Manual - FU - Emotron - GB S001-043
Manual - FU - Emotron - GB S001-043
Manual - FU - Emotron - GB S001-043
Valid for the following inverter Models:
FDU40-003 to FDU40-1k1
FDU50-018 to FDU50-1k1
FDU69-120 to FDU69-1k1
Software version: 3.XX
The frequency inverter must always be earthed via the
mmmmmmmmmmm mm
mmmm m
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m
EMC Regulations
In order to comply with the EMC directive, it is abso-
lutely necessary to follow the installation instructions.
See § 3.4, page 12.
5.4.2 Acceleration time [311] ................................. 38 5.5.17 DigIn 7 [427]................................................. 51
5.4.3 Acceleration time for MotPot [312]................ 38 5.5.18 DigIn 8 [428]................................................. 51
5.4.4 Acceleration time to Min. Frequency [313] ..... 38 5.5.19 Analogue Outputs [430]................................. 51
5.4.5 Acceleration ramp type [314]......................... 38 5.5.20 AnOut 1 function [431] .................................. 51
5.4.6 Deceleration time [315] ................................. 39 5.5.21 AnOut 1 Setup [432] ..................................... 51
5.4.7 Deceleration time for MotPot [316]................ 39 5.5.22 AnOut 1 Offset [433] ..................................... 51
5.4.8 Deceleration time to Min. Frequency [317] ..... 39 5.5.23 AnOut 1 Gain [434] ....................................... 52
5.4.9 Deceleration ramp type [318]......................... 39 5.5.24 AnOut 2 function [435] .................................. 52
5.4.10 Start Mode [319]........................................... 39 5.5.25 AnOut 2 Set-up [436]..................................... 52
5.4.11 Stop Mode [31A] ........................................... 39 5.5.26 AnOut 2 Offset [437] ..................................... 52
5.4.12 Spinstart [31B].............................................. 40 5.5.27 AnOut 2 Gain [438] ....................................... 52
5.4.13 Frequencies [320] ......................................... 40 5.5.28 Digital Outputs [440]..................................... 52
5.4.14 Minimum Frequency [321] ............................. 40 5.5.29 DigOut 1 Function [441] ................................ 52
5.4.15 Maximum Frequency [322] ............................ 40 5.5.30 DigOut 2 Function [442] ................................ 53
5.4.16 Min Freq Mode [323] ..................................... 40 5.5.31 Relays [450] ................................................. 53
5.4.17 Frequency Direction [324].............................. 41 5.5.32 Relay 1 Function [451] .................................. 53
5.4.18 Motor Potentiometer [325] ............................ 41 5.5.33 Relay 2 Function [452] .................................. 53
5.4.19 Preset Frequency 1 [326] to Preset 5.6 Set/View reference value [500] ..................... 54
Frequency 7 [32C] ......................................... 41 5.7 View operation [600] ..................................... 54
5.4.20 Skip Frequency 1 Low [32D] .......................... 42 5.7.1 Speed [610] .................................................. 54
5.4.21 Skip Frequency 1 High[32E] ........................... 42 5.7.2 Load [620] .................................................... 54
5.4.22 Skip Frequency 2 Low [32F]........................... 42 5.7.3 Electrical power [630] ................................... 54
5.4.23 Skip Frequency 2 High [32G].......................... 42 5.7.4 Current [640] ................................................ 54
5.4.24 Jog Frequency [32H] ...................................... 42 5.7.5 Output Voltage [650]..................................... 54
5.4.25 Frequency priority .......................................... 43 5.7.6 VDC-Link voltage [660] .................................. 54
5.4.26 Torque [330] ................................................. 43 5.7.7 Heat sink temperature [670].......................... 54
5.4.27 Torque Limit [331] ......................................... 43 5.7.8 FI status [680] .............................................. 54
5.4.28 Maximum Torque [332].................................. 43 5.7.9 Digital input status [690]............................... 55
5.4.29 Controllers [340] ........................................... 43 5.7.10 Analogue input status [6A0] .......................... 55
5.4.30 Flux optimization [341] .................................. 43 5.7.11 Run time [6B0].............................................. 55
5.4.31 Sound Characteristic [342] ............................ 43 5.7.12 Reset Run time [6B1] .................................... 55
5.4.32 PID Controller [343] ...................................... 44 5.7.13 Mains time [6C0] .......................................... 55
5.4.33 PID P Gain [344] ........................................... 44 5.7.14 Energy [6D0] ................................................. 56
5.4.34 PID I Time [345] ............................................ 44 5.7.15 Reset Energy [6D1] ....................................... 56
5.4.35 PID D Time [346]........................................... 44 5.7.16 Process Speed [6E0] ..................................... 56
5.4.36 Limits/protections [350] ............................... 44 5.7.17 Set Process Unit [6E1] .................................. 56
