Road Quality
Road Quality
Road Quality
03-05-2023 Computer Science and Engineering, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology 1
Driving on smooth roads is something everyone enjoys and certainly provides for a
much safer environment. Rough and jagged roads can be hazardous to those who
drive on them, leading to the possibility of more accidents, and most significantly,
more deaths. The condition of roadways can vary greatly within both urban and
rural areas, and therefore, devices that can aid in quickly identifying hazardous
roadways can be extremely valuable to engineers and government striving to
increase the safety and quality of their metropolitan area. In this project, we
propose an automatic road quality detector for road quality monitoring and
logging. One advantage of this system is that it is designed for any type of vehicle,
so it can be embedded with any vehicle on road. All the vehicles will be connected
to a common cloud platform for uploading all the road information with the
corresponding locations.
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This IoT device consists of a NODE MCU, Inertial Measurement Unit , a GPS module, and an
Sensor modules. When mounted to the user's car or truck, the device can detect spikes in
the acceleration of the vehicle. While sensing, the device will store the locations of
hazardous road conditions in its EEPROM memory, which it can later read from and upload
to a database. It will attempt to connect to its Wi-Fi network where a computer will be
running a Python script that accepts binary data from the module. The binary data consists
of the device's identifier and all of the sensor readings the device has measured in the past
trips that have not been uploaded yet. The running of the Python script removes the
operational overhead from the module, allowing for the fastest possible relaying of data to
the database. While this prototype IoT device is simple, its capability to successfully and
automatically identify hazardous road conditions could enable it to reduce the number of
road-related crashes and deaths. Giving city maintenance engineers, and construction
companies access to the locations of hazardous roads has the capacity to save thousands of
lives all around the world
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Existing System
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Existing System and Limitations
In road quality detection using satellite image was not efficient and
accurate and also it depends on the climate, quality and quantity of
data available .
Direct observation method is not cost efficient. It cost 2 to 5 percent
of total construction cost every year.
In the existing system the accuracy is less and these solutions come
with a high cost, closed source code, excessive human analyst.
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Proposed System and Advantages
Proposed System
This system is designed for automatic road quality monitoring and logging. This
system can be embedded in any vehicle on road.
we use different kinds of smart sensors for detecting anomalies on the road, such
as an accelerometer sensor for detecting bumps and gutters on the roads by
calculating the linear acceleration of the vehicle, if any anomaly is detected then
the location of the vehicle is noted using GPS module embedded with the
system. This data is uploaded to a cloud for creating a map based on which
maintenance can be done.
In proposed system accuracy and efficiency is high and also comes with low cost.
Time and Cost Management.
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System Architecture
Hardware Components:
NodeMCU : ESP8266MOD
Sensor Modules : IMU, GPS, IR and Ultrasonic
Power Supply : 9v Battery or 3.7v LiPo Battery
Connection : Connecting Jumper Wires and JST Wire
Software Requirements:
Operating System : Windows 7/8/9/10/11
SDK : Python 3.9.5
IDE : Arduino 2.1 and Firebase
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List of Modules
Cloud Database
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Module Description
The physical components that a system requires to function. It encompasses
everything with a circuit board that operates within a system. It including the
motherboard, sensor modules, power supply, and so on.
The Arduino programming language has compiled on the Arduino IDE. It can be
downloaded from This programming language is based on
a simple hardware programming language called Processing, which is very similar to
C language
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Module Description
Cloud Database
After all devices are connected, we can move to compile code for ESP8266 to
connect it to the Internet. When it is connected successfully, ESP8266 acts as a client
and starts communicating with server. It needs to go through some steps before the
server stores data. First, the data must be available. It means that the sensor should
be able to transfer info from real world into data. We are using firebase is a set of
backend cloud computing services and application to store and retrieve data.
Once powered on, the device will detect high amplitude vibrations in
whatever surface it is attached to and save them to its EEPROM chip. The
device reads the Z axis acceleration value which aligns with an up/down vector.
As the device operates, it keeps track of a rolling mean of the previous 1s of
data and can compare its current Z-axis acceleration value with that moving
average. When the amplitude of the difference between the current value and
the current moving average is beyond a certain threshold, the detection code
is triggered. Based on the following graph, the rolling mean of acceleration
data allows the device to smooth out the noisy accelerometer data.
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Module Implementation
1. Astarita, V., Caruso, M.V., Danieli, G., Festa, D.C., Giofrè, V.P., Iuele, T., & Vaiana, R.
(2012). A mobile application for road surface quality control: UNIquALroad. Procedia -
Social and Behavioral Science ,54, 1135-1144, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.828.
2. Bhoraskar, R., Vankadhara, N., Raman, B., & Kulkarni, P. (2012). Wolverine: Traffic and
road condition estimation using smartphone sensors.
3. PRISM: Platform for Remote Sensing using Smartphones. MobiSys’10, June 15–18, San
Francisco, California, USA.
4. Environmental Impacts and Fuel Efficiency of Road Pavements, Industry ReportMarch
5. Mohan, P., Padmanabhan, V. N., & Ramjee, R. (2008). Nericell: Rich monitoring of road
and traffic conditions using mobile smartphone. ACM SenSys 2008, Raleigh, North
Carolina, USA.
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