Makhan Lal Saha Surgery - PDF 2
Makhan Lal Saha Surgery - PDF 2
Makhan Lal Saha Surgery - PDF 2
Figure 17.1: This is a straight X-ray of chest along with upper part of abdomen showing
free gas under both domes of the diaphragm and there is a ground glass appearance in the
abdomen (Courtesy: Prof Bitan Kumar Chattopadhyay, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.2: Similar X-ray—Note huge amount of free gas under both domes of diaphragm
Chapter 17 X-rays 671
Figure 17.3: Similar X-ray—Note chink of free gas under both domes of
Figure 17.4: This is a straight X-ray of abdomen with lower part of chest and upper part of pelvis taken in
erect posture showing multiple air fluid levels. The distended gut loops are situated in the central part of
the abdomen and are arranged in a step ladder fashion. The upper loops are showing presence of valvulae
conniventes which are closely packed and complete suggesting these to be distended jejunal loops. The
distended gut loops in right iliac fossa region do not show presence of any valvulae conniventes and appear as
characterless suggesting these to be distended ileal loops. This appearance is suggestive of acute small bowel
obstruction (Courtesy: Dr QM Rahaman, Registrar, WBUHS, Kolkata)
Figure 17.5: Similar X-ray as in Figure 17.4 showing multiple air fluid levels. The gas filled intestinal loops
are central in location arranged in a stepladder fashion. Most of the distended loops do not valvulae
conniventes and appear characterless, suggesting these to be distended ileal loops. This appearance is
suggestive of acute small bowel obstruction
676 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.7: This is a straight X-ray of abdomen along with upper part of the pelvis taken in erect posture
showing a hugely distended large gut loop extending from the pelvis to the upper abdomen. Two loops
are distinctly seen with outer borders and an intervening wall formed by inner walls of the sigmoid colon.
All these distended gut walls are seen converging towards the pelvis. This appearance is suggestive of
large bowel obstruction due to sigmoid volvulus
Figure 17.8: Similar X-ray omega shaped distended large gut loop. All three lines converging towards the
pelvis suggesting sigmoid volvulus (labeling)
Chapter 17 X-rays 687
Figure 17.9: This is a plain X-ray of abdomen with upper part of pelvis showing
multiple radiopaque shadows in the right paravertebral region below the 12th rib
which appears closely packed. Apart from these there is another dense staghorn type
of radiopaque shadow in the right kidney region
Figrue 17.12: This is a plain X-ray of chest PA view showing normal bony cage. The diaphragm domes are
normal. There are multiple rounded opacities in both lung fields suggestive of cannon ball metastasis in
both lungs (Courtesy: Dr AG Ghosal, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
The trachea.
The cardiac shadow and assessment of cardiothoracic ratio.
The diaphragm- the dome level—normally 6th rib anteriorly and 10th rib posteriorly, the
costophrenic angle.
The lung fields—the bronchovascular markings.
The hilar region.
Below diaphragm—Free gas under the domes of diphragm, dilated bowel loops, displacement
of fundal gas shadow, interposition of colon between liver and diaphragm (Chilaiditis
What are Kerley’s lines in Chest X-ray?
There are two type of Kerley’s line seen in chest X-rays:
Kerley’s A lines: These are 1–2 mm nonbranching lines radiating from the hilum, 2–6 cm long.
This is due to thickened interlobular septa.
Kerley’s B lines: These are transverse 1–2 mm nonbranching lines at lung bases perpendicular
to the pleura,1–3 cm long. This is also due to thickened interlobular septa.
What are the important causes of cannon ball shadows in chest X-ray?
This may be due to (Fig. 17.13):
Benign lesion
• Fungal infection—Histoplasmosis, coccidioodomycosis, aspergillosis.
• Parasitic infection—Filarial infection, hydatid disease.
• Sarcoidosis.
• Wegener’s granulomatosis.
• Rheumatoid nodules.
• Sputum cytology
• Bronchoscopic examination
• CT guided FNAC.
How will you treat pulmonary metastasis?
Pulmonary metastasis usually indicates advance disease and treatment is mainly palliative:
Treatment of the primary lesion.
For pulmonary lesion:
• Chemotherapy.
• Hormone therapy.
Surgery—Metastatectomy or segmental lung resection.
Figure 17.14: This is a plain X-ray of chest PA view with upper part of abdomen
showing fluid collection in the right subphrenic region with a horizontal air fluid
level. There is a homogeneous opacity in the right lower zone of the lung field
suggestive of consolidation of the right lower lobe of the lung. This appearance
is suggestive of right sided subphrenic abscess with consolidation of right lower
lobe of lung (Courtesy: Dr PS Pal, BSMC, Bankura, West Bengal)
Figure 17.18: These are two pictures from ERCP series. In first picture endoscope
is seen in situ. The gallbladder is opacified well. The common bile duct, hepatic
duct and intrahepatic biliary radicles are grossly dilated. There is a radiolucent
filling defect in the bile duct suggestive radiolucent common bile duct stone.
