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REST API & Microservices


1) What is distributed application

2) Why we need to go for distributed applications

3) Distributed Technologies

4) Provider Development

5) Testing Using Postman

6) Swagger

7) Consumer Development

8) Exception Handling

9) Microservices

10) Service Registry

11) Admin Server

12) Zipkin Server

13) API Gateway

14) Ribbon for lbr

15) FeignClient

16) Circuit Breaker

17) Kafka

18) Redis

19) Config Server

20) Security

Types of applications

1) Standalone-app (only one user can access at a time)

2) Web app (Multiple users can access at a time)

3) Distributed app (webservices)

What is Distributed application ?

=> If one application is communicating with another application then it is called

as Distributed application.


passport <-----------> aadhar

makemytrip <---------> irctc

gpay <-----------> banking

Why to develop distributed applications ?

=> For code re-usability

=> For loosely coupling

Distributed Application Architecture

=> In Ditributed applications, 2 actors will be available

1) Provider : The app which is giving services to other application


2) Consumer : The app which is accessing services from other application

ex: MakeMyTrip, Yatra ..

What is Intereoperability

-> Not language specific

-> Not platform specific

-> Irrespective of platform and language if two apps are communicating then those
are called as intereoperable applications.

java ----> .net

java ----> python

java ----> Node js

Note: To achieve intereoperability we will use xml/json format to transfer data

from one application to another application.

=> XML & JSON formats are univeral, all languages will understand these formats.
Distributed Technologies


2) RMI

3) EJB

4) SOAP Webservices (Outdated)


5) RESTFul Services (Trending)

- JAX-RS (outdated)
- Spring REST (trending)


=> Java Script Object Notation

=> In Distributed applications we will use JSON as a mediator between Consumer &

=> JSON is intereoperable

=> JSON is very light weight

=> JSON will represent data in key-value format.


"id" : 101,
"name" : "ashok",
"gender" : "male"

=> To convert java object to json data and json data to java object we will use
"Jackson" API.

=> Jackson is a third party library.

=> Jackson api provided "ObjectMapper" class to perform conversions

jackson api
java obj <---------------------> json data
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper ( );

writeValue(object); // convert java obj to json

readValue(String file);// convert json to java obj

Java with Jackson API Example



public class Customer {

private Integer cid;

private String cname;
private String cemail;

// setters & getters


public class ConvertObjToJson {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// Convert obj to json format

Customer c = new Customer(101, "John", "");

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

mapper.writeValue(new File("customer.json"), c);



public class ConvertJsonToObj {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

// json conversion to java obj

File f = new File("customer.json");

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Customer customer = mapper.readValue(f, Customer.class);

REST API development using Spring Boot

-> We need to use "web-starter" dependency in pom.xml

-> As part of REST API (Provider) development we will use below annotations

1) @RestController : To make our class as distributed component (B2B)

2) @RequestParam : To read query parameters from URL (

3) @PathVariable : To read path parameters

4) @RequestBody : To read data from request body

5) @GetMapping : To map rest controller method to HTTP GET request

6) @PostMapping : To map rest controller method to HTTP POST request

7) @PutMapping : To map rest controller method to HTTP PUT request

8) @DeleteMapping : To map rest controller method to HTTP DELETE request


public class MsgRestController {

public String getWelcomeMsg() {
String msg = "Welcome to REST API..!!";
return msg;

public String getGreetMsg(@RequestParam("name") String name) {
String msg = name + ", Good Morning..!!";
return msg;


=> HTTP will act as mediator between consumer and provider

HTTP Methods

1) GET : Method is responsible to send data to consumer

2) POST : Method is responsible to create a resource/record

3) PUT : Method is responsible to update a record

4) DELETE : Method is responsible to delete a record

Note: Rest Controller class methods will be mapped to HTTP methods

Note: GET method will not have request body.

=> POST, PUT and DELETE methods will have request body.

=> Request Body is used to send payload from consumer to provider in the form xml
or json.

=> Response Body is used to send payload from Provider to consumer.


1) MakeMyTrip will send passenger data to IRCTC in request body


2) IRCTC will send ticket data to MakeMyTrip in response body


HTTP Status Codes

=> Provider will send response to consumer using HTTP Status code.

