Books Summary Maths Class 10
Books Summary Maths Class 10
Books Summary Maths Class 10
Natural Numbers :
Real Numbers
(iii) Prime numbers are numbers greater
(i) Natural number are a part of the than 1 that only have two factors, 1
number system, including all the and the number itself.
positive numbers from 1 to infinity. (iv) If you divide a prime number by a
(ii) Natural numbers are also known as number other than 1 and itself, you
counting numbers because they do will get a non-zero remainder.
not include zero or negative Composite Number :
(i) composite numbers are numbers
(iii) The set of natural numbers includes
that have more than two factors.
only i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ……….∞.
(ii) The numbers which can be
Whole Numbers : generated by multiplying the two
(i) The number consisting of zero (0) smallest positive integers and
and all natural numbers are called contain at least one divisor other
whole numbers. than the number ‘1’ and itself are
(ii) The set of whole numbers includes known as composite numbers.
only i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, These numbers always have more
……….∞. than two factors.
(iii) The examples of composite
Whole numbers numbers are 6, 14, 25, 30, 52, etc.
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...} such that
Natural numbers
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...} 60 1, 2, 3, 6
14 1, 2, 7, 14
25 1, 5, 25
Prime Number : 30 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
52 1, 2, 4, 13, 26, 52
(i) A number that can be divisible by 1
and by itself only. In all the above examples, we can
(ii) Example of prime number are 1, 3, see the composite numbers have
5, 7, 11, …….. etc. more than two factors.
1.2 Short Notes GATE ACADEMY ®
Integers Non-integers
..., 2, 1, 0,1, 2, ... 11 5 3
..., , , ,...
2 7 5
X' X
O X' X
Graph of Quadratic Polynomial : O
X' X X' X
X' X Y'
O Y'
X' X
If r(x ) 0, If r( x) 0
then division
is complete
Algebraic Expression :
Pair of Lines Equations
in Two Variables
(ii) Any pair of values of x and y which
(i) A combination of constants and satisfies the equation
variables, connected by four ax by c 0;
fundamental arithmetical
a 0, b 0 , is called a solution
operations +, –, × and , is called
an algebraic expression. of linear equation of two variables.
Example : 6 x2 5 y 2 2 xy is an (iii) Two linear equations in the same
algebraic expression. variables x and y, are called pair of
(ii) An algebraic expression with eign linear equations in two variables.
‘equal to’ (=), is called an equation. The general form of pair of linear
Without an equal sign, it is an equations in two variables x and y is
expression only. a1 x b1 y c1 0 and
Example : 6 x 12 0 is an equation but
a 2 x b2 y c2 0
only 6 x 12 is an expression.
(i) Linear equation : (iv) Let us consider two linear equations
An equation which involves only as
one variable with highest power 1, a1 x b1 y c1 0 and
is called a linear equation in that
a 2 x b2 y c2 0
Example : Each of the equation given Case I : Two line will intersect at one
below is a linear equation in one point.
a1 b1
(i) 5x 18 3 4 x If , then the graph will
a 2 b2
y 1 y 5
(ii) 6 y represent two intersecting lines.
2 4
Solution (or root) of the Linear Equation: In this case, there is only one point of
(i) A value of the variable which when intersection which is unique. A pair of
substituted for the variable in the linear equations in two variables having
equation, makes its two sides equal, unique solution, is called consistent pair
is called a solution (or root) of the of linear equations. Hence, intersecting
linear equation in one variable. lines have one solution.
GATE ACADEMY ® Engineering Mathematics : Pair of Lines Equations in Two Variables 3.9
a1 x b1 y c1 0
a2 x b2 y c2 0
X' X Substitution Method :
Steps used in this method to solve a pair
Y' of linear equations are given below.
Case II : Two line will not intersect Step I : Find the value of one variable
i.e., they are parallel. say x (or y) in terms of other variable i.e.,
a1 b1 c1 y (or x) form an equation.
If , then the graph will
a2 b2 c2 Step II : Substitute this value of x (or y)
represent two parallel line. Thus, system in other equation, then it reduces to a
has no solution. linear equation in one variable ie., in
A pair of linear equation having no terms of y (or x) which can be solved
solution, is called inconsistent pair of easily.
linear equations. Step III : Substitute the value of y (or x)
Y obtained in step II in the equation which
is used to obtain the value of the other
a1 x b1 y c1 0 variable in step I.
Elimination Method :
Steps used in this method to solve a pair
X' X
O of linear equations are given below.
a2 x b2 y c2 0 Step I : Firstly, make the coefficient of
Y' one variable (x or y) numerically equal
Case III : Two lines will be coincident. by multiplying both equations by some
a1 b1 c1 suitable non-zero constant.
