s13018 023 04367 3
s13018 023 04367 3
s13018 023 04367 3
Journal of Orthopaedic
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:936
https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-023-04367-3 Surgery and Research
Background The lack of access to physical therapists in developing countries and rural areas poses a significant chal-
lenge in supervising postsurgical rehabilitation, potentially impeding desirable outcomes following surgical interven-
tions. For this reason, this study aims to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of utilizing a digital rehabilita-
tion program based on computer vision and augmented reality in comparison with traditional care for patients who
will undergo isolated meniscus repair, since to date, there is no literature on this topic.
Methods This study intends to enroll two groups of participants, each to be provided with informed consent
before undergoing randomization into either the experimental or control group. The experimental group will
undergo a digital rehabilitation program utilizing computer vision and augmented reality (AR) technology follow-
ing their surgical procedure, while the control group will receive conventional care, involving in-clinic physical therapy
sessions weekly. Both groups will adhere to a standardized rehabilitation protocol over a six-month duration. Follow-
up assessments will be conducted at various intervals, including preoperatively, and at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks,
and 24 weeks postoperatively. Imaging assessments and return-to-play evaluations will be conducted during the final
follow-up. Clinical functionality will be assessed based on improvements in International Knee Documentation Com-
mittee (IKDC) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores.
Registration number ChiCTR2300070582.
Keywords Computer vision, Augmented reality, Meniscus, Rehabilitation
Li Wang and Xi Chen have contributed equally to this work and share the
first authorship.
PengCheng Li
Jian Li
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Wang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:936 Page 2 of 7
Overall goal: Stage 1: 0–2 weeks: Control of swelling and symptoms after surgery, early progressive weight bearing, and ROM
Control of swelling and symptoms: (1) apply ice at least 3 times a day after surgery, 20 min each time; (2) apply the elastic bandage to compress
the affected limb; (3) elevate the affected limb and lie flat on your back when sleeping and cushion a pillow with a certain thickness under the affected
ROM and brace use: (1) 0–60 degree fixation, early gentle knee movement under sitting position (2) heel support training, ensuring knee joint at 0
Weight bearing: The knee brace is secured in the fully extended knee position, and crutches are used to transition from no weight bearing to partial
weight bearing as tolerated
Exercises: (1) sitting hamstring pull (2) ankle pump (3) quadriceps isometric training (4) straight leg elevation training (15–30 degrees) (5) hamstring
isometric training
Overall goal: Stage 2:3–6 weeks: Early exercise and strength training, ROM, and partial weight bearing as tolerated
ROM and support use: (1) 3–4 weeks: 0–90-degree fixation, complete knee extension and bend to 90 degrees (2) 5–6 weeks 0–120-degree fixation,
bend to 120 degrees
Weight bearing: With the knee brace fixed in the fully extended knee position, and using crutches, gradual weight bearing to full weight under toler-
able conditions, and gradually remove of the crutches
Exercise: In addition to the training in the previous stage, include: (1) knee shin slide (2) supine straight leg raise 30 to 60 degrees (3) hip outreach train-
ing (4) lift heel stand (5) hip outreach (6) hip and (7) seat after knee flexion and stand
Overall goal: Stage 3: Weeks 7–12: Functional regression, gradual reduction of brace use, and restoration of total joint range of motion
ROM and brace use: (1) restore full joint range of motion and (2) gradually stop brace use after full weight bearing
Exercise: Add advanced resistance training: (1) recumbent resistance straight leg raise (2) step-down training (3) heel raise training (4) knee flexion (5)
straight leg draft with elastic band (6) recumbent resistance heel slide (7) forward lunge (8) half squat against wall 50 degrees (9) four-point kneeling
cross stretch
Overall goal: Stage 4: Weeks 13–24: Early exercise training, full-strength recovery, cardiovascular exercise adaptation, and exercise-specific training
(speed and agility training)
Exercise: Continue with the third stage of training and build on this cardiovascular endurance training (power cycling, recovery running, and jumping)
Phase 5: after return to sports assessment to determine whether to return to body contact, rotating sports
Blinding method
For this study, blinding of the interveners and patients
was not feasible. Blinding should be applied to the data
collectors, data analysts, and outcome assessors in the
Inclusion criteria:
Exclusion criteria:
When the model detects exercise postures that devi- then be asked to take the instruction sheet home to
ate from preset values, it will provide auditory and ver- complete the remaining exercises.