5.4.37 Low Voltage Override [351]............................ 44 5.7.18 Set Process Scale [6E2] ................................ 57
5.4.38 Rotor locked[352] ......................................... 45 5.7.19 Warning [6FO] ............................................... 57
5.4.39 Motor lost [353] ............................................ 45 5.8 View trip log [700]......................................... 57
5.4.40 Motor I2t Type [354] ..................................... 45 5.8.1 Trip 1 [710] to trip 10 [7A0] .......................... 57
5.4.41 Motor I2t Current [355] ................................. 46 5.8.2 Reset trip log [7B0]....................................... 57
5.5 I/O [400] ...................................................... 47 5.9 Monitor [800]................................................ 58
5.5.1 Analogue Inputs [410] ................................... 47 5.9.1 Alarm functions [810] .................................... 58
5.5.2 AnIn1 Function [411]..................................... 47 5.9.2 Alarm Select[811] ......................................... 58
5.5.3 AnIn 1 Set-up [412] ....................................... 47 5.9.3 Alarm Trip [812] ............................................ 58
5.5.4 AnIn 1 Offset [413]........................................ 48 5.9.4 Ramp Alarm [813] ......................................... 58
5.5.5 AnIn 1 Gain [414] .......................................... 48 5.9.5 Alarm start delay [814].................................. 58
5.5.6 AnIn2 Function [415]..................................... 48 5.9.6 Alarm response delay [815] ........................... 59
5.5.7 AnIn 2 Set-up [416] ....................................... 48 5.9.7 Auto set function[816] .................................. 59
5.5.8 AnIn 2 Offset [417]........................................ 49 5.9.8 Max Alarm level (Overload) [817]................... 59
5.5.9 AnIn 2 Gain [418] .......................................... 49 5.9.9 Max Pre-alarm level (Overload) [818] ............. 59
5.5.10 Digital Inputs [420] ....................................... 49 5.9.10 Min Alarm level (Underload) [819].................. 59
5.5.11 DigIn 1 [421]................................................. 49 5.9.11 Min Pre-alarm level (Underload) [81A] ............ 59
5.5.12 DigIn 2 [422]................................................. 50 5.9.12 Comparators [820] ........................................ 61
5.5.13 DigIn 3 [423]................................................. 50 5.9.13 Analogue Comparator 1 value [821] ............... 61
5.5.14 DigIn 4 [424]................................................. 50 5.9.14 Analogue Comparator 1 constant [822].......... 61
5.5.15 DigIn 5 [425]................................................. 50 5.9.15 Analogue Comparator 2 value [823] ............... 61
5.5.16 DigIn 6 [426]................................................. 50 5.9.16 Analogue Comparator 2 constant [824].......... 61
5.9.17 Digital Comparator 1 [825] ............................ 62 L I ST O F T AB L ES
5.9.18 Digital Comparator 2 [826] ............................ 62 Table 1 Standards................................................... 9
5.9.19 Logic Output Y [830] ..................................... 62 Table 2 Mounting and cooling ............................... 11
5.9.20 Y Comp 1 [831] ............................................. 63 Table 3 Flow rates cooling fans ............................. 11
5.9.21 Y Operator 1 [832] ........................................ 63 Table 4 Mains and motor connection ..................... 11
5.9.22 Y Comp 2 [833] ............................................. 63 Table 5 Stripping lengths for mains cables............. 14
5.9.23 Y Operator 2 [834] ........................................ 63 Table 6 Stripping lengths for motor cables ............. 14
5.9.24 Y Comp 3 [835] ............................................. 63 Table 9 Definitions................................................ 19
5.9.25 Logic function Z [840] ................................... 63 Table 10 LED indication .......................................... 21
5.9.26 Z Comp 1 [841]............................................. 64 Table 11 Control keys ............................................. 21
5.9.27 Z Operator 1 [842] ........................................ 64 Table 12 Function keys........................................... 21
5.9.28 Z Comp 2 [843]............................................. 64 Table 13 Parameter Set .......................................... 26
5.9.29 Z Operator 2 [844] ........................................ 64 Table 14 Parameter Set functions ........................... 27
5.9.30 Z Comp 3 [845]............................................. 64 Table 15 Resolutions of settings ............................. 28
5.10 View system data [900] ................................. 64 Table 16 PTC card .................................................. 35
5.10.1 Type [910] .................................................... 64 Table 17 Macro Loc/Rem Ana ................................ 35
5.10.2 Software [920] .............................................. 64 Table 18 Macro Loc/Rem Comm............................. 36
6. FAULT INDICATION, DIAGNOSES Table 19 Macro PID ................................................ 36
AND MAINTENANCE ........... 65 Table 20 Macro Preset Frequency ........................... 37
