Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs
Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs
Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs
Pancreatitis is the most common disorder of the exocrine pancreas in dogs. Although exact incidence rates
are unknown, pancreatic inflammation is commonly observed in necropsy samples. Acute pancreatitis is
characterized histopathologically by neutrophilic inflammation, edema, and necrosis; however, histopathology is
seldom performed in clinical settings, and diagnosis is often based on clinical and laboratory features of disease
(see Diagnosis).
The exact pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis is not completely understood, but a commonly described
pathophysiologic mechanism is inappropriate fusion of zymogen and lysosomal granules in pancreatic acinar cells
that leads to premature activation of trypsinogen. Oxidative stress and hypotension are potential triggers;
additional factors may also contribute. A complex inflammatory cascade and cytokine storm occur after activated
digestive enzymes overwhelm normal cellular defense mechanisms, resulting in local and systemic consequences.
Dogs without any identifiable risk factors can develop acute pancreatitis, but it is often reported in middle-
aged and older dogs. Certain breeds (eg, miniature schnauzers, Yorkshire terriers, other terrier breeds) are
overrepresented. Dietary indiscretion and ingestion of table scraps are known risk factors. Hyperlipidemia and
diseases associated with hyperlipidemia (eg, diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism) may
predispose dogs to acute pancreatitis. Obesity, recent anesthetic events, dietary fat content, sex, neuter status, and
certain medications (eg, anticonvulsants) are also suggested risk factors.
Patients with acute pancreatitis typically have acute or peracute vomiting, dehydration, and anorexia often
accompanied by abdominal pain. Weakness, fever, diarrhea, polyuria/polydipsia, neurologic deficits, and GI
hemorrhage are variably reported.
Increased disease awareness has led to recognition of atypical clinical signs. Dogs with mild disease may
be presented with dysrexia alone, whereas dogs with severe disease may also have cardiovascular shock or
disseminated intravascular coagulation. Other potential findings include abdominal effusion, icterus due to
posthepatic biliary obstruction, and respiratory distress associated with aspiration pneumonia or severe systemic
Histopathology has limited use when diagnosing pancreatitis due to invasiveness, risk for missing localized
lesions, and potential for false-positive results due to subclinical inflammation. 18,19 Integration of clinical features,
routine laboratory evaluations, diagnostic imaging, and serum pancreatic lipase measurement are recommended
for presumptive diagnosis. Diagnostic imaging and pancreas-specific lipase measurements are indicated if clinical
signs and laboratory evaluations are consistent with acute pancreatitis.1,4
Laboratory Evaluations
Hematologic and routine serum chemistry evaluations can help exclude other causes of illness and assess
consequences of pancreatitis. Laboratory abnormalities consistent with dehydration, vomiting, and generalized
inflammation are variably reported.1,7 Regional inflammation, portal drainage of the pancreas, and cholestasis
commonly result in mild to severe increases in liver enzyme activities, with ALP activity usually greater than ALT
activity.7 Azotemia due to acute kidney injury and hyperbilirubinemia due to bile duct obstruction can occur in
severe cases.1,7,16,20 Anecdotally, dogs with severe disease often have more extensive hematologic and serum
chemistry abnormalities than dogs with mild disease, in which there may be minimal or no abnormalities. Severity
of certain laboratory abnormalities is incorporated into validated scoring schematics, which may help predict
Although amylase and lipase are often included in routine serum chemistry profiles, their diagnostic value
is questionable because sensitivity for disease detection is poor, and variable specificity has been reported. 22,23
Diagnostic Imaging
Abdominal radiography can help rule out some acute abdominal diseases (eg, mechanical obstruction) but
are of limited value for diagnosing acute pancreatitis.7
Acute pancreatitis is most frequently evaluated via abdominal ultrasonography (Figure).24-26 Findings
suggestive of acute pancreatitis include pancreatic enlargement, hypoechogenicity or altered echogenicity of
pancreatic parenchyma, hyperechogenicity of surrounding mesentery, and dilation of pancreatic or biliary ducts.
Other nonspecific findings include ascites, gastric wall thickening, lateral displacement of the duodenum, and
intestinal ileus.24-26 Discordant sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis have
been reported; variable results are influenced by differing case definitions for acute pancreatitis and number of
ultrasound criteria used for diagnosis.7,27 Ultrasound use is also presumably related to other factors (eg, equipment
quality, clinician expertise). Results from one study suggested high sensitivity and poor specificity when only 1 or
2 ultrasonographic features were required for acute pancreatitis diagnosis; poor sensitivity and high specificity
were found when ≥3 features were required for diagnosis.27
Serum pancreas-specific lipase concentrations increase during acute pancreatitis, and pancreas-specific
lipase may be one of the most accurate blood-based tests that can be used to diagnose acute pancreatitis in
dogs.28,29 Normal results on a semiquantitative patient-side pancreas-specific lipase assay can be useful in ruling
out acute pancreatitis.30 False-positives can occur; therefore, a positive result alone should not be used for
definitive diagnosis.31 A quantitative pancreas-specific lipase assay from a reference laboratory may have more
value in confirming diagnosis.1 Similar to ultrasonography, reported sensitivity and specificity of quantitative
pancreas-specific lipase are variable as a result of differing study designs and case definitions. 28,29,31 If a clinical
reference standard is used to define acute pancreatitis cases, reported sensitivity and specificity of quantitative
pancreas-specific lipase range from 70% to 91% and 74% to 88%, respectively. 32 Despite this wide range,
quantitative pancreas-specific lipase assays still appear to have the best performance among common blood-based
biomarkers for acute pancreatitis.29
Several newer assays measure lipase activity based on breakdown of substrate 1,2-o-dilauryl-rac-glycero-
3-glutaric acid-(6’-methylresorufin) ester (ie, DGGR hydrolysis), which is speculated to be more selective than
lipase measurements included on routine serum chemistry profiles. Although DGGR-based assays have good
correlation with other reference laboratory quantitative assays, results may be affected by nonpancreatic lipase,
and additional studies are needed to determine clinical significance. 33 Other assays are available, but clinical and
analytic performance data should be evaluated prior to routine use.
