Ideal Fermi Gas

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Chapter 13

Ideal Fermi gas

The properties of an ideal Fermi gas are strongly determined by the Pauli principle. We
shall consider the limit:
kB T � µ, βµ � 1 ,
which defines the degenerate Fermi gas. In this limit, the quantum mechanical nature of
the system becomes especially important, and the system has little to do with the classical
ideal gas.
Since this chapter is devoted to fermions, we shall omit in the following the subscript (−)
that we used for the fermionic statistical quantities in the previous chapter.

13.1 Equation of state

Consider a gas of N non-interacting fermions, e.g., electrons, whose one-particle wave-
functions ϕr (�r) are plane-waves. In this case, a complete set of quantum numbers r is
given, for instance, by the three cartesian components of the wave vector �k and the z spin
projection ms of an electron:
r ≡ (kx , ky , kz , ms ) .

Spin-independent Hamiltonians. We will consider only spin independent Hamiltonian

operator of the type �
� †
Ĥ = �k ck ck + d3 r V (r) c†r cr ,

where the first and the second terms are respectively the kinetic and th potential energy.
The summation over the states r (whenever it has to be performed) can then be reduced
to the summation over states with different wavevector k (p = h̄k):
� �
... ⇒ (2s + 1) ...,
r k

where the summation over the spin quantum number ms = −s, −s + 1, . . . , s has been
taken into account by the prefactor (2s + 1).


Wavefunctions in a box. We as-

sume that the electrons are in a vol-
ume defined by a cube with sides Lx ,
Ly , Lz and volume V = Lx Ly Lz . For
the one-particle wavefunction
�r|k� = ψk (r) = √ eik·r
we use periodicity condition, here
along the x-direction, at the cube’s

eikx x = eikx x+ikx Lx ,

which is then translated into a condition for the allowed k-values:

eikx Lx = ei2πnx , kx = nx , nx ∈ Z .

Analogously for the y- and for the z direction.

Summation over wavevectors. Each state has in k-space an average volume of
(2π)3 (2π)3
Δk = = . (13.1)
Lx Ly Lz V

For large V → ∞ we can then replace the sum r over all quantum number by
� � �
1 3 V
→ (2s + 1) d k = (2s + 1) 3
d3 k
Δk (2π)

= (2s + 1) 3 d3 p , (13.2)
where k = p/h̄ has been used.

The factor h1 ( h3N

for N particles) introduced “ad hoc” in clas-
sical statistical physics in Sect. 8.2 appears naturally in quan-
tum statistical physics. It is a direct consequence of the fact
that particles correspond to wavefunctions.

13.1.1 Grand canonical potential

We consider now the expression (12.36) for the fermionic grand canonical potential Ω(T, V, µ)
that we derived in Sect. 12.5,
� � �
Ω(T, V, µ) = −kB T ln 1 + e−β(�r −µ) .
� �
Using the substitution (13.2) and d3 k = 4π k 2 dk we write the grand canonical potential
as � ∞ � �
V 2 −βh̄2 k2 /(2m)
− β Ω(T, V, µ) = (2s + 1) 4π dk k ln 1 + z e , (13.3)
(2π)3 0

where we used the usual expressions

h̄2 k 2
z = eβµ , �r → �k =
for the fugacity z and for the one-particle dispersion and used an explicit expression for
the one-particle energies for free electrons �k .
Dimensionless variables. Expression (13.3) is transformed further by introducing with
� � �3/2
β 2 2m
x = h̄k , k dk = 2 x2 dx
2m βh̄

a dimensionless variable x. One obtains

� �3/2 � ∞ � �
4V m 2 −x2
−β Ω(T, V, µ) = (2s + 1) √ x dx ln 1 + z e .
π 2πβh̄2 0

De Broglie wavelengths. By making use of the definition of the thermal de Broglie

wavelength λ, �
λ = ,
we then get
� ∞ � �
(2s + 1) 4V 2
− β Ω(T, V, µ) = √ dx x2 ln 1 + z e−x . (13.4)
λ3 π 0

