Companies Profitability Under Economic Instability: Evidence From The Manufacturing Industry in Russia
Companies Profitability Under Economic Instability: Evidence From The Manufacturing Industry in Russia
Companies Profitability Under Economic Instability: Evidence From The Manufacturing Industry in Russia
*Correspondence: Abstract
Finance and Credit This study analyzes factors affecting the efficiency (profitability) of enterprises in for‑
Department, Faculty
of Economics, People’s eign, joint and domestic ownership in countries with unstable economy. The novelty
Friendship University of the study is that for the first time this kind of analysis has been carried out for the
of Russia (RUDN University), manufacturing industry in Russia, whose economy is characterized by the instability
Miklukho‑Maklaya str. 6,
Moscow 117198, Russia (crisis), external sanctions, and the internal trend for import substitution. Using a panel
Full list of author information data on 6134 enterprises operating across several industries in Russia over the period
is available at the end of the of 2012–2016, the article suggests that generally production efficiency and scale
efficiency positively affect profitability, whereas the share of borrowed capital, share of
fixed assets and rising interest rates exert negative effects. The contribution of external
financial factors is minimal, except for foreign and jointly owned firms. Production effi‑
ciency has a particularly pronounced effect for the automotive industry, machinery and
equipment manufacturing, and in the metal industry. In contrast, in the chemical, elec‑
trical and optical manufacturing, and in food processing industries, internal financial
factors emerge as a powerful predictor of performance. Firm ownership does not exert
a significant effect on the relationship between the variables of interest when the share
of borrowed funds is below 50%. When the share of borrowed capital exceeds 50%,
internal financial factors emerge as a particularly prominent predictor of profitability.
Keywords: Profitability, Enterprises in Russia, Foreign and joint ownership, Production
efficiency, Countries with unstable economies
1 Introduction
One of the main generally accepted indicators of enterprise performance is profitability.
It is of interest to owners of the enterprise and investors as an indicator of the increase
in business value and income generation, for managers of the enterprise in terms of the
development of the enterprise and its technical modernization, and for the state insofar
as the profit is subject to taxation. As the main indicator of the enterprise’s activity, it is
influenced by many factors that reflect both the production efficiency within the com-
pany and the influence of the resource and good markets.
We can assume the influence of two groups of factors affecting profitability:
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Spitsin et al. Economic Structures (2020) 9:9 Page 2 of 20
• internal factors of the enterprise, reflecting the structure of assets and liabilities,
technological features of production, the level of activity of production processes,
• environmental factors, including both the market conditions for resources and
goods, as well as the circumstances prevailing in the economic system at the higher
levels (meso-, macro- and megatrends).
• Static Trade-off Theory (Kraus and Litzenberger 1973) explains that the share of debt
depends on the balance of the costs and benefits. Unfortunately, there is no con-
sensus among researchers in understanding the content of costs and benefits. For
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Studies of the effect of the share of borrowed capital on the profitability of enterprises
in various industries and in different countries have different results. A number of works
claim a positive relationship of profitability with the level of short-term debt and in some
cases with long-term debt (Negasa 2016).
At the same time, they distinguish the effect of short-term and long-term borrowed
capital on ROA (return on assets). If in the short-term period the relationship is posi-
tive and significant, in the long-term period the significance of the relationship does not
exist (Jain et al. 2017), or even changes the sign (Vaicondam and Ramakrishnan 2017).
Other researchers find the opposite. In the Vietnamese data (Vy and Tra 2016; Le and
Phan 2017), the relationship between profitability and leverage is negative, and is robust
to the inclusion of control variables as well as firm and year fixed effects. It is a very
remarkable finding for Vietnamese enterprises that the smaller the firms, the more pro-
found the relationship. Small and profitable firms tend to have higher incentive to use
less debt. In contrast, large firms seem to be indifferent in their debt use due to having
greater access to other sources of finance, as well as a larger base of collateral assets.
The same relationship is also observed in Thailand (Vithessonthi and Tongurai 2015a, b).
Also, along with the negative relationship of debt to total assets and ROE for Vietnamese
companies, there is a positive relationship with growth of sales and size of enterprises
(Vu and Phan 2016).
According to the meta-analysis (Capon et al. 1990), the impact of the firm’s debt load
(debt influence on the level of firm) on its financial performance is rather negative (90
out of 147 studies, yet dependencies are insufficient).
