Media Club Plan
Media Club Plan
Media Club Plan
- The media production club has several key objectives and goals that will benefit both the student members and school students engaged in our
activities. Our club aims to provide students with the opportunity to express and develop their ideas and talent through media technology and
communication. As a team we have set 5 additional goals alongside the CAS 7 learner outcomes, to reach by the end of the school year.
1. Becoming more open-minded.
2. Developing skills in photography.
3. Developing skills in making video content.
4. Learning to be excellent collaborators.
5. Expanding our creative skills.
Together we are eager to challenge ourselves with individual chores and responsibilities while operating as a club with excellent leadership
- Our experience has three key tangible outcomes to reach: School Newspaper, Yearbook creation and Filmmaking. Alongside these projects we
aim to organize multiple side projects that create positive school engagement and facilitate knowledge about issues of importance to peers. These
activities include: Social media content, photography exhibition, weekly poster on school TV, podcast episodes, fun school event (photobooth
day), and collaborating with other clubs on projects.
№ Experience Learning Outcome Learner Profile Results to be achieved Owner
1 Yearbook Strength & Growth, Challenge Knowledgeable, - Aims to create our June, 2024
& Skills, Initiative & planning, reflective, caring, official yearbook
collaboration, commitment principled, for the first IBDP
and recognizing the ethics of communicators, graduates with a
choices and actions open-minded, creative and unique
inquirers, balanced, design that will
thinkers provide a special
memory for each
2 Short films, podcasts and Strength & Growth, Challenge Risk takers, - These activities Throughout
interviews & Skills, Initiative & planning, knowledgeable, aim to spread the year
collaboration, commitment reflective, caring, issues of global
and recognizing the ethics of principled, influence to peers
choices and actions communicators, and our community
open-minded, and facilitate more
balanced, thinkers knowledge towards
these topics.
3 Newspaper Strength & Growth, Challenge Risk takers, - This activity is December
& Skills, Initiative & planning, knowledgeable, aimed to create the 2023, June
collaboration, commitment reflective, caring, first digital school 2024
and recognizing the ethics of principled, newspaper and
choices and actions communicators, promote student
open-minded, collaboration
inquirers, balanced, within it,
thinkers developing a sense
of community.
4 Club collaborations Strength & Growth, Challenge Knowledgeable, - Collaborations Throughout
& Skills, collaboration and caring, principled, with other school the year
commitment communicators, clubs will help our
open-minded, members develop
inquirers, thinkers team skills,
skills and provide a
5 Special events Challenge & Skills, Initiative Risk takers, - These events will On special
& planning, collaboration and knowledgeable, be initiated by our celebratory
recognizing the ethics of reflective, caring, club with the aim days
choices and actions principled, of bringing
communicators, students together to
open-minded, be a part of
inquirers educational as well
as entertaining
events outside of
the classroom.
6 Photography exhibition Strength & Growth, Challenge Risk takers, - This exhibition May, 2024
& Skills, Initiative & planning, knowledgeable, will encourage
collaboration, commitment reflective, caring, competitiveness in
and recognizing the ethics of principled, students and enable
choices and actions communicators, them to explore a
open-minded, new passion into
inquirers, balanced, the fascinating
thinkers world of
7 TV posters Challenge & Skills, Initiative Knowledgeable, - Weekly TV posters Throughout
& planning, collaboration, reflective, caring, will provide as a the year
commitment and recognizing principled, knowledge board, (weekly)
the ethics of choices and communicators, greeting students
actions open-minded, and school
balanced, thinkers members with
educational and
intriguing topics,
adding extra
knowledge to their
Social media account Strength & Growth, Challenge Risk takers, - Managing and Throughout
& Skills, Initiative & planning, knowledgeable, creating a social the year
collaboration, commitment, reflective, caring, media page for our
global engagement and principled, club will help to
recognizing the ethics of communicators, gain positive
choices and actions open-minded, engagement from
inquirers, balanced, students and serve
thinkers as an educational
and entertaining
Many collaboration opportunities with other clubs. Utilizing all the School work and busy schedules could delay our
different resources we can at our school. Creating a social media page operations. Student engagement could be scarce. Others
could benefit our clubs awareness and success. might have misleading views about our new club which
could hinder club success.