If then the graph will
a 2 b2 c2 Step II : Now, add or subtract both
represent two coincident lines. Thus, equations, so that one variable is
system has infinitely many solutions. eliminated and remaining equation has
one variable.
Key Point
Step III : Solve the equation in one
(i) There are infinite points of intersection. variable to get the value of this variable
(ii) A pair of linear equations having infinite (x or y).
distinct solutions, is called dependent Step IV : Substitute this value (x or y) in
pair of linear equations. any one of the given equations to get the
Behaviour if lines representing a pair of value of other variable.
linear equations in two variables and
conditions for consistency :
4 Quadratic Equations
Definition of Quadratic Equation : Quadratic Formula :
If p( x) ax2 bx c is a quadratic Let the quadratic equation be
ax bx c 0 , where a, b and c are
Coefficient of x b b b2 4ac
Coefficient of x 2 a 2a
Nature of Roots of a Quadratic Equation
and Product of the roots
For a quadratic equation
Constant term c
ax bx c 0 ,
the expression
Coefficient of x 2 a
(b 4ac) is discriminant. It is denoted
If D b2 4ac 0 , then
b D b D
x and
2a 2a
So, the quadratic equation has two
distinct real roots.
Case III :
When D 0 i.e. b2 4ac 0
x and y
mn mn
This is known as section formula.
abscissa = X
A( x1, y1 ) m n B( x2 , y2 )
X' O (0, 0) X P( x, y )
Key Point
Side adjacent to A
Side adjacent
to A [i.e., Base (B)] (f) Cotangent A or cot A
(a) Sine A or sin A Side adjacent to A
Side opposite to A Side opposite to A
Hypotenuse B AB
i.e., Similarly trigonometric ratios of ZC are :
(b) Cosine A or cos A AB
(a) sin C
Side adjacent to A
Hypotenuse (b) tan C
i.e., (c) cos C
8.18 Short Notes GATE ACADEMY ®
AC (vi) As, the hypotenuse is the longest
(d) cosec C
AB side in a right angled triangle, the
value of sin A or cos A is always less
(e) sec C than 1 (or in particular equal to 1)
whereas the value of sec A or cosec
BC A is always greater than or equal to
(f) cot C
AB 1.
C 1 1
• sin A , cosec A
cosec A sin A
Side adjacent to A
1 1
• cos A ,sec A
sec A cos A
1 1
• tan A , cot A
cot A tan A
A B sin A
Side opposite to C
• tan A
cos A
[i.e., Perpendicular (P)]
cos A
(i) In an isosceles right AABC, right • cot A
sin A
angled at B, the trigonometric
ratios obtained by taking either Values of Trigonometric Ratios for Some
ZA or ZC, both give the same Specific Angles :
(ii) The value of each of the
trigonometric ratios of an angle does
not depend on the size of the
triangle. It only depends on the
(iii)It is clear that the values of the
trigonometric ratios of an angle do
not vary with the lengths of the sides
of the triangle, if the angle remains
the same.
(iv) If one of the trigonometric ratios of Here undefined
an acute angle is known, then (i) The value of sin increase from 0 to
remaining trigonometric ratios of 1 and cos decrease from 1 to 0,
that angle can be determined easily. where 0 900 .
(v) Each trigonometric ratio is a real (ii) In the case of tan , the values
number and has no unit. increase from 0 to , where
0 900 .
GATE ACADEMY ® Engineering Mathematics : Trigonometry 8.19
(iii) In the case of cot , the values Representation of a trigonometric ratio
decrease from to 0, where in terms of any other Trigonometric
0 900 . ratio :
cosec2 1
Key Point
The maximum length of the chord is Number of Tangents from a Point on a
equal to the length of the diameter. Circle :
Secant : The number of tangents drawn from a
A line intersect the circle in two points point to a circle depends upon the
is called secant of the circle. position of the point with respect to the
Tangent : circle. So, three cases are possible.
A line touches the circle at only one Case I : When point 'P' lies outside the
point is called tangent to the circle. circle
Cyclic quadrilateral : If point P lies outside the circle, 'then
If all vertices of a quadrilateral lie on a two tangents can be drawn to the circle
circle is called cyclic quadrilateral. from point P.
10.22 Short Notes GATE ACADEMY ®
e nt (ii) The length of tangents drawn from
an external point to a circle are
P equal.
(iii) The perpendicular from the centre
T Ta of a circle to a chord bisect the
chord and its vice-versa.