Table 21 Macro MotPot .......................................... 37
6.1 Trips, warnings and limits............................... 65
Table 22 Preset ...................................................... 41
6.2 Trip conditions, causes and remedy ................ 66
Table 23 Frequency priority ..................................... 43
6.2.1 Technically qualified personnel ....................... 66
Table 24 Set/view reference value .......................... 54
6.2.2 Opening the frequency inverter ....................... 66
Table 25 FI status .................................................. 55
6.2.3 Precautions to be taken with a connected
motor ............................................................ 66 Table 26 Truth table for the logical operators .......... 63
6.2.4 Autoreset Trip................................................ 66 Table 27 Trips, warnings and limits. ........................ 65
6.3 Maintenance ................................................. 68 Table 28 Trip condition ........................................... 67
Table 29 Options .................................................... 69
7. OPTIONS ........................ 69 Table 30 Brake resistor 400V type .......................... 70
7.1 Protection class IP23 and IP54 ...................... 69 Table 31 Brake resistors 500V types....................... 71
7.2 External Control Panel (ECP).......................... 70 Table 32 Brake resistors 690V types....................... 71
7.3 Handheld Control Panel (HCP) ........................ 70 Table 33 General electrical specifications ............... 72
7.4 Brake chopper ............................................... 70 Table 34 Electrical specifications related to type
7.5 Pump Control................................................. 71 400V/500V.............................................. 73
7.6 Relay Card..................................................... 71 Table 35 Electrical specifications related to type
690V........................................................ 73
7.7 Output coils ................................................... 71
Table 36 Ambient temperature and derating 400-500V
7.8 Overvoltage clamp ......................................... 71 types........................................................ 74
7.9 Serial communication, fieldbus ....................... 71 Table 37 Ambient temperature and derating 690V type.
8. TECHNICAL DATA .............. 72 Table 38 Mechanical specifications......................... 75
8.1 General electrical specifications..................... 72 Table 39 Environmental conditions .......................... 75
8.2 Electrical specifications related to type ......... 73 Table 40 Fuses, cable cross-sections and glands
8.3 Derating at higher temperature....................... 74 400/500V types....................................... 76
8.4 Mechanical specifications .............................. 75 Table 41 Fuses, cable cross-sections and glands
690V type ................................................ 76
8.5 Environmental conditions ............................... 75
8.6 Fuses, cable cross-sections and glands .......... 76
REPRESENTATION ............. 86
L IS T O F DR A W ING S Fig. 63 AnOut 4-20mA. ............................................ 51
Fig. 1 Type number .................................................. 8 Fig. 64 AnOut Gain setting. ...................................... 52
Fig. 2 Minimum control wiring. ............................... 10 Fig. 65 Drive status. ................................................ 54
Fig. 3 Frequency inverter mounting size X1 to X5.... 11 Fig. 66 Digital input status example. ........................ 55
Fig. 4 Mains and motor connections. ...................... 11 Fig. 67 Analogue input status .................................. 55
Fig. 5 Frequency inverter in a cabinet on a mounting Fig. 68 Trip 3........................................................... 57
plate. ........................................................... 12 Fig. 69 Alarm functions ............................................ 60
Fig. 6 Frequency inverter as stand alone................. 12 Fig. 70 Analogue Comparator ................................... 61
Fig. 7 Big size inverter in cabinet............................ 13 Fig. 71 Digital comparator........................................ 62
Fig. 8 Stripping lengths for cables - FDU. ................ 14 Fig. 72 Example Type............................................... 64
Fig. 9 Control board layout ..................................... 15 Fig. 73 Example software version ............................. 64
Fig. 10 Electro Magnetic (EM) screening of control Fig. 74 Autoreset trip............................................... 66
signal cables................................................ 17 Fig. 75 ECP ............................................................. 70
Fig. 11 Connection example. .................................... 18 Fig. 76 HCP ............................................................. 70
Fig. 12 Location of connectors and jumpers. ............. 18 Fig. 77 Connection of a serial link. ........................... 71
Fig. 13 Control Panel. .............................................. 20 Fig. 78 FDU size X1 ................................................. 77
