Twelve Tips For Flipping'' The Classroom
Twelve Tips For Flipping'' The Classroom
Twelve Tips For Flipping'' The Classroom
The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed.
The following tips outline the steps involved in making a successful transition to a flipped classroom approach. The tips are based
on the available literature alongside the author’s experience of using the approach in a medical education setting. Flipping a
classroom has a number of potential benefits, for example increased educator–student interaction, but must be planned and
implemented carefully to support effective learning.
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small group, active learning exercises (Bishop & Verleger material (Wagner et al. 2013). In addition, the approach
2013). This approach has received a large amount of recent requires that students are self-motivated and take responsibil-
attention in the media and educational research literature. ity for their education. It is a valid concern that the flipped
If you accept the loosest definition of the term ‘‘flipped classroom will not support effective learning if students fail to
classroom’’, the idea is neither new nor novel. One of the first engage with the assigned pre-class or in-class activities
recorded examples comes from the early 1800s, when General (Kachka 2012b).
Sylvanus Thayer instructed engineering students at the US For those considering whether or not to flip their own
military academy at West Point, New York, NY, USA to self- classroom, a valuable question to ask is: ‘‘Do I use the time I
source content prior to class (Musallam 2011). This allowed spend in front of my students to best effect?’’ If the answer is
Thayer to use class time for exercises in critical thinking and ‘‘no’’, then a transition to the flipped classroom, or adoption of
group problem solving. Many credit the rejuvenation of this at least some of its features, could represent a simple and
idea with the development of, and increased access to, practical way of reinvigorating teaching and learning. In this
educational technologies. Bishop and Verleger (2013), authors article, we look at twelve tips for medical educators who are
of a comprehensive survey of flipped classroom research, use considering a transition to a flipped classroom approach.
a description that highlights the role of technology, calling it
‘‘an educational technique that consists of two parts: inter- Tip 1
active group learning activities inside the classroom and direct
computer-based individual instruction outside the classroom’’. Use recognized educational theory and
Current research evidence shows that the flipped classroom evidence-based techniques to drive your
has a number of potential advantages. These include increased flipped classroom
opportunities to provide individualized education to learners There’s a common misconception that the strength of the
and to incorporate evidence-based teaching techniques into flipped classroom centres on the use of technology, for
existing courses (Kachka 2012a; Johnson 2013). In addition, example moving lecture material into online, video-recorded
the approach allows educators to optimize their time; flipped presentations (Bergmann et al. 2012). Although educational
classrooms increase educator–student interaction time as the technology has revolutionized the flipped classroom concept,
educator is present when students attempt to analyse and this resource should support, rather than drive, decision
apply new knowledge (Bergmann et al. 2012; Johnson 2013). making with regards to creating a model for effective learning.
Educators who have used the approach say that the flipped In a study exploring the use of technology in the medical
classroom improves student self-direction and encourages education classroom, Rowe et al. (2013) discuss its benefits
Correspondence: Dr Jennifer Moffett, Department of Clinical Sciences, Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, West Farm, St. Kitts, West
Indies. E-mail:
ISSN 0142-159X print/ISSN 1466-187X online/14/000001–6 ß 2014 Informa UK Ltd. 1
DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.943710
J. Moffett
and limitations: ‘‘information and communication technologies This stage of planning is also an appropriate place to
(ICTs) allow for the displacement of content away from the consider what course material needs prioritizing. Medical
classroom, freeing-up time for interactive engagement with educators often face the challenge of covering expanding
other students and the educator. When combined with the scientific knowledge to a backdrop of increased competition
possibility for enhancing content with rich media, ICTs were for students’ time (Densen 2011). With a flipped classroom
acknowledged to have a potentially powerful role to play in approach, educators can encounter the risk of ‘‘dumping’’
the development of attributes relevant for clinical practice. content into an online learning environment, resulting in
However, (study participants) also discouraged the use of information overload for students. Excessive content has been
ICT for its own sake, suggesting that a sound pedagogical highlighted as a concern for students in several flipped
teaching strategy must drive and support the implementation classroom studies (Johnson 2013; Wagner et al. 2013).
