SSPC PA-5 Maintenance Coating of Steel

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SSPC-PA Guide 5

February 12, 2018

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings


Guide to Maintenance Coating of Steel Structures
in Atmospheric Service

1. Scope • Select Appropriate Maintenance Painting Options

and Establish Implementation Procedures (Section
1.1 This guide covers procedures for developing 8)
a maintenance coating program for steel structures for • Implement Maintenance Painting Options (Section 9)
atmospheric service. The guide may be used for one-time • Plan and Implement Follow-Up Activities (Section 10)
recoat programs or long-range recoat programs.
2.4 UNITS OF MEASURE: This guide makes use of
1.2 The guide is intended for owners, consultants, both the IEEE/ASTM SI 10,(1) “American National Standard
and contractors who perform condition surveys and write for Metric Practice” International System Units (SI) and
maintenance coating programs. It is not intended to be a U.S. Customary units. The measurements may not be
do-it-yourself guide, but is representative of the processes exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used
that a coating specialist (such as a Protective Coating independently of the other.
Specialist [PCS] certified by SSPC) would follow to develop
a maintenance coating plan for specific facilities. 3. Referenced Standards

2.1 A maintenance coating program is required Items preceded by an asterisk (*) are referenced in the
to prevent corrosion of steel and deterioration of other Notes or Appendices.
substrates. It is also required to maintain an acceptable
appearance of coated structures. Decisions on frequency
SSPC-ACS-1/ Industrial Coating and
and extent of recoating and type of system to be used require
NACE No. 13 Lining Application
consideration of numerous factors, including both technical
Specialist Qualification and
and economical alternatives.
Certification Standard
2.2 This guide sets out specific steps that may be used, SSPC-Guide 6 Guide for Containing Debris
either individually or collectively, to identify and address Generated During Paint
essential elements of a maintenance coating program. Removal Operations
These steps are summarized in Section 4. Preparation SSPC-Guide 7 Guide for the Disposal of
of a contract specification for coating work is covered in Lead-Contaminated Surface
SSPC-TR 4/NACE 80200, “Preparation of Protective Coating Preparation Debris
Specifications for Atmospheric Service” (latest edition) and SSPC-Guide 14 Guide for the Repair of
in the SSPC Technical Insight Report “Preparing and Using Imperfections in Galvanized or
Protective Coating Specifications.” Due to wide variations in Inorganic Zinc Coated Steel
procedures, a discussion of contracting methodologies and with Organic Zinc-Rich Paint
implementation schemes is outside the scope of this guide.
SSPC-Guide 15 Field Methods for Retrieval
This guide addresses six major steps in a maintenance Salts on Steel and Other
coating program, which are defined as: Nonporous Substrates
• Plan and Conduct Condition Assessment Survey SSPC-Guide 18 Specifiers’ Guide for
(Section 5) Determining Containment
• List Potential Maintenance Painting Options Class and Environmental
(Section 6) Monitoring Strategies for Lead-
• Evaluate Economics of Available Options (Section 7) Paint Removal Projects

SSPC-PA Guide 5 was first issued in July 1990 by the SSPC C.4.1 Maintenance Painting
Committee. It was revised in September 2002, 2004 (editorial revision) and February 2018. (1)
ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
phone int+1-610-832-9500. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

SSPC-PA 1 Shop, Field, and Mainte- * SSPC-QP 1 Standard Procedure for

nance Painting of Steel Evaluating Painting Contractors
(Field Application to Complex
Industrial Structures
SSPC-PA 2 Determining Compliance
to Dry Coating Thickness * SSPC-QP 2 Standard Procedure for
Evaluating the Qualification
of Painting Contractors (Field
SSPC-PA Guide to Maintenance Removal of Hazardous Coatings
Guide 4 Repainting with Oil Base or from Complex Industrial
Alkyd Painting Systems Structures)
SSPC-SP 1 Solvent Cleaning * SSPC-QP 5 Standard Procedure for
SSPC-SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning Evaluating Qualifications
of Coating and Lining
SSPC-SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning
Inspection Companies
White Metal Blast Cleaning * SSPC-QP 6 Standard Procedure for
NACE No. 1
Evaluating the Qualifications
SSPC-SP 5 of Contractors Who Apply
White Metal Wet Abrasive
(WAB)/ Thermal Spray (Metallizing) for
Blast Cleaning
NACE WAB-1 Corrosion Protection of Steel
SSPC-SP 6/ and Concrete Structures
Commercial Blast Cleaning
NACE No. 3) * SSPC-QP 8 Standard Procedure for
SSPC-SP 6 Evaluating the Qualifications
Commercial Metal Wet
(WAB)/NACE of Contracting Firms That
Abrasive Blast Cleaning
WAB-3 Install Polymer Coatings and
SSPC-SP 7/ Surfacings on Concrete and
Brush-Off Blast Cleaning Other Cementitious Substrates
NACE No. 4
SSPC-SP 7 * SSPC-QP 9 Standard Procedure for
Brush-Off Wet Abrasive Evaluating Qualifications
Blast Cleaning of Painting Contractors
Who Apply Architectural
Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning Paints and Coatings
NACE No. 2
* SSPC-TR 4/ Preparation of Protective
Near-White Metal Wet NACE 80200 Coating Specifications for
Abrasive Blast Cleaning Atmospheric Service
SSPC-TU 3 Overcoating Existing
SSPC-SP 11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare
Coating Systems Applied
to Steel Substrates
Industrial Blast Cleaning SSPC-VIS 2/ Standard Method of Evaluating
NACE No. 8
ASTM D610 Degree of Rusting on
SSPC-SP 14 Painted Steel Surfaces
Industrial Wet Abrasive Blast
SSPC-SP 15 Commercial Grade Power Tool
Cleaning * ASTM Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors
SSPC-SP WJ-1/ Waterjet Cleaning of Metals - D3276 (Metal Substrates)
NACE WJ-1 Clean to Bare Substrate * ASTM Standard Practice for the Qualification
SSPC-SP WJ-2/ Waterjet Cleaning of Metals D4228 of Coating Applicators for Application
NACE WJ-2 - Very Thorough Cleaning of Coatings to Steel Surfaces
SSPC-SP WJ-3/ Waterjet Cleaning of Metals ASTM D610 Standard Test Method for Evaluating
NACE WJ-3 - Thorough Cleaning Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel
SSPC-SP WJ-4/ Waterjet Cleaning of Surfaces
NACE WJ-4 Metals - Light Cleaning
ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
phone int+1-610-832-9500. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