Fig. 14 The Display .................................................. 20 Fig. 79 FDU size X2 ................................................. 77
Fig. 15 Example upper level menu (Main Menu) ........ 20 Fig. 80 FDU size X3 ................................................. 77
Fig. 16 Example mid level menu (Submenu tens) ...... 20 Fig. 81 FDU size X4 ................................................. 78
Fig. 17 Example lower level menu (Submenu units) ... 20 Fig. 82 FDU size X5 ................................................. 78
Fig. 18 LED indications ............................................ 21 Fig. 83 FDU size X10, Example in cabinet................. 78
Fig. 19 Toggle memory............................................. 21 Fig. 84 FDU size X15, Example in cabinet................. 78
Fig. 20 Menu structure. ........................................... 22
Fig. 21 Programming example .................................. 23
Fig. 22 Default setting Run/Reset commands........... 24
Fig. 23 Functionality of the Stop and Enable input..... 24
Fig. 24 Wiring example Run/Stop/Enable/Reset
inputs. ......................................................... 25
Fig. 25 Input and output status for level control........ 25
Fig. 26 Input and output status for edge control........ 25
Fig. 27 Selecting the Parameter Sets. ...................... 26
Fig. 28 Copy: - Complete Set-up................................ 27
Fig. 29 Load: - Complete Set-up
- All Parameter Sets
- Active Parameter Set.................................. 27
Fig. 30 Display functions. ......................................... 28
Fig. 31 V/Hz curves ................................................. 29
Fig. 32 Reference Control = Rem/DigIn 2. ................ 29
Fig. 33 Reference Control =Comm/DigIn 2. .............. 30
Fig. 34 Run/stp Control = Rem/DigIn 2.................... 30
Fig. 35 Run/Stp Control =Comm/DigIn 2.................. 30
Fig. 36 IxR Comp at Linear V/Hz curve ..................... 31
Fig. 37 IxR Comp at Square V/Hz curve.................... 31
Fig. 38 Connection of the motor thermistor (PTC). .... 35
Fig. 39 Local / Remote Ana macro ........................... 36
Fig. 40 Local/Remote Comm macro ......................... 36
Fig. 41 PID Macro.................................................... 36
Fig. 42 Preset Frequency ......................................... 37
Fig. 43 MotPot macro .............................................. 37
Fig. 44 Acceleration time and maximum frequency.... 38
Fig. 45 Acceleration and deceleration times. ............ 38
Fig. 46 S-curve acceleration ramp............................. 39
Fig. 47 S-curve deceleration ramp............................. 39
Fig. 48 Min Frq Mode = Scale................................... 40
Fig. 49 Min Frq Mode = Limit. .................................. 40
Fig. 50 Min Frq Mode = Stop. ................................... 41
Fig. 51 Skip Frequency............................................. 42
Fig. 52 Jog command. .............................................. 42
Fig. 53 Flux Optimizing............................................. 43
Fig. 54 Closed loop PID control. ............................... 44
Fig. 55 Low Voltage Override.................................... 45
Fig. 56 I2t function .................................................. 46
Fig. 57 Normal full-scale configuration. ..................... 47
Fig. 58 2-10V/4-20mA (Live Zero)............................ 47
Fig. 59 Function of the AnIn Offset setting................ 48
Fig. 60 Function of the AnIn Gain setting. ................. 48
Fig. 61 Inverted reference ........................................ 48
Fig. 62 MotPot function. .......................................... 49
1.2.3 Standards
CAUTION Failure to follow these
For the applicable standards, see § 1.6, page 9.
instructions can result in
malfunction or damage to CAUTION! In order to comply fully with the
the frequency inverter. Declaration, the installation instructions detailed
in this instruction manual must be strictly
WARNING Failure to follow these
instructions can result in serious
injury to the user in addition
to serious damage to the
frequency inverter.
1.3 Use of the instruction manual 1.5 Type number
mm mmm mmmmm m
m m
mmm m
mmmmmmmmm mmm mmmmmmmmm mmm m
mmmmmmm mmm
m Fig. 1 gives an example of the type code numbering
used to indicate the complete frequency inverter as a used on all inverters.
single unit.
Check that the software version number on the first
page of this manual complies with the software version
in the frequency inverter. See § 5.10.2, page 64.
m mmm m mmmmmmmm m
mm m
mm m
mmm m
m m
mm mmmmm mmm mmmmm
m mmmm m
ily. It explaines what is absolutely necessary to do
before the inverter can be started.
m mmm m mmmmm m
mmmmm m
m mmmmm
m mmmm m
mmmm m
mmm mmm
mmmmmmm mmm Brake chopper
inverter with regard to the EMC Directives. Used "B"= Brake chopper fitted
together with the Setup Menu List and the Quick EMC kit
"E"= EMC kit fitted
Setup Card this chapter makes setting up of the fre-
quency inverter quick and easy. Control Panel
m mmm m mmmm mm
m mmmmmmmm mmmmm m
mmm m
mm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmm "C"= Control Panel Fitted
frequency inverter. Ingress protection
m mmm m mmmmm m
mmm mmmmmmmm
mmmm mmm m
mmm mm mm
mm m
m m
mmmmm mmm
m "20"=IP20
the functions. They appear in this chapter in the "23"=IP23
same order as they appear in the Setup Menu.