of technology in teaching practice’’. A well-designed classroom flip should facilitate efficiencies
The technology that we decide to use, or not, is only part of in teaching and learning. Ideally, the time allowed for pre-class
the equation. When a decision to flip is made, educators and in-class activities in the flipped classroom should mirror,
should first consider the recognized essential elements or be less than, the time used for lectures and post-lecture
of course design. These include conducting needs assess- homework in the traditional classroom.
ments, determining content and learning outcomes, and
selecting appropriate educational and assessment methods
(Lockyer et al. 2005). Tip 4
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Medical educators are advised to reflect on how the approach (Ellaway & Masters 2008). For example, consideration needs to
may be used to integrate new topics, methods, and people be made to accessibility; if course material is delivered online,
onto a course, or solve other existing challenges. For example, do all students have access to appropriate technology and
flipped classroom models have been used successfully to reliable internet?
involve external subject experts, who would otherwise Much of what is written on the flipped classroom centres on
have been excluded from being educators, due to limitations the use of video-based instruction. The literature highlights
of time or geographical location (Wagner et al. 2013). Another many advantages of the medium, for example learners come
recognized advantage of the flipped classroom is its ability to to class better prepared when they are provided with videos
create time and space in an existing curriculum for educational rather than textbook readings (Bishop & Verleger 2013). It is,
innovations (Kachka 2012a). Once the delivery of content however, also recognized that educators, particularly those
(either whole or partial) has been removed to an online with time constraints or low confidence in using technology,
environment, class time now becomes a space to introduce may find the idea of creating video-based course material
a wide variety of evidence-based educational models, for unappealing (Shimamoto 2012; Snowden 2012; Johnson 2013).
example experiential learning, team-based learning, and Fortunately, there are many ways in which course content can
problem-based learning (Kolb & Kolb 2005; Klegeris et al. be delivered through video, some of which require little
2013; Ofstad & Brunner 2013). technological expertise. Educators can choose between using
content from external sources such as Vimeo and iTunes
University, or producing their own. This latter option can be as
Tip 3 simple as synchronizing an audio narration to a series of
PowerPoint slides. Other solutions include screencasting
Decide how you want to organize your
applications, for example Camtasia, ShowMe. As with
course material
many other facets of the flipped classroom, there is no ‘‘one-
One of the first decisions that the flipped classroom educator size-fits-all’’ solution.
faces is how to divide the course material into two elements: Video-based instruction is not the only, or necessarily
what will be addressed prior to class and what will be ‘‘best’’, way of delivering content (Figure 1), and an online
addressed during class. We can use educational models such virtual learning environment (VLE) presents an opportunity to
as Bloom’s taxonomy (revised) (Anderson & Krathwohl 2001) support flexible, learner-centred material (Ellaway & Masters
to help organize the approach. For example, pre-class 2008). For example, students are given the choice of learning
activities are used to support lower levels of learner cognitive about a topic through viewing a video, reading a paper, or
work (e.g. knowledge and comprehension) and in-class completing a computer-assisted learning module; the formats
activities are used to facilitate higher levels (e.g. application are different but the course material and learning outcomes
and analysis). remain the same. There is extra effort involved in producing
Twelve tips for ‘‘flipping’’ the classroom
Externally produced video iTunesU: Large online catalogue of free educational content
content TED-Ed: Free videos available which can be customised by educators
for use with own students
Vimeo: Video-sharing website, not restricted to educational content
Screencasting software Camtasia: Allows capture and personalisation of videos, can be viewed from mobile
ShowMe: Free iPad app that allows educators to create and share
whiteboard-style lessons with students
Learning management systems Moodle: Open source web platform for online learning activities
Blackboard: Commercially available platform for online learning
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Other content delivery Edmodo: Virtual learning environment with online discussion and poll
applications facilities
DropBox: Web-based repository, allows educators and students to share documents
and large attachments
Educlipper: Online social platform, allows educators to collect, store and share web
resources with students
For personal use only.