3.3 FEDERAL STANDARD(3) 4.1 Plan and Conduct Condition Assessment

Code of Federal Regulations Survey (Step 1): Section 5 provides a general approach for
organizing surveys to evaluate the condition of the structure.
29 CFR 1910.1025 Lead (General Industry) Three different types of surveys (general overview, detailed
visual survey, and physical inspection) are covered, along
29 CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection
with a proposed plan for assessing sub-units of a larger,
29 CFR 1915.1025 Lead (Shipyard Employment) more complex structure, and a description of procedures
29 CFR 1926.62 Lead (Construction Industry) and documentation needed.
29 CFR 1926.1118 Arsenic
4.2 List Potential Maintenance Painting Options
29 CFR 1926.1126 Chromium (VI)
(Step 2): Section 6 reviews the various maintenance
29 CFR 1926.1127 Cadmium painting options available, including spot repair, zone repair
40 CFR 260 Hazardous Waste Management overcoating, and complete recoat, as well as the rationale for
System: General selecting these maintenance painting options and the types
40 CFR 261 Identification1910 (2013) and of information needed for the decision.
Listing of Hazardous Waste
40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to 4.3 Evaluate Economics of Available Options (Step
Generators of Hazardous Waste 3): Section 7 provides guidance in evaluating the initial and
life-cycle costs of available maintenance painting options.
40 CFR 263 Standards Applicable to
Transporters of Hazardous Each decision has potential impact on the life cycle cost of
Waste the coating system and must be identified and evaluated.
40 CFR 264 Standards for Owners and
4.4 Select Appropriate Maintenance Painting Options
Operators of Hazardous Waste
Treatment, Storage, and and Establish Implementation Procedures (Step 4):
Disposal Facilities Section 8 reviews the factors and considerations necessary
to establish specifications for the two major maintenance
40 CFR 265 Interim Status Standards for
painting options of spot repair and complete recoat, including
Owners and Operators of
Hazardous Waste Treatment, identification of relevant factors for coating system selection,
Storage, and Disposal Facilities and surface preparation selection, depending on whether
complete removal and recoat, spot repair, or a combination
40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions
of spot repair and overcoating is selected as a strategy.
3.4 International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) Standard(4) 4.5 Implement Maintenance Painting Options (Step
5) Section 8.4 covers the development of the specifications
ISO 4628 Paints and varnishes -- Evaluation that will detail the required surface preparation and
of degradation of coatings -- coatings system needed for the specific project based on
Designation of quantity and size of the information gathered during Steps 1 through 4. The
defects, and of intensity of uniform specifications should also outline the requirements for
changes in appearance environmental compliance as needed based on the existing
coating system if it contains hazardous materials. Detailed
4. Planning and Use of Guide quality control requirements should also be included.

4.1 This document is based on, and is intended for use 4.6 Plan and Implement Follow-Up Activities (Step
with, the technical principles outlined in SSPC-TU 3. Planning 6): Section 10 describes procedures and review actions
and implementation of maintenance coating programs after the job is completed, including documentation, short-
for steel structures are presented in a logical sequence of and long-term condition inspections, and preventative
six specific steps. These steps range from planning and maintenance measures.
conducting a condition assessment to follow-up activities
required for implementing an on-going maintenance 5. Plan and Conduct Condition Assessment
program. Each step is designed such that it may be utilized Survey (Step 1)
in sequence with the other steps, or independently for those
with interest in only one or a few aspects of the program. A
ASSESSMENT SURVEY: Condition assessments can be
summary of each step follows.
used for several purposes, i.e., to determine the need for
recoating, to determine the extent of corrosion damage, to
The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) may be obtained online at <https://www.> determine the performance of various coating systems, or to
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Case Postale 56, Geneva
prioritize coating requirements where insufficient funds are

CH-1211, Switzerland. In the United States, ISO standards may be obtained from the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) at <> available to do all the desired work (see Note, Section 11).

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

5.2 IDENTIFY AND INVENTORY STRUCTURES TO BE Identification of the generic type of the existing finish
SURVEYED: A written description of the structures requiring coating is important when selecting compatible coatings
maintenance coating should be obtained or prepared. The for maintenance coating, if part of the existing coating is to
description should include location, dimensions, type of remain. A laboratory technique, Fourier Transform Infrared
substrate, configuration, service environment, previous Spectroscopy (FTIR), is frequently used to determine the
surface preparation and coating plans, specifications, generic coating type. This requires only a tiny sample chip
history, and any other pertinent information. Examples of paint to identify the coating type, and is available at a
of the latter would include proximity to sensitive areas, nominal price. Alternatively, patch tests of the proposed
planned new construction or other activities nearby, and system or systems may be applied to the existing coating to
types of exposures (see SSPC-Guide 18). It is usually most establish compatibility.
economical to consider all structures in similar condition
within a given area for maintenance at the same general 5.3.4 Hazardous Content Assessment (for work in
time. the U.S.): Unless previous coating history and specifications
are known, laboratory testing needs to be performed to
5.3 DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF ASSESSMENT determine if any hazardous elements are present. These
REQUIRED: The survey may vary considerably in the extent include, but are not limited to, lead, cadmium, arsenic,
and detail of the information required. Among the types of mercury, and chromium VI. U.S. OSHA (U.S. Occupational
survey to be considered are: Safety and Health Administration) regulation 29 CFR
1926.62 details worker protection requirements specific to
5.3.1 General Coating Condition Assessment: In this lead hazards in construction work (which includes industrial
assessment, usually only one or two parameters are rated coating projects), while OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1025 details
(e.g., general condition or rusting). The structure is normally worker protection requirements for lead in general industry
observed from the ground (i.e., without scaffolding). The work, and CFR 1915.1025 applies to lead in shipyard work.
assessment is at best a qualitative rating of the condition OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 contains requirements specifically
(e.g., good, fair, poor). Only the major features of a structure for respiratory protection. Hazardous metals are addressed
or facility are rated (e.g., a full span of a bridge or a side in 29 CFR 1926.1118 Arsenic; 1926.1126 Chromium (VI);
of a storage tank). This type of assessment is usually done 1926.1127 Cadmium; OSHA (Occupational Safety and
in a few hours or less and is suitable for identifying overall Health Administration) requirements for worker exposure
condition of the coating. and RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)
requirements for disposal with its implied containment
5.3.2 Detailed Visual Assessment: This type of should be incorporated into the contract to protect workers
assessment also relies exclusively on visual observations, but and lessen potential claims. SSPC-Guide 6 and Guide 7
these are performed more systematically than for a general provide details relevant to containment and disposal. Local
assessment. Numerous structural elements (e.g., support regulations and facility owner requirements for hazardous
beams, connections, edges) are separately rated according materials also apply if the survey is being performed outside
to SSPC-VIS 2/ASTM D610, ISO 4628 or equivalent and of the U.S.
combined to provide an overall structure or facility rating.
Often, several condition parameters (e.g., loss of topcoat, 5.3.5 Structural Inspection: Coating assessment
cracking, rust staining) and several corrosion parameters should be included as part of any general structural inspection
(e.g., rusting, blistering, scaling, loss of metal) are recorded. for loss of metal, broken joints, or other structural defects.
With this survey, one can obtain a semi-quantitative rating of A relatively small additional inspection time is required to
the percent of surface deteriorated. This type of survey may evaluate and record the ratings of individual structures or
be used to develop preliminary cost estimates for recoating. structural elements. This information will normally prove
extremely valuable in evaluating maintenance painting
5.3.3 Physical Coating Testing: Physical testing, options, especially in developing the most cost effective life-
visual assessment, and the general assessment are often cycle maintenance strategy. Numerous public and private
performed simultaneously. Visual assessment gives no entities have been successful in using scheduled facility
information on the film adhesion, thickness, brittleness, or inspections, such as bridge safety inspections, as the “first
underfilm corrosion. Physical testing is required to determine cut” in determining coating condition.
whether the coating can be overcoated or repaired, or
whether it is too weak to accept another coating layer. This 5.4 DETERMINE THE CONDITION RATING SCHEME:
assessment should be performed prior to specifying the For both visual inspection and physical testing, it is necessary
maintenance painting options and requires direct access to to use a standard rating system and format for recording
the surface at several locations on the structure. SSPC-TU 3 data. SSPC-TU 3 discusses the salient characteristics of a
provides discussion of the value of physical testing, as well rating scheme that is based on the technical merits of coating
as the procedures for testing. condition and overcoating.

