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Twin Ferrule Tube Fittings Tubing Data Charts

Safety Warning Inside Front Cover
Pressure Ratings, Tubing, Gas Service 1
Maximum Working/Burst Pressures
Copper Tubing 2
304/316 Stainless Steel Tubing 3
Alloy 6MO Tubing 4
Alloy C-276 Tubing 5
Alloy 400 Tubing 6
Grade 2 Titanium Tubing 7
Super Duplex Tubing 8
Duplex Tubing 9
Alloy 625 Tubing 10
Alloy 825 Tubing 11
Temperature Derating Factors 12
Disclaimers Inside Back Cover


CRANE Instrumentation & Sampling, HOKE®


PO Box 4866 • Spartanburg, SC 29305-4866

(864) 574-7966 • www.hoke.com
For Your Safety
It is solely the responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application
requirements and to ensure proper installation, operation, and maintenance of these products. When selecting products,
the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Material compatibility, product
ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper selection or use of products described
herein can cause personal injury or property damage.
Contact your authorized HOKE® sales and service representative for information about additional sizes and special alloys.

HOKE® products are designed for installation only by professional suitably qualified licensed system installers experienced
in the applications and environments for which the products are intended. These products are intended for integration
into a system. Where these products are to be used with flammable or hazardous media, precautions must be taken by
the system designer and installer to ensure the safety of persons and property. Flammable or hazardous media pose risks
associated with fire or explosion, as well as burning, poisoning or other injury or death to persons and/or destruction of
property. The system designer and installer must provide for the capture and control of such substances from any vents
in the product(s). The system installer must not permit any leakage or uncontrolled escape of hazardous or flammable
substances. The system operator must be trained to follow appropriate precautions and must inspect and maintain the
system and its components including the product(s) and at regular intervals in accordance with timescales recommended
by the supplier to prevent unacceptable wear or failure.

Tubing Data Charts

GYROLOK® Twin Ferrule Tube Fittings have been For proper fitting performance, the tubing surface
carefully designed for conventional compression tube finish should be free from nicks or scratches. Do not
fitting applications. GYROLOK® XP incorporates patented use out of round tubing which does not easily pass
design innovations that allow the fitting to be assembled through fitting components.
onto high yield strength and thicker wall tube.
Fitting performance is maximized when tube ends
Pressure Ratings are squarely cut, using a tubing cutter, and deburred.
GYROLOK® and GYROLOK® XP fittings are rated for Proper fitting performance demands that the fitting
working pressures higher than the tubing; however, be significantly harder than the tubing on which it is
tubing should not be used above its maximum used. Please refer to each alloy’s specific tubing data
allowable working pressure. charts for guidance on the recommended maximum
Maximum allowable working pressures for tubing surface hardness.
suitable for use with GYROLOK® and GYROLOK® XP are Gas Service
identified herein. If no pressure is identified for a given
Gases (air, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc.) can escape
size and a wall thickness, please contact the factory for
through smaller leak paths than liquids. As such, the
guidance as new sizes are continuously being added.
reduction of surface defects (scratches) on tubing
The tubing data charts show working pressure ratings becomes more important when the system media
which are deemed to be the maximum allowable working contains gases. As tubing wall thickness increases,
pressure ratings for a given alloy, size and wall thickness. the ability of the ferrules to coin out imperfections
The values are calculated from the allowable stress tables increases. The use of heavier wall tubing will help
(S) and formulas specified in ASME B31.3, Process Piping. the ferrules to overcome minor surface defects that
could contribute to gas leakage. HOKE recommends
Vacuum Rating the following minimum wall thickness for tubing
GYROLOK® offers excellent vacuum capability. With when system media contains gases.
good quality tubing, GYROLOK® fittings will be leak-
tight at vacuum levels of 10 -9 torr while tested with a TUBE OD NOMINAL MINIMUM WALL TUBE OD NOMINAL MINIMUM WALL
leakage sensitivity of 10 -9 sccs. (inches) THICKNESS (inches) (inches) THICKNESS (inches)
1 /8 0.028 3 /4 0.065
Materials 3 /16 0.028 7/8 0.083
GYROLOK® tube fittings are available in Brass, 1 /4 0.028 1 0.083
316/3161, Alloy 6MO, Alloy C276, Alloy 405, Grade