This is a diagnostic ERCP procedure as no therapeutic intervention has been done
(Courtesy: Dr Jayanta Dasgupta, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Other questions related to bile duct stones (see Long Case on Choledocholithiasis.
Figure 17.19: This is one of the skiagram from ERCP series showing dilated bile
duct and intrahepatic biliary radicles. There is a long linear filling defect in the bile
duct suggestive of a round worm in the bile duct (Courtesy: Dr Abhijit Chodhury,
IPGME & R, Kolkata)
702 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.22: This is one of the skiagram from T-tube cholangiogram series. The
T-tube is seen in situ. The common bile duct, hepatic ducts and the intrahepatic
biliary radicles are dilated and there are two filling defects within the lumen of the
bile duct. These are suggestive of residual radiolucent common bile duct stones. The
dye has gone into the duodenum suggesting no obstruction in the terminal bile
duct (Courtesy: Dr Suprya Ghatak, SDLD, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.23: This is one of the skiagram from T-tube cholangiogram series
showing T-tube in situ. The bile duct is dilated and there is a radiolucent
filling defect at the lower end of the bile duct. The dye, however, has
reached the duodenum. This X-ray appearance is suggestive of residual
stone in the bile duct following choledocholithotomy
Chapter 17 X-rays 707
The T-tube is removed and the T-tube tract is dilated under fluoroscopic control.
A Dormia basket catheter is introduced through the T-tube tract into the bile duct and the
stones may be removed.
Alternatively, a choledoscope may be passed through the matured T-tube tract and the stones
from the bile duct may be removed under vision.
What is the role of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy?
Retained or recurrent bile duct stone may be fragmented by using extracorporeal shock wave
lithotripsy. An endoscopic sphincterotomy may hasten expulsion of the fragmented stone.
What are the other options for management of residual bile duct stones?
If the above measures fail, the options are:
Laparoscopic choledocholithotomy.
Open choledocholithotomy.
If the retained stone is detected after the removal of T tube how will you manage ?
1. Endoscopic sphincterotomy and stone extraction by a Dormia basket catheter introduced
through the endoscope.
2. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy—If the stone is large it may not be suitable for ECSWL.
50% patient needs adjunctive procedure like endoscopic extraction, biliary lavage and
3. Percutaneous transhepatic route may be used to pass a cholangioscope to visualize the
bile duct stones and removal by using Dormia basket catheter introduced through the
4. Laparoscopic or open choledocholithotomy.
Figure 17.24: This is one of the skiagram from barium swallow X-ray of the esophagus
showing a smooth pencil shaped narrowing at the lower end of the esophagus
with dilatation of the esophagus proximal to this narrowing. This appearance is
characteristic of achalasia cardia (Courtesy: Dr Swadapriya Basu, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
710 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.25: This is one of the skiagram from barium swallow X-ray of
esophagus showing an irregular filling at the midesophagus. There is dilatation
of the proximal esophagus proximal to the site of narrowing. This appearance is
suggestive of carcinoma of the midesophagus
Figure 17.26: This is one of the skiagram of barium swallow X-ray of esophagus and
stomach showing an irregular narrowing at the level of gastroesophageal junction.
This appearance is suggestive of carcinoma at the lower end of esophagus and
gastroesophageal junction
Figure 17.27: This is one of the skiagram of barium meal X-ray of stomach
and duodenum. The stomach is seen normal. The duodenal cap is not well
formed and there is an ulcer crater at the region of the duodenal cap. This
appearance is suggestive of a deformed duodenal bulb due to chronic
duodenal ulcer (Courtesy: Dr Subhendu Majhi, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
714 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.28: This is one of the skiagram from double contrast barium
meal series of stomach and duodenum showing an ulcer crater in
the lesser curvature. Surrounding mucosal folds are seen converging
towards the ulcer base. Double contrast has given a better delineation
of mucosal pattern of stomach. So this is a case of chronic gastric ulcer
(Courtesy: Dr Soumya Mondal, IPGEM & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.29: This is one of the skiagram from the barium meal X-ray
of stomach and duodenum series taken 30 minutes after ingestion
of barium. There is a large ulcer crater at the lesser curvature. The
duodenum is also visualized and appears normal. This appearance is
suggestive of a chronic gastric ulcer (Courtesy: Dr Kamal Singh Kanwar,
IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.30: This is one of the skiagram from the barium meal series of stomach and duodenum taken 1
hours after ingestion of the barium. The picture shows a large irregular filling defect in the pyloric region of
the stomach. There is shouldering of the contrast material along the greater curvature of the stomach. This
appearance is suggestive of a proliferative growth in the pyloric region of the stomach. However, I would
like to see other plates of the series to confirm that this filling defect is persistent (Courtesy: Dr Subhra
Ganguly, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
716 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.31: This is one of the skiagram from barium meal X-ray of stomach
duodenum and part of the small intestine showing an irregular filling defect along
the greater curvature in the pyloric antrum region there is shouldering of the dye
along the greater curvature. This appearance is suggestive of a proliferative mass in
the pyloric region of stomach (Courtesy: Dr Saurav Das, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.32: This is one of the skiagram from barium meal stomach series
taken 8 hours after ingestion of barium. The stomach is hugely distended
and there is a mosaic appearance due to admixture of barium with
retained food particles in the stomach. The duodenum is not visualized
yet. This appearance is suggestive of gastric outlet obstruction (Courtesy:
Dr Amitava Sarkar, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.33: This is one of the skiagram from barium meal X-ray of
stomach taken 8 hours after intake of contrast material. The stomach is
hugely distended and there is a mosaic appearance due to admixture of the
contrast with the retained food particles. The duodenum is not visualized.