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

5.4.1 Physical Testing: See SSPC-TU 3 for detailed 5.6.2 Required standards (e.g., standards such as
guidance in evaluating coating condition and risks of SSPC-VIS 2/ASTM D610 or equivalent) as well as field
overcoating. These evaluations generally require certain equipment such as inspection forms (paper or electronic),
detailed information concerning the coating type and and a camera must be available. Audio or video recording
physical condition. devices are optional.

5.4.2 Use of Ratings Data: In many cases, these 5.7 CONDUCT ASSESSMENT SURVEY: The survey
condition ratings will be keyed directly to repair procedures should be conducted after the schedule and the standards
(e.g., SSPC-PA Guide 4). The next two sections of this guide have been established. The owner’s representative
give the procedures for developing such a scheme. should ensure that all elements of the survey have been
properly performed, recorded correctly, and distributed to
5.5 PLAN FOR INSPECTING STRUCTURAL predetermined personnel.
COMPONENTS: A sub-unit sampling plan identifies the
portions of the structure or facility that will be rated and the 6. List Potential Maintenance Painting Options
type of rating scheme to be used. Sub-unit sampling plans are (Step 2)
needed for complex structures or where detailed information
is required. For a process unit, for example, the structural 6.1 REVIEW SURVEY DATA AND COATING
steel might be divided into individual tanks, piping, handrails OBJECTIVES AND CRITERIA
and ladders, and structural support. On large structures, the
areas could be further subdivided into sections. Because of 6.1.1 The corrective action to be taken is based on
differences in corrosion tendencies, it is often useful to have the results of the previous surveys, the short and long-term
separate ratings for edges and flat surfaces. The extent of objectives of the coating program, special limitations, and
inspection depends on how detailed a survey is desired and other relevant factors.
what resources may be available.
6.1.2 The data to be analyzed are those that have been
5.6 ESTABLISH PROCEDURES AND ASSEMBLE previously collected from an overview, visual inspection, or
RELATED DOCUMENTS physical inspection. If no formal survey was taken, use the
best information available (e.g., coating historical records) to
5.6.1 A specific procedure should be established for a estimate the overall condition ratings.
condition assessment, which should include a budget and
schedule, including equipment and crews. The availability 6.2 CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS: After the
of funds will determine the extent of the survey that can data is reviewed, the available alternative actions should
be undertaken. A schedule should be established based be considered. These range from not coating to complete
on the number of hours or days required to prepare the coating removal and recoating.
structure (e.g., notify other trades) or arrange for access
(e.g., coordinate schedules of other individuals). This 6.3 NO MAINTENANCE REQUIRED FOR THREE
includes identifying support crews and equipment that YEARS OR LONGER: In one possible scenario, the coating
may be required to assist with the condition assessment. is in good condition and no corrosion or deterioration
Personnel requirements must also be established (i.e., requires attention. In a second scenario, the coating may
identify individuals who will conduct the survey such as be providing some protection but its condition is too poor to
in-house inspectors, engineers, outside consultants, coating salvage. Eventually, total coating removal will be needed, but
contractors, or coating manufacturers). If a condition maintenance can be delayed without any significant harm
assessment survey is to be performed by a consultant or to the structure. This option may be considered under the
contractor, a written contract should be prepared. If a coating following circumstances:
manufacturer offers to do the assessment at no cost, the firm
should be asked to submit a written description of the plan 6.3.1 The structure is in a mild environment and little
for the owner’s review, modification, and approval. There corrosion activity is expected at breaks in the coating film
are numerous contracting methods available for acquiring over the next few years.
condition assessments, structural inspections, and coating
6.3.2 The extent of discoloration, topcoat erosion,
work, including options ranging from acquiring each facet of
or general degradation is not very important, due to the
work by different contracts to using “turnkey” type contracts
locations on the structure. In general, the coating is intact
to perform all inspection, structural repair, and coating work.
and protection is still being provided.
When more than one facet of work is included in a single
contract, steps should be taken to ensure the validity of each
6.3.3 The structure is being assigned a low priority for
facet prior to proceeding to the next facet.
maintenance because of economics, aesthetics, or other

SSPC-PA Guide 5
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6.3.4 The structure is scheduled for major coating repair type of system would be expected to give perhaps five years
or complete replacement within 3 years. The additional time or more additional life to the entire surface area by helping to
is not expected to add significantly to the corrosion metal prevent further deterioration of the intact coating. Successful
loss or the surface preparation cost. overcoating will often delay the need for a full coating
removal. Spot repair and overcoating may be considered
6.3.5 The structure is due for demolition. under the following circumstances:

6.4 SPOT REPAIR ONLY: Spot repair entails surface 6.5.1 An evaluation of risks in overcoating is a function
preparation and touch-up coating of localized areas of of adhesion and existing coating thickness, as outlined in
deteriorated coating and corrosion. Surface preparation SSPC-TU 3. This risk analysis must be performed if risks
methods may include hand or power tool cleaning; high- are to be managed, and while it is generally thought that
or ultrahigh pressure waterjetting, or abrasive blasting. risks should be held to the range of “low” to “moderate,”
The intact coating surrounding the degraded area should higher risks may be acceptable to the owner under certain
be feathered onto the intact coating in accordance with conditions.
requirements of the project specification to permit a smooth
transition. Note that application of solvent-borne coatings 6.5.2 The intact surface can be readily cleaned with
over feathered coating may result in lifted edges. Any pressurized air, hand tools (SSPC-SP 2), power tools
lifted coating should be removed prior to application of (SSPC-SP 3), solvent or detergent wiping (SSPC-SP 1),
subsequent coating. The cleaned areas are primed with a or power washing (as described in the SSPC/NACE joint
coating compatible with the existing coating system and spot waterjetting standards, see Section 8.2.1). If low- or high-
topcoated to conform to the required DFT. In this particular pressure water cleaning (also called “power washing”)
option, the remaining (i.e., intact) coating is not overcoated. is used, the maximum water pressure required should be
It should be noted that the spot repair method is primarily stated in the project specification.
a stopgap method. It is recommended that the structure be
re-evaluated within three to five years. Spot repair may be 6.5.3 If severely corroded surfaces (as described in
considered under the following circumstances: Section 6.6) are found, special cleaning methods and coating
systems may be required.
6.4.1 Repairs are hidden or in a low-visibility area and
thus unimportant to the aesthetics. 6.5.4 When corrosion and deterioration exceed 10 to
15% of the total area, project economics may suggest total
6.4.2 Owner maintenance crews are available for this removal of the coating system.
type of work.
6.4.3 Structures are small, not requiring extensive SUB-UNITS (ZONES): When the overall coating condition
scaffolding or hard-to-access areas. is poor, when the remaining life of the structure or sub-unit
justifies the expense, and when funds are available, a
6.4.4 Corrosion and degradation are limited to isolated decision to recoat the structure in its entirety is usually
areas and relatively small sections, which amount to less made. This involves removing the old coating and all of
than 1% of the total area. the corrosion products before applying the replacement
coating system(s). Coating a sub-unit of a structure (often
6.4.5 A decision has been made to upgrade small called “zone” painting) may be a variation of this alternative
isolated areas such as bearing areas, crevices, or areas when funds are limited or when the remaining portions of
subject to leakage, condensation, or chemical splash. the structure are in good condition. This option presents a
much lower risk of early coating/corrosion problems (such
6.5 SPOT REPAIR AND OVERCOATING: This as catastrophic delamination or early rust back) than do the
technique involves spot repair of deteriorated coating and alternative options.
corroded areas followed by the application of a full finish
coating over the entire surface, including spot repaired areas 6.7 OTHER REPAIR METHODS: On occasion, different
and intact coating areas. The intact coating surrounding methods of cleaning, coating, or both may be required for
the degraded area must be feathered back. The repair different areas or zones of the structure. A higher-performing
coating should extend at least 2.5 to 5 cm (1 to 2 inches) coating system (e.g., abrasive blast cleaning followed by
onto the intact coating to allow for a smoother transition application of a zinc-rich epoxy/polyurethane system) may
of the repair coating onto the existing coating and better be specified for high corrosion atmospheric areas of a
topcoat adhesion. The topcoat should be compatible with structure, such as areas subject to deicing salt, dripping,
the existing coating. The existing intact coating should be or chemical spillage), with a lesser performing system
cleaned of surface contaminants before total recoating. This (such as hand or power tool cleaning followed by an alkyd
or a high-solids epoxy with good wetting) on less critical or

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

less corrosion-prone areas. Compatible topcoats may be require special collection and containment devices–the type
required to blend in with restored or rehabilitated portions of of device being largely determined by the extent of lead-
the structure. based coating to be removed. Site-specific regulations on
the volatile organic compound (VOC) content may exclude
6.8 ADDITIONAL SURVEY: After an analysis of the the use of previously used coatings. SSPC offers several
available data, an additional survey may be required. The training courses designed to certify craft workers, for
initial survey may have been too limited to provide sufficient example: C7, “Abrasive Blasting Program;” C12, “Airless
data to make remedial recommendations, or the survey may Spray Application Certification;” C13, “Water Jetting
have only looked at a portion of the structure or not examined Program;” “Plural Component Application for Polyureas and
some specific details required, such as the integrity of the High-Solids Coatings;” C10 “Floor Coating Basics;” and
coating near high-corrosion prone areas. The area may be CAS, “Coating Application Specialist Certification Program.”
scheduled for other repair or outage work within a 2-year In addition, the SSPC CAS program was developed to
period and may be re-assessed at that time. meet the requirements of the joint standard SSPC-ACS 1/
NACE No. 13, issued by SSPC and NACE International, that
7. Evaluate Economics of Available Options establishes a body of knowledge and evaluation criteria for
(Step 3) qualifying coating applicators.

The act of contemplating coating application or 8.1.3 Weather or configuration can also limit the selection
maintenance is, in effect, an analysis of the economics of of coating systems. Many coatings (e.g., conventional
abating or slowing the effects of corrosion damage. The epoxies, water-borne acrylics) are best applied above 10˚C
variables involved in protective coatings often require a (50˚F). Other coatings are sensitive to high humidity or
variety of solutions, each of which will carry unique cost- low humidity (e.g., inorganic zinc-rich primers). In certain
benefit factors. Many factors influence the selection of configurations, spray application may not be permitted
coating systems. However, when considering maintenance because of high wind or overspray on sensitive equipment
of existing coating systems, the factors are generally or automobiles.
restricted due to constraints imposed by the existing coating.
Still, there are generally multiple options available, and it is 8.1.4 The exposure environment is a major determinant
important to consider the economic impacts of all options of the type of coating system. Typically, exposure
prior to finalizing a design. The chapter “Painting Project environments are classified according to the presence of
Costs” in the SSPC Painting Manual, Volume 1–Good soluble salts, pollution, sunlight exposure, rain/humidity, or
Painting Practice, provides general information about chemicals.
the elements of maintenance painting costs.
8.1.5 The existing condition of the structure must be
8. Select Appropriate Maintenance Painting known. For spot repair or overcoating, the compatibility
Options and Establish Implementation of the new coats over existing ones should be verified by
Procedures (Step 4) a patch test, as shown in SSPC-TU 3. If the patch coating
shows no adverse physical effects (e.g., lifting of the existing
Once a course of action has been determined, it coating) or appearance effects (e.g., bleeding) on the
is essential that detailed specifications and supporting existing coating, it should be considered compatible with it. In
documents be prepared to achieve that course of action. addition, the patch test, when evaluated over a period of six
months or more, can provide important data on the physical
8.1 IDENTIFY RELEVANT FACTORS FOR COATING compatibility (stress) of the new coating over the old.
8.1.6 The ability of the coating to tolerate residual soluble
8.1.1 The selection of the coating system is influenced salts will directly affect the time to early rust-back. SSPC-
not only by the type of recoating (e.g., spot repair or complete Guide 15 addresses salt remediation testing. The coating
recoat) but also by special factors such as restrictions due to be applied must be tolerant of the level of contaminant
to environmental, health, and safety regulations; budgets; present.
exposure environment; weather; or configuration and
contaminants. Thus, before choosing the coating system, it 8.2 SELECT SURFACE PREPARATION METHODS
is useful to identify these pertinent factors. AND COATING MATERIALS FOR COMPLETE RECOAT
8.1.2 Abrasive blast cleaning may require containment
controls due to air quality concerns or the need to avoid 8.2.1 Select Surface Preparation Methods: SSPC and
dust or abrasive rebound in sensitive areas. The presence other organizations have well-defined standards for most of
of hazards such as lead-based coatings on a structure will these requirements, which can readily be incorporated into