Social networking Twitter: Online social networking platform where 'hashtag' categories
applications allow students to hold online, interactive discussions during class
Wikispaces Classroom: Wiki application which allows students working in small
groups to record and playback discussions, either to group or during plenary session
Video-calling and webcast Skype: Video-conferencing tool, allows outside speakers to be involved in classroom
software discussions from a different location
GoToMeeting: Webcasting tool that allows educators to share screens
and interact with an outside speaker
Audience response systems TurningPoint: Commercially available 'clicker'-operated system, allows real-time
feedback and polling
Other polling applications Poll Everywhere: Web-based alternative to clickers. Free for audience
size up to 40 people
diverse versions of instructional material, but this approach is which hold the concept of enquiry-based learning at their
thought to better address students’ different learning styles and centre (Berge 2002). Active learning techniques that work in
preferences (Cooper 2000). For further information on tech- the classroom can be adapted easily to the online environ-
nology available to support a flipped classroom, see Figure 1. ment. For example, an educator can ask students to discuss
what they considered the most challenging concept they
met in the content material (i.e. the ‘‘Muddiest point’’ exercise).
Tip 5 The resulting conversation, through discussion boards or
chat rooms, can encourage peer learning, and allow the
Utilize VLEs to best effect
educator to determine gaps in student comprehension
Modern VLEs, for example Moodle, Blackboard, can be used (Faust & Paulson 1998).
to support learning beyond simple presentation of didactic Where a VLE supports learner–learner or educator–learner
content. A specific feature is that learners can interact with core conversations, educators should consider the goals of such
course material in a more active way, that is learners become interaction; is individual reflection or evidence of group work
involved in authentic projects and problem-solving situations, a part of the learning outcomes for this flipped classroom?
J. Moffett
(Berge 2002). In addition, educators should define what format has difficulty with a series of questions relating specifically to
online interaction will take. Useful questions include: should the cerebellum. This gives the educator important feedback,
communication be synchronous or asynchronous? Do discus- on the pre-class activity (‘‘Do I need to change or provide
sions require heavy, light or no moderation from educators? more information about the cerebellum during the online part
Are discussions saved and used in any way, for example of the course?’’) and/or the students (‘‘They need more clarity
learners given course credit for participation, and how is on the cerebellum. How will I address this in class?’’).
this communicated? The flipped classroom also facilitates the identification of
individual students that may need extra attention. For example,
a student may display repeated difficulty with quizzes offered
Tip 6 online or during class through an audience response system.
In addition, educators can pose a Likert-type question at the
Use class time creatively and effectively
end of each class session, for example: ‘‘How confident, on
Another key advantage of the flipped classroom is that class a scale of 1–4, do you feel about the material covered in
time can be freed from delivery of material and used for more this workshop? (1 ¼ lowest, 4 ¼ highest)’’. Those students that
creative teaching and learning methods. Again, it is important report low confidence can be identified (e.g. through an
to align in-class activities with evidence-based instruction. audience response system) and offered further educational
Rowe et al. (2013), on investigating the integration of support.
technology in medical education, recommend that we use
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makes it difficult to draw any firm conclusions on what and incorporate new technologies, and devise effective ways
methods work best, and this has been highlighted as an area to present course material (Shimamoto 2012; Snowden 2012).
that needs further research (Bishop & Verleger 2013). It should also be recognized, however, that most of the initial
Whatever educational methods are adopted, the flipped time outlay involved in flipping a classroom is once-off in
classroom normally allows for increased educator–student nature. Once learning resources have been created, they can
interaction during lectures. On a practical level, this means that be used for successive classes of students. In addition, the
students can get support and clarification as they work through flipped classroom, if functioning effectively, can result in
problems, whilst educators get real-time feedback on the in- reduced overall lecture time and office hours for educators
class activities and what specific topics cause confusion for the (Wagner et al. 2013).
students. Both students and educators report that this
increased interaction is one of the most valuable features of
the flipped classroom (Snowden 2012; Johnson 2013). For Tip 9
further information on technology that can be used during
Offer training to those involved in delivering a
class time, see Figure 1.