With help of the Index and the Contents it is easy to Rated current (A)
track individual functions and to find out how to use continous
and set them. Supply voltage
m mmm m mmmm mm
mmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm "40" = 380-415V
bleshooting, fault finding and diagnoses. "50" = 440-525V
"69" = 550-690V
m mmm m mmmmm m
mm m
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm m
mmmm mmmmm m
mmmm mmm
of optional cards and functions. For some options, Inverter FDU
reference is made to the separate instruction manual
for that option. Fig. 1 Type number
m mmm m mmmm mm
m mmmmmmmmmm
mmmmm m
mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm
ning the complete power range.
m mmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mmm
m mmmmmm mm
mm m
mmmm m
to fill in the customer settings for all parameters.
The Quick Setup Card can be put in a cabinet door, so
that it is always easy to access in case of emergency.
1.6 Standards
The inverters described in this instruction manual
comply with the standards as listed in Table 1: Machine
Directive, EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Direc-
tive. See the declarations of conformity and manufac-
turers certificate. Contact your supplier for more
Table 1 Standards
Standard Description
This chapter describes in the shortest way the mini- 2.3 Minimum wiring for starting
mum efforts needed to get the motor shaft turning. It is Fig. 2 shows the minimum control wiring needed to
based on the default settings for I/O, etc. For other get started. The input AnIn1 is used with a 2 k
I/O settings, controller functions, etc., please refer to potentiometer. A Run command can be given on
chapter 5. page 28. inputs (DigIn1) to start the inverter. The potentiome-
ter will work as a Frequency Reference (default).
2.1 Making the first start
m mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm m
mm mm
mm m
mmm mmmmm mm
mm mmmmm
mmm m
according to chapter 3. page 11.
m mmm mmmm mmmmm m
mmmm mmmmmmm mmm m
mmm mmmmmmm mmmm
should be entered in menu 220, see § 5.3.9, page
m mmm mmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
and a start command present. See also Fig. 2.
m mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm
m mmm mmmmmmmm m
mmm mmmmmmmmm
AnIn1 on terminal 2, 0-10VDC. Connect a poten-
tiometer or a 0-10V variable signal between inputs
2 and 7 (a +10V reference for the potentiometer is
available on terminal 1).
m mmm m
mm m
mmmmm m m
mm m
m mmm mmmmmmmmmmm mm
m mmmmmm
viewed in window 500, see § 5.6, page 54.
m mmm mmmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmm mm mmmmmm mmm mmmm mm
input terminal 8 high, i.e. a closed contact between Fig. 2 Minimum control wiring.
terminals 8 and 11.
mm mmm
mmm m
mm m
mmm mmmm
m m
mmm m
mmm mm
mmmm mmmmm m
mmmmmm m
m mmmmm
nominal frequency) and start the motor as indicated
above. The motor will now run, the reference value
can be changed up and down, and the operational
data can be viewed in menu 600, see § 5.7, page 54.
m mmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm
mmmmm mmmmmm
mm m
mm mmm m
mmmmmmm mm
tions are OK that the motor runs the load. The
next step will be to adjust other settings to optimize
the system for the application, please refer to chap-
ter 5. page 28.
WARNING! Always switch off the mains vol- 3.2 Flow rates cooling fans
tage before opening the inverter and wait at
least 5 minutes to allow the DC-link If the frequency inverter is installed in a cabinet,
capacitors to discharge. account must be taken of the rate of airflow supplied by
the cooling fans.
Although the connections for the control signals and
Table 3 Flow rates cooling fans
the jumpers are isolated from the main voltage, always
take adequate precautions before opening the fre- Size: Flow rate [m3/hour]
quency inverter.
X1 40
NOTE! The size X10 to X15 (cabinets) inverters are mainly
built to customer specification, detailed connection infor- X2 165
mation comes with the enclosed project documentation of
X3 510
these inverters.
X4 800
3.1 Mounting and cooling X5 975
The inverter must be mounted vertically against a flat
surface. Use the template to mark out the position of
the fixing holes. 3.3 Mains and motor connections
Fig. 4 shows the positions of the mains connectors
(X1) and the motor connectors (X2). The size X1 to
X4 can be opened with the supplied key. The front
panel is hinged on one side. The sizes X5 to X15 can
be opened by removing the front plate completely.
