A Carry Lookahead Adder Based On Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Logic Circuit
A Carry Lookahead Adder Based On Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Logic Circuit
A Carry Lookahead Adder Based On Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Logic Circuit
ABSTRACT Memristor-based digital logic circuits open new pathways for exploring advanced com-
puting architectures, which provide a promising alternative to conventional IC technology. In several
memristor-based logic design methods, the memristor ratioed logic (MRL) is compatible with traditional
CMOS technology. Two kinds of carry-lookahead adders (CLA) based on the hybrid CMOS-memristor
structure are proposed, within which one is based on MRL logic, and the other is an improved one that is
implemented by MRL universal gate (MRLUG). The proposed CLAs are verified by theoretical analyses
and simulations, showing that the proposed design method requires fewer memristors and CMOSs than the
IMP-based or CMOS-based CLAs, which means smaller circuit size and lower power consumption.
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VOLUME 7, 2019 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 43691
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G. Liu et al.: CLA Based on Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Logic Circuit
where v(t) and i(t) are the voltage and current across the mem-
ristor; x ∈[0,1]is the internal state variable of the memristor;
a1 , a2 and b are constants greater than zero. The internal state
variable satisfies:
FIGURE 2. Logic AND gate realization using MAGIC. = g(v)f (x) (2)
where g(v) gives different thresholds for memristor, and it is
resistance ROFF and low resistance RON are considered as given by
logical ‘‘0’’ and logical ‘‘1’’, respectively. The input and
Ap (e − e ),
Vp v(t) > Vp
output of the logic gate are the memristances. Compared
with the method of IMP logic circuit, the MAGIC circuit is g(v) = −An (e −v(t) − eVn ), v(t) < Vn (3)
0, −Vn ≤ v(t) ≤ Vp
simpler and more stable. Different Boolean logic operations
can be realized through the series-parallel arrangement of the
When the internal variable respectively reaches the bound-
aries xp and xn of the memristor, there will be a boundary
MAGIC-based logic gate includes two sequential stages.
effect described in [20]. In order to make the memristor
The first stage is to initialize the output memristor to the
switch smoothly at the boundaries, the function f (x) of Eq. (2)
specified memristance. The second stage is to apply voltage
is given by
V0 at the gateway. If the voltage (or current) across the
output memristor exceeds the threshold voltage (or current),
e−αp (x−xp ) ωp (x, xp ), x ≥ xp
the logic state of the output memristor will change, otherwise f (x) = (4)
1, x < xp
the state of the memristor will remain unchanged. Thereby (
the logic operation can be obtained correctly. e−αn (x+xn −1) ωn (x, xn ), x ≤ 1 − xn
Whether it is IMP logic or MAGIC, the logic gates require f (x) = (5)
1, x > 1 − xn
a series of sequences to operate the logic function, and the
state variables are all defined by the memristanc values. They where ωp and ωn are two window functions, which are
are incompatible with the traditional CMOS-based circuits, defined as
and the extra conversion circuits are needed for converting xp − x
the memristances to the voltage levels. This implies that the ωp (x, xp ) = +1 (6)
1 − xp
complexity of the circuits is increased. x
The memristor ratioed logic (MRL) gate design method ωn (x, xn ) = (7)
1 − xn
suggests that any logic function can be achieved by using
memristor and traditional CMOS buffers [14]. The logic Fig. 3 is the i-v characteristic curve of the memristor.
states are voltage levels, which are compatible with current The memristor contains different threshold voltages, and the
CMOS technologies. There are several computational build- voltages of different polarities correspond to the different
ing blocks have been proposed in the last few years, such as threshold voltages. When the applied voltage exceeds the
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oscillator [18]. the HRS (High Resistance State) to the LRS (Low Resistance
This paper proposes a carry-lookahead adder (CLA) based State). Similarly, when the applied voltage exceeds the neg-
on MRL, and then an improved carry-lookahead adder is put ative threshold voltage, it will change the memristance from
forward. A performance comparison between the improved the LRS to the HRS.
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