Hence, there are exactly two tangents
(iv) Equal chord of a circle are
from a point lying outside the circle.
equidistant from the centre and its
Case II : When point 'P' lies on the circle
If point P lies on the circle, then there is
(v) The angle in semi-circle is a right
one and only one line which touch the
circle in one point, all other lines meet
the circle in more than one point. (vi) The angle subtended by an arc of
the circle to the centre is twice the
angle subtended by the
circumference of the circle
(vii) Angles in the same segment of a
P Tangent circle are equal.
(viii)The sum of any pair of opposite
Hence, there is one and only one tangent
angles of a quadrilateral is 180°.
to the circle passing through a point P
(ix) If two circles touch each other
lying on the circle and this point P will
internally (externally), then the
be its point of contact.
Case III : When point ‘P’ lies inside the point of contact lies on the line
through the centres.
If a point P lies inside the circle, then any (x) If two circles intersects in two
line passing through the point P will points, then the line through the
intersect the circle at two points. centres is the perpendicular bisector
of the common chord.
(xi) Let PT be a tangent to the circle at
P point T.
tangent B
Hence, there is no tangent to a circle
passing through a point lying inside the P
From external point P, draw a line
Important Theorems :
which intersect the circle at two points
(i) The tangent at any point of a circle
A and B, then PA PB PT 2
is perpendicular to the radius
through the point of contact.
Area Related
11 to Circles
Circle : Area Enclosed by Two Concentric
If r is the radius of a circle, then Circles or Area of a Circular Track :
(i) Circumference of the circle 2πr If R and r are the radii of two concentric
units circles, then area enclosed by them (area
(ii) Area of the circle r 2 sq units of circular track formed by them)
πR 2 πr 2 (R 2 r 2 ) Sq units
Semi-circle : A
If r is the radius of a circle, then
(i) Perimeter of the semi-circle
1 Sector of the Circle :
2πr 2r πr 2r units.
2 Let r be the radius of a circle with centre
(ii) Area of the semi-circle O. Let the arc AB of the circle subtend
1 an angle at the centre, so that AOB is
r 2 sq units.
2 the corresponding sector(shaded).
Quadrant of a Circle :
If r is the radius of a circle, then r
(i) Perimeter of the quadrant
1 πr A B
2πr 2r 2r units.
4 2 r
(i) Length of the arc (AB)
(ii) Area of the quadrant 1800
1 units.
r 2 sq units.
4 (i) Perimeter of the sector = Length of
the arc + Diameter of the circle
O B 180
11.24 Short Notes GATE ACADEMY ®
r 2
(ii) Area of the sector sq
units. (ii) Area of minor segment ACB =
Segment of the Circle :
Area of sector OACB-Area of
r 2 1 2
A segment of a circle is the region AOB r sin
bounded by an arc and a chord including 3600 2
the arc and the chord. 1 2
r sin
S 2 1800
(iii)Area of major segment = Area of
O circle Area of minor segment
r 2 1 2
r 2 0
r sin
360 2
A Segment B
r 2 1 2
R r 2 r sin
3600 2
The segment containing the minor arc
ARB is called a minor segment and the Key Point
remaining segment containing the major • If a chord subtends a right angle at
arc centre, then area of the corresponding
ASB is called the major segment. r2.
Let r be the radius of a circle with centre segment 4 2
O. Let a chord AB make a minor • If a chord subtends on angle of 60° at
segment ACB, i.e., the region bounded centre, then area of the corresponding
by the arc ACB and the chord AB. Let segment
AOB . 3 2
r .
(i) Perimeter of the minor segment 6 2
ACB = Length of the arc + 0
Length of chord AB • If a chord subtends an angle of 120 at the
centre, then area of the corresponding
Length of chord AB 3 2
1800 r
3 4
S segment
Surface Areas
12 and Volume
Surface Areas and Volumes of Various (ii) Total surface area =
Solids : 2(R r)(h R r) sq units.
(ii) Curved surface area
2Rh 2rh 2rh(R r) sq units.
n n Modal Class :
Direct method : In grouped data, a class having maximum
Let x1 , x2 ,...... xn be n observations with frequency is called modal class then mode
is a value inside the modal class and it
respective frequencies f1 , f 2 ,........, f n
is given by the formula.
fx i i f1 f 0
Then, mean ( x) i 1 Mode l h
2 f1 f 0 f 2
i 1
Assumed mean method : l Lower limit of the modal class.
f d h Size of the class interval (assuming
Mean a i i
f i
(all class sizes to be equal).
where, a assumed mean di xi a
f1 Frequency of the modal class.
= deviation from assumed mean
Step deviation method :
f0 Frequency of the class preceding the
fi ui modal class.