Motor earth
Table 2 Mounting and cooling X2:
U, V, W Motor output, 3-phase
Brake resistor, DC-link
a 200 mm 100 mm X3: (DC-),DC+,R
connections (optional)
b 200 mm 100 mm
c 30 mm 30 mm NOTE! The Brake and DC-link Terminals are only fitted if the
d 30 mm 30 mm Brake Chopper Option is built-in.
Fig. 6. Mains
Frequency inverter
Mains Motor Fig. 6 Frequency inverter as stand alone.
Unpainted mounting
Brake resistor
Screened cables
PTC 2 No function
No function
Motor thermistors offer better thermal protection for INOM Nominal output current of inverter A, RMS
the motor. Depending on the type of motor thermistor IMOT Nominal motor current A, RMS
fitted the PTC input (see § 5.3.30, page 35) may be
used. The motor thermistor gives a thermal protection PNOM Nominal power of inverter kW
independent of the speed of the motor, thus of the PMOT Motor power kW
speed of the motor fan. See the functions, I2t type
[354] § 5.4.40, page 45 and I2t current [355] § 5.4.41, TNOM Nominal torque of motor Nm
page 46. TMOT Motor torque Nm
fOUT Output frequency of inverter Hz
fMOT Nominal frequency of motor Hz
nMOT Nominal speed of motor rpm
ICL 120% INOM, 60s A, RMS
ITRIP Peak motor current 280% INOM A
Speed Actual motor speed rpm
Torque Actual motor torque Nm
Control Keys
Toggle Key Stp
TRIP Inverter
Warning/Limit No trip
(red) tripped NOTE! It is not possible to activate the Run/Stop/Reset
commands from the keyboard and remotely from the
Motor terminal strip (X1) simultaneously.
RUN Motor shaft Motor
(green) acc/dec stopped
rotates 4.1.5 Function keys
The function keys operates the Setup Menu to pro-
NOTE! If the CP is built in, the backlight of the LCD display gram and read-out all the settings in the menu.
has the same function as the Power LED in Table 10 (Blank
panel LEDs). Table 12 Function keys
Example 2:
Main menu View Operation
[600] counts from 610 to 6F0.
Fig. 20 shows that within every level the Enter and the
Escape keys are used to step up or step down from each
level and each menu window within a level can be
selected with the Previous and Next keys.
100 0Hz
Window 100 appears after power-up.
Stp 0.0A
310 Run/Stop
Press Enter for window 310.
(or if Spinstart is selected)
Fig. 23 Functionality of the Stop and Enable input
4.2.3 Run Inputs Level-controlled.
Fig. 22 Default setting Run/Reset commands. The inputs are set as default for level-control (see func-
tion Level Edge [215], § 5.3.6, page 31). This means
The inputs are default set for level-control (see § 5.3.6, that an input is activated by making the input continu-
page 31). The input DigIn 1 is programmed for the mmm m
m m
m mmmmmmmmmm mm
mm mmmmm
mm mmm mm
mmm m
mmmmmm mmmmmm
Run command (see § 5.5.11, page 49). The rotation is if, for example, PLCs are used to operate the inverter.
determined by the rotation set according to the active
CAUTION! Level controlled inputs DO NOT comply
Parameter Set.
with the Machine Directive (see § 1.6, page 9), if
the inputs are directly used to start and stop the
4.2.2 Enable and Stop functions. machine.
Both functions can be used separately or simultane-
ously. The choice of which function is to be used The examples given in this and the following para-
depends on the application and the control mode of graph have the input selecting as shown in Fig. 24.
the inputs (Level/Edge [215], see § 5.3.6, page 31).
NOTE! In the Edge mode, at least one digital input must be
then only able to start the inverter.
Input must be active (HI) to allow any Run signal. If
the input is made LOW, the output of the inverter is
immediately disabled and the motor will coast.
CAUTION! If the Enable function is not
programmed to a Digital input, it is considered to
be active internally.
Fig. 26 Input and output status for edge control.
4.2.5 Reset and Autoreset operation.
STOP If the inverter is in the Stop Mode due to a trip condi-
RUN R mmmmm mmmm mmmmmmmm m
m mmmm mmmm
mmmmmmm mmm mmmmmmmmm
mmm m
RUN L m mmmmm mm
mmmm mmmm mmmm
mm m
mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm
4. Depending on the selected control method a restart
takes place (see function Level/Edge [215] § 5.3.6,
page 31):
- Level-control.
OUTPUT If the Run inputs remain in their position the
STATUS inverter will start immediately after the Reset
command is given.
