battery consumtion of device
components. to extend Battery life. The embedded system
architecture and the hardware/software network with ez430-rf2500 development tools
designs are described in detail. and msp430fg4618/f2013 experimenter boards
We can add the new technology such 4. Awang, A., &Suhaimi, M. H. (2007).
as data science and artificial intelligence to RIMBAMONc A Forest Monitoring System
work and make it more automated and more Using Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings
reliable thus making the process more of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent