Chapter 1 Heru Sudah Diedit

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A. Baground

Writing is a form of communication using letters and symbols to form

words or sentences. By writing, someone can convey ideas, thoughts, share

information, express feelings, and build communication with other people.

Writing allows students to communicate their thoughts, opinions and

information by producing text. Apart from that, writing is also a form of

communication that allows students to express their thoughts, ideas and

feelings in well-constructed texts which also strengthen their learning,

thinking and reflection on the language they have learned (Ermita et al.,

2019). When writing text, we must pay attention to vocabulary, spelling and

sentence structure because they are the most important aspects of writing.

Writing is very important for students to learn because by writing

students can develop their critical thinking skills because in writing, someone

needs to compose and organize words, starting from the main idea, title,

sentence, paragraph, and writing again into good writing. When starting to

write, the writer needs to collect and express his thoughts or ideas, write his

paragraphs, revise them, and write them again with good composition. So,

students can practice writing, which helps them remember the language they

have learned (Rachel, R., & Samban, M., 2022). Therefore, by having good

writing skills, students will more easily open the door to opportunities to

continue their education and even in their careers when they are able to

convey their thoughts clearly and convincingly.

In the process of learning English, learning to write is not easy.

Developing writing skills requires a considerable amount of time, study, and

practice. Writing requires time and energy, it is a long process (Bram (1995)

in Rahmatika, 2020). Students need to engage in the process of honing their

abilities to express thoughts, ideas, and experiences effectively on paper. The

difficulty associated with mastering writing skills often leads to a lack of

interest among students. Writing, being a skill that demands thoughtful

expression and coherence, can be perceived as a daunting task. Students may

become lazy or less motivated to learn writing due to the perceived

complexity and challenge associated with the skill. Students spend a lot of

time thinking about what they should write. Many students cannot obtain and

produce their own ideas, then some students have ideas but cannot express

them in their own sentences (Sari, 2020). The hesitation to tackle the

difficulty of expressing oneself in a written form may hinder their overall

interest in studying English. Consequently, the reluctance and decreased

interest in learning to write can be attributed to the inherent challenges

students face in translating their thoughts into written words, highlighting the

need for supportive and engaging teaching methods to encourage proficiency

in English writing..

Apart from that, Lack of knowledge of the structure of the text they

will write is also a reason that causes difficulties for students in writing.

Students spend a lot of time thinking about what they should write. Many

students cannot obtain and produce their own ideas. Apart from that, some of

the problems students face in mastering this skill are when they try to create

sentences, paragraphs or texts. They also have difficulty expressing ideas,

thoughts or experiences in written form (Hanafiawi et al., 2020). Some

students have thoughts or ideas but cannot express them in their own

sentences and cannot compose sentences well so that the text they compose is

less clear.

Then the problem that is also faced in writing is a lack of knowledge

about English vocabulary. Vocabulary is an important part of learning to

write. Many students find it difficult to write because the English vocabulary

they understand is very poor. Many of them also do not understand how to

make sentences with the correct structure and do not master English

vocabulary. One example of influencing writing skills is a lack of vocabulary,

motivation, understanding of grammar, and the inability to construct

sentences with the correct language elements (Maulidya, R., 2023). As we

know, text is an arrangement of words that form sentences or text, therefore if

students have little vocabulary knowledge then their ability to write will also

be disrupted.

Furthermore, there is a lack of student motivation to learn to write

because the strategies used by teachers are less attractive to students. Most

students have low motivation because the learning strategies or techniques

used by English teachers are not attractive to students to support their writing

activities in class (Rahmatika et al., 2020). So the motivation of the students

themselves is also very important for them to learn to write. In terms of

writing, students need more motivation because they have the mindset that

writing is difficult and needs clarification about what to do (Al-Izhar &

Rokhuma, 2023). So teachers must be more observant and more active in

finding the right strategies and ways to increase students' motivation to learn

to write.

Then teachers also don't try other strategies or techniques to improve

children's writing skills so that in the end students sometimes don't

understand what the teacher is explaining. Teachers rarely teach students how

to write a text until it becomes a good paragraph (Sari, 2020). The teacher's

lack of effort in trying other strategies or alternatives to improve students'

writing skills results in sometimes students not understanding the

explanations given by the teacher, as a result most students do not complete

their writing assignments and the results of their writing become chaotic.

Previous research discussing teaching writing revealed factors that

make students experience difficulties when learning to write English, starting

from the less effective strategies used by teachers to the lack of interest of the

students themselves in learning English, especially writing (Cahyani, 2023 :

Siahaan, LY, Hutahaean, DT, & Situmeang, SA, 2023: Zebua, O., 2023:

Oktafiani, D., & Husnussalam, H., 2021). Although these studies provide

valuable insights, there is still much need for more in-depth research

regarding the main factors that cause students' difficulties in writing English.