Spitsin et al. Economic Structures (2020) 9:9 Page 4 of 20
In a Chinese study (Anwar and Sun 2013), the relationship between the level of debt
of local firms and the presence of foreign firms on the market was investigated. An
increase in foreign presence raises the debt of domestic firms, and its impact on firm
investment is also positive. Overall, the impact of foreign presence on the leverage of
domestic firms in China’s manufacturing sector is negative and relatively large. If we
split the firms in two groups (domestically oriented and internationally oriented) as
Vithessonthi and Tongurai (2015a, b) did for Thailand, the effect of leverage on per-
formance will be different. For domestically oriented firms it is negative, whereas a
positive relationship exists for the internationally oriented ones.
Next, we analyze existing approaches to assessing the effects of attracting foreign
investment in the host country. In a sample of Vietnamese firms (Aitken and Harrison
1999), it was found that foreign equity participation was positively correlated with
plant productivity but only for small enterprises. On the other hand, for domestically
owned companies foreign investment had a negative impact on their productivity.
The net impact of foreign investment, taking into account these two offsetting effects,
is quite small. The gains from foreign investments appear to be entirely captured by
joint ventures. In the Ivory Coast setting (Harrison and McMillan 2003) domestic
firms were found to be more credit constrained than foreign firms, and borrowing by
foreign firms exacerbated domestic firm credit constraints.
Crisis phenomena in the economy affect foreign and local firms differently. It is nat-
ural to assume that foreign multinationals are less linked into the domestic economy,
and so are more likely to leave once the economy is hit by a negative shock. But in the
case of Ireland (Godart et al. 2012) it is not confirmed: international firms do not flee
from Ireland in crisis.
On the contrary, import competition and foreign direct investment discourage
entry and stimulate exit of domestic entrepreneurs, the phenomenon referred to as
the “crowd out effect” (De Backer and Sleuwaegen 2003). However, the empirical
results also suggest that this crowding out effect may be moderated or even reversed
in the long run due to the long-term positive effects of FDI on domestic entrepreneur-
ship as a result of learning, demonstration, networking and linkage effects between
foreign and domestic firms. Such effects have been identified not only in developed
countries (Belgium), but also in the post-socialist countries (Czech Republic) (Kosová
2010). At the same time, the impact of foreign presence on the leverage of domestic
firms is negative. In China’s manufacturing, an increase in foreign presence increases
the debt of value maximizing domestic firms (Anwar and Sun 2015).
Speaking of the relationship of capital structure of domestic, foreign and joint own-
ership with profitability, one can refer to the data from an Indian study (Chhibber and
Majumdar 1999), in which after controlling for a variety of firm and environment-spe-
cific factors, firms display relatively superior performance only when property rights
belong to foreign owners at ownership levels providing unambiguous control at 51%.
Also, the relationship between foreign entry and profitability of domestic firms has an
inverted U-shape (Fu and Wu 2013). Furthermore, we also find that the effect of for-
eign entry on domestic firm profitability varies according to the ownership structure
of domestic firms and the export intensity of foreign newcomers.
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investigation. Additional divisions are carried out by the branches of the manufacturing
industry and by the share of borrowed capital in the liabilities side of the balance. Addi-
tionally, the impact on the profitability of internal and external factors in an unstable
economy is being tested.
The object of the research is manufacturing enterprises in Russia.
The uniqueness of the situation in Russia in 2012–2016 is that:
• For the study period the Russian economy was characterized by instability and cri-
sis manifestations: a strong depreciation of the national currency, a decline in real
income of the population, etc.;
• During the study period, there were political tensions, and economic sanctions were
imposed on the country with respect to the export and import of high-tech goods.
In response, Russia also imposed sanctions, primarily on the products of the food
In this paper, it is planned to assess the impact of this unique situation on the profit-
ability of enterprises in the RO, JO and FO in the context of manufacturing industries.
2 Methodology
According to the previously discussed literacy, in this paper the following hypotheses
will be tested:
• by ownership forms—enterprises in Russian (RO), foreign (FO) and joint (JO) own-
• by branches of the manufacturing industry;
• by the share of borrowed capital in the balance sheet.