Mean = a h
fi f 2 Frequency of the class succeeding
Where, the modal class.
a Assumed mean; Key Point
i xi a = deviation from assumed Mode can be less, equal or more than the mean
mean of the data.
h class width.
13.26 Short Notes GATE ACADEMY ®
Median : where,
Median is defined as the middle most or the I = lower limit of median
central value of the variable in a set of class
observations, when the observations are n = number of observations.
arranged either in ascending or descending order cf = cumulative frequency of class
of their magnitudes. Let n be the number of preceding the median class.
observations. Then, arrange the data in f = frequency of the median class.
ascending or
h = class width (assuming class
descending order. Now, size to be equal).
Case I : If n is odd, then Median = Value of the
n 1
Case II : If n is even, then
th th
n n
Median = Mean of the and 1
2 2
observation Value of
n th n th
1 .
2 2
Cumulative frequency :
(i) Cumulative frequency is the sum of all
previous frequencies upto the current
(ii) Cumulative frequency distribution is of
two types-less than type and more than
type I.
Median class :
(i) In grouped data, we find the cumulative
frequencies of all the classes and , where
n number of observations.
(ii) Locate the class whose cumulative
frequency is greater than
n n
and nearest to . This class is
2 2
called median class.
median l 2 h
14 Probability
Probability : Elementary Event :
Probability is the study of the chances An event having only one outcome of
(or likelihood) of events . happening. By the random experiment is called an
meansof probability, the chance (or elementary event.
likelihood) of events is measured by a
number lying from 0 to 1. Example : In tossing of a coin, the
possible outcomes are head (H) and tail
Experiment :
(T). Getting H or T are known as
An operation which produces some well
elementary events.
defined outcomes, is called an
experiment. Example : Tossing a coin, Occurrence of an Event :
throwing a dice, etc. An event E associated to a random
(i) Random experiment : If an experiment is said to be occur (or
experiment is repeated under happen) in a trial, if the outcome of trial
identical conditions and they do not is one of the outcomes that favours E.
produce the same outcomes every
Example : If a die is rolled and the
time, then it is said to be random (or
outcome of a trial is 4, then we say that
probabilistic) experiment.
event getting an even number has
(ii) Deterministic experiment : If an
happened (or occurred).
experiment is repeated under
identical conditions and they Probability of an Event :
produce the same outcomes every (or Probability of occurrence of an
time, then it is is said to be Event) If E is an event associated with a
deterministic experiment. An event random experiment, then probability of
for an experiment is the collection of E, denoted by P(E), represents the
some outcomes of the experiment. chance of occurrence of event E.
We generally denote it by capital
Example : If E denotes the event of
letter E.
getting an even number in a single throw
Example : Getting an even number
of a die, then P(E) represents the chance
in a single throw of a die is an event.
of occurrence of event E, i.e. the chance
This event would consist of three
of getting 2, 4 or 6.
outcomes, namely 2, 4 and 6.
GATE ACADEMY ® Engineering Mathematics :Probability 14.29
Compound Event : Impossible Event :
A collection of two or more elementary An event which is impossible to occur,
events associated with an experiment is called an impossible event and
is called a compound event, probability of impossible event is
Example : In the random experiment of always zero.
tossing of two coins simultaneously, if Example : In throwing a die, there are
we define the event of getting exactly only six possible outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
one head, then it is a collection of and 6. Let we are interested in getting a
elementary events (or outcomes) HT number 7 on throwing a die. Since, no
and TH. So, it is a compound event. face of the die is marked with 7. So, 7
Theoretical : cannot come in any throw. Hence,
getting 7 is an impossible event.
(Classical) Definition of Probability Let
us assume all the outcomes of an Then, P (getting a number 7) = 0
experiment are equally likely and E is an 6
event associated with the experiment, Sure Event or Certain Event :
then the theoretical probability (or An event which is sure to occur, is called
classical probability) of the event E is a sure event or certain event and
given by probability of sure event is always 1.
Number of outcomes Example : Suppose we want to find the
probability of getting a number less than
favourable to E
P(E) 7 in a single throw of a die having
Total number of outcomes
numbers 1 to 6 on its six faces. We are
n (E) sure that, we shall always get a number
n (S) less than 7, whenever we throw a die. So,
(i) Probability of an event can never be getting a number less than 7 is a sure
negative. event.
(ii) The sum of the probabilities of Then, P (getting a number less than 7)
complementary events of an 6
experiment is 1. 6
i.e. If E and E are complementry events.
Then, P(E) P( E ) 1
or P( E ) 1 P(E)
or P(E) 1 P( E )
where, P(E) represents the probability of
occurrence of an event E and P( E )
represents the probability of non-
occurrence of an event E.