This appearance is suggestive of gastric outlet obstruction
Chapter 17 X-rays 719
Figure 17.34: This is one of the skiagram from barium meal X-ray of
stomach duodenum and small gut. There is gross dilatation of the 1st,
2nd and 3rd part of the duodenum. The mucosal folds in the duodenum
appeared prominent. This is a classic appearance of chronic duodenal
ileus (Courtesy: Dr Thakur Thusu, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
720 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.35: This is one of the skiagram from the barium meal follow through
examination of small and large intestine series taken 8 hours after ingestion of
the barium. There is gross narrowing of the terminal ileum, the terminal ileum
proximal to the narrowing is markedly dilated. The ileocecal junction is drawn
higher up. The cecum is deformed with loss of normal distensibility and is also
drawn higher up. This appearance is suggestive of ileocecal tuberculosis with
stricture of terminal ileum (Courtesy: Dr AN Acharya, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.36: This is one of the skiagram from small bowel enema
(enteroclysis) series showing a long jejunal tube in situ. A hugely
distended loop of jejunum is seen with stenosis at the end of the dilated
segment. This appearance is suggestive of a jejunal stricture
724 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.37: This is one of the skiagram from barium meal follow
through series taken 5 hours after ingestion of barium, showing the
ileocecal region and right half of the colon. The appendix is viusualized
but it shows multiple filling defects in the lumen suggestive of fecoliths.
This appearance suggests a pathological appendix (Courtesy: Dr Shamita
Chattarjee, Culcutta Medical College, Kolkata)
Figure 17.38: This is one of the skiagram from double contrast barium enema
series showing normal haustration and filling of the sigmoid, descending and
transverse colon. There is abrupt narrowing at the right colic flexure and a fine
streak of barium is seen going down in the ascending colon. This appearance
is suggestive of a stenosing lesion in the right colic flexure region, which may
be due to carcinoma of right colic flexure (Courtesy: Dr Sushma Banerjee,
IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.39: This is one of the skiagram from double contrast barium enema
series showin normal left colon. There is abrupt narrowing of the contrast
column at the right colic flexure with thin stream of the barium column going
down the ascending colon. This appearance is suggestive of a stenosing
lesion in the right colic flexure and the ascending colon, may be due to
carcinoma colon (Courtesy: Dr Rezaul Karim, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
732 Section 4 X-rays
Figure 17.41: This is one of the skiagram from intravenous urography series taken 10 minutes after injection
of dye. The right kidney outline and the pelvicalyceal system are seen normal. The left kidney outline is
enlarged. There is distortion of the left pelvicalyceal system. The pelvis is pushed up. There is splaying (spider
leg deformity) of the calyces. There is amputation of some of the calyces. This appearance is suggestive of
carcinoma of the kidney (Courtesy: Dr Rajkumar Singh Mahapatra, IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.42: This is one of the skiagram from IVU series taken 10 minutes after injection of the contrast. The
right kidney and the renal pelvis are normal. The left kidney outline is enlarged. The left renal pelvis is pushed
up. There is splaying of the calyces (spider leg deformity) and also there are amputation of some calyces. This
appearance is suggestive of carcinoma kidney (Courtesy: Dr Abhiram Majhi, CNMC, Kolkata)
Figure 17.44: This is a lateral view plain X-ray of the skull with part of maxilla
showing a comminuted fracture involving the left parietal bone is suggestive
of depressed skull fracture involving the left parietal bone (Courtesy: Dr Kaushik
Ghosh, BIN/IPGME & R, Kolkata)
Figure 17.45: This is a straight X-ray of chest PA view with right shoulder and
upper part of abdomen showing multiple rib fractures on the right side involving
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th rib at two points and the intervening fragment of the
ribs are pushed inwards. The right long field appears hypertranslucent. There
is homogeneous opacity in the right hemithorax with a horizontal fluid level
suggestive of hemopneumothorax. The margins of the collapsed right lung is seen.
There is fracture involving the right clavicle. There is also evidence of subcutaneous
emphysema. So, this X-ray appearance is suggestive of multiple rib fractures with flail
chest with traumatic hemopneumothorax and fracture clavicle with subcutaneous
emphysema (Courtesy: Dr Sandip Roy, AMRI, Kolkata)