Data on financial indicators of enterprises were obtained from the SPARK Informa-
tion System. We gathered this information for the period from 2012 to 2016. The sam-
ple of enterprises of the automotive industry was formed according to the criterion of
Spitsin et al. Economic Structures (2020) 9:9 Page 7 of 20
the revenue in 2012–2016 of at least 100 million rubles annually. All enterprises of the
automotive industry that met this criterion were included in the sample (solid sam-
ple—6208 enterprises). Further, some enterprises with missing values of indicators or
having strong deviations of certain indicators (for example, the absolute value of net
profitability of assets more than 100% or the share of borrowed capital more than
300% of the balance sheet assets) were excluded from the study.
In accordance with these criteria, the following sample of the enterprises was formed:
7. Average annual exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar. During the crisis period of
2014–2015, the ruble exchange rate to the dollar increased in absolute terms, i.e.,
the ruble fell. In 2012, the exchange rate was 31.08 rubles/dollar, and in 2016 the rate
became 66.08 rubles/dollar;
8. Share of foreign owners (ShareFO), which corresponds to the share of foreign owners
in the authorized capital of the enterprise. For RO (domestic) enterprises ShareFO
equals 0, for enterprises in FO ShareFO equals 1, for enterprises in JO ShareFO it is
in the range from 0 to 1;
9. Ruble’s depreciation is the difference of the ruble–dollar exchange rates at the end
of the current and the end of the previous year. If this difference is greater than 0,
the ruble rate has decreased relative to the dollar. If this difference is less than 0, the
ruble rate has increased relative to the dollar.
D. Production efficiency
10. Gross profitability of sales * ShareFO—calculated by multiplying the level of gross
margin of sales to the share of foreign capital in the capital of the enterprise (FS 0 for
RO, 1 for FO).
E. Financial factors
11. Share of borrowed capital * ShareFO;
12. Share of borrowed capital * ShareFO * Ruble’s depreciation;
13. Average interest rates * ShareFO;
14. Average annual exchange rate * ShareFO.
1. a simple regression model based on the method of least squares is estimated as not
test statistic (pW ≪ 0.001), as well as models with random effects based on Breusch–
adequate, with preference being given to models with fixed effects based on Wald
Intercept V V V V V V V
Size of the enterprise V V V V V V V
Fixed assets share V V V V V V V
Current liquidity ratio V V V V V V V
Gross profitability of sales – V V V V V V
Share of borrowed capital – – V V V V V
Average interest rates – – – V V V V
Average annual exchange rate – – – V V V V
Gross profitability of sales * ShareFO – – – – V V V
Share of borrowed capital * ShareFO – – – – – V V
Share of borrowed capital * ShareFO – – – – – V V
* Ruble’s depreciation
Average interest rates * ShareFO – – – – – – V
Average annual exchange rate * – – – – – – V
2. Hausman test statistic shows (chisq = 1491.9, df = 3, p value < 2.2e−16) pH ≪ 0.001.
Low p values indicate a weak null hypothesis about the adequacy of the model with
random effects, giving the advantage to models with fixed effects. That is, the prefer-
ence should be given to models with fixed effects.