5 /16 0.035 11 /4 0.109
5 titanium, Super Duplex, Duplex, Alloy 625, and 3 /8 0.035 1½ 0.134
Alloy 825. GYROLOK® XP available in 316/3161, Alloy 1 /2 0.049 2 0.180
6MO, Alloy C276, Grade 5 Titanium, Super Duplex,
Duplex, Alloy 625, and Alloy 825. Suggested Allowable Pressure Tables
Figures and tables are for reference only. HOKE makes
Tubing no implication that these valves can be used for design
Fully annealed tubing to the specifications identified work. Applicable codes and practices in industry should
herein are suitable for use with GYROLOK® fittings. be reviewed and considered. ASME Codes are the
successor to and replacement of ASA Piping Codes. For
The tubing selected, whether metallic or nonmetallic combinations not shown, consult factory.
should be compatible with the process fluid,
temperature and applications. The wall thickness For Welded Tubing
selections should be based on pressure and For welded tubing, a derating factor must be applied
temperature conditions. for weld integrity.

Tubing should always be fully annealed. While welded 1) For double-welded tubing, multiply working
tubing may be used with GYROLOK®, inconsistencies pressure by 0.85.
in its manufacture and performance are sometimes 2) For single-welded tubing, multiply working
encountered. As a result we recommend the use of pressure by 0.80.
seamless tubing.

CAUTION: Limited test data is available on certain alloys and sizers due to tubing availability. Please consult factory for further guidance.

® 1
Tube Data Charts
Copper Annealed Seamless Tubing
ASTM B-75 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRF 55
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 6,000 psi between –20° F and 100° F
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
6,000 psi (41.3 MPa).
For gas service, select a wall thickness that is not shaded (see Gas Service on page 1).


(inch) 0.014 0.020 0.028 0.032 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083 0.095 0.109 0.120 0.134 0.148 0.156 0.180
1 /16 2800 4000
1 8 2800 3300 3700
3 16 1800 2100 2300 3400
1 /4 1300 1500 1600 2400 3400
3 /8 900 1000 1500 2100 2800
1 /2 700 1100 1500 2000
5 /8 600 800 1200 1500 1800
3 /4 500 700 900 1200 1500 1700
7/8 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
1 300 500 700 900 1100 1200 1400
11 /4 500 700 800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1700
11 /2 400 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400
2 300 400 500 600 600 700 800 800 1000

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 41.3 MPa between –29° C and 38° C
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
6,000 psi (41.3 MPa).
For gas service, select a wall thickness that is not shaded (see Gas Service on page 1).


(mm) 0.8 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4.0
3 240 7100 12600
4 170 220
6 100 140 220
8 80 100 160
10 60 80 120 170
12 50 60 100 140
14 50 80 110 150
15 50 80 100 140
16 40 70 100 130 160
18 40 60 80 110 140
20 30 50 80 100 120
22 30 50 70 90 110
25 30 40 60 80 90
28 20 40 50 70 80 110
30 50 60 80 100
32 40 60 70 100
38 50 60 80

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed seamless tubing, ASTM B75 and EN 1057 or equivalent. Tubing to be free of scratches and
suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