2xx (200 - 299) : Success (OK)

4xx (400 - 499) : Client Error

5xx (500 - 599) : Server Error


public class MsgRestController {

public String getGreetMsg(@RequestParam("name") String name) {
String msg = name+", Good Morning..!!";
return msg;

public ResponseEntity<String> getWelcomeMsg(@PathVariable("name") String
name) {
String msg = name+", Welcome to REST API..!!";
return new ResponseEntity<>(msg, HttpStatus.OK);

public ResponseEntity<Void> doAction() {
System.out.println("doAction () metdod called...");
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);

REST API with JSON Response

1) Create springboot app with web-starter

2) Create Binding class to represent data

public class Customer {

private Integer cid;

private String cname;
private String cemail;


3) Create Rest Controller with Required methods


public class CustomerRestController {

@DeleteMapping(value = "/customer/{cid}", produces = "text/plain")

public String deleteCustomer(@PathVariable Integer cid) {
// db logic to delete
return "Customer Deleted";

@PutMapping(value = "/customer", consumes = "application/json", produces =

public String updateCustomer(@RequestBody Customer c) {
// TODO: DB logic to update the record
return "Customer Updated";

@PostMapping(value = "/customer", produces = "text/plain", consumes =

public ResponseEntity<String> addCustomer(@RequestBody Customer c) {
// TODO: DB logic to insert record
String body = "Customer Added";
return new ResponseEntity<>(body, HttpStatus.CREATED);

@GetMapping(value = "/customer", produces = "application/json")

public Customer getCustomer() {
// logic to get record from db
Customer c = new Customer(1, "john", "");
return c;

@GetMapping(value = "/customers", produces = "application/json")

public List<Customer> getCustomers() {
// logic to get records from db
Customer c1 = new Customer(1, "john", "");
Customer c2 = new Customer(2, "smith", "");
Customer c3 = new Customer(3, "david", "");
List<Customer> customers = Arrays.asList(c1, c2, c3);
return customers;


consumes : It represents in which format our rest api method can take input data
from request body

ex: consumes = "application/json"

produces : It represents in which format our rest api method can provide response
to consumer in response body.


Assignment-1 : Develop REST API to perform CRUD operations with H2 DB and test it
using POSTMAN.

Reference :



=> It is used to generate documentation for REST API.

=> Provider app dev team should provide swagger documentation to consumer app dev

=> Swagger documentation will show provider information

1) Where is provider (URL)

2) How is provider (what operations available)
3) Input format
4) Output format...

Note: Using Swagger, we can test provider functionality also.

=> Consumer app team will understand provider details using swagger documentation.

Spring Boot 3.x + Swagger
=> Add below dependency in pom.xml file


=> Run the application and access swagger-ui page with below url

URL : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html


IRCTC REST API development

=> Develop IRCTC api to book train tickets for passengers

=> We need to have below 2 functionalities in IRCTC API

1) book-ticket (POST Request method)

input : passenger data

output : ticket data

2) get all tickets (GET request method)

input : N/A
outupt : all tickets data

### Step-1 ) Identify request structure and create req binding class

Request : passenger info


### Step-2 ) Identify response structure and create resp binding class

Response : Ticket info


### Step-3 ) Creae Boot application with required classes


### Step-4) Run the application and test it using swagger ui

Deploying Provider API in AWS cloud

## Reference Video :

1) Login into aws cloud account

2) Create Linux VM in aws cloud using EC2 service

3) Connect with Linux VM using MobaXterm

4) Upload our api jar file

5) Install java in linux vm

$ sudo yum install java

6) Run jar file

nohup java -jar <jarfile> &

7) Access our application documentation like below

URL : http://public-ip:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

Provider URL :

Consumer Development

=> The application which is accessing services from other applications is called as
consumer application.