- Edge-control.
RUN R After the Reset command is given a new Run
RUN L command must be applied to start the inverter
Autoreset is enabled if the Reset input is continuously
Fig. 25 Input and output status for level control. active. In function Autoreset [240] (see § 5.3.26, page
34) the Autoreset functions are programmed.
4.2.4 Run Inputs Edge-controlled NOTE! If the control commands are programmed for
Window 215 Level/Edge must be set to Edge to acti- Keyboard control, Autoreset is not possible.
vate edge control (§ 5.3.6, page 31) This means that an
mmmmm mm
mm m
mmmm mmmmmm
m mm mm
mmmmmm mm
mmm mmm m
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
mmmmmm m
mmmmmmmmm mmm
tion. 3-wire operation requires 4-wires for two direc-
Torque [330]
Torque Limit [331]
Maximum Torque [332] Inverter Control Panel
Controllers [340]
NOTE! Functions with an asterisk * are also changeable 5.2.1 1st Line [110]
during Run Mode. Sets the content of the first line in the Start
Window [100].
5.1 Resolution of settings
The resolution for all range settings as described in this 110 1st Line
chapter are 3 significant digits. Exceptions are stated. Stp Frequency *
Table 15 shows the resolutions for 3 and 4 significant
digits. Default: Frequency
214 Rotation
Stp R+L
Default: R+L
Selection: R+L, R, L
Direction [324] invisible.
5.3.6 Level/Edge control [215]
Sets the way of input control for the inputs RunR and
RunL. See also § 4.2, page 24 for the functional
215 Level/Edge
Stp Level
Default: Level
234 Select Set
Stp A * 5.3.22 Copy all settings to Control Panel [236]
All the settings (the complete Setup Menu) are copied
Default: A into the Control Panel. Two separate memory banks
Selection: A, B, C, D, DigIn 3, DigIn 3+4, Comm Mem1 to Mem2 are available in the CP. In one Con-
trol Panel 2 complete sets of inverter settings can be
Fixed selection of one of the 4 Para- stored, to be loaded into other inverters. (See also §
A, B, C, D
meter Sets A, B, C or D 4.4, page 27).
Selection of Parameter Set A or B with
DigIn 3 input DigIn 3. See § 4.3, page 26 for 236 Copy to CP
the selection table.
Selection of Parameter Set A, B, C or
DigIn 3+4 D with input DigIn 3 and DigIn 4. See Default: CP MEMORY 1
§ 4.3, page 26 for the selection table.
Selection: CP MEMORY 1 - CP MEMORY 2
Selection of the Parameter Set via
Comm serial communication. (RS 485, field-
bus, see § 5.3.29, page 34) 5.3.23 Load Parameter Sets from Control
All 4 Parameter Sets sets from the Control Panel are
The active set can be viewed with function 680 FI sta-
loaded. Parameter Sets from the source inverter are
tus. (See § 5.7.8, page 54).
copied to all Parameter Sets in the target inverter, i.e. A
NOTE! The programmable input DigIn 3 or DigIn 4 will not to A, B to B, C to C and D to D. (See § 4.4, page 27).
be programmable from the I/O menu when DigIn 3 or DigIn
4 has been selected.
237 CP>All Sets
NOTE! A filter (50ms) will prevent contact bounces etc. Stp CP MEMORY 1
from activating the wrong set when DigIn 3 or DigIn 4 is
selected. Default: CP MEMORY 1
Selection: CP MEMORY 1 - CP MEMORY 2
Loc/Rem Ana
Local/Remote control with analogue signal:
- DigIn 2 selects between:
- Run/Stop control via the Control Panel
- Remote Run/Stop control.
- DigIn 3 selects between:
- Analogue Input 1 (4-20mA)
- Analogue input 2 (0-10V)
By operating DigIn2 and 3 simultaneously, a switch-
over is made between:
Local (both HI) Run/Stop/Reset via Control Panel
Reference via AnIn2 (0-10V for
Remote (both LO) Run/Stop/Reset via User Interface
Reference via AnIn1 (4-20mA)
The following settings are made:
Fig. 38 Connection of the motor thermistor (PTC). Table 17 Macro Loc/Rem Ana
Window Selection/Range
5.3.31 PTC [261]
To enable or disable the PTC input. 212 Ref Control Remote
213 Run/Stop Control Rem/DigIn 2
261 PTC 411 AnIn 1 Funct Frequency
Stp Off * 412 AnIn 1 Setup 2-10V/4-20mA
Default: Off
415 AnIn 2 Funct Frequency
Selection: Off, On
416 AnIn 2 Setup 0-10V/0-20mA
Off PTC input disabled 423 DigIn 3 AnIn Select
On PTC input enabled
NOTE! Jumper S3 must be set for "current". See § 3.10,
page 18. See Fig. 39 for a connection example.