2 ®
Tubing Data Charts
304 & 316 Stainless Steel Annealed Seamless Tubing
ASTM A-269 UNS S30400 & S31600 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRB 90
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 20,000 psi between –20° F and 100° F
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
20,000 psi (137.9 MPa). Values shown below are for seamless annealed tubing only.
For gas service, select a wall thickness that is not shaded (see Gas Service on page 1).
Tubing is suitable for use with either 316 stainless steel or Alloy 6MO GYROLOK® fittings.
(inch) 0.010 0.020 0.028 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083 0.095 0.109 0.120 0.134 0.156 0.165 0.188
1 /16 5600 12000
1 /8 8500 10900
3 /16 5400 7000 10200 13800 17300
1 /4 4000 5100 7500 10200 13300xp
3 /8 3300 4800 6500 8600
1 /2 2600 3700 5100 6700 7800xp 8800xp 9800xp 11000xp 13000xp
5 /8 2900 4000 5200 6000 7100
3 /4 2400 3300 4200 4900 5800 6400 7300xp
7/8 2000 2800 3600 4200
1 2400 3100 3600 4200 4700 5300 6200xp 6700xp 7700xp
11 /4 2400 2800 3300xp 3600xp 4100xp 4900xp
11 /2 2300 2700 3000 3400xp 4000xp 4200xp 4900xp
2 2200 2500 2900 3100xp 3600xp
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 137.9 MPa between –29° C and 38° C
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum
allowable stress (S) of 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa). For gas service, select a wall thickness that is not shaded
(see Gas Service on page 1).
GYROLOK®-XP fittings are intended for use where pressures are indicated with the “XP” subscript.
Tubing is suitable for use with either 316 stainless steel or Alloy 6MO GYROLOK® fittings.


(mm) 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2 2.2 2.5 3 3.5 4.0
3 710 900 12600
4 520 660
6 330 430 520 670 820xp 920xp
8 310 380 490
10 240 300 410 470 530 590xp 680xp 830xp
12 200 240 310 380 430 480xp 560xp 680xp
14 180 220 280 340 390
15 170 200 260 320 360
16 190 240 300 330
18 170 210 260 290 330 380
20 150 190 230 260 290 330
22 170 210 230 260 300
25 180 200 230 260 320
28 180 200 230 280
30 170 190 210 260 310
32 170 200 240 290 330
38 170 200 240 280

GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed (Type 304, 304/304L, 316, 316/316L, 317/317L) seamless tubing, ASTM A269 or A213 equivalent.
Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

® 3
Tubing Data Charts
Alloy 6MO Super Austenitic Stainless Steel
ASTM A-269, A-213, UNS S31254 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRB 90
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 27,100 psi between –20° F and 100° F
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
27,100 psi (186.9 MPa).
For gas service, select a wall thickness that is not shaded (see Gas Service on page 1).
Tubing is suitable for use with either 316 stainless steel or Alloy 6MO GYROLOK® fittings.


(inch) 0.028 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083 0.095 0.109 0.120 0.134
1 8 11500
1 /4 5400 6900 10100 13900
3 /8 4500 6500 8900 11700xp
1 /2 3500 5000 6900 9000
5 /8 4000 5400 7100
3 /4 3300 4400 5800
7/8 2800 3800 4900
1 3300 4200 4900xp 5700xp
1 1 /4 3900xp 4500xp 5000xp
1 1 /2 3700xp 3700xp 4600xp
GYROLOK XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 186.9 MPa between –29° C and 38° C
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
186.9 MPa (27,100 psi).
For gas service, select a wall thickness that is not shaded (see Gas Service on page 1).
Tubing is suitable for use with either 316 stainless steel or Alloy 6MO GYROLOK® fittings.


(mm) 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2 2.2 2.5 3 3.5 4
3 960 1220 12600
6 410 580 710 910
8 420 520 670
10 330 400 520 640 720 800xp 920xp
12 270 330 420 520 590
16 260 330 400 450
18 230 290 350 400 440xp 510xp
20 200 260 320 350 390 450
25 250 280 310 360 430 520xp 600xp
30 360xp 420xp 490xp
38 270xp 320xp 380xp

GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed 6 MO tubing, ASTM A269 or equivalent. Tubing to be free of scratches
and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

4 ®
Tubing Data Charts
Alloy C-276 Solution Annealed Seamless Tubing
ASTM B622 UNS N10276 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRB 98
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 27,300 psi between –20° F and 400° F

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
27,300 psi (188.2 MPa).


