Lab Manual EE-II
Lab Manual EE-II
Lab Manual EE-II
pH as defined by the Sorenson is –log [H+], negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration. It
is the intensity factor of acidity. Pure water is slightly ionized and at equilibrium the ion product
is –
[H+] [OH-] = kw
= 1.01 x 10-14- at 250C …………….(1)
and [H+] = [OH-]
= 1.005 x 10-7
or pH +pOH = kw
Where pH = -log [H+] -
pOH = -log [OH ]
(here p designates of –log of a number)
Equation 2 states that as pH increases, pOH decreases correspondingly and vice-versa because
pkw id constant for a given temperature. At 250C, ph 7.0 is neutral, the activity of the hydrogen
and hydroxyl ions are equal.
Standard pH buffer solutions from available tables or known amount of chemicals may be used
for the preparation:-
a) Dissolved 3.814 gm of Sodium Borate (Borax) in distilled water and dilute to 1 litre. This
corresponds to pH value of 9.18 at 250C.
b) Dissolved 10.12 gm of Potassium Hydrogen pellets in distilled water and dilute to 1 litre.
This corresponds to pH value of 4.008 at 250C.
In the above operation, the slope of electrode is assumed to be 100% but slope may be
sometimes different and it may be adjusted as given below:
The calorimetric method involves the use of different indicators by visual comparison for pH
Prepare the universal indicator by dissolving 0.05 gm of methyl orange, 0.15gm of methyl red,
0.3 gm of Bromothymol blue and 0.35gm of phenolphthalein in one litre of alcohol.
the color changes are:
pH Color
Upto 3 Red
4 Orange Red
5 Orange
6 Yellow
7 Green
8 Greenish Blue
9 Blue
10 Violet
11 Reddish Violet
Take the sample in glass tube and a few drops of Universal indicator in it. Mix it thoroughly and
note the change in color. Compare the colour produced with the standard colour strips available.
(iii) pH value or range is of immense value for any chemical reaction. A chemical shall
be highly effective at a particular pH. Chemical coagulation, disinfection, water
softening and corrosion control are governed by pH adjustment.
PRINCIPLE: Total solids are determined as the residue left after evaporation and drying of the
unfiltered sample
1. A clean porcelain dish is ignited in a muffle furnace and after partial cooling in the air, it is
cooled in a desiccators and weighed.
2. A 100 ml of well-mixed sample (graduated cylinder is rinsed to ensure transfer of all suspend
matter) is placed in the dish and evaporated at 100 0C on water bath, followed by drying in
oven at 103 0C for 1 hour.
(A – B) x 1000
1. The estimation of total solids in wastewater is useful to determine its suitability for
sewage farming etc.
2. Total Solids determination is used to access the suitability of potential supply of water
for various uses. In cases, in which water softening is needed, the type of softening
procedure used nay be dictated by the total solids content.
1. A clean porcelain dish is ignited in a muffle furnace and after partial cooling in the air, it is
cooled in a desiccators and weighed.
2. A 100 ml of filtered sample is placed in the dish and evaporated at 100 0C on water bath,
followed by drying in oven at 103 0C for 1 hour.
3. Dry to a constant weight at 103 0C, cool in a desiccators and weigh.
(A – B) x 1000 Total
dissolved solids (mg/l) = ---------------------------
A = Final weight of the dish in mg.
B = Initial weight of the dish in mg.
V = Volume of sample taken in ml.
1. Some dissolved organic chemicals may deplete the dissolved oxygen in the receiving waters
and some may be inert to biological oxidation, yet others have been identified as
2. The total dissolved determination is useful for the sewage to find it’s suitability for
agriculture purpose.
PRINCIPLE: The particles in suspension whose specific gravity greater than that of water will
settle under quiescent conditions.
1. Imhoff Cone
2. Holding Device
1. Gently fill the Imhoff cone with the thoroughly well mixed sample usually one litre and
allow it to settle.
