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absence in the United States has frustrated for so long the mildest form of socialised
medicine there (Forsyth, 1966).
The medical profession played a prominent part in shaping the NHS and, naturally
enough, the new structure reflected the profession's division. While general practitioners
opted for independence on the periphery of the service, the hospital specialists chose
salaried employment. The rationing of medical services had always been at the dis¬
cretion of the medical profession, and the new structure accepted this principle. The
profession thus achieved tremendous power resulting in a virtual takeover or pro-
fessionalisation, of the new bureaucracy (Klein, 1972). Perhaps understandably those
doctors inside the NHS structure have been more able to influence the allocation of
resources than the general practitioners, who have therefore become progressively more
isolated from both the hospital service and power.
While the NHS has a professional bureaucracy whose aim is the equitable dis¬
tribution of the available resources, there is no transatlantic equivalent. To maintain
high standards in the United States the authorities have deemed it necessary to institute
a statutory system of hospital accreditation, which usually requires medical audit
(McWhinney, 1972; Medhurst, 1972). Voluntary medical audit has only recently been
introduced to this country and it was not until the publication of the Cogwheel' '
report (Ministry of Health, 1967) that it became established as a proper function for
practising clinicians.
The main aim of audit is to analyse critically the methods used to define the patient's
problem and the action taken to resolve it.the so-called process of care' (Slee, 1967).
so that the service offered to the patient can be continuously improved. A by-product is
that the course of the disease process is closely observed, yielding much information
which will help to identify clinical syndromes or presymptomatic states (Logan, 1969).
A further type of medical audit is really market-research inspired: that is the critical
analysis of the availability, use and acceptability of the facilities provided. Thus medical
audit can be seen as either a tool of management, by which the service to the patient is
constantly scrutinised, or of epidemiological research, to achieve a greater understanding
of disease. The concept of the community physician has arisen, developed and one of
his more important tasks, ensuring that medical audit is professionally based and
properly performed (Department of Health and Social Security, 1972).
When unification of the NHS occurs in 1974, the general practitioner will be able to
use the existing machinery as only his colleagues could previously, and I believe that we
shall see an increasing volume of high standard research coming from the increasing
number of research-conscious practices.
Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 1973, 23, 697
698 J. D. Williamson
Audit in general practice
Each year in England and Wales, there are about 160 million patient-attendances at
general-practitioner surgeries and a further 40 million house-calls (Logan, 1970).
Doctors are therefore busy people (Royal College of General Practitioners, 1970) who
are probably rightly chary of involving themselves in purely academic exercises. How¬
ever, in all specialties, research and practice must go together if medicine is not to
As an argument against teaching undergraduates about general practice, it is often
said that the only way to learn the subject is by experience. This, of course, is nonsense,
since it is by reflection on experience that one learns; such reflection involving self-
criticism which is in itself one of the marks of intelligent behaviour (Mackenzie, 1971).
This is precisely the purpose of a medical audit: self-criticism, leading to the benefits
to the patient and to the service. This is very important for the general practitioner who,
being the common factor to all specialties, has a bird's eye view of the whole range of
health and welfare (using the term in its broadest sense) service. Audit done by the
general practitioner can be relevant to all specialties, or to any one of them, in a way
that the hospital specialist might find difficult to understand without previous experience
of medicine in the community.
It has been said that if the environment is not right, the individual (doctor) may
have difficulty in deploying his skills and the patient may suffer (Dollery, 1971).
This is the essence of all medicine, but the factors I wish to stress are summed up in
the phrase deploying his skills.'
1. The subjective data obtained from the patient,
2. The objective data obtained by examination or investigation,
3. The assessment of the data,
4. The creation of the plan which will attempt to resolve the problems (mnemonic
The idea behind this classification is the provision of records which would be useful
for any retrospective medical audit at any time. There are, however, many real problems
in adopting such a system. The first is whether or not negative findings should be
recorded. The importance placed on such varies from person to person, being a function
of both the practitioner's education and his previous experience.
A more basic difficulty lies in deciding the depth of investigation to be adopted in
a particular case. Assuming that it is not possible to perform a complete medical
examination on each patient, the doctor is faced with the conflicting needs of fulfilling
his service role to the patient and completing the medical record fully. Furthermore
there is a group of patients who will react adversely to what they consider to be un¬
necessary enquiry or investigation, to the detriment of the doctor-patient relationship.
Even if the patient is agreeable to such, he may resent the doctor noting every little fact.
Thus, although the technique described is useful in medical audit there are severe
limitations to its use. Perhaps what should be considered is the fitting of any data
collected into the scheme, using the doctor's discretion as the main limiting factor.
