Finals Criminal Law
Finals Criminal Law
Finals Criminal Law
• Piracy – This is robbery or forcible depredation The commission of a crime, or violent insanity or
on the high seas, without lawful authority and any other ailment requiring the compulsory
done with animo furandi and in the spirit and confinement of the patient in a hospital, shall be
intention of universal hostility. considered legal grounds for the detention of any
Is qualified piracy when the crime was
accompanied by rape and The offenders Detention is defined as the actual confinement of
abandoned their victims without means of saving a person in an enclosure, or in any manner
Themselves. detaining and depriving him of his liberty.
• Qualified piracy – is a special complex crime Arrest without warrant is the usual cause of
punishable by reclusion Perpetua to death, arbitrary detention.
regardless of the number of victims. Warrantless arrest may be legal:
1. In-Flagrante Delicto Arrests
• Jurisdiction – The jurisdiction of piracy unlike 2. Hot Pursuit Arrests:
all other crimes has no territorial limits. Pirates 3. Arrests of Escaped Prisoners:
are in law hostes humani generis. Piracy is a
4. Arrest of a Person who Voluntarily directed against duly constituted authorities of the
Surrendered: Republic of the Philippines.
5. Lawful Arrests during Checkpoints:
Probable cause can be defined as such facts EMPLOYEES
and circumstances which could lead a reasonable
discreet and prudent man to believe that an Organizing a group of soldiers, soliciting
offense has been committed and that the object membership in, and soliciting funds from the
sought in connection with the offense are in the people for, the organization, show conspiracy to
place sought to be searched. overthrow the Government.
A search warrant is an order in writing issued in Indirect assaults. — shall be imposed upon any
the name of the people of the Philippines, signed person who shall make use of force or
by a judge and directed to a peace officer, intimidation upon any person coming to the aid of
commanding him to search for personal property the authorities or their agents on occasion of the
described therein and bring it before the court. commission of any of the crimes defined in the
next preceding article.
Making and importing and uttering false coins – Falsification by private individuals and use of
Any person who makes, imports, or utters false Falsified documents. — shall be imposed upon:
coins, in Connivance with counterfeiters or Any private individual who shall commit any of the
importers, Falsifications enumerated in the next preceding
article in Any public or official document or letter
of exchange or any Other kind of commercial
Mutilation of coins — Importation and utterance document;
Of mutilated coins. — shall be Imposed upon any
person who shall mutilate coins of the legal
Currency of the (United States or of the) Public document — a document created,
Philippine Islands Or import or utter mutilated executed or issued by a public Official in
current coins, in connivance With the mutilator or response to the exigencies of the public service,
importer. or in the Execution of which a public official
Selling of false or mutilated coin, without
Connivance. — Any person who knowingly, Official document — a document which is
although without The connivance mentioned in issued by a public official In the exercise of the
the preceding articles, shall Possess false or functions of his office. An official document is Also
mutilated coin with intent to utter the same, Or a public document. It falls within the larger class
shall actually utter such coin, shall suffer a called public Documents.
penalty lower By one degree than that prescribed
in said articles.
Private document – a deed or instrument
Forging treasury or bank notes or other executed by a private person Without the
documents payable to bearer; importing, and intervention of a notary public or other person
uttering such false Or forged notes and legally Authorized, by which document some
documents. — The forging or falsification Of disposition or agreement is Proved, evidenced or
treasury or bank notes or certificates or other set forth.
obligations And securities payable to bearer and
the importation and Uttering in connivance with
forgers or importers of such false or forged Commercial document — any document
obligations or notes, shall be punished as defined and regulated by the Code of Commerce.
Follows: Commercial documents are documents or
instruments used by Merchants or businessmen
Counterfeiting, importing, and uttering to promote or facilitate trade.
Instruments not payable to bearer. — Any person
who shall Forge, import, or utter, in connivance Manufacturing and possession of instruments
with the forgers Or importers, any instrument Or implements for falsification. —shall be
payable to order or other Document of credit not imposed upon any person Who shall make or
payable to bearer, introduce into the Philippine Islands any Stamps,
dies, marks, or other instruments or implements
Intended to be used in the commission of the
Illegal possession and use of false treasury or offenses of Counterfeiting or falsification
Bank notes and other instruments of credit. —
mentioned in the preceding Sections of this false testimony and shall suffer the Respective
chapter. penalties provided in this section.
False testimony favorable to the defendant. Homicide: Definitions and penalties for various
Any person who shall give false testimony in favor forms of unlawful killing, including murder,
of the Defendant in a criminal case, manslaughter, and negligent homicide.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Offenses: Robbery: The taking of property from another
Regulations concerning violations of traffic laws, person’s possession through force or intimidation.
including speeding, reckless driving, and driving
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Estafa (Swindling): The deceitful taking of
Environmental Offenses: Provisions addressing another person’s property or money by means of
acts that harm the environment, such as pollution, false pretenses or fraudulent acts.
illegal dumping, and destruction of natural
habitats. Malicious Mischief: The willful destruction or
damage to another person’s property.