The Fate of Nitrogen in Bioreactor Landfills
The Fate of Nitrogen in Bioreactor Landfills
The Fate of Nitrogen in Bioreactor Landfills
179 198
3 authors:
Timothy G. Townsend
University of Florida
All content following this page was uploaded by Nicole Berge on 27 April 2016.
Department of EnvironmentalEngineering and Science, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, USA
366 N. D. Berge et al.
but in a much less controlled fashion, as the inherent variability and hetero-
geneities in bioreactor landfills do not allow for them to be operated with
the high level of control possible in wastewater treatment processes. Using
wastewater and soil literature, as well as landfill-related literature, nitrogen
removal and transformation processes that may occur in bioreactor landfills
are discussed and evaluated in this review.
by adsorption by the waste, rather than stored external to the landfill. Per-
haps the biggest advantage of bioreactor landfills is the reduction of landfill
biological stabilization time.99 This reduction in time has been repeatedly
proven through the reduction of COD half-lives in landfills utilizing leachate
recirculation;10 1 COD half-lives in leachate from conventional landfills have
been calculated to be around 10 years, whereas for bioreactor
99 10 1
landfills, the
COD half-life of the leachate is closer to 230 to 380 days. '
Four types of bioreactor landfills have been explored, each with different
operating schemes to obtain optimal results: anaerobic, aerobic, facultative,
53 48
and hybrid systems. Each bioreactor type is a patented process. 43 , 47' '
landfill process and can be both difficult and costly because of high levels of
ammonia-nitrogen in the leachate. Additionally, while denitrification of the
leachate is occurring, methane production may be halted until the nitrate is
consumed. It has been shown that methane production quickly resumes after
nitrate is depleted.
Concentration (mg/L as N)
Stabilization phase Conventional landfills Bioreactor landfills
:1:: i/ -•
R 60 I-ammonium
6 L-- ammonia J
Eo2 /
"2 0 .
4 6 8 10 12 14
solution pH
c/z z
*0" r
Sz• -• -z
376 N. D. Berge et al.
A. Ammonification
Proteins present in the waste are the major source of ammonia-nitrogen.
This conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonia-nitrogen by heterotrophic
bacteria is termed ammonification. Ammonification is a two-step process
consisting of the enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins by aerobic and anaer-
obic microorganisms releasing amino acids and the subsequent deamina-
tion or fermentation (depending on aerobic vs. anaerobic conditions) of the
acids to carbon dioxide, ammonia-nitrogen, and volatile fatty acids. Dur-
ing deamination, amine groups are liberated to form ammonia or ammo-
nium, depending on the pH, and alkalinity is slightly elevated.' The deam-
ination process is illustrated in Figure 3. Once ammonification occurs, the
I Amino
H -C -COOH Acid
Deaminating Bacteria
(ex. Citrobacter) NH4+
NH2 - 0 NH 3
B. Ammonium Flushing
The mass of ammonia-nitrogen that can be leached from the waste is con-
trolled by the volume of water passed through the landfill, the nitrogen con-
tent of the waste, and the ammonia-nitrogen concentration in the bulk liquid.
Reducing ammonia-nitrogen concentrations by washout and dilution to ac-
ceptable levels within a landfill requires the addition of large volumes of wa-
ter. The Institute of Waste Management Sustainable Landfill Working Group
reported that at a solid waste moisture content of 30% (wet weight basis) and
an initial liquid-phase ammonia-nitrogen concentration of 5833 mg/L as N,
a flushing volume of approximately 2.4 m 3/tonne of waste was necessary to
reduce the nitrogen concentration to 2 mg/L as N. It was also noted that other
studies had been conducted suggesting that flushing volumes between 5 and
7.5 m 3/tonne of waste were needed to adequately reduce nitrogen concen-
trations in the landfill. No time frames for this reduction to occur were given.