Confirming Diagnosis
Acute pancreatitis can be diagnosed when consistent clinical signs are present, reference laboratory
quantitative pancreas-specific lipase concentrations are >400 µg/L (normal, ≤200 µg/L), and ≥2 ultrasound
findings are consistent with diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. 27-29,31,32 Conversely, acute pancreatitis is unlikely when
pancreas-specific lipase concentrations are <400 µg/L and ultrasound findings are normal. Equivocal and
conflicting results should be interpreted based on the clinical picture; repeat testing may be required. 34
Dogs with acute pancreatitis usually require several days of hospitalization and supportive care.
Recommendations continually evolve, but IV fluids, antiemetics, pain control, and nutritional support are
mainstays of treatment.4,35
IV fluid therapy with isotonic crystalloids (eg, lactated Ringer’s solution) corrects dehydration and
hypovolemia and promotes normal pancreatic blood flow.36 Antiemetic medications are recommended, including
maropitant (1 mg/kg IV every 24 hours) for vomiting and ondansetron (0.5 mg/kg slow IV every 8-12 hours) for
nausea. Opioid analgesics (eg, methadone, 0.1-0.4 mg/kg IV, IM, or SC every 4-8 hours; fentanyl, 3-5 µg/kg/hour
CRI; buprenorphine, 0.005-0.03 mg/kg IV, IM, or SC every 6-12 hours) are often required for pain control, but it
is important to consider the clinical status of the patient when selecting specific drugs and dosages. NSAIDs are
not recommended in dogs with acute GI disease, including those with acute pancreatitis. 35,37 Ketamine (0.3-0.6
mg/kg/hour CRI) or lidocaine (1.5-3.0 mg/kg/hour CRI) infusions in conjunction with fentanyl can help patients
with severe or refractory pain. Pain control should be regularly monitored with a validated scoring system (eg,
Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale).38
Acid suppressants (eg, pantoprazole, 1 mg/kg IV every 12 hours; omeprazole, 1 mg/kg PO every 12 hours)
were traditionally used in acute pancreatitis treatment, but studies have not been conducted to determine whether
they are beneficial or detrimental. There is currently no evidence indicating acid suppressants are needed unless a
patient has concurrent gastric ulceration or erosion.39
Dogs with mild acute pancreatitis may resume eating soon after treatment is initiated, but those with
moderate to severe disease tend to remain dysrexic. Enteral nutritional support is generally recommended in these
cases.40 Mechanistic studies and extrapolations from other species suggest early enteral nutrition can improve
outcome.41 Studies in veterinary medicine are limited, and the appropriate time to initiate feeding is not fully
known,35,40,42 but prolonged fasting to decrease pancreatic stimulation is no longer recommended.
Some clinicians initiate enteral nutritional support 1 to 2 days after hospitalization to allow time for
correction of fluid deficits and electrolyte abnormalities and to appropriately control pain and nausea. Others
initiate nutritional support as soon as possible. Duration of dysrexia preceding hospitalization should be
considered. Nutritional support (ideally with a fat-restricted diet) is most frequently administered via
nasoesophageal, nasogastric, or esophageal feeding tube. Small-volume, intermittent feedings or slow, continuous
infusions (15%-25% resting energy requirements on the first day) are recommended to avoid feeding-associated
complications (eg, vomiting, abdominal pain). In humans, meeting 100% of caloric requirements does not appear
to be necessary for improved outcome; this supports starting with small-volume feeding and gradual escalation. 43
Controversial treatments (ie, metoclopramide, antibiotics, glucocorticoids, plasma transfusions) are
summarized in Table 1.4,15,35,44,45 Routine use of these treatments in all patients is not recommended, although they
can be useful in select cases.
Dogs should remain hospitalized until hydration status has normalized, pain and nausea are controlled, and
voluntary food intake has returned. A low-fat diet is typically prescribed for at least 2 to 4 weeks, although the
length of time a fat-restricted diet should be fed is unknown; a lifelong fat-restricted diet is sometimes preferred.
Mortality has been reported from <20% to >50%; this range likely reflects disease severity. 21,46,47
Canine acute pancreatitis severity score can help predict outcome (Table 2).21 A score >11 was shown to
have 86% sensitivity and 92% specificity for predicting short-term mortality rates in dogs with acute pancreatitis. 21
Although scoring systems are most useful in research settings, they highlight abnormalities associated with
worse prognosis. Variables, including ascites, respiratory distress, renal azotemia, hyponatremia, ionized
hypocalcemia, increased C-reactive protein, and decreased antithrombin activity, have been associated with
increased risk for mortality.4,17,21,46-49
Dogs with mild disease generally have a favorable prognosis. Dogs with severe acute pancreatitis and
systemic complications are more likely to succumb to disease.