2. After 45 minutes, gently rotate the cone between hands to ensure that all solids adhering to
the sides are loosened.
3. Allow the solids to settle for 15 minutes more, to make up for a total period of 1 hour.
4. Read the volume of the sludge, which has settled in the apex.
5. Express the results in ml settle-able solids per litre of sample per hour.
1. The settle-able solids determination is used extensively in the analysis of industrial waste
to determine the need for and design of plain settling tanks in plants employing biological
treatment processes.
2. It is also widely used in waste water treatment plant operation to determine the efficiency
of sedimentation units.
PRINCIPLE: Total suspended solids are determined as the residue left on gooch crucible or a
glass fibre filter after drying in oven.
1. Gooch crucible / glass fibre filter
2. Suction apparatus
3. Desiccators
1. A clean gooch crucible is ignited in a muffle furnace and after partial cooling in the air, cools
in a desiccator and weigh (W1).
2. Pour 100 ml of well mixed sample on gooch crucible or glass fibre filter which is kept on
filter flask and apply suction.
3. Wash the gooch crucible with 100 ml of distilled water to remove all soluble salts.
4. Carefully remove the glass fibre filter paper or gooch crucible and dry in an oven at 1050C
for one hour.
5. Cool in a desiccator and weigh (W2).
6. Ignite gooch crucible in a muffle furnace at 6000C for 15-20 minutes.
7. Cool the crucible partially in air until most of heat has been dissipated and then in a
desiccator and record final weight (W3).
(W2-W1) x 1000
(W2-W3) x 1000
Total Volatile Solids(mg/l) = --------------------------------
ml of sample taken
Total Suspended
Suspended Solids
1. The suspended solids parameter is used to measure the quality of the waste water
influent and effluent.
2. The suspended solids determination is extremely valuable in the analysis of polluted
3. It is used to evaluate strength of domestic wastewater.
AIM: To find out the quantity of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) present in the given sample.
PRINCIPLE: Oxygen present in sample oxidizes the divalent manganous to its higher valency
which precipitates as a brown hydrated oxide after addition of NaOH and KI. Upon acidification,
manganese reverts to divalent state and liberates iodine from KI equivalent to D.O. content in the
sample. The liberated iodine is titrated against Na2S2O3(0.25N), using starch as an indicator. If
oxygen absent in sample, the MnSO4 react with the alkali to form white precipitate Mn(OH)2.
1. Manganous sulphate
2. Alkali iodide-azide reagent
3. Starch Indicator
4. Standard sodium thiosulphate(0.25 N)
5. Concentrated Sulphuric acid
++ - 2
Mn + 2(OH) Mn(OH) (white)
Mn + 2(OH)- + ½ O2 ---- MnO2 (brown) + H2O
5. After shaking and allowing sufficient time for all oxygen to react, the chemical precipitates are
allowed to settle leaving clear liquid with in the upper portion.
6. 2 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid is added.
7. The bottle is restoppered and mixed by inverting until yellow color is uniform throughout the
MnO2 + 2I 4 H+ Mn + I2 + 2H2O
8. A volume of *203 ml is taken into the conical flask and titrate with 0.025 N sodium
thiosulphate solution until yellow coloured iodine turns to a pale straw color.
9. Since it is impossible to accurately titrate the sample to a colourless liquid, 1 to 2 ml of starch
solution is added.
10. Continue titration to the first disappearance of the blue color.
1. Oxygen is poorly soluble in water. It’s solubility is about 14.6 mg/l for pure water at 0 0C
under normal atmospheric pressure and it drops to 7mg/l at 350C. Aerobic bacteria thrive
when free oxygen is available in plenty. Aerobic conditions do prevail when sufficient
D.O. is available within water. End products of aerobiosis are stable and not foul
2. While a minimum D.O. of 4 to 5 mg/l is desirable for the survival of aquatic life, higher
value of D.O. may cause corrosion of iron and steel.
4. Algae growth in water may release oxygen during its photosynthesis and D.O. may even
shoot up to 30 mg/l.