Option 1 Realization of models No. 1–4 for the full sample of enterprises (6134) and
separately for samples of enterprises in the FO, RO and JO:
Full sample of enterprises of all forms of ownership;
Option 3 Implementation of models No. 1–7 for samples of enterprises with different
shares of borrowed capital:
Table 3 Regression results (fixed effects estimates, robust estimates). Source: calculated
by the authors according to data (SPARK: Information system. Interfax (Russia) 2018)
Full sample Enterprises in FO Enterprises in JO Enterprises in RO
Size of the enterprise 6.80 (0.29)b 7.40 (1.43)b 5.48 (1.48)b 6.90 (0.28)b
b a
Fixed assets share − 1.25 (0.14) − 2.25 (0.77) − 1.38 (0.73) − 1.17 (0.15)b
Current liquidity ratio − 0.10 (0.09) − 3.64 (1.58) − 0.53 (1.61) − 0.09 (0.09)
Gross profitability of sales 5.17 (0.22)b 7.21 (1.02)b 4.02 (0.99)b 5.09 (0.22)b
Share of borrowed capital − 6.44 (0.23)b − 8.30 (0.88)b − 8.64 (1.30)b − 5.96 (0.24)b
b b b
Average interest rates − 0.64 (0.05) − 3.11 (0.28) − 1.58 (0.26) − 0.37 (0.04)b
b a
Average annual exchange rate 0.04 (0.05) 1.49 (0.30) 0.91 (0.29) − 0.14 (0.05)a
b a
Intercept 5.89 (0.00) − 1.88 (1.04) 2.19 (0.74) 6.75(0.03)
[p < 0.001]
Model 1 R2 0.070 0.051 0.077 0.077
Model 2 R2 0.165 0.149 0.140 0.178
Model 3 R2 0.266 0.277 0.240 0.273
Model 4 R2 0.272 0.330 0.262 0.276
∆R2 of production efficiencya 0.095 0.098 0.063 0.101
∆R2 of financial f actorsb 0.107 0.181 0.122 0.098
Including—internal 0.101 0.128 0.100 0.095
External 0.006 0.053 0.022 0.003
Number of enterprises in the sample 6134 470 294 5370
models (models No. 1–4) are highly significant for all samples (p ≪ 0.0001)
Standard errors are in parentheses. The coefficients and standard errors are given according to model 4. All constructed
∆R2 of production efficiency is calculated as the difference of R2 (model 2) and R2 (model 1) or it is equal ∆R2 (model 2)
∆R2 of internal financial factors is calculated as the difference of R2 (model 3) and R2 (model 2) or it is equal ∆R2 (model 3).
R2 of external financial factors is calculated as the difference of R2 (model 4) and R2 (model 3) or it is equal ∆R2 (model 4)
Spitsin et al. Economic Structures (2020) 9:9 Page 12 of 20
For enterprises in FO and JO, the main contribution to R2 growth is provided by finan-
cial factors: internal and external for enterprises in FO, mainly internal—for enterprises
in JO. This confirms hypothesis 1.1.
For enterprises in RO, the contribution to the increase in R2 (to the increase in the
explanatory power of the model) is comparable (approximately the same) to the pro-
duction efficiency and domestic financial factors. At the same time, the contribution of
external financial factors is minimal, although they are significant. We cannot say that
the production efficiency gives a greater R2 spillage of enterprises in the RO, since this
increase is comparable (approximately equal) to the growth of enterprises in the FO.
Thus, hypothesis 1.2. is not confirmed. Also, production efficiency has a much smaller
impact on R2 growth at enterprises in JO.
4.2 Option 2
Study of the effect of manufacturing industries on profitability.
The regression models for 6 branches of the manufacturing industry (types of eco-
nomic activities) are presented in Table 4. The number of enterprises of each form of
ownership for each type of economic activity is indicated at the bottom of the table. The
coefficients and standard errors are given according to model 7.
Common to all the studied industries are the following consistent patterns on the
influence of factors on the profitability of assets:
At the same time, other factors affect the profitability of the assets of the studied
industries in different ways. In particular, the share of fixed assets in assets has a highly
significant negative impact on the profitability of the DK, DJ, DL, DA subsections. The
value of average interest rates on loans to legal entities has a highly significant negative
effect on the profitability of enterprises of all industries except DG, but its effect does
not lead to a significant increase in the explained variation (R2) except for the automo-
tive industry (DM).