Term by term integration. We use the Taylor expansion of the logarithm,

� yn
ln(1 + y) = (−1)n+1 ,

in order to evaluate the integral

� ∞ � � ∞
� n � ∞
−x2 n+1 z 2
x dx ln 1 + z e = (−1) dx x2 e−nx
0 n=1
n 0

�∞ n
� � ∞ �
n+1 z d −nx2
= (−1) − dx e
n dn 0

�∞ � �
n+1 z
d 1√ 1
= (−1) − π√
n dn 2 n

term by term. The result is

� ∞ � � √ � ∞
2 −x2 π zn
x dx ln 1 + z e = (−1)n+1 5/2 .
0 4 n=1 n

Grand canonical potential. Defining

� � ∞ � �
n+1 zn 4 2 −x2
f5/2 (z) = (−1) 5/2
= √ dx x ln 1 + z e (13.5)
n π 0

we obtain
2s + 1
β Ω(T, V, µ) = − V f5/2 (z) (13.6)
for the grand canonical potential for an ideal Fermi gas.
Pressure. Our result (13.6) reduces with Ω = −P V to

P 2s + 1 2πh̄2
= f 5/2 (z) , λ = , z = eµ/(kB T ) , (13.7)
kB T λ3 kB T m

which yields the pressure P = P (T, µ).

Density. With
Ω = −kB T ln Z = −P V = ln Z
kB T
we find, compare Eq. (10.14),
� � � �
∂ ∂ P
�N̂ � = z ln Z = Vz (13.8)
∂z T,V ∂z kB T T,V

for the number of particles N . The density n(T, µ) = �N̂ �/V is then given by

�N̂ � 2s + 1
n = = 3 f3/2 (z) . (13.9)
V λ (T )

where we have defined

d zn
f3/2 (z) = z f5/2 (z) = (−1)n+1 3/2 (13.10)
dz n=1

Thermal equation of state. As a matter of principle one could solve (13.9) for the
fugacity z = z(T, n), which could then be used to substitute the fugacity in (13.7) for T
and n, yielding such the thermal equation of state. This procedure can however not be
performed in closed form.

Rewriting the particle density. The function f3/2 (z) entering the expression (13.9)
for the particle density may be cast into a different form. Helping is here the result (13.7)
for P (T, µ):

P 2s + 1 λ3 ln Z PV
= f5/2 (z), f5/2 (z) = , = ln Z ,
kB T λ3 2s + 1 V kB T
which leads to � �
d d λ3 ln Z
f3/2 (z) = z f5/2 (z) = z
dz dz 2s + 1 V
With � �
d d dβ 1 d ln z
= = , β = (13.11)
dz dβ dz µz dβ µ

and λ = (2πβh̄2 )/m we then find

d � 3 � 3λ3 d
µV (2s + 1)f3/2 (z) = λ ln Z = ln Z + λ3 ln Z .
dβ 2β dβ

For the particle density (13.9) we finally obtain

2s + 1 3 d
n = f3/2 (z), µnV = PV + ln Z , nV = N , (13.12)
λ3 (T ) 2 dβ

where we have used ln Z/β = P V .

Caloric equation of state. The expression for µnV = µN in (13.12) leads with

d �
U = − ln Z + µ�N̂ �, Z = e−β(�r −µ) .
dβ r

to the caloric equation of state

U = PV . (13.13)
The equation U = 3P V /2 is also valid for the classical ideal gas, as discussed in Sect. 8.2,
but it is not anymore valid for relativistic fermions.

13.2 Classical limit

Starting from the general formulas (13.7) for P (T, µ) and (13.9) for n(T, µ), we first
investigate the classical limit (i.e. the non-degenerate Fermi gas), which corresponds, as
discussed in Chap. 11, to

nλ3 � 1 , z = eβµ � 1 .

Under this condition, the Fermi-Dirac distribution function reduces to the Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution function:
�n̂r � = ≈ ze−β�r .
z −1 eβ�r +1

Expansion in the fugacity. For a small fugacity z we may retain in the series expansion
for f5/2 (z) and f3/2 (z), compare (13.5) and (13.10), the first terms:

� z

f5/2 (z) ≈ z − 25/2
βP λ3 ≈ (2s + 1)z 1 − 25/2
� � (13.14)
z2 z
f3/2 (z) ≈ z − 23/2
nλ3 ≈ (2s + 1)z 1 − 23/2

where we have used (13.7) and (13.9) respectively.