=> In Spring Boot, we can develop consumer in 3 ways

1) RestTemplate (synchronus - outdated)

2) WebClient (Sync & Async) - Spring 5.x

3) FeignClient (Interservice communication)


public class MakeMyTripService {

public Ticket bookTicket(Passenger p) {

String apiUrl = "";

RestTemplate rt = new RestTemplate();

ResponseEntity<Ticket> forEntity =
rt.postForEntity(apiUrl, p, Ticket.class);

Ticket body = forEntity.getBody();

return body;

public List<Ticket> getAllTickets(){

String apiUrl = "";

RestTemplate rt = new RestTemplate();

ResponseEntity<Ticket[]> forEntity =
rt.getForEntity(apiUrl, Ticket[].class);

Ticket[] body = forEntity.getBody();

List<Ticket> tickets = Arrays.asList(body);

return tickets;


public class MakeMyTripController {

private MakeMyTripService service;

public String ticketBooking(@ModelAttribute("p") Passenger p, Model model) {
Ticket bookTicket = service.bookTicket(p);
model.addAttribute("msg", "Your Ticket Booked, ID : "+
return "bookTicket";

public String bookTicket(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("p", new Passenger());
return "bookTicket";
public String index(Model model) {
List<Ticket> allTickets = service.getAllTickets();
model.addAttribute("tickets", allTickets);
return "index";

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Bootstrap demo</title>
Dwwykc2MPK8M2HN" crossorigin="anonymous">


<div class="container">

<h1>Book Ticket Here</h1>

<font color='green'>
<p th:text="${msg}"></p>

<form th:action="@{/ticket}" th:object="${p}" method="post">

<td><input type="text" th:field="*{name}" /></td>
<td><input type="text" th:field="*{from}" /></td>
<td><input type="text" th:field="*{to}" /></td>
<td><input type="text" th:field="*{doj}" /></td>
<td>Train Num</td>
<td><input type="text" th:field="*{trainNum}" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Book Ticket"
class="btn btn-primary" /></td>

<a href="/" clas="btn btn-danger">View Tickets</a>



<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Bootstrap demo</title>
Dwwykc2MPK8M2HN" crossorigin="anonymous">


<div class="container">
<a href="book-ticket" class="btn btn-primary">Book Ticket</a>
<h1>View Tickets</h1>

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">

<th>Ticket Num</th>
<th>Passenger Name</th>
<th>Train Num</th>
<tr th:each="t : ${tickets}">
<td th:text="${t.ticketNum}"></td>
<td th:text="${}"></td>
<td th:text="${t.from}"></td>
<td th:text="${}"></td>
<td th:text="${t.doj}"></td>
<td th:text="${t.trainNum}"></td>
<td th:text="${t.status}"></td>



Rest Template

=> Predefined class in spring web mvc

=> We can send http requests using this class

=> It is used for consumer development

=> we have below methods

1) getForEntity(..)
2) postForEntity(..)
3) putForEntity(..)
4) deleteForEntity(..)

=> It supports only synchronus communication.

=> Synchronus means, after sending request, consumer side thread will wait until we
get response from provider.

Note: Asynchronus means after sending request, consumer side thread will not wait
for provider response.

=> To work with Asynchronus communication we will use WebClient which introduced in
spring 6.x version.

Note: Webclient supports both sync & async communications.

=> WebClient is an interface which is part of 'web-flux' starter.

=> WebFlux starter will provide 'netty' as default embedded container.

=====================Service using WebClient==============

public class MakeMyTripService {

public Mono<Ticket> bookTicket(Passenger p) {

String apiUrl = "";

WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();

Mono<Ticket> bodyToMono =



return bodyToMono;

public Mono<Ticket[]> getAllTickets() {

String apiUrl = "";

WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();

Mono<Ticket[]> bodyToMono = webClient.get()

return bodyToMono;


public class MakeMyTripController {

private MakeMyTripService service;

public String ticketBooking(@ModelAttribute("p") Passenger p, Model model) {
Mono<Ticket> bookTicket = service.bookTicket(p);
model.addAttribute("ticket", bookTicket);
model.addAttribute("msg", "Your Ticket Booked");
return "bookTicket";

public String bookTicket(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("p", new Passenger());
model.addAttribute("ticket", new Ticket());
return "bookTicket";

public String index(Model model) {
Mono<Ticket[]> allTickets = service.getAllTickets();
model.addAttribute("tickets", allTickets);
return "index";

Exception Handling in REST API

1) Local Exception Handling : Specific to particular controller class

2) Global Exception Handling : Through out application

public class ProductNotFoundException extends RuntimeException{

public ProductNotFoundException() {

public ProductNotFoundException(String msg) {

public class ProductRestController {

public String getProductInfo(@PathVariable Integer pid) {

if( pid > 100) {

throw new ProductNotFoundException("Invalid Product ID");

return "Keyboard - 2500 INR";

public class AppExceptionHandler {

@ExceptionHandler(value = Exception.class)
public ResponseEntity<ExInfo> handleEx(Exception e) {