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

a specification. Available surface preparation techniques for An important part of the specification is the
complete recoating include conventional dry abrasive blast coating film thickness. Both a minimum and a maximum dry
cleaning (SSPC-SP 5/NACE No. 1, SSPC-SP 10/NACE film thickness should be specified (see SSPC-PA 2).
No. 2, SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 8,
and SSPC-SP 7/NACE No. 4), wet abrasive blast cleaning The application methods are normally governed
(SSPC-SP 5 (WAB)/NACE WAB-1, SSPC-SP 10 (WAB)/ by the materials selected and are stipulated by coating
NACE WAB-2, SSPC-SP 6 (WAB)/NACE WAB-3, SSPC-SP manufacturers on their data sheets. SSPC-PA 1 is a standard
14(WAB)/NACE WAB- 8, and SSPC-SP 7 (WAB)/NACE for best industry practice when applying coatings to steel
WAB-4), vacuum blasting, and high- and ultrahigh pressure substrates that supplements the coating manufacturer’s
water jetting (SSPC-SP WJ-1/NACE WJ-1, SSPC-SP WJ-2/ application instructions. If there is a contradiction between
NACE WJ-2, SSPC-SP WJ-3/NACE WJ-3, and SSPC-SP the two recommendations, that of the coating manufacturer
WJ-4/NACE WJ-4. It is important to specify the degree of should take precedence.
cleanliness and the surface profile (for blast cleaning), the
degree of salt or contaminant remediation, and the need 8.3 SELECT SURFACE PREPARATION METHODS
for solvent cleaning and/or water washing prior to blast AND COATING MATERIALS FOR SPOT REPAIR OR
cleaning. Waterjetting can neither alter nor create profile, but SPOT REPAIR AND OVERCOATING
can expose existing profile.
An important consideration when blast cleaning is 8.3.1 Determine Techniques and Standards for
the collection and disposal of blasting debris. SSPC- Repair, Surface Preparation, and Recoating
Guide 6 provides guidance on the selection of the type of When making spot repairs, it is necessary to
containment based on the type of surface preparation being
determine the precise areas requiring repair. Areas where
performed. It can also be used to provide guidance on the
coating can be removed by moderate scraping with a dull
level of containment that is necessary for a job. Guidance is
putty knife will require spot repair. Residual loose material
provided on ventilation, air flow, and dust emissions. SSPC-
will prevent proper spot repair.
Guide 7 provides guidance on the disposal of hazardous
surface preparation debris once it has been contained and One important decision to be made is whether
abrasive blast cleaning will be used for spot repair
If the surface preparation techniques discussed herein
maintenance. Abrasive blasting may be used for brush-off
cannot be used, it may be necessary to clean to a less
cleaning (SSPC-SP 7/NACE No. 4) or industrial blast
desirable surface condition and to apply a replacement
cleaning (SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 8). To provide a higher
coating(s) over a surface that is not completely rust and
level of cleaning with the total removal of rust and coating,
coating free. In such instances, the primer must be tolerant
SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 or greater may be specified for spot
of the surface condition. Certain power tools are also
repair areas. Brush-off blast cleaning may be used to remove
capable of removing existing rust and coating (SSPC-SP
loose coating or rust. Brush-off blast cleaning or some other
11 or SSPC-SP 15) but generally at much lower production
surface treatment may be necessary to obtain acceptable
rates. Coating system life expectancy is likely to decrease if
adhesion between the existing intact coating and the repair
the level of surface preparation is lowered.
or overcoating system. Great care must be exercised when
spot blasting to avoid over-blast damage to adjacent intact
8.2.2 Select Coating Materials: The selection of the
coating that does not need to be blasted. Spot blasting is
coating system often involves two phases: first, identifying
generally not recommended for areas of repair of less than
the generic types (e.g., zinc-rich/epoxy/polyurethane); and
0.1 m2 (1 ft2) or when the total repair is less than 5 to 10
second, identifying the criteria for selecting materials. The
percent of the total surface area, unless a lesser degree of
specification may utilize generic compositions, a qualified
cleaning cannot be tolerated.
product list of proprietary materials, or other approaches.
In the coating specification, the owner should describe Alternatives to spot blast cleaning include hand
the procedures for qualification and acceptance criteria
tool cleaning (SSPC-SP 2), conventional power tool cleaning
for the coating materials. For qualification, the supplier
(SSPC-SP 3), commercial grade power tool cleaning
may be required to furnish evidence of previous use of the
(SSPC-SP 15), special (profiling) power tool cleaning
coatings on similar structures, or laboratory tests of physical
(SSPC-SP 11), and vacuum or wet blasting methods.
properties, accelerated corrosion and weathering properties,
These methods may be used easily with vacuum assists for
and application properties. These properties should be
certified by the manufacturer or an independent laboratory.
For new technology coatings, extensive service data may not After spot cleaning, the cleaned areas are
be available. The owner may also require some verification
coated with a primer that extends over the feathered edges
that the material delivered to the job site is the same as that
of the intact coating to overlap them 2.5 to 5 cm (1 to 2
which was originally qualified.