By continuing to explore through this research, it is hoped that future research

can have a significant influence on English writing problems for students,

Then other research was also conducted regarding teaching writing

which analyzed students' English writing skills, revealing that students'

English writing skills were still very low, starting from sentence structure,

linguistic rules, to the grammar used by students (Ananda, M.R.S., 2024:

Purnamasari, D., et al 2001: Turnip, Y.A.M., et al, 2019). This research

research provides very valuable knowledge to help future research, but the

result is that students' English writing skills are still very low. This does not

provide suggestions for solutions on how to improve students' writing skills.

Therefore, in the next research the author will conduct experiments to offer or

provide solutions to improve students' writing skills.

Then the results of other research studies that discuss writing reveal

the benchmark for success in students' learning to write when the structure of

the text created by the students matches the structure of the text being tested

(Zebua, O., 2023: Rachel, R., & Samban, M., 2022: Jelita, R., 2022). This

research research is indeed very useful and useful, but perhaps in the future

we can carry out more in-depth research regarding indicators of success in

students' learning to write. This will help to determine the extent to which the

suitability of the text structure influences students' level of understanding.

Then you can also consider other factors as indicators of students' success in

learning to write, such as grammar skills or correct use of vocabulary. In this


way teachers may be able to develop learning strategies that are more

effective in improving students' writing skills.

To find out the problems at the seventh grade students of SMPN 14

Kota Bengkulu, researchers conducted preliminary research by conducting

interviews and observations. The results of interviews with students show that

students still lack knowledge about English vocabulary (See Appendix 1

about questions in interview for students and Appendix 3 about the transcript

of interview with students. They said this for the reason that when they were

in elementary school they did not learn English and there were also those who

studied it but only occasionally. And also based on this, students feel

reluctant and at least don't like learning English when they are asked to write,

they prefer to be asked to learn to read and listen. One of the English teachers

at at the seventh grade students of SMPN 14 Bengkulu City also said a

similar thing, that when they started wanting to test or ask students to write,

the students would immediately refuse and ask for other alternatives . (See

Appendix 2 about questions in interview and Appendix 4 about the transcript

of interview wirh the English teacher).

Then the author also saw that when they were in class, students tended

to be passive, they looked less enthusiastic and looked bored when learning

English (See Appendix 5 about the result of observation/documentation).

They considered that learning English was very boring and the teacher's way

of teaching was also less interesting because they only explained what was in

the book (See Appendix 1 about the transcript of interview). Therefore, the

author concludes that to improve students' writing skills at at the seventh

grade students of SMPN 14 Kota Bengkulu, other teaching strategies are

needed that can develop students' vocabulary knowledge so that it is easier to

write, and that can make students enthusiastic about learning English,

especially writing.

In teaching writing to students, choosing the right writing teaching

strategy is one of the teacher's duties as an educator. A teaching strategy is a

plan that contains actions or methods that will be used in teaching students to

achieve the desired goals (Sarode in Cahyani, 2023). Choosing the right

teaching strategy will help both teachers and students achieve the desired

learning goals (Astrini et al., 2020). Choosing effective teaching strategies

can also increase students' learning motivation and help them understand

lessons well. Therefore, teachers must understand and try other learning

strategies to create good learning activities and arouse students' enthusiasm in

developing their writing skills. In this research, the author offers to use the

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) strategy to help students' writing

skills at at the seventh grade students of SMPN 14 Kota Bengkulu.

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is a teaching strategy created

by Calhoun in 1998. PWIM is a strategy facilitated by the teacher, where the

teacher directs students to find words from a picture, increases the number of

words in vocabulary and then invites students to write. PWIM is a learning

approach that uses an integrated language arts approach to teach beginning


readers and writers the component skills of structural analysis, phonetic

analysis, mechanics and spelling (Calhoun, 1999).

Additionally, Calhoun also states that the goal of this strategy is to

grow knowledge of vocabulary terms and improve composition skills through

the use of organized paragraphs and sentences. Joyce, Weil, and Calhoun

stated that PWIM is a writing and reading strategy that uses inductive

thinking to connect words with images. Therefore, the Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM) strategy is used to guide students in developing

their ideas during the initial writing process.

PWIM is very suitable if used as a strategy for learning to write,

because PWIM really helps students think for themselves about what to write.