flipped classroom course
Educator ‘‘readiness’’ is an important factor in the success of a
Tip 7 flipped classroom course; if educators do not feel capable, or
enthusiastic, to flip then it is unlikely to work (Shimamoto
Utilize the flipped classroom to tailor
2012; Snowden 2012). According to Shimamoto: ‘‘In order to
education to your learners’ needs
effectively implement a flipped classroom, (educators) need to
Educational technology can be harnessed in flipped class- possess a set of requisite technical skills, conceptual know-
rooms to tailor education to learners’ needs. For example, ledge, and pedagogical experience’’. Provision of training or
educators can use online interactive exercises such as discus- faculty development is a valuable first step. Educational
sions, quizzes, and computer-assisted learning modules to researchers advise that instructors are shown how to use
gather rich information about student engagement and under- new technologies and incorporate evidence-based teaching
standing (Cooper 2000). into their courses (Shimamoto 2012). Training should also
Such activities can be used to increase the level of learner- provide educators with worked examples of how the flipped
centredness of a course. For example, a class of first year classroom can be applied within their own area of expertise, as
medical students view a video presentation on the gross this has been recognized as a confidence-building step
anatomy of the brain. After the presentation, they are required (Shimamoto 2012).
to complete a short online quiz on the material covered in the Training sessions can also be used to inform educators
presentation. A large proportion of the class performs well but about the key features of the flipped classroom so that they
Twelve tips for ‘‘flipping’’ the classroom
can see value in making the change. Research suggests that if rather than objective assessment of student performance
educators already use a significant amount of active learning in (Bishop & Verleger 2013). There have been a limited
their classroom, they can see less benefit in making the switch number of promising studies; for example, improved student
to a flipped classroom approach (Shimamoto 2012; Snowden performance has been documented in biology and computer
2012). In such cases, adoption of a flipped classroom may courses which have adopted a flipped classroom approach
become a ‘‘harder sell’’ for some. (Bishop & Verleger 2013). Within medical education, Pierce
Studies of educators’ attitudes to the flipped classroom and Fox (2012) observed improved examination performance
report that where training is offered and other necessary pre- when a module on renal pharmacotherapy was flipped for
requisites are in place, for example appropriate technical pharmacy students.
support and the time and resources to flip, teaching faculty are Should an educator use academic performance to track the
normally motivated to use the approach (Shimamoto 2012; effectiveness of a flipped classroom, it is important that the
Snowden 2012). assessment method chosen is appropriate (Norcini et al. 2011).
If the goal of flipping the classroom is to improve skills (e.g.
communication) or promote a higher level of understanding,
Tip 10 the final examination should be adjusted accordingly.
Prepare your students
It is also likely that learners need support in transitioning to a
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Tip 11 Conclusion
Decide on how you will evaluate your flipped The flipped classroom is an educational innovation that
classroom approach shows promise for use in medical education. The approach
Educators who decide to adopt a flipped classroom should has a number of potential advantages, including facilitation
consider how they will measure its effectiveness. They may, of learner-centred education, increased educator–student
for example, want to examine how their specific approach interaction, and optimization of educator time, but under-
functions according to Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation taking a classroom flip involves time and effort. It is
(Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick 2006): opinions/reactions, compe- important that any large-scale course remodel is planned
tence/learning, performance/behaviour, and outcomes/ and implemented carefully; amongst other considerations, it
results. Qualitative research approaches, for example using is likely that educators will need time and technical support
such data collection methods as questionnaires and focus to adopt the approach. Finally, whilst educational technol-
groups, can give information about the lower levels, whilst ogy is credited with jump-starting the flipped classroom’s
examination performance and student grades can be used to recent attention in the literature, it’s important that educators
investigate the upper levels. aren’t dazzled by this. Course design decisions should, as
Much of what appears in the literature about the flipped ever, be based on sound educational theory and evidence-
classroom reports on student perceptions of the approach, based practice.
J. Moffett
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