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

inches) onto the sound, intact coating. This will minimize • Any project-specific EHS requirements
edge lifting and will provide a better appearance. • Remedies for unacceptable work

8.3.2 Select Coating Materials for Spot Repair or 8.4.2 A project specification should be prepared using
Spot Repair with Overcoating. the general format of the Construction Specification Institute
(CSI). Chapter 3 of The Inspection of Coatings and Linings: The selection of the coatings will be determined A Handbook of Basic Practice for Inspectors, Owners, and
by the need for compatibility with the existing coating and Specifiers provides a description of the CSI format and its
the degree of surface preparation achievable. Unless parts or specific owner’s format requirements. Additional
otherwise specified, most coatings are suitable for information for preparing a project specification for protective
application to bare metal surfaces prepared in accordance coating work can be found in SSPC-TR 4/NACE 80200 and
with the manufacturer’s product data sheets so the main the SSPC Technical Insight Report “Preparing and Using
concern is compatibility with the existing coating (i.e., spot- Coating Specifications.” Appendix A provides additional
repaired areas). See SSPC-TU 3 for detailed instructions for information that should be considered during preparation
performing and evaluating patch testing. of the project specification, including recommendations for
selection of qualified contractors. The selection of the coating materials for spot
repair is guided by the same considerations as for full 8.4.3 Contractor Qualifications: Contractor experience
recoat. For spot repair of small areas, a brushable primer and qualifications to perform the specified work should be
is advantageous. It is also important that the primer be considered.
compatible with the existing intact coating because it is
necessary to have the spot repair overlap the intact coating. 9. Implement Maintenance Painting Options
As an example, an organic zinc-rich coating is normally used (Step 5)
instead of an inorganic zinc-rich coating for spot repair of
a damaged inorganic zinc coating with an organic finish 9.1 The contractor should be made aware of the
coat, because the inorganic zinc-rich coating does not bond requirements for the specific project prior to the bidding
sufficiently to either organic or inorganic coatings. Additional process.
information on repair of damaged galvanized or inorganic zinc
coatings is given in SSPC-Guide 14. 9.1 Pre-bid meetings should be scheduled to address
all sections of the specification and hold points required. The coatings selected for the full topcoat must A pre-bid site visit to the jobsite is highly recommended,
be compatible with both the spot primer and the existing especially for field work.
intact coating.
9.3 The owner should have defined quality assurance The requirements for application, film thickness, plans to ensure that the contractor is performing within the
material qualifications, and acceptance criteria are the same requirements of the project specification.
as those for applying a full recoat system. For spot repair,
however, it is essential that the requirements for determining 9.4 Following award of the contract, and prior to
which areas are to be repaired should be clear and definitive. project startup, the contractor’s Quality Control procedures
Discussion of these items should be included in the pre-bid and project work plan should be reviewed. A pre-project
and pre-job meetings. meeting may be necessary to address any clarifications to,
or apparent inconsistencies in, project requirements or the
8.4 PREPARE SPECIFICATION contractor’s work plan.

8.4.1 The project specification provides the basis for the 9.5 Provide oversight as the contractor cleans and
cost and execution of the work. It is essential that the project coats the structure.
specification provide a complete description of the desired
work by prescribing specific procedures, processes, and 10. Plan and Implement Follow-up Activities
materials or by describing the work product. The specification (Step 6)
must also provide
• Criteria for acceptance or rejection of work as well 10.1 BENEFITS OF FOLLOW-UP: An important part of a
as remedies for unacceptable work. maintenance coating program is to monitor the performance
• Specific inspection requirements not covered by of the applied coatings system, for both short-term and
the standards referenced from within the project long-term effects. In the short term, certain inspections and
specification (see Section A.17) follow-ups are necessary to ensure that the contractor has
• A statement requiring compliance with applicable fulfilled the requirements of the contract. For the long-term,
environmental, health and safety (EHS) regulations there are certain beneficial measures that can be taken to

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

minimize the onset of corrosion and information that can be time to evaluate and record the ratings of individual structures
collected that will facilitate future decisions on maintaining or structural elements. This information will normally prove
the structure. extremely valuable in evaluating maintenance painting
options, especially in developing the most cost effective life-
10.2 ESTABLISH NEED FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION: cycle maintenance strategy.
Initial inspection of the structure should be made within 6
to 12 months after coating application, especially in cases 12. Disclaimer
where there are surfaces such as edges or bolts that will
delaminate or rust within a short period due to difficult 12.1 This guide has been developed through a
surface preparation or application, or especially severe consensus review process by SSPC: The Society for
service conditions. If these areas are discovered and are Protective Coatings. SSPC guides are intended to provide
corrected within the first year, the time interval until the next consensus recommendations for best industry practice. They
maintenance may be extended. Some agencies require are not written as requirements that may be cited in a contract.
a one-year touchup provision as part of a contractor’s However, specifiers may incorporate information from an
obligations in the contract to cover such contingencies. Other SSPC guide into project-specific contract requirements.
warranted work should also be inspected prior to expiration
of the warranty. 12.2 While every precaution is taken to ensure that
all information furnished in SSPC guides is as accurate,
10.3 ESTABLISH SCHEDULES FOR CONDITION complete, and useful as possible, SSPC cannot assume
ASSESSMENT: In addition to periodic inspection, a structure responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from the use
should be scheduled for a periodic condition assessment. of any materials, coatings, or methods described herein, or
Depending on the type of structure and the environment, of the guide itself.
the first condition assessment would normally be conducted
about 5 years after the original application and every 3 12.3 This guide does not attempt to address problems
years thereafter. Specific rating sheets or parameters to be concerning safety and health associated with its use. The
assessed should be made available to inspection personnel. user of this guide, as well as the user of all products or
The condition assessment should be similar to the survey practices described herein, is responsible for instituting
data required in Section 5 of this guide. appropriate health and safety practices and for ensuring
compliance with all applicable governmental regulations.
13. Bibliography
is officially accepted, it is necessary that all documentation
be completed. The record of the daily inspection logs and
The following reference materials may contain useful
the records of the coatings procured, used, discarded, or
supplementary information:
disposed of should be properly stored in the owner files. It
should be verified that the retained samples of the coating
“Environmentally Acceptable Materials for Corrosion Protec-
are properly labeled and stored for future reference.
tion of Steel Bridges,” Appendix 1 from Environmen-
10.5 INSTITUTE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE tal Guidelines for Painting Practices. Washington DC:
MEASURES: In some cases, regular removal of contaminants FHWA, 1997. (FHWA Report RD-96-058).
can eliminate potential problems before they become severe.
Examples are chemical spills or concentrations of de-icing Guide to Bridge Painting, FHWA TS-89-14. Washington DC:
salts. In some cases, moderate design changes can be Highway Administration, 1989.
made that will eliminate water or other chemicals collecting
in crevices or other areas vulnerable to corrosion attack. Inspection of Coatings and Linings: A Handbook of Basic
Practice for Inspectors, Owners, and Specifiers. Rich-
ard W. Drisko, and Thomas A. Jones, eds. Pittsburgh,
11. Notes
PA: SSPC, 2014. (SSPC Publication 03-14).
Numerous public and private entities have been
King, Jim, “Painting Project Costs,” Steel Structures Painting
successful in using scheduled facility inspections, such as
Manual, Vol. 1, Good Painting Practice, 5th ed., Chapter
bridge safety inspections, as the “first cut” in determining
7.2 (Pittsburgh PA: SSPC, 2016).
coating condition. Depending on the processes used for such
inspections, it is feasible to train facility inspectors to perform
“Protective Systems for Steel Bridges,” Section 16.4, Bridge
surveys that range from “General Overview Condition
Inspector’s Training Manual 90, produced by Michael
Assessment” to “Detailed Visual Inspection,” as described in
Baker, Jr., Inc. Washington DC: FHWA, 1991. FHWA-
Section 5.3. It requires a relatively small additional inspection

