Allah's Names and Attributes - أسماء الله وصفاته
Allah's Names and Attributes - أسماء الله وصفاته
Allah's Names and Attributes - أسماء الله وصفاته
Published by
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sālih al-‘Uthaymīn Charity
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Dear Brothers,
Allah’s Names and Attributes
This land, the like of which I have never seen - and Allah is
my witness - among all other Muslim countries, in terms of its
holding fast to Islam, not just by its people, rather, by both its
people and those whom Allah entrusted to rule it.
Dear Brothers,
Allah’s Names and Attributes
O Youth,
Dear Brothers,
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
The second reason for choosing this topic is that there has
recently been much false argument about it. During our
journey for seeking knowledge, we used to regard
misconceptions about this topic as something far from our time
and place. However, we now see them in our publications and
in the text books of some educational institutions.
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
which describes the living entity itself and does not extend to
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
We say that Allah Almighty sees it with His Eye and takes
care of it, so it, actually, is {Sailing under Our observation}
which is a correct meaning.
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
he sees, his hand with which he seizes, and his leg with which
he walks; and if he asks (something) from Me, I give him, and if
he asks My Protection (refuge), I protect him.’” So, do you, Ahl-
us-Sunnah, believe that Allah becomes the hearing, seeing,
hand, and leg of whoever He loves in the true sense of the
words? If not, then you have interpreted the Hadīth beyond its
apparent indication, since Allah says: “I become his hearing
with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand
with which he seizes, and his leg with which he walks.”
The Hadīth does not imply that man’s hearing, seeing, leg,
and hand are Allah, Exalted and Glorified. It can in no way
indicate that meaning. Read it again: “I will declare war against
him who shows hostility to a pious worshiper of Mine. And the
most beloved thing with which My slave comes nearer to Me is
what I have enjoined upon him.” So, the Hadīth confirms that
there is a worshiper and a worshiped god, and one who comes
nearer and one whose nearness is sought. “and My slave keeps
on coming closer to Me through performing supererogatory
acts of worship till I love him.” So, it confirms that there is one
who loves and one who is loved. “and if he asks (something)
from Me, I give him,” So, it confirms that there is one who asks
Allah’s Names and Attributes
and one who is asked, and one who gives and one who is given.
“and if he asks My Protection (refuge), I protect him”. Finally, it
confirms that there is one who seeks refuge and one whose
refuge is sought. It is known that each of these two parties is
not the other without doubt.
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
We say: this is true, for none can claim that the Black Stone
is the Hand of Allah, the Exalted and Glorified. But, before we
answer this, we have to clarify that this Hadīth is false, as it is
not authentically attributed to the Prophet (may Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him). Ibn Al-‘Arabi said about it: This is a
false Hadīth. Ibn Al-Jawzi also said in his book Al-‘Ilal Al-
Mutanāhiyah: This Hadīth is not authentic. Also, Shaykh al-
Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: “It
is reported from the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings
be upon him) with an inauthentic chain of narrators.”
Allah’s Names and Attributes
We all pursue what Allah said about Himself and what His
Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said
about Him. For example, Allah Almighty says in an authentic
Hadīth reported in Sahīh Muslim: “O My slave! I was hungry,
but you did not feed Me...O My slave! I was sick, but you did
not visit me... so he says: ‘How can I feed You when You are the
Lord of the worlds?! How can I visit You when You are the Lord
of the worlds?!’ Allah then says: ‘Did you not know that my
slave was hungry, but you did not give him food, and that he
was sick, but you did not visit him?’” This Hadīth explicitly
indicates that whatever attributes Allah ascribes to Himself in
the Qur’an and the Sunnah is true as understood from its
apparent meaning, unless explained otherwise by a text
reported from Allah or His Messenger, in which case we adopt
the explanation reported from Allah and His Messenger.
Allah’s Names and Attributes
Allah’s Names and Attributes
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