ExInfo info = new ExInfo("EX001", e.getMessage(),;

return new ResponseEntity<>(info, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);


@ExceptionHandler(value = ProductNotFoundException.class)
public ResponseEntity<ExInfo> handleProductNFEx(ProductNotFoundException e) {

ExInfo info = new ExInfo("EX002", e.getMessage(),;

return new ResponseEntity<>(info, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);


Working with XML data in REST API

-> Add below dependency in pom.xml file


consumes : It represents input data format of provider (request body data)

consumes = { "application/xml", "application/json" }

produces : It represents output data format of provider (response body data)

produces = { "application/xml", "application/json" }

Accept : It represents in which format consumer expecting response from provider

Ex: Accept = application/xml

Accept = application/json

Content-Type : It represents in which format consumer sending data to provider

Ex: Content-Type = application/xml

Content-Type = application/json


public class BookRestController {

value = "/book",
consumes= {"application/xml", "application/json"},
produces = "text/plain"
public String addBook(@RequestBody Book b) {
// logic to save in db
return "Book Added";

value = "/book",
produces = {"application/xml", "application/json"}
public Book getBook() {
Book book = new Book(101, "Java", 543.00);
return book;

Spring Data REST

=> It is used to simplify REST API development

RestController + JpaRepository = RestRepositoryResource

1) Create Spring starter project with below dependencies

a) rest-repositories (data-rest)
b) data-jpa
c) mysql-connector-j
d) devtools

2) Configure datasource properties

3) Create Entity class for table mapping

@Table(name = "book_tbl")
public class Book {

private Integer id;
private String name;
private Double price;

4) Create Rest Repository to expose REST API methods

@RepositoryRestResource(path = "books")
public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<Book, Integer>{

public List<Book> findByName(@Param("name") String name);

5) Run the application and test it using POSTMAN

POST : http://localhost:9090/books

"id": 103,
"name": "DevOps",
"price": 1500.20

PUT : http://localhost:9090/books/103

"id": 103,
"name": "DevOps",
"price": 2500.20
GET : http://localhost:9090/books

GET : http://localhost:9090/books/101

GET : http://localhost:9090/books/search/findByName?name=Java

DELETE : http://localhost:9090/books/101

How to disable HTTP Requests in Data REST application ?

=> Add below class in Data REST Application to disable PUT and DELETE methods.

Note: With below configuration our api will not accept PUT and DELETE methods.

public class MyDataRestConfig implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {

public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration
config, CorsRegistry cors) {

HttpMethod[] unsupportedMethods = { HttpMethod.PUT,

HttpMethod.DELETE };

.withItemExposure((metadata, http) ->
.withCollectionExposure((metadata,http) ->

Assignment : How to send Async request using WebClient.

=> In below class getQuoteV1() method will act as synchronus client and
getQuoteV2() method will act as asynchronus client.


public class QuoteService {

private static final String QUOTE_ENDPOINT = "";

public void getQuoteV2() {

WebClient client = WebClient.create();

System.out.println("Rest api call started...");

.header("Accept", "application/json")

System.out.println("Rest api call completed...");


public static void handleResponse(String s) {

// logic

public void getQuoteV1() {

WebClient client = WebClient.create();

System.out.println("Rest api call started...");

Mono<String> bodyToMono = client.get()



System.out.println("Rest api call completed...");


REST API classes summary

1) What is Distributed application

2) Why to go for Distributed applications
3) Distributed Technologies
4) REST API Architecture
5) What is Intereoperability
6) What is JSON
7) What is Jackson
8) HTTP Protocol (methods & status codes)
9) Rest Controller
10) REST API methods
11) Request Param
12) Path Variable
13) @RequestBody
14) Consumes & Produces
15) Postman
16) Swagger
17) IRCTC API Development
18) MakeMyTrip app development
19) RestTemplate
20) WebClient
21) Exception Handling in REST API
22) Working with XML Data in REST API
23) Accept & Content-Type headers
24) Spring Data REST
25) Async Client Development

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