Spitsin et al. Economic Structures (2020) 9:9 Page 13 of 20
Table 4 Net profitability of assets. Source: calculated by the authors according to data
(SPARK: Information system. Interfax (Russia) 2018)
Variable DM DK DG DJ DL DA
Size of the enterprise 6.94 (1.22)b 8.14 (0.61)b 7.20 (0.94)b 6.35 (0.59)b 7.44 (0.97)b 5.69 (0.47)b
Fixed assets share − 0.56 (0.65) − 1.31 (0.37)b − 0.90 (0.39) − 1.54 (0.32)b − 2.12 (0.50)b − 1.10 (0.22)b
Current liquidity ratio 3.56 (3.63) − 0.12 (1.46) − 0.09 (0.09) − 1.62 (0.70) − 0.22 (0.11) 0.16 (0.20)
Gross profitability of 6.65 (1.10)b 5.70 (0.39)b 4.70 (0.53)b 5.12 (0.55)b 4.74 (0.51)b 4.91 (0.37)b
Share of borrowed − 4.59 (1.06)b − 5.95 (0.55)b − 5.84 (0.58)b − 5.59 (0.48)b − 6.20 (0.56)b − 6.76 (0.42)b
Average interest rates − 1.36 (0.21)b − 0.58 (0.10)b − 0.32 (0.13) − 0.77 (0.11)b − 0.48 (0.12)b − 0.44 (0.08)b
Average annual 0.71 (0.23) − 0.04 (0.11) 0.26 (0.15) 0.08 (0.12) − 0.23 (0.13) − 0.12 (0.09)
exchange rate
Gross profitability of − 1.22 (0.26)b − 0.39 (0.14)a − 0.46 (0.16)a − 0.61 (0.14)b − 0.43 (0.17) − 0.49 (0.10)b
sales * ShareFO
Share of borrowed 0.05 (0.60) − 1.64 (0.44)b − 2.09 (0.71)a − 0.65 (0.46) 0.84 (0.44) − 0.61 (0.38)
capital * ShareFO
Share of borrowed − 1.47 (0.22)b − 0..80 (0.23)b − 0.94 (0.18)b − 0.85 (0.15)b − 1.14 (0.26)b − 0.43 (0.17)
capital * ShareFO *
Ruble’s deprecia‑
Average interest rates 2.61 (0.85)a − 0.01 (0.48) − 0.63 (0.66) − 0.42 (0.46) 1.84 (0.49)b − 0.42 (0.34)
* ShareFO
Average annual 1.00 (0.25)b 0.58(0.15)b 0.49 (0.16)a 0.38 (0.15) 0.30 (0.19) 0.08 (0.12)
exchange rate *
Intercept 4.39 (0.64)b 7.49 (0.21)b 5.01 (0.35)b 6.93 (0.20)b 6.17 (0.22)b 5.41 (0.10)b
Model 1 R2 0.097 0.120 0.062 0.080 0.084 0.040
Model 2 R2 0.277 0.238 0.146 0.198 0.158 0.111
Model 3 R2 0.330 0.327 0.248 0.284 0.2.44 0.234
Model 4 R2 0.369 0.332 0.252 0.292 0.251 0.238
Model 5 R2 0.403 0.334 0.256 0.297 0.253 0.243
Model 6 R2 0.468 0.354 0.292 0.313 0.281 0.247
Model 7 R2 0.508 0.358 0.298 0.315 0.288 0.247
∆R2 of production 0.214 0.12 0.088 0.123 0.076 0.076
∆R2 of financial 0.197 0.118 0.148 0.112 0.128 0.131
Including—internal 0.118 0.109 0.138 0.102 0.114 0.127
External 0.079 0.009 0.01 0.01 0.014 0.004
Number of enterprises
Total 303 1070 728 1113 869 2051
FO 56 78 87 73 52 124
JO 25 51 44 58 43 73
RO 222 941 597 982 774 1854
Regression results (fixed effects estimates, robust estimates)
models (models no. 1–7) for each type of economic activities are highly significant (p ≪ 0.0001)
Standard errors are in parentheses. The coefficients and standard errors are given according to model 7. All constructed
∆R2 of production efficiency = R2 (model 2) − R2 (model 1) + R2 (model 5) − R2 (model 4). Or it is equal to the sum of ∆R2
(model 2) and ∆R2 (model 5)
∆R2 of internal financial factors = R2 (model 3) − R2 (model 2) + R2 (model 6) − R2 (model 5). Or it is equal to the sum of ∆R2
(model 3) and ∆R2 (model 6). R2 of external financial factors = R2 (model 4) − R2 (model 3) + R2 (model 7) − R2 (model 6). Or it
is equal to the sum of ∆R2 (model 4) and ∆R2 (model 7)
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In all sectors, except the food industry, a highly significant negative impact on enter-
prises with foreign participation has been revealed on the factor “Share of borrowed
capital * ShareFO * Ruble’s depreciation”, which leads to a significant increase in the
explained variation (R2). This fact suggests the presence of foreign currency loans or bor-
rowed funds at enterprises in FO and JO of all sectors, except for the food industry.
We identified significant differences in the DM subsection (automobile industry) from
other industries both in terms of the share of explained variations (R2 = 50.8%) and in
terms of the influence of variables, including those associated with the share of for-
eign owners, and their contribution to the increase in R2. In this subsection, a signifi-
cant increase in the explained variation (R2) is provided by external factors (dynamics of
interest rates on loans), as well as factors related to enterprises in foreign and joint own-
ership. It should be noted that the crisis was the most acute for enterprises in FO and JO
of this subsection, and most of them showed losses in 2014–2015.