1. It is necessary to know D.O. levels to assess quality of raw water and to keep a check on
stream pollution.
2. D.O. test is the basis for BOD test which is an important parameter to evaluate organic
pollution potential of waste.
3. D.O. test is necessary for all aerobic biological waste water treatment processes to control
the rate of aeration.
4. Oxygen is an important factor in the corrosion of iron and steel. D.O. test is used to
control oxygen in boiler feed waters.
5. D.O. test is used to evaluate the pollution strength of domestic and industrial wastes.
AIM: To determine Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) exerted by the given waste water
The complete oxidation of organic matter takes about 2-3 months but within 10 days nearly 90%
biological oxygen demand is satisfied after which the rate of depletion of oxygen is very
laboratory usually 5-day BOD is tested within which 70% BOD is satisfied.
The BOD is an empirical biological test. This BOD test may be considered as wet oxidation
procedure in which the living organisms serve as the medium for oxidation of the organic matter
to carbon-dioxide and water.
On the basis of the above relationship, it is possible to interpret BOD data in terms of organic
matter as well as the amount of oxygen used during its oxidation.
1. Distilled water
2. Phosphate buffer solution
3. Magnesium Sulphate solution
4. Calcium Chloride solution
5. Ferric chloride solution
6. Sodium thiosulphate solution
1. Place the desired volume of distilled water in a 5 litre flask. Aeration is done by bubbling
compressed air through water.
2. Add 1 ml of phosphate buffer, 1 ml of magnesium sulphate solution, 1 ml of calcium
chloride solution and 1 ml of ferric chloride solution for every litre of distilled water (dilution
3. In case of the waste waters which are not expected to have sufficient bacterial population,
add seed to the dilution water. Generally, 2 ml of settle sewage is sufficient for 1000 ml of
Let initial D.O. of distilled sample = Do
D.O. at the end of 5 days for the diluted sample = D5
Initial D.O. of distilled water (blank) = C0
D.O. at the end of 5 days for the distilled water (blank) = C5
D.O. depletion of dilution water = C0-C5
D.O. Depletion of the diluted water = D0-D5
D.O. depletion due to microbes = (D0-D5)-(C0-C5)
Sl. Volume Dilution Initial Final D.O. Initial Final 5 days BOD
No. of ratio D.O. of of sample D.O. of D.O. of at 20 0C
sample sample mg/l Blank Blank (mg/l)
(ml) mg/l mg/l mg/l
1. BOD is the principle test to give an idea of the biodegradability of any wastewater sample
and strength of the waste. Hence the amount of pollution can be easily measured by it. It is
the basic criteria for the control of stream pollution.
2. Efficiency of any treatment plant can be judged by considering influent BOD and effluent
BOD so also the organic loading on the unit.
3. If any industrial waste is to be let off into a public sewer municipal cess depend upon the
volume and BOD of the wastewater.
4. Ordinary domestic sewage may have a BOD of 200 mg/l. Any effluent to be discharged into
natural bodies of water should have BOD less than 30 mg/l. This is important parameter to
assess the pollution of surface waters and ground waters where contamination occurred due
to disposal of domestic and industrial effluents. Drinking water usually has a BOD of less
than 1 mg/l and water is considered fairly upto 3 mg/l of BOD. But when the BOD value
reaches 5 mg/l the water is doubtful in purity.
2. The determination of BOD is used in studies to measure the self purification capacity of
streams and serves regulatory authorities as a means of checking on the quality of
effluents discharged to such waters.
4. It is a factor in the choice of treatment method and is used to determine the size of certain
units, particularly trickling filters and activated sludge units.
7. It is only the parameter to give an idea of the biodegradability of any sample and self
purification capacity of rivers and streams.
AIM : To find out Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of given waste water sample.
PRINCIPLE: The organic matter present in a sample gets oxidized completely by K2Cr2O7 in
the presence of H2SO4 to produce CO2 and H2O. The excess K2Cr2O7 remaining after the
reaction is titrated with Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. The dicromate consumed gives the O2 required to
oxidation of the organic matter.
