Balaji Enterprise Trade Licence

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FO${.M- 24 Certlficate No : 2O027202007615?


(Under Rute 82)

Enlistment No / ID No : 20O2713405

The W'est Bgngat,{u1igipat Act, 1993

, 6* se.tioi irs I

Naihati Municipality
Year for which the ceftificate

of enlistment or its rerewai

relates 2020-2#?[

The Municipal Councillors of

Naihati Municipality hereby grant unto pradip
Kumar Dutta & pradlp l(umar Banerjee prop partner of Mls Batra3-i
Eiiterprise residing and or car'rying on or intending to carry on business at holdir
;s ,
pr-*:rriises no" Lt4ilLLlrf lbl-alt
, 6 Bijoy Nagar , in ward no. 23 , -rnc
or intenoing to exercise'the Profession, Trade or Calling
of Contractor -
Canrracto r

tnis Ceftificate of Enlistment under section 118 of The West Bengal Municipal ;,ct,

1993 and acknowledge to have rece.iy,ed in consideration therefor an application ana

" 'i:'l:':'

e rriis'-inent iee of Rs. 10.00 ( Ten Rupees Only ).

This Certificate of Enlistment will be in force until 31st March, ZOZL and to be,

produced at tire tirne of renewal.

elsrk "(r'rcirarge/Collecting
L.=.. elcS^ *e' 5' '
Chairperson/Vice-Chairperso !r
Siru itlrr'
Dtrteci : A3lA7l2.A2C Licence:ln fiarge /rxeglitftfffcer
Naihati Municilili,lty BoardofAdministrators
rv.a. : provirred ttnt-i,
?fir,';;;.*n.* under thisAcL or any other Law forthetirne being in force. r,

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tt 7 -1,-.,
Fur'rn 43 No. 2O02720200761S8
[W,eie $tule 123]
lYaihati Municipatity

[l-ieence lYo : 20027L34OS ]

Ward [r{o 23

The Municipal Councillors hereby grant unto Pradip Kumar Dufta & pradip Kermar
Earleriee Prop / ParLner of M/S Balaji Enterprise , this licence under section ,101 cf
Ti're Vfest Bengal Municipai Act, 19f3
lhe use o.f or part of the premises / Hcldini;
l loi
irr-- 1r+5 iL4ltiliti-a/L , 6 Bijoy Nagar, for th€ purpose of storing/processinE etc.
of articie$ Contractor - Contractor subject to terms and conditions noted below and
acxnowledge to have received the consideration thereof the sum of Rs.600.00 { S;;.
hlutrrdned Rupees Only) only being the licence fee and interest, if any, due fcr the

ye.irlhalf-year holding for the period 2O2O-2O21.

Terms and conditions

1. I hat the provision of tre WB. Municipal Acl. or any other law for the time being in force governing purposir
oi iii.]
fighting and safety,preventiorr of pollution,Cruelty to animals,preservatlon of moments of archeoliEical
ari: iike as neccessary to serve the best interest of public conrrinience whichever anci wherever applicable:;lrall br
2 i iiat tne preirlises snall ilot cause or t'nairitained in a manner likely to cause injurydanger, or offence to the sense
ot :,gitt srrtell or hearing of persons residing irr the neighbourhooo and that they ahail notiause or be maintalr:d
in a
rTla,lrier sc as to cause any danger to liie or lnjury to nealth of persons employed in the business
or residing in the
neighbourhood or injury to property or in arty other way cause or be maintained in a manner so as tc cause
inconvenlence to the public.
3" firat tiie licence is not transferable in respect of place or person.
4. it only relates to the premises of part of the premises as defined above for which it is granted.
5. inat it only relates to such trade as ii; is specified in it.
6. I nat rro alteration be rnade in the area of the land or in the building to which the licence relates.
7. : hat the licence shall not store any llace so because any article like petroleum product, any inflammabje oil or
spii,t, art,; afticle of cornbustiie nature eic.In excess of the quairtiiy prescribed under Indian petroleum Act,l9u9 a;-rd
shaii take all precautiorrary ineasures to so{eEaurd .gainst any incidence of fire.

By Order

iati iviunicipaliLy
C H A I R P E RSO N/ V] C E. C H A I R P T' R S (, N
,! iEXECUrivEacml,ct
t_rus,,vv ^rr ^.*rc,v Bgard of edniiiStr;"r.

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lV,J-':-l-itisiicericewrli beliabletocancellatiorrforbreacliofanyoftheaboveconditions.


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