Inuktitut Dictionary
Inuktitut Dictionary
Inuktitut Dictionary
Inuktitut Dictionary
(1) This dictionary covers practically all the words generally used by the Canadian Inuit,
whose language is called Inuktitut. A certain number of words used only by local groups
of Inuit have been added on account of their particular interest and usefulness.
(2) As there is no infinitive mode in Inuktitut, all the verbs are given in the indicative
mode, in the third person singular. As a rule when the subject of a verb is a personal
pronoun, it is not expressed but included in the verb. For instance: pissukto
(3) Besides the words that we have compiled in this dictionary, new words may be
created by the use of infixes.
K - The k has two distinctly different pronounciations. The first one is that of the k in
king, vg. ikkitit, matches; the second one is pronounced deep in the throat. It is very
similar to a Kr and we have written it thus. But this
J and Y - The j and the y are interchangeable and should be pronounced as y in you.
S - The s is generally pronounced as sh, vg. amisut (amishut). Some bands in the
Eskimo Point region pronounce it as an h, vg. asso (aHo).
I - the i is pronounced as ee, vg. inuk (eenuk).
U - the u is pronounced oo as in shoot, or better as in the latin "una".
NG - The ng is pronounced with a single sound, as in singing and never as in "ungodly".
DLERK - at the end of a word is pronounced likie TSLERK. It is in fact the only really
difficult pronounciation, along perhaps with the KR.
(5) The use of SYLLABIC in Inuktitut. - It is well over 120 years since the syllabic
system of writing was introduced in the Amerindian languages of Western Canada.
Syllabic writing, however, was unknown to the Inuit as late as 1885.
The syllabic system is a very simple way of writing syllables (not letters) with signs.
Although it is very practical in many ways, it is not a precise manner of writing. Indeed,
it is often ambiguous.
- A-
Abandons - iperainnarpok, kremaiwok.
abdomen - naak
abdomen (obese) - naartok
abdomen (aches) naarluktok, nadjeriyok.
abed (is) - iglertok
abides with - najortok, nayortok
ablactates - amamaruerpok
ableness - yungnar
aborts - avuyok, aliptortok
abounds - pitalialuk
about (is about to) -lertok-, -langayok-
above (passes) - kollangorpok
abreast - nellani
abroad - awani
abrupt - imnark
absent (is) - pitakangitok, makreitok
absent (is long absent) - nipamayok
absorbent cotton - nerromiktouyartok, ukaleuyak
abstains from - pitailiwok
absurd (is) - tukikangitok
accepts - angerpok, pibviriyauyok
accompanies (at departure) - kaniorpok
accumulates - ivuyiyok (pushes one against the other)
accumulation - ivunerk (pushed one against the other)
accuses - passiyok, passitiksakartok
acquires - pissiariwok, pitarpok, -tar-
across (goes) - ikarpok.
active (is) - nutkarsuitok, pilerikattartok
acts - pilerpok
acts well - pitsiarpok, idluarpok, nakoarpok, nakoarsarpok
acts without being seen - tireksorpok
added (to be added) - illaksak
addresses s.o. - illaksiorpok, illaksiorpa
adds to - idleriwok
adequate (is) - namakosartok, namaktok
adheres - nippittok, nippingayok
adherence (protector against) - nippidjaekut
admiration (exclam.) - mai! maitsiak!
admires - opipok, opigosukpok
admonishes - inerterpok (innerterpok)
adopted - tiguak
adopting - tiguarsiye
adores - nertormarikpok, nertorpok
adrift (is) - savidyauyok
adult - innark, aktok
advances - sivumuarpok
advantageous - ikayornartok
advice (gives advice) - issumaliorpok, tilliortok
affection (has a.) - ungayok, nagliktok, pinnariyok
affirms - angerpok
afraid (is) - kappiasuktok, erksiyok
aggravates - piwallialerpok, piluarpallialerpok
agitated (is) - ominisartok
ago - taimangat
agreement - issumakattigengnerk
agrees - issumakattauyok, angertok
ahead of time - sivusiktok, sivuvasiktok
aid - ikayorte
aims at - torarpok
alike (is) - adjiriwa
alive (is) - omayok
allows - perkoyiyok
almighty - ajugakangitok
almond - sauniub inua
almost - eiei, -kasak-, -gayar-
alone - (he) kissimi; (I) kissima; (you) kissipsi
alone by himself - ingmikortok
alone to do it - piyotuar
alone not to do it - pingitotuar
alongside - senniagut
aloof (is) saviktok
aloud - nippikortuyomik piyok
altar-boy - ikayorte
altered (is) - assiangoyok
alternates - nikitarpok
always - atayomik, krangaluktar (past, krakugoluktar (future)
ambitious (is) - piyomadluartok, piyomittartok
