12 - GREEN ECOLOGY Plants and Environment

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Green Ecology

Principle of Plant Biology #12

Plants live and adapt to a wide variety of environments. Plants provide
diverse habitats for birds, insects, and other wildlife in ecosystems.

When you look at a group of people, do they all produce oxygen to breathe, buffer coastal
look the same to you? Of course not! We are communities from storms, supply building
very good at using small differences to tell materials and medicines, etc., and they do it all
people apart. With a little practice, you can have for free. Can you imagine how much it would
a similar experience when you look at plants. cost to perform all of these “ecosystem services”
We often look at natural ecosystems as big green without plants? Plants are “green” in more way
blurs in the landscape. Nevertheless, ecosystems than one.
contain a diverse array of organisms with unique
adaptations. Just as with knowing people, Many of Earth’s natural ecosystems are being
getting to know the plants around you can be degraded as humans impact more and more of
very enjoyable and interesting. the planet. The biggest threats to biodiversity
include habitat destruction, pollution, invasive
Plants are the foundation of Earth’s ecosystems. species, overharvesting, and climate change. To
Because they take in sunlight and create sugar, combat these pressures and preserve
they are considered the primary producers of biodiversity, scientists are studying the impacts
ecosystems and the foundation of food webs. of human practices on ecosystems. Likewise,
They also provide habitat for animals and other people throughout society are thinking more
organisms. There are around 350,000 species of about how to live sustainably. Natural
plants, each one of which harbors a diversity of ecosystems are among our most valuable assets.
other organisms. We destroy them at our peril.

Humans are also dependent on plants in natural In the following experiment, you will compare
ecosystems. Amazingly, plants in natural the biodiversity within different ecosystems to
ecosystems supply us food, clean our water, better understand your local ecology.

Real-world Connection:
Earth’s diverse array of
ecosystems contain around
350,000 species of plants,
each one of which provides
habitat for a variety of other

Activity: Measuring Biodiversity
Procedure: 5. Count the number of species of another type
of organism (i.e. insects, fungi, birds,
1. Find at least two different natural worms, etc.).
ecosystems. They might be totally different
(i.e. forest vs. field) or they might be # of
different in a more subtle way (i.e. edge of a ________
forest vs. interior of a forest). species
Ecosystem 1 Plot 1
2. Which ecosystem do you think holds more Plot 2
biodiversity? Write your hypothesis below. Ecosystem 2 Plot 3
Plot 4

6. Which ecosystem has more biodiversity?

Why might this be the case?

3. Create two plots in each ecosystem. Use a

tape measure to ensure that the plots are all
the same size, and mark the borders of the 7. What other observations can you make
plots with flags (or another type of marker). regarding patterns of biodiversity within the
Your instructor may suggest a size for your plots? For example, how were different
plots depending on the type of ecosystem species distributed within each ecosystem?
and the time that is available. Also, it may
be easier to complete Steps 4 and 5 for one
plot before moving on to the next.

4. Count the number of plant species in each

plot. If you have field guides available, try
to figure out the name of each species.
Student-Designed Experiments
# of plant
Using the methods you learned in the activity
above and the “Guide for Student
Ecosystem 1 Plot 1
Experimentation” below, design and carry out
Plot 2
your own inquiry. Question topics you might
Ecosystem 2 Plot 3 consider include how young ecosystems differ
Plot 4 from those that are well-established, how
ecosystems differ from season to season, how
human activities alter ecosystems, etc.

Guide for Student Experimentation
Guidelines for Achieving Great Experiments
1. Ask a very specific, testable question.
2. Test a control for comparison (a group that does not receive the experimental treatment).
3. Use a sample size large enough to allow firm conclusions.
4. To understand a whole population, obtain a random sample of that population to avoid bias.
5. Replicate each part of the experiment (at least 3 times).
6. Hold all variables constant between trials except the variable being tested.
7. Collect quantitative data whenever possible.
8. Measure using metric units.
9. Gather data carefully and accurately.
10. Be objective and honest.




Materials and Methods

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

Experimental constants:




Data collected:

Other observations:



Interpretation of data:


Teacher’s Guide to
“Green Ecology”

Links to National Science Teaching hints

Education Standards
1. Field guides: Field guides corresponding to
Grades 5-8: your local ecosystems are not essential, but
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry will add depth to the activity.
Understandings about scientific inquiry
Diversity and adaptations of organisms 2. Safety: Be sure to point out hazards that are
Science and technology in society specific to your local environment (i.e.
poison ivy, falling hazards, etc.)
Grades 9-12:
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry 3. Successful student-designed experiments:
Understandings about scientific inquiry Emphasize the “Guidelines for
Matter, energy, and organization in living Achieving Great Experiments.”
systems Before students design experiments, tell
Science and technology in local, national, them how much time they will have.
and global challenges Allow students to present their
experiments and lead a short discussion
about each one. Encourage other
Materials students to ask questions.

Per group:
Tape measure Acknowledgements
Rope (for marking plot boundaries) Credits for figures are as follows (all are ©
iStockphoto.com): Earth, appleuzr; owl,
Missing35mm; bee, rodho; panda, Michael
Chen. This work was funded by the Education
Foundation of the American Society of Plant

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