The findings partially confirm hypothesis No. 2 in relation to 5 branches: DM (auto-
mobile industry), DK, DL, DJ, DG. For these branches, enterprises with the participation
of foreign capital are characterized by increasing negative impact on the profitability of
the share of borrowed capital but weakening the positive impact of gross profitability of
sales. In the branch DA (food industry) the share of borrowed capital (share of borrowed
capital * ShareFO * Ruble’s depreciation) has a significant negative impact (− 0.43 *), but
it is significantly weaker than that of other foreign trade activities.
We also found that production efficiency provides a significant increase in R2, com-
parable to the increase in R2 from financial factors in the following industries: DM, DK,
DJ. Thus, in a crisis, production efficiency is important in these industries. On the con-
trary, the main contribution to the growth of R2 comes from internal financial factors in
the DG, DL, DA industries. The contribution of production efficiency in these industries
is significantly lower. External financial factors provide a significant increase in R2 only
in the automotive industry (DM). Perhaps this is because in this industry the share of
enterprises in FO and JO in the total value of production is high (about 63%). In other
industries, the contribution of external financial factors to R2 growth is minimal.
4.3 Option 3
4.3.1 Study of the impact of the share of borrowed capital on profitability
The regression models for the samples of enterprises with different shares of borrowed cap-
ital are presented in Table 5. The number of enterprises for each sample is indicated at the
bottom of the table. The coefficients and standard errors are given according to model 7.
The strength of the influence of the tested variables and the significance of the influence
differ significantly depending on the amount of borrowed capital in the balance sheet.
If the share of borrowed capital does not exceed 50%, the main impact on the net
return on assets is provided by the control variables (R2—16.9%) and production effi-
ciency (R2 increase—10.2%). The remaining variables (financial factors) provide R 2
growth by only 3.5%, including: internal financial factors—2.3%, external financial fac-
tors—1.2%. There are no differences in ownership of this group of enterprises. Variables
with * ShareFO, associated with the share of foreign owners are insignificant. The total
share of the explained variation in this case is small (R2 = 30.7%) and practically does not
differ from the full sample.
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Table 5 Regression results (fixed effects estimates, robust estimates). Source: calculated
by the authors according to data (SPARK: Information system. Interfax (Russia) 2018)
Variable Full sample Share of borrowed Share of borrowed
of enterprises capital less 50% capital exceeds
models (models no. 1–7) are highly significant for all samples (p ≪ 0.0001)
Standard errors are in parentheses. The coefficients and standard errors are given according to model 7. All constructed
∆R2 of production efficiency = R2 (model 2) − R2 (model 1) + R2 (model 5) − R2 (model 4). Or it is equal to the sum of ∆R2
(model 2) and ∆R2 (model 5)
∆R2 of internal financial factors = R2 (model 3) − R2 (model 2) + R2 (model 6) − R2 (model 5). Or it is equal to the sum of ∆R2
(model 3) and ∆R2 (model 6). R2 of external financial factors = R2 (model 4) − R2 (model 3) + R2 (model 7) − R2 (model 6). Or it
is equal to the sum of ∆R2 (model 4) and ∆R2 (model 7)
If the share of borrowed capital exceeds 50%, the variables associated with the share
of borrowed capital and the share of foreign owners have a major impact on the net
return on assets:
Thus, in this case, financial factors provide an increase of R2 22.9%, including: inter-
nal financial factors—21.6%, external financial factors—1.3%. The total share of the
explained variation in this case is significantly higher (R2 = 36%).
Thus, hypothesis No. 3 is confirmed, and the main role is played by domestic finan-
cial factors with an increase in the share of borrowed capital. It was revealed that with
the deterioration of the liabilities structure of the balance sheet (increase in the share of
borrowed capital) the negative influence of financial factors rises, and the share of the
variation explained by them grows significantly. On the contrary, the influence of eco-
nomic factors and control variables weakens significantly, and the share of the variation
explained by them decreases.