The effectiveness of flushing will be dependent on hydraulic conductivity of
the waste, as it will be harder to introduce liquid in areas of lower permeabil-
ity. As the hydraulic conductivity decreases, the time required for leaching
to occur increases, as does the ammonification process.
Purcell et al.9 4 conducted a laboratory-scale study evaluating the flush-
ing of ammonia-nitrogen from landfills. It was found that as flushing rates
increased from 435 mm/year to 2195 mm/year, the release of ammonium-
nitrogen from the waste and thus overall removal from the reactors in-
creased. The main mechanisms of ammonia-nitrogen removal were found
to be washout and dilution from the incoming water.
Flushing results in the removal of ammonia-nitrogen from landfills by
adding large volumes of water, which must be treated externally. When
378 N. D. Berge et al.
Ammonium sorption in soils has also been measured. Kwok and Loh64
conducted a laboratory-scale study evaluating the cation-exchange capac-
ity of different soil types in Singapore. In each isotherm study, ammonium
sorption followed a Freundlich isotherm; sorption increased with increasing
exchange capacity. Van Raaphorst and Malchaert12 2 conducted ammonium
sorption studies on various sea sediments and found the sorption data to also 22
follow a Freundlich isotherm. Additionally, Van Raaphorst and Malchaert1
conducted a study in which they measured the mass of ammonium that
could be extracted from a sediment using a potassium chloride solution over
a 40-h time period. They found that exchange of ammonium was initially
rapid (during the first 10 h), but declined significantly after 10 h. During the
40-h test, not all of the ammonium was recovered, suggesting that some of
it was tightly bound to the soil particles.
Studies evaluating the sorptive capacity of fresh waste have not been
conducted; however, the sorptive capacity of peat and soil has been studied.
Heavey 5° found that peat (which may simulate well-oxidized waste) could
sorb 18 to 27 mg NH+/g dry peat. It seems probable that more sorption occurs
in older solid waste than in younger waste because older waste has a smaller
particle size and thus a larger surface area, yielding more available reactive
sites for sorption. Additionally, older waste contains more recalcitrant organic
particles (predominantly humic and fulvic acids) to which ammonium may
sorb. Further, as waste ages, there may be changes in the surface charges of
the waste, resulting in higher levels of sorption. The presence of complex
organics has been shown to influence ammonium sorption; the ammonium
ions may fix irreversibly to these molecules. He et al. 49 found that approxi-
mately 15% of the radiolabeled ammonium they added to soil samples was
associated with the humic fractions; however, the ammonium was recover-
able using a series of several different types of extraction media. Reinhart
conducted long-term desorption isotherms with various organic pollutants
and MSW and found that as time increased, the mass of sorbed compound
increased. It was suggested that sorption may be time dependent; the com-
pound may sorb deeper into the solid phase over time, ultimately allowing
for sorption of more mass over time. A similar phenomenon of irreversible
sorption in soils has been observed 14 ' 78' 120 and will likely occur with ammo-
nium. More research on the sorption and desorption of ammonia-nitrogen
on MSW is necessary.
D. Volatilization
In conventional landfills, ammonia makes up approximately 0.1 to 1.0% (dry
volume basis) of landfill gas exiting the landfill.'1 3 Ammonia is not a green-
house gas, so its impact on the environment is not as harmful as methane;
however, there are some adverse health effects that may result from exposure
to the gas. Ammonia has a pungent odor and is a respiratory-tract irritant.
380 N. D. Berge et al.
Also, ammonia gas can dissolve in the moisture on skin and form 72
hydroxide, a corrosive chemical that can cause skin irritation.
Volatilization only occurs when free ammonia is present. At pH levels
above 10.5 to 11.5, the majority of the ammonia-nitrogen present in solution
is in the form of free ammonia gas (NH 3), as depicted in Figure 1. The free
ammonia concentration at a particular pH level may be computed via Eq. (1).
