Masterroc MP 355 1k Tds

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03 64 00 Injection Grouting
Maintenance of
31 01 70
Tunneling and Mining

31 31 73 00 Tunnel Grouting

MasterRoc® MP 355 1K
One component polyurethane injection foam to stop small to
medium water ingress

Description Features
MasterRoc MP 355 1K Gets activated in moist environment
product is a solvent Good bonding to wet surfaces
free, one component
polyurethane resin which Modification of the foaming action can be achieved using an accelerator
turns into a foam when
it comes in contact with Benefits
humidity or moisture. Rapid reaction and excellent bonding feature make it more effective to stop water
Applications Adjustable reaction time with the associated accelerator provides application flexibility
To stop small to medium
water ingress in Performance Characteristics
underground structures
Technical Data
Suitable for filling of
voids containing water MasterRoc MP 355 1K Resin
Density at 68 °F (20 °C): 72.4 lb/ft3 (1.16 g/cm3)
Viscosity at 73 °F (23 °C): 320 mPa.s
Color: Brown
Application temperature: 40 °F to 105 °F (5 °C to 40 °C)
Maximum foam expansion rate: (10% accelerator dosage) 25 – 30

MasterRoc MP 355 1K Accelerator

Density at 68 °F (20 °C) 61.2 lb/ft3 (0.98 g/cm3)
Viscosity at 73 °F (23 °C) 320 mPa.s
Color: Clear to yellowish

A brand of

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MasterRoc MP 355 1K Technical Data Sheet

Guidelines for Use Storage and Handling

Dosage and Application Procedure: Add the MasterRoc MP 355 1K Storage Temperature and Shelf Life: MasterRoc MP 355 1K
Accelerator (up to 10% by volume of the resin, depending Resin and MasterRoc MP 355 1K Accelerator must be
on the required reaction time) to MasterRoc MP 355 1K stored in airtight containers in a cool, dry place within a
Resin. Mix thoroughly and quickly. Inject the mixture through temperature range of 40 ºF and 95 ºF (5 ºC and 35 ºC).
a single component injection pump. The moisture / water in If stored in original containers under the above mentioned
the ground will activate the foaming reaction. In the case of conditions, the MasterRoc MP 355 1K products have a shelf
dry ground, flush the space with water before injecting the life of 24 months. MasterRoc MP 355 1K products must be
product. protected from freezing.
Reaction Time: The reaction time depends on the temperature Safety: MasterRoc MP 355 1K Resin and MasterRoc
of the ground and that of the MasterRoc MP 355 1K resin, MP 355 1K Accelerator are non-hazardous. However,
as well as the accelerator dosage. Table 1 below shows the standard safety procedures when handling chemical
reaction time based on laboratory trials. Field trials should products should be followed (including wearing gloves and
be performed in advance to establish the required reaction safety glasses).
time. Avoid eye and skin contact. If skin contact occurs, wash with
Table 1: Reaction time with 10% moisture and 10% accelerator plenty of water and soap. In case of eye contact, rinse with
plenty of water and seek medical advice.
40 ºF 50 ºF 60 ºF 68 ºF
Initial Temperature* (5 ºC) (10 ºC) (15 ºC) (20 ºC) Uncured products should be prevented from entering local
Start of reaction (seconds) 120 60 25 10 drainage systems and water courses. Spillage must be
collected using absorbent materials, such as sawdust and
End of reaction (seconds) 300 200 110 50
sand, and disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Foam expansion rate (approximate) 25 25 25 30
*temperature of both the product and water during the test
MasterRoc MP 355 1K Resin is available in 6 gal (22 L) pails.
Cleaning of Injection Equipment: During short breaks or intervals MasterRoc MP 355 1K Accelerator is available in 0.7 gal
longer than an hour in the injection process, fill the pump and (2.5 L) bottles.
hoses with non-accelerated MasterRoc MP 355 1K Resin to
avoid blockages. Related Documents
After the injection process, pump an appropriate cleaning Safety Data Sheets: MasterRoc MP 355 1K Resin and
and maintenance agent (such as MasterRoc MP 230 CLN MasterRoc MP 355 1K Accelerator
product) or an oil containing no moisture, through the pump
and injection hoses until MasterRoc MP 355 1K Resin is Additional Information
completely flushed out. Store the pump and hoses with the For additional information on MasterRoc MP 355 1K Resin
cleaning agent inside and seal all the openings. and MasterRoc MP 355 1K Accelerator, contact your local
sales representative.
Master Builders Solutions, a brand of MBCC Group,
is a global leader of innovative chemistry systems and
formulations for construction, maintenance, repair and
restoration of structures. The Admixture Systems business
provides advanced products, solutions and expertise that
improve durability, water resistance, energy efficiency,
safety, sustainability and aesthetics of concrete structures,
above and below ground, helping customers to achieve
reduced operating costs, improved efficiency and enhanced
finished products.
Utilizing worldwide resources, the Master Builders Solutions
community of experts are passionate about providing
solutions to challenges within all stages of construction,
as well as the life cycle of a structure. At Master Builders
Solutions we create sustainable solutions for construction
around the globe.

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MasterRoc MP 355 1K Technical Data Sheet

Limited Warranty Notice

Master Builders Solutions warrants this product to be free
from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical
properties on the current Technical Data Guide, if used
as directed within shelf life. Satisfactory results depend
not only on quality products but also upon many factors
and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for any claim concerning
this product, including but not limited to, claims alleging
breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability or otherwise,
is shipment to purchaser of product equal to the amount
of product that fails to meet this warranty or refund of the
original purchase price of product that fails to meet this
warranty, at the sole option of Master Builders Solutions.
Any claims concerning this product must be received in
writing within one (1) year from the date of shipment and
any claims not presented within that period are waived by
Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the
intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection
therewith. This information and all further technical advice are
based on Master Builders Solutions’ present knowledge and
experience. However, Master Builders Solutions assumes no
liability for providing such information and advice including
the extent to which such information and advice may relate
to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially
patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or
arise from the provision of such information and advice. Master
Builders Solutions reserves the right to make any changes
according to technological progress or further developments.
The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for
suitability for the intended application and purpose before
proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance
of the product described herein should be verified by testing
and carried out by qualified experts.
The information given here is true, represents our best
knowledge and is based not only on laboratory work but also
on field experience. However, because of numerous factors
affecting results, we offer this information without guarantee
and no patent liability is assumed. For additional information
or questions, please contact your local representative.

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® registered trademark of a MBCC Group member in many countries of the world

Master Builders Solutions US LLC Master Builders Solutions Canada, Inc.

Master Builders Solutions 23700 Chagrin Boulevard 1800 Clark Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5544 Brampton, Ontario L6T 4M7 USA  800-628-9990 CANADA  289-360-1300 page 3 of 3

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