423 DigIn 3 Pres Ref 2
See Fig. 42 for a connection example.
Fig. 43 MotPot macro
Fig. 46 S-curve acceleration ramp.
5.4.6 Deceleration time [315]
The deceleration time is defined as the time it takes to
go from nominal motor frequency to 0Hz.
NOTE! If the Dec Time is too short and the generator
energy cannot be dissipated in a brake resistor, the motor
is decelerated according to the overvoltage limit. The Fig. 47 S-curve deceleration ramp.
actual deceleration time may be higher than set.
5.4.10 Start Mode [319]
5.4.7 Deceleration time for MotPot [316] Sets the way of starting the motor when a run com-
If the MotPot function is selected, this is the decelera- mand is given.
tion time for the MotPot Down command. See §
5.5.11, page 49. 319 Start Mode
Stp A: Fast *
316 Dec MotPot
Stp 16.00s * Default: Fast
Selection: Fast (fixed setting)
Default: 16.00s
The motor flux increases gradually.
Range: 0.50-3600s Fast The motor starts rotating immedi-
ately after the Run command is given.
5.4.8 Deceleration time to Min. Frequency
[317] 5.4.11 Stop Mode [31A]
If a Minimum frequency is programmed this is deceler- Sets the way of stopping the motor when a STOP
ation time from the Minimum Frequency to 0Hz at a command is given.
Stop command.
31A Stop Mode
317 Dec<Min Freq Stp A: Decel *
Stp 2.00s * Default: Decel
Default: 2.00s (10.0s for size 4 and up) Selection: Decel, Coast
Range: 0.50-3600s The motor decelerates to 0Hz accord-
ing to the set deceleration time.
The motor freewheels naturally to
Default: 0 Hz
Default: fMOT
5.4.17 Frequency Direction [324] The same settings are valid for the windows:
Sets the rotation for the active Parameter Set. See § [327 Preset Freq 2], with default 20Hz
4.2.6, page 26. [328 Preset Freq 3], with default 30Hz
[329 Preset Freq 4], with default 35Hz
[32A Preset Freq 5], with default 40Hz
324 Direction [32B Preset Freq 6], with default 45Hz
Stp A: R [32C Preset Freq 7], with default 50Hz
The selection of the presets is according to Table 22.
Default: R
Range: R, L
Table 22 Preset
Direction is set to right direction
(clockwise). Preset Preset Preset
Output Frequency
Direction is set to left direction Ref 4 Ref 2 Ref 1
Analogue reference as
0 0 0
NOTE! This window is only visible if Rotation=R+L (see §
5.3.5, page 31). 0 0 11) Preset Freq 1
This function is only useful when a RUN command is 0 11) 0 Preset Freq 2
set to one of the Digital inputs. The RunL and RunR 0 1 1 Preset Freq 3
commands will always overrule this setting.
11) 0 0 Preset Freq 4
5.4.18 Motor Potentiometer [325] 1 0 1 Preset Freq 5
Sets the properties of the Motor Potentiometer func-
tion. See the parameter DigIn1 [421] § 5.5.11, page 49 1 1 0 Preset Freq 6
for the selection of the Motor Potentiometer function. 1 1 1 Preset Freq 7
325 Motorpot selected if only one Preset Ref is active
Stp A: Non Vola * 1 = active input
0 = non active input
Default: Non Vola
Selection: Non Vola, Volatile Preset Frequencies have priority over the analogue
Non Volatile. After a stop, trip or
power down of the inverter the active NOTE! If only preset Ref 4 is active, then the Preset Freq 4
output frequency at the moment of can be selected. If Preset Ref 2 and 4 are active, then the
Non vola the stop will be memorized. After a Preset Frequencies 2, 4 and 6 can be selected.
new start command the output fre-
quency will resume to this saved
After a stop, trip or power down, the
inverter will start always from zero
frequency (or minimum frequency, if
32D Skipfrq 1 LO
32G Skipfrq 2 HI
Stp A: 0.0Hz
Stp A: 0.0Hz *
Default: 0.0 Hz
Default: 0.0 Hz
Range: 0 - fMAX
Range: 0 - fMAX
32H Jogfrequency
Freq Reference
Stp A: 2.0Hz *
Default: 2.0 Hz
Fig. 51 Skip Frequency.
Range: 0 - +2x fMOT
NOTE! The 2 Skip Frequency ranges may be overlapped.
Default: 0.0 Hz
Range: 0 - fMAX com-