This strategy makes teaching and learning activities more interesting,

meaningful and students become more active and motivated in learning

(Kurniawati & Khhomariyah, 2018). Because PWIM itself is a detailed image

and whatever is in the image is very easy to decipher, therefore students are

expected to be able to easily describe the image. Based on the explanation

above, the researcher wants to conduct research entitled "The effect of

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) on Students' Writing Skill at at the

seventh grade students of SMPN 14 Kota Bengkulu.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem explained above, the author

identifies that the main problems that students face when learning to write

English are:

1. Lack of English Vocabulary Knowledge:

a. Students lack sufficient English vocabulary knowledge, as revealed by


b. Root causes identified include inadequate English language instruction

during elementary school and sporadic learning opportunities.

c. This deficiency contributes to reluctance and disinterest in learning

English, particularly in writing tasks.

2. Negative Attitudes Towards Writing:

a. Students exhibit reluctance and aversion towards writing in English,

preferring reading, and listening activities.

b. Resistance to writing tasks is evident when students immediately refuse

and seek alternative activities.

c. Observations indicate passive behavior and boredom during English

classes, suggesting a lack of engagement and enthusiasm for writing


3. Perceived Boredom in English Learning:

a. Students find English learning tedious and uninspiring, attributing it to

the teacher's reliance on textbook explanations.

b. Lack of variety and interactive teaching methods contributes to

students' perception of English learning as monotonous and


4. Need for Alternative Teaching Strategies:


a. The current teaching approach does not effectively engage students or

develop their writing skills.

b. There is a recognized need for alternative teaching strategies that can

enhance vocabulary knowledge and foster enthusiasm for writing

among students.

c. The inadequacy of traditional teaching methods underscores the

necessity for innovative approaches to address students' learning needs


5. Requirement for Effective Teaching Strategies:

a. Teachers bear the responsibility of selecting appropriate teaching

strategies to facilitate students' learning and achievement of desired


b. Effective teaching strategies play a crucial role in enhancing learning

motivation, comprehension, and skill development.

c. The adoption of suitable teaching strategies, such as the Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM), is essential to create engaging learning

activities and stimulate students' interest in writing.

These identified problems highlight the challenges faced in teaching

writing skills at the seventh-grade students of SMPN 14 Kota Bengkulu and

underscore the importance of implementing alternative and effective teaching

strategies to address these issues effectively.

C. Limitation of the Probem


This research is limited to finding out the effect of the Picture Word
Inductive Model (PWIM) on students' writing skill at the seventh grade
students of SMPN 14 Bengkulu City.

D. Research Question
Based on the background above, the question of this research is: Is
there a significant effect in students' writing skill by using the Picture Word
Inductive Model (PWIM) at the seventh-grade students of SMPN 14 Kota

E. Research Objective
The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a significant
effect in students' writing skill by using the Picture Word Inductive Model
(PWIM) at the seventh-grade students of SMPN 14 Kota Bengkulu.

F. Significance of the Research

1. Theoretical Significant

Theoretically, this research examined the use of the Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM) in students who write descriptive texts so that the

findings of this research will enrich knowledge in the field of writing.

2. Practical Significant

It is hoped that the results of this teacher research provided further

information about the use of the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM)

for students who write descriptive texts. Apart from that, it is hoped that

teachers can find solutions if there are obstacles in using the Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM) as a teaching medium.

G. Operational Definitions of Key Terms


1. Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is a teaching strategy to enhances

vocabulary through picture prompts, fostering writing skills by integrating

structural and phonetic analysis.

2. Writing Skill is a form of communication employing letters and symbols to

convey words and ideas, facilitates students' expression of thoughts and

enhances language learning, cognition, and reflection.


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Prelimary Research Interview (For Students)

Petunjuk: Sebelum memulai wawancara, peneliti mempersiapkan pertanyaan

terstruktur. Memperkenalkan diri dan tujuan wawancara. Memastikan
lingkungan nyaman dan tanpa gangguan. Mendegarkan respons dengan baik,
catat poin penting, dan ajukan pertanyaan tindak lanjut jika perlu, dan meminta
izin merekam jawaban responden. Menghormati privasi responden,mem beri
kesempatan untuk menambahan informasi, dan mengakhiriwawancara dengan
ucapan terima kasih. Sesudahnya, tinjau catatan untuk keakuratan data.

Pertanyaan Wawancara
1. Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang belajar bahasa inggris?
2. Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa inggris?
3. Apakah kamu bisa menulis dalam bahasa inggris?
4. Apa kesulitan yang kamu rasakan dalam menulis bahasa inggris?
5. Bagaimana cara guru kamu dalam mengajar bahasa inggris?
6. Apakah cara mengajar guru kamu bisa membuat kamu semangat untuk
belajar bahasa inggris?
7. Apakah kamu paham ketika guru kamu menjelaskan?
8. Cara mengajar yang seperti apa yang kamu harapkan untuk guru kamu
gunakan ketika mengajar di kelas?