O.D. (inch) 0.010 0.014 0.028 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083
⁄16 7600 11100
⁄8 11600 14800
⁄4 5500 7000 10200
⁄8 4500 6500 8900
⁄2 3500 5100 6900 9100xp
⁄8 2800 4000
⁄4 3500 4500
1 3300
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 188.2 MPa psi between –29° C and 204° C

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
188.2 MPa (27,300 psi).


O.D. (mm) 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0
3 970 1230
6 450 580 720xp 920xp
8 420 520
10 330 410 520
12 270 330 430 590xp
18 290 400
20 260
25 210 280
GYROLOK XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Ordering Information
High quality, fully seamless alloy C-276 tubing, ASTM B622 or equivalent. Tubing to be free of scratches
and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

® 5
Tubing Data Charts
Alloy 400 (Nickel-Copper) Annealed Seamless Tubing
ASTM B-165 UNS N04400 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRB 75
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 18,700 psi between –20° F and 100° F

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
18,700 psi (128.9 MPa).


O.D. (inch) 0.01 0.028 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083
⁄16 5200
⁄8 7900 10200
⁄4 3700 4800 7000
⁄8 3100 4400
⁄2 2400 3500 4700 6200
⁄8 2700 3700
⁄4 2200 3000
1 2200

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 128.9 MPa psi between –29° C and 38° C

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
128.9 MPa (18,700 psi).


O.D. (mm) 0.8 1 1.2 1.5
3 660 840
6 310 400
8 290
10 230 280 360
12 190 230 290

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed seamless alloy 400 hydraulic tubing, ASTM B165 or equivalent.
Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

6 ®
Tubing Data Charts
Grade 2 Titanium Annealed Seamless Tubing
ASTM B-338 UNS R50400 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRB 90
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 16,700 psi between –20° F and 100° F

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
16,700 psi (115.1 MPa). For working pressure in accordance with ASME B31.1, multiply by 0.85.


O.D. (inch) 0.028 0.035 0.049 0.065
⁄8 9100 12800
⁄4 3300 4200 6200 8500
⁄8 2700 4000 5400
⁄2 2100 3100 4200
⁄4 2000 2700
1 1500 2000

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 115.1 MPa psi between –29° C and 38° C

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
115.1 MPa (16,700 psi).


O.D. (mm) 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
6 280 350 440 560
10 200 250 320 390 440
12 170 200 260 320 360 460
14 230 290 320
16 200
18 180 220xp 240xp
20 220 280 340 410xp 460xp
25 120 150 170
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed seamless grade 2 titanium, ASTM B338 or equivalent.
Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

® 7
Tubing Data Charts
Super Duplex Stainless Steel
ASTM A789 UNS S32750 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRC 32
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 36,300 psi between –20° F and 200° F

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
36,300 psi (250.3 MPa).


(inch) 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083 0.095 0.109 0.120
⁄4 9900 14500xp 19800xp
⁄8 6400 9200 12700xp
⁄2 5000 7200 9800 12900xp
⁄4 4700 6300 8300 9600xp 11200xp 12500xp
1 4700 6100xp
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 250.3 MPa psi between –29° C and 93° C
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
250.3 MPa (36,300 psi).
O.D. (mm) 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0
6 640 830
10 480 580 740
12 390 480 610
18 270 330 420 570
20 240 290 370 510
25 290 400xp
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed seamless 2507 super duplex tubing, ASTM A789 or equivalent.
Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

8 ®
Tubing Data Charts
Duplex Stainless Steel
ASTM A789 UNS S31803 or Equivalent, Maximum Recommended Hardness HRC 30.5
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 30,000 psi between –20° F and 200° F

Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
30,000 psi (206.8 MPa).