amends himself - piosiyok
amiable - naglingnartok, ikpanartok
among - akkuningani
ample (is) - nerrotuyok
amusing (is) - tipsinartok, iglarnartok
ancestors - sivudlit
anchor - kisaut
anchors - kisarpok
anchorage - kisarviksak
anew - attilu, sulli, -kannerk-
angel - anernerk
angle - tiretkroak
angry (is) - ningartok, ningaktok
anger - ningarnert
animal (land animal) - nergdjut, pissukte
animal (sea animal) - puiye, (pl: puiyit)
ankle - signernerk
annoying (is) - anarsitauyok
another - assi (poss.assia), pikattar, aipa etc
answers - kiowok, akkiwok, akpiusarpok
anvil - kautauyarvik
anxious (is) - niviorpok, akkunigosukpok
apple of the eye - takubvik, iyaroak
approachable (is) - illeranaitok (morally) tikitarealik (physically)
approves with one's head - okkungiarpok, angerpok
apt (is) - piyungnartok, ayungitok, namaktok
areola - awaliarutak
arises - makkitpok, makkilerpok
arm (strong) - talleriktok
arm (at arms lenth) - issausimayok
arrives - tikipok
arrives from far - tikitpok
articulates well (words) - katsukpok, okratsiarpok
artificial - -ngoar-
ashamed (is) - kangusuktok
ashamed (makes one) kangunartok
ash(ashes) - arjalinerk
ashore (goes) - nunalikpok, sammurpok
aside (left) - issumariyaungitok (no one thinks of him)
asks (begs for) tuksiarpok, tukserarpok
asks questions - apersorpok
asleep (is) - sinniktok
associated (is a. with) - illamar, illagektok, kattutiyok
astern - kingumut
astonishment (exclam.) - sunaubva! (I thought it was otherwise, but . . .)
attempts - pinasukpok
attentive (is) - udjertorpok, illimasukpok, ulureasukpok
attention (pays) - nautsertorpok, aulaiyiyok
attracks (with fish hook) - kikparpok, aulasarpok
audible - tussarsauyok
aurora borealis - aksarnerk
avaricious (is) - uivituyok, tutkuitok, nerdlingoyok, erligosuktok
avenges - akkisartorpok
avoids - uivarpok, nigorpok
awake (is) - tupaksimayok, erkromayok
awake all night - sinningitainnartok
awake all night (voluntarily) - pigartok
awakes s.o. - tupatitsiyok, ittersarpok
aware (is) - illimasuktok, ulureasuktok
awful (is) - kappianartok
baby - nutaralak
back (comes back) - utterpok
back (gives back to owner) - satorpok
backwards (leans back) - niverpok
bad thing (excl) - maiksuk!
bait (for traps etc.) - nareaksak
bait (smells the bait) - narearpok
bait (for fish) - manak
bare (naked) - ussertok, ussingayok
bare-footed - kamidlartok
barks (dog) - krelukpok
barrage - sapputit
bashful (is) - illerasukpok, kangusukpok
basking seal - otok
bass voice (has) - kattituyok
bay - kangerdluk, kangersuk, (okk.)
beacon - inuksuk
beans - nilernait
bear (polar) - nanuk
bear (brown) - aklark
bear cub - nanertak, atertak
bear skin - nanurark
beard - umerk, umik
bearded one - umilik
beater (snow b) - tiluktut, anautark
beautiful! - pitsiark! maitsiak! anana!
beautiful, fiar (is) - inekonartok
bed (is in bed) - igliktok, innartok
begs insistantly - krenutuyok
behind time (is) - kingurarpok
belches - niksarpok
belly - naark
belly (obese) - naartok
belly (empty belly) - naklisimayok
beluga (white whale) - kenalogak, (kelalogak)
beneath - atani, atagut, etc.
bent (is) - niungayok
bent (is becoming) - niortitok
beseeches - tukserarpok
besides - amma
best - piolak
between - miksa, miksani
between us - akkunaptingni
between you - akkunapsingni
big (is) - angiyok, takiyok
biggest - angilak
birth - anibvik
birth (about to give birth) - ernesukpok
birthday - anibviksak, anibvik
birth (gives birth) - erniwok
bit (a piece) - mikiyomik, illanga, serdlerk
bitch - arnaluk
bites - kiisiwok, mikkikpok
bites (takes bites) - tamuarpok, tamuawok
bitter (is) - sernartok
black (is) - krernertok
blames - sukkorpok
blind (is) - tautujuitok, takuyuitok
blood - aok
blooms (flower etc.) - erkpakpok
blows (wind) - subluarpok
blows a little - subluksungnartok
blows with one's mouth - suppiwok
blubber - orkso
blue (is) - tungortok
blushes - kangusukpok, aupadlakpok
boat (is travelling by boat) - umiartortok
bob-tail - papikattok
bogey - kadlupidluk, paiya, paya
body - timik
boil (blister) - ajuwak
bone, frame - saunerk
bone (for dog food) - kipkark
bores - kiiurpok
born (is newly born) - anilisartok, inolisartok
borrowed (is) - atortugak, atortuinnartok
boss (chief) - angayokfark, issumatak, atanerk
both hands or feet - igluktut, iglugeik
both (uses both hands or feet) - iglutorpok
bothers - pagvisarpok
bounces - piglertarpok
bows - ukkungawok
boy - nukapiak, inosuktok, soruserk (Okk.)