High-temperature limit. The expression for nλ3 in (13.14) reduces in lowest approxi-
mation to
z (0) ≈ , nλ3 � 1 . (13.15)
2s + 1

The number of particles nλ3 in the volume spanned by the Broglie wavelength λ ∼ 1/ T
is hence small are small. This is the case at elevated temperatures.
Fugacity expansion. Expanding in the fugacity z = exp(βµ)

nλ3 1 z (0) � �
z ≈ −3/2
≈ (0) 2−3/2
, z (1) ≈ z (0) 1 + z (0) 2−3/2 ,
2s + 1
� �� � 1 − z2 1 − z
z (0)

where 1/(1 − x) ≈ 1 + x for x � 1 was used. The equation of state (13.14) for the
pressure, namely βP λ3 ≈ (2s + 1)(z − z 2 2−5/2 ), is then
� � � �
βP λ3 ≈ (2s + 1) z (0) 1 + z (0) 2−3/2 − 2−5/2 (z (0) )2
� 3

3 −5/2 nλ
= nλ 1 + 2 ,
2s + 1

1 1 2 1 1
√ 3−√ 5 = √ 5−√ 5 = √ 5
2 2 2 2 2
is used. Altogether we then find

� �
P V = �N̂ �kB T 1+ √ . (13.16)
4 2(2s + 1)

In this expression, the first term corresponds to the equation of state for the classical ideal
gas, while the second term is the first quantum mechanical correction.

13.3 Degenerated Fermi gas

In the low temperature limit, T → 0, the Fermi distribution function behaves like a step
function: �
1 T →0 0 if �k > µ
nk = β(� −µ) −−−→
e k +1 1 if �k < µ
lim nk = θ(µ − �k ) .
T →0

Fermi energy. This means that all the states with energy below the Fermi energy �F ,

�F = µ(n, T = 0) ,

are occupied and all those above are empty.

Fermi sphere. In momentum space the occu-
pied states lie within the Fermi sphere of radius
pF . The system is then deep in the quantum
The Fermi energy is then be determined by the
condition that the the Fermi sphere contains the
correct number of states:

N = 1,
states r
with �r < �F

which can be written for the case of free

fermions, and with (13.1), d3 k/Δk 3 =
3 3
[V /(2π) ]d k, as

(2s + 1)V (2s + 1)V 4 3
N = d3 k = πk . (13.17)
(2π)3 |k|<|kF | (2π)3 3 F
Here, kF = h̄
is the Fermi wave number. We have
� �1/3
N 2s + 1 3 6π 2 n
n = = k , kF = .
V 6π 2 F 2s + 1

The Fermi energy is then

� �2/3
h̄2 kF2 h̄2 6π 2 n
�F = , �F = .
2m 2m 2s + 1

13.3.1 Ground state properties

At T = 0, the system is in its ground state, with the internal energy U0 given by
� � 2 2
(2s + 1)V kF 2 h̄ k
U0 = �k = dk (4πk )
(2π)3 0 2m
� 2�
(2s + 1)V h̄ 4π 5
= k .
(2π) 3 2m 5 F
Using the expression for total particle number N ,
V (2s + 1) 4π 3
N = k ,
(2π)3 3 F
for kF5 = kF3 kF2 , one obtains

U0 3 h̄2 kF2 U0 3
= , = �F (independent of s) .
N 5 2m N 5
for internal energy per particle at absolute zero.
Pressure. Since P V = 2U/3, we obtain now an expression for the zero-point pressure
P0 :
P0 ≡ PT =0 = n�F .
– The zero-point pressure arises from the fact that fermionic particles move even at
absolute zero. This is because the zero-momentum state can hold only one particle
of a given spin state.
– Taking a Fermi energy of typically �F ≈ 10 eV = 16 · 10−19 J and an electron density
of n ≈ 1022 · 1003 m−3 we find a zero-point pressure of
P0 ≈ 3.2 · 103 · 106 3 ≈ 3.2 · 104 bar,
where we have used that 1 P = 1 J/m = 10−5 bar.

13.3.2 Fermi temperature

At low but a finite temperature, the Fermi distribution function �n̂r � = n(�) for the
occupation number smooths out around the Fermi energy.

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