[NH+-N] x 1 0 pH
[NH 3-N] - + 1J0pH
4 p (1)
E. Nitrification
Nitrification has been successfully used in wastewater treatment processes as
a means to convert ammonium-nitrogen to nitrite and nitrate for decades, and
Nitrogen in BioreactorLandfills 381
Nitrifiers must fix and reduce inorganic carbon to use as their carbon
source,102 resulting in low cell yields and thus small maximum specific growth
rates. Additionally, nitrification results in the consumption of alkalinity as ni-
trous acid is formed. The first step of nitrification is often the limiting step, as
the Nitrosomonasbacteria grow more slowly than Nitrobacteror Nitrospira.
Some heterotrophic microorganisms are able to nitrify; however, their spe-
cific nitrifying rates are considered generally three to four orders of magni-
tude lower than that of the autotrophs. 40 ,10 6 Thus, heterotrophic nitrification
is generally considered to be a minor pathway. Some of the heterotrophic
nitrifiers are able to denitrify (reduce nitrate) aerobically as well. 9
Nitrification has also been documented to naturally occur in soils. , 16,124
Nitrification processes in soil generally result from the addition of nitrogen
fertilizers and the diffusion of oxygen.
Nitrification may occur in bioreactor landfills in which air is added. Al-
though the metabolic processes associated with nitrification may be essen-
tially the same in landfills and wastewater treatment processes, the operation,
control, and potential extent of such processes are not the same. Nitrification
in landfill environments is complicated by oxygen and temperature limita-
tions, heterotrophic bacteria competition, and potentially pH inhibition. Oxy-
gen is a required element for nitrification. Adding air to a landfill would be
dual-purpose: to nitrify, removing the ammonia-nitrogen, and to enhance the
382 3N.D. Berge et al.
which a biofilter consisting of old waste (8 to 10 years old) was used to treat
leachate. Aerobic portions existed at the top and bottom of the system (air
was not supplied, rather was drawn in from the atmosphere via convection),
while the middle of the system was anaerobic. It is important to note that
these conditions (aerobic and anaerobic) were never shown experimentally,
nor was the ORP measured. A removal of 99.5% of the ammonia-nitrogen
in leachate was observed. Elevated concentrations of nitrate and nitrite were
measured, indicating the ammonia-nitrogen was converted biologically. Ad-
ditionally, 20-30% of total nitrogen in the leachate was removed, suggesting
in situ nitrification and denitrification occurred sequentially in the landfill.
Incidental treatment of nitrogen in aerobic or semiaerobic landfills has
also been observed. Hanashima 44 described lysimeters operated under aer-
obic and semiaerobic conditions over a three to 20-year period. Aerobic
test cells were continuously supplied with air via a feed pipe to the bot-
tom of the cell. The semiaerobic cell was constructed with a large drainage
pipe in contact with the atmosphere to provide aeration to the bottom of
the cell while maintaining the upper portion of the landfill under anaerobic
conditions. Leachate was recycled to both cells. Comparison with the perfor-
mance of conventional anaerobic cells suggested that nitrogen removal under
both semiaerobic and aerobic conditions was significantly greater than under
anaerobic conditions.
The most efficient method evaluated to date is complete in-situ removal
of nitrogen using dedicated zones. Onay and Pohland 82 completed an in-situ
nitrification/denitrification laboratory study in which a three-component sys-
tem was used to facilitate the process. A laboratory study was conducted to
evaluate a conceptual idea of an anoxic denitrification zone located near the
surface of the reactor, an anaerobic zone to simulate methanogenic condi-
tions in the middle, and at the bottom an aerobic nitrification zone. When
utilizing leachate recirculation among the zones, approximately 95% nitro-
gen removal was achieved. Onay and Pohland8 2 completed another study
during which the reactors were connected in series, but with no leachate
recycle, just a single pass. Nitrogen removal was observed with this set of
experiments as well; however, only 30 to 52% removal of nitrogen in the
leachate was achieved. Onay and Pohland 82 suggested application of this
type of system in the field by having different portions of the landfill serving
as treatment zones: The upper portion of the landfill would be anoxic, the
middle anaerobic, and the bottom aerobic (air naturally added via convection
through leachate collection pipes).
