Comp Nusselt PHE
Comp Nusselt PHE
Comp Nusselt PHE
Nico Šubić∗
Fachbereich Maschinenbau
Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
Kanzleistrasse 91-93, 24943 Flensburg
April 14, 2023
transfer. Computation of Nusselt numbers Reynolds numbers in ANSYS for a special
in PHEs to date typically employ heuristic type of PHEs, not including, however, geo-
correlations like the Dittus-Boelter formula metrical parameters.
and derivatives hereof, in which the coeffi- We use the OpenFoam framework to
cients are empirically adapted from mea- carry out CFD simulations, and GMSH to
surements. In this paper we propose to create meshes.
use turbulence models and CFD to com-
pute the Nusselt number in a PHE. We 2 Model
first verify our computation method on a
simple tube geometry, on which the Dittus- We use the k −ω −SST model, a two equa-
Boelter formula is known to yield a suf- tion turbulence model within the RANS
ficiently precise prediction, and then em- models, coupled with the standard energy
ploy the method to demonstrate the effect equation to compute the heat transfer per-
of a chevron angle on the performance of a formance. The turbulent length scale is
PHE. given in terms of the hydraulic diameter.
Our results show that a CFD based nu- Initial experiments showed that the k −
merical scheme can be established to ro- ω − SST model yields more accurate Nus-
bustly compute the Nusselt number of a selt number computations in our setting
PHE from the Reynolds number, Prandtl than both the k − ε and the standard k − ω
number and geometric parameters that model. The k−ε model in particular proved
describe the corrugation patterns in the to be inadequate with very large deviations.
plates. Algorithms based on such schemes From the inferior behavior of the k − ε
may be used to generate large data sets model we conclude that the more detailed
from which improved analytic formulas for treatment of wall effects in the k−ω models
the Nussselt number of a PHE can be con- are critical to Nusselt number computation
structed. We consider this paper a step on in heat exchangers.
the way towards such a framework.
The influence of geometrical parameters
3 Simulation
on PHE performance has been investigated
in previous works. Dović and Švaić [2] have Initial simulations were carried out for a
analyzed the influence the length-width re- flow in a smooth pipe. In this simplified
lation of a single plate and the corruga- geometry, the Dittus Boelter formula
tion angle have on the heat transfer coef-
ficient in a PHE. Skočilas and Palaziuk [7] N u = 0.023Re0.8 P rn (3.1)
have investigated the influence of the cor-
rugation angle on the heat transfer coeffi- (n = 0.3 for cooling and n = 0.4 for heat-
cient and on the pressure drop for a single ing) is known to be valid when the relation
channel. Dović, Palm and Švaić [3] devel- between the diameter D and the length L is
oped a generalized approach to computa- at least 10, and the flow is fully developed
tion of the Nusselt number from empirical with Reynolds number greater than 10000
measurements and CFD simulations. That and Prandtl number 0.6 ≤ P r ≤ 160.
CFD can be a viable source of data was The geometry for the pipe flow was gen-
also shown by Luan et al. [5] who created erated with GMSH. We employed a pure
a correlation between Nusselt, Prandtl and hexaeder mesh based on a 2D hex mesh of
Property value
Re N uCF D N uDB Deviation
dhyd = , (3.6)
Acontact 20000 131.16 130.74 0.32 %
where Achannel represents the channel flow 25000 157.19 156.29 0.58 %
area and Acontact the wetted surface. How-
ever [6] presents an approach based on the 30000 183.05 180.83 1.23 %
surface enlargement factor ϕ and the chan-
35000 208.01 204.56 1.68 %
nel width b between two plates, which we
employed with the additional relation for 40000 232.69 227.63 2.22 %
the corrugation pitch according to [4]
Table 2: Results of the simulation for the pipe
dhyd = , (3.7)
4 Results
where ϕ is given by
4.1 Pipe
1 π 2
The results for the simulations are given
ϕ= 1+ 1+ γ2 +
6 2cos(β) in Table 2. We notice that the deviation
!0.5 ! from the Dittus-Boelter formula (3.1) is
4 1+ √ γ2 smaller for lower Reynolds numbers, which
2 2cos(β) matches the results from [1]. Further we
(3.8) notice that the deviation is positive for ev-
and γ is the aspect ratio of the corrugation ery simulation. We deduce a slight over-
defined as prediction of the turbulent effects, which
2b is known to happen in the framework of
γ= (3.9)
px k − ω models. In general the results show
good agreement with the Dittus-Boelter
with px the corrugation pitch in main flow
formula (3.1), and we thus conclude that
direction. To extract the Nusselt num-
our scheme is viable to extract Nusselt
ber from the simulation we employed again
(3.3) and (3.4), with dhyd given by (3.7).
We simulated Reynolds numbers in the
range 2500 − 4000 with a step size of 500. 4.2 Corrugated plate
Constant mass flows were used as bound-
ary conditions on both the inlet and outlet. Concerning PHEs, we recall the following
W expected behavior:
A constant heat flux of 500 m 2 was chosen
as boundary condition on the fluid-plate in-
terfaces, which corresponds to a total heat • A steeper chevron angle reduces the
W pressure drop.
flux of 1000 m 2 similar to the pipe. The
outer plate walls were assumed to be adi-
abatic. A no-slip boundary condition was • A steeper chevron angle reduces the
used for the velocity field on the fluid-plate heat transfer coefficient and therefore
interfaces. the Nusselt number.
Nu simulation 7000 Delta P 70 degree Angle
Nu Dittus Boelter Delta P 40 degree Angle
220 6000
200 5000
Delta P [pa]
Nu [1]
20000 22500 25000 27500 30000 32500 35000 37500 40000 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000
Re [1] Re [1]
Figure 3: Nusselt numbers from simulation Figure 5: Pressure drop from simulations with
and from the Dittus Boelter formula a 70 and 40 degree chevron angle
Nu 70 degree Angle
160 Nu 40 degree Angle
is observed for the pressure drop. The ob-
served effect of changing chevron angles on
the Nusselt number is also in accordance
the expected behavior.
Nu [1]
We note that a validation based on com-
parative measurements was not carried out.
We intend to do so in future works.
2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000
Re [1]
5 Conclusion
Figure 4: Nusselt numbers from simulations
with a 70 and 40 degree chevron an-
We computed Nusselt numbers for PHEs
with CFD simulations based on turbulence
modelling. We first validated our scheme
• With increasing Reynolds number, the by computing the Nusselt number for a flow
pressure drop and Nusselt number in- in a pipe and comparing the results with
crease. the Dittus Boelter formula. We then em-
ployed the algorithm on corrugated plates
• With increasing Reynolds number, the and investigated the effect of the corruga-
increment in the Nusselt number for tion angle on the Nusselt number, which we
steeper angles is lower than that of observed to be in accordance with expected
broader angles. physical behavior. We conclude that our
scheme is valid.
• With increasing Reynolds number, the
increment in pressure drop for steeper
angles is lower than that of broader an- References
[1] X. Chi and T. I.-P. Shih. Bulk Temper-
In our simulations, we find that the ature, Heat-Transfer Coefficient, and
Nusselt number increases with increasing Nusselt Number-Revisited. Wiley, 2012.
Reynolds number as expected. The same 4
[2] D. Dovic and S. Svaic. Influence
of chevron plates geometry on per-
formances of plate heat exchangers.
Tehnicki Vjesnik, 14:37–45, 01 2007. 2