(inch) 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083 0.095
⁄4 7700 11200xp 15400xp
⁄8 5000 7200 9800
⁄2 5600 7600 10000
⁄8 4400 6000
⁄4 3600 4900 6400 7400xp
1 3600 4700xp
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 206.8 MPa psi between –20° C and 93° C
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
206.8 MPa (30,000 psi).
O.D. (mm) 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 2
6 500 640
10 370 450 570
12 300 370 470
18 320 440
20 290 390
25 230 310
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed seamless 2205 duplex tubing, ASTM A789 or equivalent.
Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

® 9
Tubing Data Charts
Alloy 625 Nickel -Chromium-Molybdenum Alloy
ASTM B-444 UNS N06625 Grade 2 or Equivalent
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 26,700 psi between –20° F and 100° F
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
26,700 psi (275.8 MPa).


O.D. (inch) 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083
⁄16 9400
⁄4 6800 10000 13700xp
⁄8 4400 6400 8700 11500xp
⁄2 3500 5000 6800 8900
⁄4 3200 4400 5700xp
1 3200 4200xp
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 184.1 MPa psi between –28° C and 37° C
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
184.1 MPa (26,700 psi).


O.D. (mm) 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0
6 570
10 330 400 510
12 270 330 420
20 320
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed seamless alloy 625 tubing, ASTM B444 or equivalent.
Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

10 ®
Tubing Data Charts
Alloy 825 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy
ASTM B-423 UNS N08825 or Equivalent
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) for Fractional Sizes
Allowable Stress = 23,300 psi between –20° F and 100° F
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
23,300 psi (160.6 MPa).


O.D. (inch) 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083 0.095 0.109 0.120
⁄8 12700
⁄16 8200
⁄4 5900 8700 11900
⁄8 3800 5500 7600 10000 11700
⁄2 3000 4300 5900 7800
⁄4 3800 5000
1 2800 3600 4200 4900 5400
GYROLOK® XP will work on all tube thickness listed in the tables. Where there is an XP suffix, then only
GYROLOK® XP will work with this wall thickness.

Maximum Working Pressure (bar) for Metric Sizes

Allowable Stress = 160.6 MPa psi between –29° C and 38° C
Allowable working pressures are calculated based on equations from ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 for a maximum allowable stress (S) of
160.6 MPa (23,300 psi).
O.D. (mm) 1 1.2 1.5
6 500
10 280 350 440
12 230 280 360

Ordering Information
High quality, fully annealed seamless alloy 825 tubing, ASTM B423 or equivalent.
Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending. Secondary mechanical finishing is prohibited.

® 11
Maximum Allowable Pressure Derating Factors, Elevated Temperatures
(Multiply value in Tubing Date Chart by value in Chart Below)
Temperature °F 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250
Temperature °C 38 93.33 148.9 204.4 260 315.6 343.3 371.1 398.9 426.7 454.4 482 510 538 566 593 621 649 677
316 Stainless Steel — — — 0.97 0.90 0.85 0.84 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.73 0.62 0.49 0.37 0.28
Alloy 6MO — — — 0.95 0.86 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.80 0.79 0.79 — — — — — — — —
Alloy C276 — — — — 0.99 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.68 0.55 0.45 0.36 0.29
Alloy 400 — 0.88 0.81 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.59 0.43 — — — — — — —
Titanium — 0.93 0.868 0.80 0.72 0.67 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.53 0.49 0.46 — — — — — — —
Super Duplex — 0.99 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.88 — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Duplex — — 0.96 0.93 0.91 0.90 — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Alloy 625 — — 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.78 0.78 0.58 0.53 0.33 —
Alloy 825 — — — — — — — — 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.96 — — — — —
Monel — 0.81 0.81 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.66 0.48 — — — — — — —

Alloy 316 Stainless Steel
Temperature 500° F
Tube Size 1/2” x .065”
MAWP from Chart 5100 psi

New MAWP MAWP * Derate Factor

New MAWP 5100 * .90
New MAWP 4590

12 ®

The Small Bore Instrumentation Specialists

We specialize in small bore instrumentation products up to 2” that deliver benchmark

performance quality & safety; provide the broadest array of superior alloy offerings in
the market; decades of proven success in a wide range of industries; a roster of “who’s
who” customers & projects globally; original “Best Solution” engineering & designs; and
are focused on continuous improvement in all aspects of our business.

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