Operation & Adjustment: Cascade

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This product is no longer

in production under its
current configuration and 2 Locate the white plastic cover

Operation &
is subject to a product on the hoist pressure switches.
improvement field campaign. Remove the screw on the cover
and pry off the cover. The

Adjustment Clamp Open Guard®

hexscrew allows adjustment in
step 3.

3 Raise the mast into freelift (the Hoist

carriage raised with the mast
uprights not extended). Unplug
the pressure switch cable
• When the green light is on, the clamp will open and close normally. When the connector for the freelift switch.
amber light is on, the clamp will not open. • If the light on the display goes
off, reattach the connector and
• During fast lowering of the attachment, the lights may flicker between amber adjust the freelift switch. Turn
and green, this is normal. the hexscrew in the pressure
switch CCW until the amber
• In mast freelift, lighter loads may not activate the pressure switch and the light goes on, then turn back
green light will remain on. CW to just when the green
light goes on and an additional
NOTE: The system does not work like a drop stop valve that prevents load 1/4 turn. Go to step 4.
drop or jump when the clamp is opened. The green light does not indicate
that the load has been lowered to its optimal position. • If the light on the display stays
on, swap the freelift and
mainlift cable connectors and
repeat step 3. AC0490.ill

• If the light on the display stays

on after swapping cables,
troubleshoot the wiring

4 Raise the mast carriage above

Adjustment freelift (the inner mast upright
extending above the top of the
The following adjustments must be done with the attachment that will be used outer upright). Unplug the
with this specific lift truck. pressure switch cable connector
for the main lift switch.
1 Test the installation before putting the truck in service. Initially when the • If the light on the display goes
truck key is ON, one of the lights on the display should be on. Check the off, reattach the connector and
wiring if the display is not lit. adjust the main lift switch.
Turn the hexscrew in the
switch CCW until the amber
(Continued) light goes on, then turn back


CW to just when the green Pressure
light goes on and an additional Switch
1/4 turn.
• If the light on the display stays Pressure
cascade on, troubleshoot the wiring

For Technical Support . . .
Call: 1-800-227-2233
Write: Cascade Corporation, P.O. Box 20187, Portland, OR 97294 C a s c a d e C o r p o r a t io n 2 0 1 2 5-2012 Part No. 6024983-R1

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