bal feedback via the software to remind the patient to
adjust their position based on the instructional video. Compliance
Hence, the patient will receive interactive feedback To increase compliance, patients will receive ade-
during the training process. quate education on software usage before the start of
the trial. Throughout the trial, patients will receive
detailed instructions via handouts and reminders via
Control group texts and calls. Support will be provided to patients to
Patients will be referred to the clinic weekly for answer questions throughout the trial. Compliance data
12 weeks postoperatively, during which they will receive will be monitored based on software usage data and
instructions on physical therapy exercises. Every week, patient attendance data in the clinic. The research team
patients will learn the exercises at the clinic and will will collect data on patients’ training frequency and
Wang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:936 Page 6 of 7
duration to objectively assess participant compliance examined; MRI (T1-weighted and T2-weighted images
within the study. of axial, coronal and sagittal positions): 1 day before sur-
gery, 6 months after surgery. The imaging assessment
Outcomes was conducted in a blinded manner, and the evaluators
Clinical knee function evaluation were not informed of the identity and grouping of the
The estimated follow-up time was 1 day before sur- patients. Imaging evaluation should be performed with-
gery and 2, 6, 12, and 24 weeks after surgery, and the out intervention.
specific evaluation items included knee ROM (2, 6, 12,
24 weeks after surgery), weight-bearing progress (when Complications assessment
fully weight bearing) and knee function and pain scores Postoperative complications, such as postoperative knee
[23] (Lysholm score, Tegner score, IKDC knee subjective infection, deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs,
function score, and VAS score). At the final follow-up stiffness, and arthrofibrosis, will be recorded.
assessment, return-to-play (RTP) status will be evaluated
based on the rehabilitation literature available for menis- Statistical analysis
cus repair. (Table 2). [4, 24, 25] Quantitative data will be analyzed using SPSS 21.0 (IBM,
The clinical function of patients was assessed and New York, NY, USA). The demographic, social, and pre-
evaluated based on IKDC and VAS score improvement clinical characteristics of the subjects in both groups will
via the criteria of minimal clinically important differ- be described. Differences in these variables between the
ence (MCID), patient accepted symptom state (PASS), intervention and control groups will be analyzed using
and significant clinical benefit (SCB) [25].According to either the Chi-square test or the T test, with continuous
the study of Gowd et al. [25], the MCID threshold, which variables recorded as the mean and standard errors and
represents the minimal clinically important difference, is categorical variables as rates (incidence). For continu-
defined as an improvement of at least 10.6 points in the ous variables, the Shapiro‒Wilk test will be performed
IKDC score after treatment or intervention. This thresh- to verify that the variables in each group obeyed a nor-
old signifies that a clinically meaningful change in knee mal distribution. For repeated measures, 2-way ANOVA
joint function is recognized. The SCB threshold, indicat- analysis will be conducted. Two independent samples
ing significant clinical benefit, is set at an IKDC score mean comparison T tests were used to compare the nor-
of 27.3 points or higher after treatment or intervention. mally distributed continuous variables between groups.
This threshold is used to confirm that the treatment has For nonparametric variables, the Kruskal‒Wallis test was
brought about a significant clinical benefit. Lastly, the used to determine the differences between the groups.
threshold for patient accepted symptom state (PASS) is Chi-square tests and Fischer exact tests were used to
established at an IKDC score of 57.9 points or higher. determine differences in categorical variables. Statistical
This threshold signifies that patients subjectively con- significance was set at p < 0.05.
sider their symptom state to be acceptable.
Adverse event management
Radiographic evaluation In this study, inadequate healing of the meniscus may be
Evaluation time point and project: X-ray: 1 day before observed following suturing. After a 6-month postopera-
surgery, 1 day, and 6 months after surgery; the anter- tive MRI review and clinical evaluation, some patients
oposterior and lateral position of the knee joint was may require an arthroscopic review to confirm meniscus
VAS score = 0
IKDC score > 90
No active effusion (Brush test negative)
The difference in circumference between the quadriceps muscles was less than 1.5 cm
The knee isokinetic strength test showed a ratio of bilateral quadriceps muscles greater than 90%, bilateral hamstrings greater than 90%, and uni-
lateral hamstrings to quadriceps muscle greater than 66%
Jump test Limb symmetry index (LSI = jump distance on the affected side/jump distance on the healthy side *100%) was greater than 90%,
and the test items included a single-leg long jump test and a single-leg triple jump test
Y-word balance test: bilateral extension asymmetry within 4 cm; bilateral comprehensive score is greater than 90%
Lateral step-down test showed no dynamic genu valgus
Wang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:936 Page 7 of 7
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