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

SSPC Painting Manual, Volume 1–Good Painting Practice Contractor Certification Program (PCCP), has established
5th Edition. (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC, 2016.) a program for certifying contractors. The QP 1 program
is for field paint application, the QP 3 program is for shop
“Preparing and Using Protective Coating Specifications,” application firms, and the QP 2 program is for the removal of
SSPC Technical Insight Report (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC). hazardous coatings. The QP 6 program is for certification of
thermal spray application contractors, the QP 8 program is
“SSPC Checklist of Items Commonly Found in Specifica- for certification of contractors applying coatings to concrete
tions for Coating Steel and Concrete,” SSPC Technical substrates, and the QP 9 program qualifies contractors
Insight Report (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC). who apply architectural paints and coatings. In addition,
numerous owners require that a contractor be bonded to
“SSPC Guide for Planning Coatings Inspection,” SSPC cover the estimated cost of the work.
Technical Insight Report (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC).
A.2.2 Qualifications for Applicators and Blasters:
SSPC-Guide 15, “Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis of Some state and other agencies require that the applicators
Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates” demonstrate their abilities to attain specified quality of
(latest revision) (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC).
cleaning and coating application. ASTM D4228 may be used
to qualify applicators. SSPC offers several training courses
Trimber, Kenneth A. Industrial Lead Paint Removal
designed for craft workers, for example: C7 “Abrasive Blasting
Handbook, 2nd ed. Pittsburgh, PA: KTA-Tator, Inc.,
Program;” C12 “Airless Spray Application Certification;” C13
“Water Jetting Program;” “Plural Component Application
for Polyureas and High-Solids Coatings;” C10 “Floor
Trimber, Kenneth A. and Daniel P. Adley, CIH, CSP. Project
Coating Basics;” and CAS “Coating Application Specialist
Design: Industrial Lead Paint Removal Handbook, Vol-
Certification Program”. In addition, the SSPC CAS program
ume II. Pittsburgh, PA: KTA-Tator, Inc., 1995.
was developed to meet the requirements of the joint
standard SSPC-ACS 1/NACE No. 13, issued by SSPC and
Appendix A. Other Considerations in Preparing NACE International, that establishes a body of knowledge
Contract Documents and Executing Maintenance and evaluation criteria for qualifying coating applicators.
Coating Projects
A.2.3 Union or Labor Requirements: Some
The items below are intended to provide the owner’s jurisdictions may be restricted to union shops.
representative with a summary of items to be considered
when preparing contract documents and following up as the A.3 PROTECTION OF EXISTING PLANT FACILITY
project evolves. AND EQUIPMENT: Identify all the steps that should be
taken by the contractor and/or owner to protect the existing
A.1 BENEFITS OF WELL-PREPARED CONTRACTS: plant facility and equipment from the planned operations.
A well-planned and designed contract will benefit both the Establish hold points to verify that the proper protection is in
owner and the contractor as follows: place prior to proceeding with operations. Identify on plans
or in the scope of work if the coating is or may be hazardous.
• Reduce the cost of the work to the owner.
• Provide clear expectations of work to be performed. A.4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: All employers must
• Eliminate unnecessary contingencies for the prepare a safety plan, including both facility owners and
contractor. contractors. When contractors are working at a particular
• Provide for a smooth, trouble-free workflow without facility, their site-specific safety plan must incorporate
costly interruptions. the relevant issues. The safety plan used is likely to be
• Identify and anticipate possible problems, avoid an amalgamation of the standard safety plan of both the
them when possible, and provide means to resolve owner and the contractor. Depending upon the particular
them when they occur. situation, the plan may be prepared by the facility owner,
• Complete the work safely. the contractor, or by both working together, but it should be
• Provide measurement and payment criteria. understood and approved by both parties. All employers
must provide personal protective equipment (PPE), including
specific equipment such as respirators, and training in its
use. Safe working conditions are the responsibility of the
employer. Such responsibility is more easily defined at
A.2.1 Pre-Qualification of Contracting Firms:
a fixed facility where all the workers are employed by the
Many agencies have adopted guidelines or procedures for
same company than at a complex construction site where
screening or re-qualifying contractors based on references
there are many different companies working together.
or actual job evaluations. SSPC, through its Painting
Nevertheless, all safety precautions must be made, and

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that safety Protective Coating Specifications” provide additional
issues are recognized, and the risks are minimized. Any information about types of contracts, bids, and proposals.
details not completely understood should be resolved in
the pre-construction conference and at subsequent other A.11 PROCEDURES FOR OWNER-CONTRACTOR
conferences. All HAZCOM requirements, including labeling RELATIONS
and material safety data sheets, must be met. The SSPC
A.11.1 Identification of Owner and Contractor
Painting Manual Volume 1–Good Painting Practice provides
Representatives: The contractor and owner should each
additional guidance on safety issues in the coating industry.
appoint an authorized representative to whom all required
A.5 HAZARDOUS WASTE: The owner shall notify the notifications are given, through whom contract changes are
contractor if lead, cadmium, chromium-containing paints or processed, and who is responsible for contract coordination
other hazardous materials are to be removed. The contractor and resolution of non-conformances and other problems.
should identify the requirements to remove lead, chromium, Ensure that all personnel are familiar with responsibilities
or cadmium-containing paints, or other toxic materials. The and procedures and that the authorities of engineer,
owner should also indicate the extent of responsibility of the inspector, field supervisor, and coating manufacturer’s
contractor for generating, containing, collecting samples, representative are defined. In particular, identify the person
testing, and disposing of hazardous waste. who is responsible for inspection and that person’s affiliation
(e.g., owner’s representative, third party, or other). Review
A.6 ACCESS FOR INSPECTION: The contractor should procedures established for handling and disposing of waste.
provide for reasonable access to the work for the owner’s
inspectors, including use of the contractor’s scaffolding, A.11.2 Interface with Plant Operation: The contract
work platforms, and safety apparatus. should identify all plant operations and operations of other
contractors that will be ongoing in the work area. The contract
A.7 OWNER-FURNISHED ITEMS AND SERVICES: should outline how the coating work will interface with these
It is often necessary and/or economically beneficial to the operations and what precautions will be necessary. Special
owner to make various items and services available to the efforts should be made so that conflicting operations, such
contractor. These may include: laydown/storage areas, as welding and spray coating, do not occur simultaneously
electric power, potable water, restrooms, etc. For any utilities in the same area.
provided, the owner should identify locations, pressures,
amounts, fittings, voltages, and other pertinent operating A.12 PREPARE CONTRACT AND SCHEDULE: It is
details. The contractor should identify any owner-furnished useful to prepare a list of the various activities required in
items or services. securing the contracts and the time allotted for each of these.
Typical elements of this schedule are as follows:
A.8 WARRANTY/GUARANTEE: The most common a. Prepare Contract Documents
warranty for coating work is a one-year warranty against b. Notice Inviting Proposals
defective materials and job quality. Extended period c. Pre-Bid Conference
performance warranties are becoming more common, d. Pre-Bid Demonstration/Inspection
and, when utilized, should be formulated to correlate with e. Proposal Due Date
the specific coating systems selected. Warranties should f. Post-Bid Meetings and Clarifications
clearly identify the party responsible for the warranty and g. Negotiations, if allowed
what conditions will trigger the warranty repair, any required h. Contract Award
inspection schedules, what is expected of the warranty i. Pre-Job Conference/Demonstration
repairs, etc. j. Contract Start Date
k. Contract Termination Date
RECORDS: Information regarding personnel resources m. Warranty Date
and coating quantities can be beneficial in preparing cost n. EEO requirements
estimates for similar work. Tracking mechanisms should Specific sample clauses for these and other details
be defined in the contract documents. Also, owners should required in obtaining contracts may be found in SSPC-TR 4/
request copies of contractor inspection reports and daily logs NACE 80200.
for their files.
A.13 PRE-BID CONFERENCE: All prospective or
A.10 TYPE OF CONTRACT: The SSPC training qualified bidders are invited to attend a meeting with the
courses “Developing an Effective Coating Specification” owner’s representative to review the bid package. This
and “Evaluating Common Coating Contract Clauses” and review would normally include an explanation of the surface
the SSPC Technical Insight Report “Preparing and Using cleaning and application requirements, the nature of the
structure, its condition, access to the structure, special