F Denitrification
Denitrification has been applied in many wastewater treatment processes.
The intent of this section is not to review the denitrification process, rather
to discuss how denitrification may occur in bioreactor landfills. Information
regarding denitrification processes may be found elsewhere. 11,29,31,37,38,71,106
In situ denitrification is also complicated in solid waste systems, although it
may be easier to implement than nitrification. Denitrifiers are more robust
than nitrifiers; however, they require a sufficient organic carbon source for
high nitrate removal rates. Because of the carbon needs, denitrification may
occur most efficiently in young waste, rather than in older, partially oxidized
waste. Price et al. 93 evaluated the potential need for an external carbon source
in the laboratory and noted that a fresh layer of refuse contained sufficient
carbon to stimulate significant nitrate consumption. If a sufficient organic
386 N. D. Berge et al.
carbon source is not readily available, partial denitrification may occur, which
may lead to the production of harmful intermediates (N 20 and NO), which
20 60
are potent greenhouse gases. '
Typically, in situ denitrification occurs in anoxic bioreactor landfills.
However, because of the potential for anoxic pockets to be present in aero-
bic systems, denitrification may also occur in portions of aerobic bioreactor
landfills that air does not reach.
release from the waste or high leachate COD to nitrate ratio, which may pro-
mote the reduction of nitrate to ammonia-nitrogen (see Figure 1). It was also
concluded that at an oxidized nitrogen loading rate below 3.8 g N/total solids-
day, methanogenesis was not inhibited. High leachate COD concentrations
inhibited nitrification in the ex-situ process, presumably due to competition
for available oxygen.
Price et al.93 also conducted studies evaluating the ability of older waste
(with low organic carbon) to denitrify nitrified leachate. It was shown that
the landfill does have the capacity to denitrify, as significant nitrate consump-
tion was observed, and that fresh waste contained enough organic carbon to
support denitrification, while older waste required the addition of an exter-
nal carbon source. Additionally, it was observed that methanogenic activity
was inhibited during denitrification, but quickly resumed following nitrate
Biological oxidation of ammonia-nitrogen may also occur under anaerobic
conditions and is termed the ANAMMOX process (anaerobic ammonium oxi-
dation). Bacteria capable of ANAMMOX use ammonium as the electron donor
and nitrite as the electron acceptor, as shown in reaction (9)56 57:
There has been little research concerning ANAMMOX in solid waste en-
vironments; however, studies conducted in wastewater have shown that
ANAMMOX readily occurs.4 5,56,57,1 06
Researchers have determined that the
microorganisms most often responsible for the ANAMMOX process are from
the Planctomycetales group. 56'129 This process is generally favorable in envi-
ronments in which retention time is long, operation is stable, nitrite is present,
and electron donors that would cause nitrite reduction via denitrification are
absent. Because of the potential for anaerobic regions located within an aer-
obic landfill, this biological ammonia-nitrogen removal mechanism may inci-
dentally occur simultaneously with nitrification. However, the growth rates of
the ANAMMOX bacteria are extremely slow; thus, ammonia-nitrogen removal
is slow as well. It is questionable whether or not the ANAMMOX microor-
ganisms will be able to compete with denitrifiers for nitrate and nitrite within
Nitrogen in BioreactorLandfills 389
landfills.17 Removal rates have been shown to be less than half that of aerobic
In that anaerobic pocket, the nitrite may then be converted to nitrogen gas.
The hydraulic conductivity of the landfill will be a factor, as the time dur-
ing which the leachate remains in each type of environment will ultimately
determine the extent of the reactions that may occur. The ability to predict
which nitrogen transformations will occur allows for more strategic design
and operation of bioreactor landfills.
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