brakes - tukertarpok
brave (is) - kappiasuksuitok, kappiataitok
breaks (wood etc.) - sigittok, nakattok, illingartok
breathes (sighing) anersarpok
bright (luminous) - kraumayok, kiblariktok
bright (intelligent) - silatuyok, pokrittok
brings - adgiarpok, nerksarpok
broad, wide (is) - siliktok
broken (is) - sorartok, illingartok, sirkomittok
brown (is) aupayartok
brush (for clothes) - siangiyaut
buck - pagnerk
bullets (small) - kardjurauyait
bumps - tullurpok
bundle - kidlartak
busy (is) - pileriyok, piyareakartok, suliwok, nuutok
butter - immuyak
butterfly - tarralikitak
button - siarut, unguark (Padl.)
buzzing in ears - avioyok
daisy - kanguyak
dances v. (Eskimo dance) - momerpok
dances v. (White men's dance) - mominguarpok
dangerous (is) - erksinartok, kappianartok
dark (is) (without light) - tartok
dark (pitch dark) - taggarik
darkness - tark
dawn - ublarpaluk
dear ones (relatives) - illamareit, illageit
deceives v. - tammarsaiyok
deer - tuktu
departs (leaves) v. - audlarpok
desirable - tussunartok, iklinartok, pijominartok
devil - tonrar
devours v. - apkalawok
dew - missuk
disobedient (is) - nalengitok, opalungitok, tussangitok, kamataitok, tussangisartok
displeased (is) - kuviasungitok
displeases v. - kuvianailiorpok
disregards s.o. v. - issumaringita
dizzy (is) - uibjartok
dog - kringmerk
dog (plays) v - unayok
dog (leader dog) - issorartuyok
doll - nutarangoark, inungoark
drags sled (dogways) - uniarpok
dreams v. - sinnektomawok
dream n. - sinnektomanerk
drunken man-
dust - sannerk or sanerk
gallops v. - pangalikpok
generous (is) - tukkuttok
ghost, spirit - tonrar
girl (yound g.) - niviasar
gives v. - tunisiyok, kraintsiyok
gift - aitut, aituserk, tunerk
glorious - nertornartok
glossy - kiblariktok, piaktok
gnashing of teeth (has) - aglerolarpok
gluttony - nerretunerk
gold - kanosak
good (is) - pitsiartok, piktauyok
good for nothing - atungitok, suinnak
grace, consolation - saimarnerk
great (is) - angiyok
groans - ipkolukpok
growling dogs - kattingolartut
grumbles - okrardlukpok
guide - krauyimatauyok
laughs v. - iglarpok
laughs at v. - iglautiriwok, iyorpok
lays down (animal) - akropiyok
lazy, sleepy - salausuktok, erkreasuktok
leader dog - issorartuyok
leads v. - sivutiksauyok
leads (walks ahead of sled ) - kangelrarpok
leaps v. - missikpok
least (the) - mikilak, mikiyomiglonit
licks with tongue - aluktorpok, alukpok
little - serdlerk, mikitokolungmik, -kolu-, -nar-, -ardjuk-
lonesome (is) - kipingoyok, inuilangoyok
long (is) - takiyok
looks fixedly, stares at - iyeriwok
loud (is) - nippikortuyok
loves v. - naglikpok, ungayok, pinnariyok
lust - arnaserinerk, anguserinerk
lying down - innangayok, nellayok
quakes v. - sajukpok
quarrels v. - aivayok
queen - issumatavik-arnark
quick! - tuwawi!
quickly (acts) v. - tuwawiorpok, erenesukpok
quiet (is) - palartok, pakadlangitok
ultimate - kingudlerk
unaware (is) - krauyimangitok
under-feet - alornerk
unended (is) -- pianingitok
unequal - aktikosangitok
unexpected (is) - nerriunangitok
ungrateful (is) - kujasuitok
unique (is) - -tuar-, assikangitok
unites (joins) v. - illautiwok
unusual - illitkoseungitok
urgent (is) - tuwawinartok
useful (is) - suksauyok
useful but not necessary - pilitak, attukattak
vagabonds v. - awamurtok
vicious (is) - kanungayok
victorious (is) - salaksartok, salariyok
virtue, quality - illitkosetsiak
visiting far away - tuyurmiangoyok
visiting and expecting food - aimerpok
waits v. - utatkriwok
waits quietly - nikpartok
walks (ahead of the dogs) - kangelrarpok
wandering wolves - kadzait
warm (is) - onartok
watches v. - mianersiwok
willing (is) - angertok, piyomayok
winks v. - kablursorpok
wolf - amarok
wolverine - kapvik
word of authority - okralruserk
worries v. - niviorpok
worthy of (is) - nadlerkotauyok
wrestles v. - payok
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