Prelimary Research Interview (For Teacher)

Petunjuk: Sebelum memulai wawancara, peneliti mempersiapkan pertanyaan

terstruktur. Memperkenalkan diri dan tujuan wawancara. Memastikan
lingkungan nyaman dan tanpa gangguan. Mendegarkan respons dengan baik,
catat poin penting, dan ajukan pertanyaan tindak lanjut jika perlu, dan meminta
izin merekam jawaban responden. Menghormati privasi responden,mem beri
kesempatan untuk menambahan informasi, dan mengakhiriwawancara dengan
ucapan terima kasih. Sesudahnya, tinjau catatan untuk keakuratan data.

Pertanyaan Wawancara
1. Bagaimana siswa ketika belajar bahasa Inggris?
2. Apa kesulitan ibu ketika mengajar bahasa inggris? lalu bagaimana ibu
menghadapi kesulitan tersebut?
3. Menurut ibu apa yang menjadi masalah bagi siswa ketika belajar bahasa
inggris khususnya menulis?

APPENDIX 3 : Transcript Of Interview

Pertanyaan untuk siswa:
1. Bagaimana pendapat kamu tentang belajar bahasa inggris?
“belajar bahasa inggris sulit kak karena ga ngerti bahasanya, terus
jarang belajar juga.”
2. Apakah kamu suka belajar bahasa inggris?
“ga terlalu suka kak karena susah, tapi kalo mam nya ngajak nyanyi
bahasa inggris gitu atau cuma disuruh baca aja gitu kami suka”
3. Apakah kamu bisa menulis dalam bahasa inggris?
“kalo liat buku bisa kak tapi agak lama. Tapi kalo disuruh nulis sendiri
kami kurang bisa kak soalnya kami gatau mau nulis apa, karena banyak
kata-kata nya juga yang kami kurang tau, soalnya di SD kemaren kami
jarang belajar bahasa Inggris”
4. Apa kesulitan yang kamu rasakan dalam menulis bahasa inggris?
“sulit semua kak, kami gatau mau nulis apa, banyak kata kata-nya yang
kami gatau terus urutan teks yang kami tulis gatau juga. Kadang dipikiran
kami tu udah ada apa yang mau ditulis, tapi pas waktu mau nulis kami
jadi gatau lagi”
5. Bagaimana cara guru kamu dalam mengajar bahasa inggris?
“mam suka ngejelasin gitu kak cuma yang dari buku terus ngasih contoh
contoh juga, tapi kami kadang masih ga ngerti. Terus kadang mam nya
suka ngajak nyanyi nyanyi bahasa inggris gitu”
6. Apakah cara mengajar guru kamu bisa membuat kamu semangat untuk
belajar bahasa inggris?
“kalo lagi nyanyi nyanyi nya kami semangat kak kami suka, terus mam
nya baik juga, tapi kami gasuka kalo misal disuruh ngomong di depan
terus kalo nulis kami juga gasuka”

7. Apakah kamu paham ketika guru kamu menjelaskan?

“kadang paham kadang ga kak, kalo gurunya banyak ngomong inggris
kami suka ga paham”
Pertanyaan untuk guru:
8. Bagaimana siswa ketika belajar bahasa inggris?
“ nah soal bagaimana nya itu tergantung dengan kita bakal ngapain
begitu, misal kita bakal listening gitu nah mereka bakal semangat karena
saya juga sering mutar lagu bahasa inggris ketika belajar. Kalau misal
kita bakal speaking atau reading sbenernya sih mereka kurang suka, tapi
mereka tetap semangat sampai teriak teriak gitu. nahhh tapi kalo misal
kita bakal nulis, ya itu mereka langsung lesu semua karena mereka emang
ga suka sekali kalo menulis, apalagi menulis bahasa inggris”.
9. Apa kesulitan ibu ketika mengajar bahasa inggris?lalu bagaimana ibu
menghadapi kesulitan tersebut?
“kesulitan nya sih paling mereka banyak ga tau kata kata bahasa inggris.
Karena mereka ga tau jadinya kita agak susah buat ngajar dan
ngejelasin, apalagi banyak kata kata yang sebenarnya umum tapi mereka
tetap gatau. Jadinya kalau saya sih mereka saya suruh buat menghafal
kosakata gitu terus tiap minggu nya di setor”
10. Menurut ibu apa yang menjadi masalah bagi siswa ketika belajar bahasa
inggris khususnya menulis?
“yaaaa itu tadi mereka banyak gatau kosakata bahasa inggris, terus
motivasi dan keinginan dari mereka sendiri juga kurang buat belajar
bahasa inggris. Ya apalagi kalo disuruh menulis ya mereka paling gasuka

APPENDIX 3 Document of observation


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