1. Reflux apparatus
2. Hot plate/heating mantle
3. Burette
1. Place 0.4 gm of HgSO4 in the reflux flask.
2. Add 20 ml of sample (or an aliquot dilute to 20 ml)
3. 10 ml of more concentrated dichromate solution are placed into flask together with glass
4. Add slowly 30 ml of H2SO4 containing Ag2SO4 and mix thoroughly.
5. Connect the flask to condenser. Mix the contents thoroughly before heating. Improper
mixing results in bumping and the sample may be blown out.
6. Reflux for a minimum period of 2 hours. Cool and wash down the condenser with distilled
7. Dilute the sample to make up 150 ml and cool.
8. Titrate excess K2Cr2O7 with 0.1 Fe(NH4)2SO4 using ferroin indicator. Sharp color change from
Quantity of Fe(NH4)2(SO4) added for blank = A ml.
Quantity of Fe(NH4)2 (SO4) added for the sample = B ml.
(A-B) x Normality Fe(NH4)2 (SO4) x 8 x1000
COD =………………………………………………….
quantity of sample (ml)
2 BOD test consumes more time i.e. a minimum of 5 days, whereas COD test is relatively
faster test taking only 3 hours for completion
2. Rate of biological oxidation can not be determined by COD test. Thus COD for any waste
shall be higher than its corresponding BOD value. A BOD value close to COD indicates
that the waste is highly biodegradable.
AIM : To study different types of water supply and Sanitary Fittings.
1. TRAP:
Trap may be defined as a fitting placed at the ends of the soil pipes or the sullage pipe to prevent
the passes of foul gases from the pipes to the outside.
Depending upon their shapes, the traps may be:
(i) P-trap
(ii) Q-trap
(iii) S-trap
(iv) Intercepting trap
(v) Nahani trap
Out of the above three types of traps are shown here. A trap essentially consists of a U-tube,
which retains water, acting as a seal between foul gases inside the pipes and the outside
atmosphere. They are largely used for bathrooms, sinks and lavatories. In all such needs, they are
made with enlarged mouth, so that the waste pipe may be thoroughly flushed out.
This is used for connecting the piece of pipe. The nipple is a smaller piece than the full length.
Nipple are used to connect the sockets, elbows, enlarger and reducers, end plugs and union
socket etc. They are designated as 20mm, 25mm or so G.I. (galvanized iron) nipple.
It is used to join the pipes of different diameter. When a large size pipe is to be joined to small
size pipe, reducers are used. They are designated as 25mm X 20mm G.I. reducer.
4. TEE:
Tees are used to bifurcate the flow. The bifurcation may be to the same size pipe or different
size. The tee is used in the main line for the connection of the branch line. . The tee is always
perpendicular the main line. They are designated as 25mm X 25mm X 25mm or 25mm X 25mm
X 20mm or so.
It is used at the end of pipelines to stop the flow. It may be internal or external threaded
depending upon the use.
This is used to change the direction of pipe line at right angle. The size of the elbow is small.
Whenever a sharp turn is required for example besides the corners of a building elbows are used
though, there is larger head loss compared to the bends.
7. BEND:
The bend is used to change the direction of the line in any direction generally to the right angle.
The size of the bend is larger than the elbow and there is a smooth transaction of flow so the
head loss is lesser. It requires more space to be accommodated and is costlier than the elbow.
The socket is a small piece of G.I. pipe to connect the two similar diameter pipe lengths. It is
generally internally threaded. A special type of socket is known as union socket which had two
detachable collars by which it can be unthreaded without disturbing the whole assembly
i. These pipes are highly resistant to sulphide corrosion.
ii. They are hydraulically very efficient.
iii. They are quite strong in compression.
iv. These pipes are highly impervious and do not allow any sewage to seep out of them.
v. These pipes are quite cheap, durable, easily available and can be easily laid and jointed.