How To Design Moment Connection
How To Design Moment Connection
How To Design Moment Connection
The type of connection to be used depends on the nature of the structure and structural design. Out
of other connections, moment connection is inevitable in streel structures. It is a very important and
very useful type of connection.
Moment Connections
Shear Connections or Simple connections
Further, the behaviour of the connection can be indicated in the following figure.
The connection type 1 is free to rotate as the top flange of the beam is not restrained. However, in
connection type 2, the top and bottom flanges are connected to the column not allowing relative
movement. Since there is no relative movement this connection can be considered a moment
The nature of the connection is used to define the moment connections. The following types of
connections can be considered as moment transferring connections.
The arrangement of the endplate is the key to transferring the moment from the beam to the column
Design of Moment Connections
In moment connection, we transfer the whole moment to the other element. No relative rotation is
considered. The design moment is considered to calculate the weld length and weld size. In
addition, depending on the applied force, bolt compression and tension forces also can be
The above figure indicates the triangular distribution of the force due to the induced bending
moment. Considering the equilibrium of the connection can be used to calculate the bolt tensile
When the ductile behaviour of the connection is considered, full resistance can be obtained. When
the connection is ductile, the plastic distribution can be considered. In this case, the tensile forces of
the two bolts indicated in the above figure are considered equal.
Stiffening plates are added to the moment connection to enhance its capacity and to avoid failures
due to the induced stresses.
Purpose: avoid web tension failures, enhance flange bearing and enhance web compression.
Instead of using the bolt connections, weld connections can also be used as a full moment transfer
connection. In addition, a combination of bold connection and weld connection can also be done.
The behaviour of the fully welded connection is not the same as the bolted connection. Induced
stresses on the column flange and the web could be the same and stiffener plates could be used as
discussed above to enhance the section.
The type of the weld and weld size cold be determined based on the applied stresses. Since the
length of the weld is fixed for the endplate and column flange connection, the size of the weld could
be increased as required.
When weld connections are used, special attention shall be made to the quality of the weld as it
solely depends on the weld quality.