Data are of two types: hard' data characterised by a quantifiable component
which is expressable in terms of probability; and soft' data which are descriptive or
subjective and thereby are not amenable to statistical manipulation. Medical audit is
essentially based on hard' data, though not necessarily exclusively. Unfortunately for
us most hard data in medicine is dependent on factors outside the researcher's control,
such as laboratory efficiency, other doctor's notes, or the sensitivity of our own diagnostic
equipment. Recording errors also confuse the picture, for even the most incontrovertible
fact (e.g. age) can be copied down wrongly by a harrassed doctor! And what of the
terminology? What is angina? If a word means one thing to one doctor and some¬
thing quite different to another, then the sum of their observations means nothing to
anyone (Walford, 1955).
Quality control
When performing an audit, there will be those facts which need to be accepted, since
there can be no check of their reliability (e.g. results of urine cultures or blood pressure
measurements). To overcome part of this problem, most laboratories have instituted a
system of quality control in the same way as those industries whose profits depend on
the quality of the final product (Duncan, 1965).
Unless this is done, all that the researcher can assess is the doctor's performance,
given the information available to him. For most work, this is sufficient, but there is the
704 J. D. Williamson
occasional and usually prospective research that requires the clinical measurements to
be as accurate as possible. It is then possible for the doctor to perform a simple day-to¬
day control programme on his own clinical findings, using cumulative sum control
charting (CUSUM for short). Apart from confirming the validity of a batch of results,
Cusum charts can be used both to test efficiency and to improve education (Williamson
and Smolski, 1972).
Although simple to use, the mathematics of Cusum charts are very complex (Lowe,
1968). Their influence depends on the facts that errors in estimated data quickly balance
out and that very small changes in the quality of the result are quickly obvious as a
change in the slope of the graph. To obtain a Cusum chart, the following is done:
(1) Obtain the average for a given measurement in the unit of time under scrutiny
(usually one day),
(2) Obtain the difference between this average value and the preselected normal '
(3) Plot this difference in a cumulative fashion on the end of the graph (i.e. positive
values ascending and negative values descending).
If the normal value is selected or known correctly, the graph will be flat. If there
' '
is a slope, either upward or downward, then the normal value' is wrongly estimated
normal values in his practice. The advantage of Cusum charting is that the doctor can
himself test the reliability of his assumptions by seeing what the graphs do in his
I derived the following Cusum chart on the diastolic blood pressure at the Medical
Centre (London), which has in operation an automated multi-phasic screening system.
In the five months represented on the chart, over 8,000 patients' blood pressures were
taken. I took as a starting point a normal value' of 95 mm Hg., since the patients
which began at point B and lasted one week. The object of the course was to impress
the importance of technique in obtaining blood pressure measurements.
The nurses were not told of the reason for the programme and they accepted it on
its face value. Indeed there was no attempt to discuss actual levels with the nurses except
to suggest that prior experience might lead to an expectation of a particular level. It
was pointed out that this danger could be avoided as much as was possible by adherence
to good technique.
Quality control, medical audit and the general practitioner 705
When normal duty was resumed I watched the Cusum charts in the usual manner,
not quite sure of what would happen. As can be seen, the graph flattened, indicating
that the greater awareness by the nurses led to the actual average value being the same
as the normal' value selected by me at 95 mm Hg. This flat graph continued for nearly
1 week
Figure 1
Cusum chart for diastolic blood pressure
Medical audit can be seen as marketresearch, epidemiological research, administrative
research, clinical research, snooping! If the aim is always to improve the service
offered to the patient, the by-product is almost always an educational experience. The
techniques used to perform a medical audit are many, but advice is available from the
local community physician or a research club. All the researcher needs is a clear idea
of his objectives, and proper medical records.
The value of quality control in clinical practice has been mentioned. It is not
essential to medical audit, but if the researcher is interested in this form of study, it can
bring much benefit by way of helping him to learn more about the individuals who make
up his practice.
Medical audit will not distinguish between how a disease was treated and a patient
was managed with its statistics (Counihan, 1972). It does not attempt to do this. Its
aim is to define a baseline for further analysis; in its broadest sense defining the ' normal
value' upon which all medical practice is based.
Medical audit is concerned with seeing whether an episode has been resolved in the
most efficient and effective manner, but we should not forget that improvements in
medical care are dependent on the standards and ethical values held by the doctors
offering that care. To those who seek to force change by misusing medical audit: it
is well to remember the words of Norah Mackenzie who wrote:
" It is all too easy for the good organiser, often unconsciously, to regard human
beings as pieces in a chess board to be moved about at his convenience. This in itself
defeats its own ends, for it overlooks the importance of values in human life, and further
infringes one of the most important of all human rights, that of respect due to any
human being as a human being, whatever his character and personality may be like."
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