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

restrictions (e.g., on blast cleaning safety requirements), and A.17 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL:
answer any questions the contractor might have. Ordinarily, Quality management is an important part of any maintenance
an actual visit to the structures or facility to be coated should program. The purpose of the quality management QA/QC
be required. Many contractors are reluctant to attend pre-bid program is to ensure that the processes and work products
meetings because of the cost and time, or simply because are in conformance with the specified criteria. The CSI
they do not want to let their interests be known. For major specification format includes QC under Part 3, Execution.
and critical projects, experienced owners often make pre-bid The CSI approach requires the contractor to execute the QC
attendance mandatory because it eliminates problems that program. The contractor is responsible for quality control.
occur when contractors are not familiar with the structure or The processes need to be verified, which requires the
the terms of the specifications. Some public agencies do not contractor to perform various inspection functions related
permit such meetings because they feel that the additional to the QC effort. The owner has the option of providing
travel expense is unfair to contractors from remote locations. additional verification via third party or in-house inspection
to verify implementation of the contractor’s Quality Control
A.14 REVIEW BID AND AWARD CONTRACT: This program. (This concept is often misinterpreted as meaning
operation is usually strictly governed by owner legal policies the QC program will be executed by the owner, utilizing
and requirements. The contractor who has met the previous in-house personnel or independent third-party inspectors,
requirement with the lowest bid is generally awarded the with the contractor providing no quality control effort.)
contract in the competitive bidding system. Another option for the owner is to require the contractor to
implement an advanced Quality Management System that
A.15 PRE-JOB CONFERENCE: This meeting is held requires the contractor to perform quality assurance on its
between the owner and the contractor hired to do the job. quality control procedures. A third option is for the owner or
Owners may need to include representatives from their specifier to require the contractor to submit a detailed work
internal safety and environmental departments in these plan that includes the contractor’s production processes
meetings. The contractor should bring the field superintendent and Quality Control procedures for each step of the project.
and the company principal or company representative. The That work plan is then reviewed by the owner for procedural
purpose of this meeting is to review in detail the specific conformance. Qualified personnel are essential to the
work assignments, schedules, needs for coordination, and execution of any quality management program. Qualified
procedures for formal and informal communication. The inspector qualification programs, such as SSPC’s Protective
conference must include a review of (1) the contractor’s Coatings Inspector Program, Bridge Coating Inspector
working methods; (2) inspection hold points, test procedures, Program or equivalent for individual inspectors, or SSPC-QP
and criteria; and (3) the authorities and responsibilities of 5 for coating and lining inspection companies, are excellent
different individuals involved in the work. Any agreements tools for obtaining qualified inspectors. Both the contractor
reached at this conference, or other subsequent owner/ and the owner should use only qualified inspectors. The
contractor conferences, should be written down and signed inspectors can be utilized in either a quality control role or
by both parties, so that they become part of the contract. a quality assurance role. The content of the QC program
Any differences not resolved in advance may result in costly as described in the specification is also important. The
change orders later. The pre-construction conference should QC program must include appropriate methods and tools
also include a visit to the work site to ensure that conditions with suitable references. Inspection frequency, distribution,
there do not deviate from the descriptions in the specification, and data analysis methods must also be described. The
and to identify safety hazards, facilities, and equipment that correct amount frequency, type, and degree of inspection
require protection or special care, and safety and emergency is important. Inadequate inspection may not identify serious
systems available. Significant site differences from those deficiencies. Over-inspection may increase the cost of the
in the specification constitute one of the leading causes of coating project while returning little or no additional benefits.
project change orders. There are numerous guides, such as Inspection of Coatings
and Linings: A Handbook of Basic Practice for Inspectors,
A.16 COATINGS PROCUREMENT: Either the owner or Owners, and Specifiers, the SSPC Guide for Planning
the contractor may procure the coatings. In either case, it is Coating Inspection and ASTM D3276, which may be used
necessary to verify that the coatings meet the specification. to develop project-specific coating inspection plans for steel
The owner’s inspector should verify that the agreed-upon substrates.
coating materials supplied to the job site are properly labeled,
that proper certifications have been obtained, and that Summary of 2018 Revisions:
samples are retained for testing by the owner’s laboratory, This revision was mainly an editorial update of the 2004
an independent laboratory, or for future reference. Any version of SSPC PA Guide 5, updating references and
exceptions or replacements should be noted. Pre-sampling, adding clarifications where appropriate. There were no
testing, and approval prior to shipment can help assure that significant technical revisions to the Guide.
approved material arrives on the job. This can help prevent
job delays.

SSPC-PA Guide 5
February 12, 2018

Copyright © 2018
SSPC standards, guides, and technical reports are copyrighted
world-wide by SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings. Any
photocopying, re-selling, or redistribution of these standards,
guides, and technical reports by printed, electronic, or any other
means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent
of SSPC: The Society of Protective Coatings and a formal
licensing agreement.


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