We note that the share of enterprises whose share of borrowed capital is small (not
exceeding 50% of liabilities annually for 2012–2016) is only 23% of the entire sample
of enterprises (this share practically does not differ in ownership forms). At the same
time, the share of enterprises with a large share of borrowed capital (more than 50% of
liabilities annually for 2012–2016) is 50% of the total sample (differences in ownership
patterns are insignificant). Finally, a high share of borrowed capital is characteristic of
a significant number of manufacturing enterprises of all forms of ownership in Rus-
sia. Our results are generally consistent with existing research in this area (Myers and
Majluf 1984; Anwar and Sun 2013; Vy and Tra 2016; Le and Phan 2017). In particular,
we have identified the negative impact of the share of borrowed capital on the net return
on assets. It is consistent with the Pecking Order Theory, which claims that companies
use borrowed funds if they have problems with profitability and do not have enough of
their own financial resources. This research underlines the relevance of this problem
for countries with unstable economies, in particular, Russia. Analyzing the solid sample
of enterprises of the main branches of the manufacturing industry in Russia, we have
established their high dependence on borrowed capital. The average and median share
of borrowed capital in the liabilities side of the balance are above 60% (Table 1), and only
23% of the sampling companies had a share of borrowed capital below 50% for each year
of the study period. Thus, enterprises in countries with unstable economies are highly
dependent on borrowed capital. The situation is aggravated by the high level of loan
rates in such countries, which increases during crisis periods. There is a vicious circle
when enterprises, due to the high cost of loans, cannot increase their profitability and
reduce their dependence on borrowed funds. Adjusting the rates on bank loans in times
of crisis and actions aimed at systematically reducing these rates are necessary condi-
tions for improving the profitability of enterprises in developing countries with unstable
5 Conclusions
1. In the study of the full sample, it was found that enterprises of all forms of ownership
have a strong positive effect on the net return on assets of production efficiency and
economies of scale and a strong negative impact on the share of borrowed capital,
the share of fixed assets in assets and interest rates. The contribution to the increase
in R2 is comparable to the efficiency of production and domestic financial factors.
Spitsin et al. Economic Structures (2020) 9:9 Page 17 of 20
At the same time, the contribution of external financial factors is minimal, although
they are significant.
2. For enterprises in FO and JO, the main contribution to R2 growth is provided by
financial factors: internal and external for enterprises in FO, mostly internal, for
enterprises in JO. In enterprises in the RO, the contribution of factors is comparable
with the full sample.
3. In the context of industries, it was found that production efficiency provides a sig-
nificant increase in R2, comparable to the increase in financial factors in the sectors:
DM, DK, DJ. In contrast, in the DG, DL, DA industries, the main contribution to R2
growth comes from internal financial factors. External financial factors provide a sig-
nificant increase in R2 only in the automotive industry. A significant increase in the
negative impact of the share of borrowed capital in enterprises with foreign capital
(in FO and JO) occurs in all sectors except the food industry.
4. It was found that for enterprises with the share of borrowed funds less than 50% of
liabilities, there are no differences between the forms of ownership, and the main
contribution to the increase in R 2 ensures production efficiency. On the contrary, for
group of enterprises with a share of borrowed capital of more than 50% of liabilities,
one of the main factors determining the profitability of assets are internal financial
factors. The impact of external financial factors on improving regression models is
negligible. At the same time, a more pronounced negative influence of financial fac-
tors is observed in enterprises in FO and JO.
At the same time, our contribution to the research of factors affecting profitability is
the consistent patterns that we have identified in relation to groups of factors (produc-
tion efficiency, internal financial factors, and external financial factors) in an unstable
economy. In contrast to other studies of countries with unstable economies (Godart
et al. 2012; De Backer and Sleuwaegen 2003; Fu and Wu 2013), this paper contains a
comprehensive study of the effect of the above-mentioned groups of factors in the con-
text of industries and forms of ownership of enterprises. The obtained results are useful
for effective industrial regulation in developing countries in unstable periods.
We can suggest the following implications for the industry decision-makers as well as
icy-makers should pay special attention to the influence of external factors during
the crisis. Under the influence of external factors, enterprises in FO and JO are under
substantial stress, which is also true for RO enterprises. This suggests the need for
import substitution policies. For industries other than DA (food industry), loans in
foreign currency are not recommended. In the DA industry, inferior goods prevail.
