Nomadic 1

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1. Name any one source of the Mongols.

2. “Trade was very significant for the Mongol”. Why?
3. Mention one main feature of Mongol army.
4. How did the Mongol carry out their trade?
5. Describe the main characteristics of the Mongol society in 12th century.
6. “Genghis Khan laid special emphasis on discipline in the army”. Keeping this statement
in your mind, describe the rules formulated by him in the sphere of military
7. Discuss the early career and achievements of Genghis Khan.
8. Narrate the position of Khan in Mongol administration.
9. Mention three causes of the unpopularity of Genghis Khan.
10. Discuss the role of civil administration in Mongol administration’.
11. Which favourable conditions encouraged Genghis Khan to launch an expedition against
the Muhammad Shah of Khwarazm?
12. Discuss the rules and regulations of the Yasa as evolved by Genghis Khan.
13. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Ghazan Khan’s Speech:
Ghazan Khan (1295-1304) was the first Il-Khanid ruler to convert to Islam. He gave the
following speech to the Mongol-Turkish nomad commanders, a speech that was probably
drafted by his Persian wazir Rashiduddin and included in the minister’s letters : ‘I am not
on the side of the Persian peasantry. If there is a purpose in pillaging them all, there is no
one with more power to do this than I. Let us rob them together. But if you wish to be
certain of collecting grain and food for your tables in the future, I must be harsh with you.
You must be taught reason. If you insult the peasantry, take their oxen and seed and
trample their crops into the ground, what will you do in the future ? … The obedient
peasantry must be distinguished from the peasantry who are rebels.


(i) Who drafted the above speech?

(ii) What do you know about Ghazan Khan?
(iii) State the tenure of Ghazan Khan.
(iv) What did Ghazan Khan’s speech depict?

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