During the crisis, increased demand for their products can compensate for the insta-
bility of foreign currency loans. Policy-makers should pay particular attention to the
DG, DL, DA, DM industries because of their greater dependence on environmental
3. In general, companies should not allow the share of borrowed capital to exceed 50%
to ensure that the net return on assets does not depend on financial factors. Other-
wise, the share of borrowed capital and the share of foreign owners begin to affect
the level of profitability. Nevertheless, the share of the latter in Russian enterprises
sample is significant. While implementing the stabilization policy, the state should
take into account the need to reduce the share of borrowed capital for leading infra-
structure enterprises.
4. For policy-makers, our study suggests that the broad-brush policies aimed at facili-
tating industrial turnaround policies may be misguided. Based on the differential
impact of the studied factors on companies in domestic, joint, or foreign ownership,
a careful analysis of the industrial ownership structure is in order before a cohesive
set of policy recommendations should be developed. Inasmuch as some sectors of
the national economy may be dominated—or at least sufficiently populated—by the
firms in joint or foreign ownership, the advancement of policies that aim to assist
domestic companies specifically may be ill-advised. Regardless of the ultimate ben-
eficiary domicile, the impact of non-discriminating policies on the domestic work-
ers may be negative. As such, a careful policy planning should take the ownership
makeup of the industry firms into consideration.
5. Similarly, given the highly pronounced interindustry differences in the observed
effects, effective policies should be industry-specific. This puts a major burden on
the policy-makers in that the industry definition in most scholarly research is arbi-
trary, and depending on the aggregation level the policies deemed effective in some
analyses may be deemed counter-effective in others. This calls for a careful sensitivity
analysis of the proposed policy changes before any of them can be formalized by the
respective agencies.
The research is conducted with the financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) in the
frames of scientific and research project of RFBR named “Dynamic modeling of Russian, foreign and joint industrial
enterprises development in a situation of economic sanctions”, Project No. 17-06-00584(a). The study of the impact of the
share of borrowed capital on profitability was carried out with the support of Tomsk Polytechnic University CE Program.
Authors’ contributions
VS is responsible for the hypothesis formulation and their testing, MR applied the methodology and carried out econo‑
metric analysis, DV and SA—the theoretical background and policy implications. All authors read and approved the final
Authors’ information
Vladislav Spitsin is an associate professor of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State University
of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. His professional interests are: economies of industries, innovative development
and technology transfer, foreign direct investment, industrial development tendencies, regional economy. He is a co-
author of three Certificates of computer programs for solving economic problems. The results of research are presented
in local and international publications.
Marina Ryzhkova is a professor in Economics (doctor habilitatus) in Institute of Economics and Management at the
National Research Tomsk State University (Russia) and a professor of the School of Engineering Entrepreneurship at
the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia). Her research interests include revealing of regularities and
effects in industrial and public economics by behavioral and experimenting methods. The results are presented in local
and international publications.
Darko Vukovic is Professor at Finance and credit department, Faculty of Economics, People’s Friendship University of
Russia (RUDN University), in Moscow, Russia. Since 2008, Dr. Darko Vukovic works at Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic”
of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, at position Chief of Department of regional economics and economic
Sergey Anokhin is a professor in the School of Engineering Entrepreneurship at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic
University in Russia. He also has an appointment at Herberger Business School at St. Cloud State University in the USA.
His research interests include entrepreneurship and innovation management in a variety of contexts. His research is
extensively published in leading academic journals and is used by policy-makers around the world.
This work is supported by RFBR as part of project “Dynamic modeling of Russian, foreign and joint industrial enterprises
development in a situation of economic sanctions”, Project No. 17-06-00584(a).
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenina Avenue, 30,
Tomsk 634050, Russia. 2 Department of Economics, Tomsk State University of Control, Systems and Radioelectronics,
Lenina Avenue, 40, Tomsk 634050, Russia. 3 Economics Department, Institute of Economics and Management, National
Research Tomsk State University (Russia), Lenin str. 36, Tomsk 634050, Russia. 4 Finance and Credit Department, Faculty
of Economics, People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho‑Maklaya str. 6, Moscow 117198, Rus‑
sia. 5 Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić”, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), Djure Jakšića 9, Belgrade 11000,
Serbia. 6 Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Herberger Business School, St. Cloud State University, 720
4th Ave S., St. Cloud, MN 56301‑4498, USA.
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