Masbate City Executive Summary 2022
Masbate City Executive Summary 2022
Masbate City Executive Summary 2022
I. Introduction
The City of Masbate was created on September 30, 2000, through a Referendum,
pursuant to Republic Act (RA) No. 8807 converting the then Municipality of Masbate into
a Component City of the Province of Masbate.
Financial and compliance audit was conducted on the transactions and operations of
the City of Masbate for calendar year (CY) 2022 to ascertain the propriety and validity of its
disbursements, the reliability of the accounts presented in the financial statements and
whether fiscal responsibility that rests directly with the agency head had been properly
For CY 2022, the significant project accomplishments reported under the 20%
Development Fund are presented in Annex L. However, the aforementioned projects were
not yet validated by the Audit Team/Technical Audit Group (TAG) due to the delayed
submission of the perfected contracts and other required supporting documents by the
agency officials concerned.
For the year 2022, the City of Masbate projected an aggregate total income of
₱1,035,570,456.00 from the General Fund and Special Education Fund to be collected from
various sources such as Tax Revenues, Fees and Charges and Shares from Internal Revenue
Allotment (IRA).
The total income generated from the General and Special Education Funds amounted
to ₱1,009,179,869.91, showing an increase of ₱257,836,761.62 or 34.32 per cent compared
with the preceding year’s income of ₱751,343,108.29, presented as follows:
Revenue Sources CY 2022 CY 2021
Object of Increase/
CY 2022 CY 2021
Expenditures (Decrease)
The obligations incurred by the Agency for its operations during the year based on
the Statement of Appropriations, Allotments and Obligations prepared by the City Budget
Officer, both for General and Special Education Funds, amounted to ₱985,140,499.55
registering an increase of ₱212,067,585.13 or 27.43 per cent from that of the preceding
year’s obligations of ₱773,072,914.42 as shown in the next page:
Object of Increase/
CY 2022 CY 2021
Expenditures (Decrease)
Personal Services ₱ 383,618,714.63 ₱ 318,120,939.86 ₱ 65,497,774.77
MOOE 354,789,227.49 277,223,326.17 77,565,901.32
Capital Outlay 244,439,721.96 175,379,799.08 69,059,922.88
Financial Expenses 2,292,835.47 2,348,849.31 (56,013.84)
Total ₱ 985,140,499.55 ₱ 773,072,914.42 ₱ 212,067,585.13
At the end of CY 2022, the results of operations of the City Government registered
a total amount of ₱169,974,929.14, higher by ₱158,611,659.82 as compared to the 2021
figure of ₱11,363,269.32, details are shown below:
Item CY 2022 CY 2021
IV. Significant Audit Observations and Recommendations
For the exceptions cited, the Auditor recommended that the Local Chief Executive
(LCE) require the responsible City Officials to prioritize the reconciliation process and
ensure that the discrepancies noted are immediately investigated and adjusted in the books
accordingly. Also, that the LCE direct the Office of the City Accountant to thoroughly
review the identified reconciling items in the bank reconciliation statement (BRS) and the
necessary journal entries must be made in order to present the correct balance of the affected
accounts in the financial statement. It was likewise recommended that the City Accountant
exclude from Accounts Payable those items without valid proofs and to make adjusting
entries to correct the balance of this account in the financial statements. Furthermore, it was
recommended that the City Accountant record/deduct from the balance of Due to NGAs
account those fund transfers that were already utilized and liquidation reports that had been
already submitted to source agencies.
Moreover, the following are the other significant observations and the corresponding
We recommended that the Local Chief Executive instruct the City Treasurer to deposit
intact all collections and not to allow delayed and partial remittances from collectors as
required by rules and regulations to prevent possible misappropriation, theft, and loss of
funds. Impose administrative sanctions if warranted.
3. The Liquidating Officers were unable to thoroughly verify the Report of Collection
and Deposit (RCD) of the Collecting Officers.
4. The collection efficiency on Real Property Tax (RPT) and Special Education Tax
(SET) income for CYs 2021 and 2022 was low, ranging from 16.61 percent to 55.67
We recommended that the City Treasurer conduct intensive tax campaign, employ
collection strategies, and institute legal remedies pursuant to the pertinent provisions of
RA No. 7160 in order to persuade the taxpayers to pay their tax on time.
Issued this
Beg. Balance Period Ending Balance
(January 1 to
Particulars (January 1, (January 1 to (As of December
December 31,
2022) December 31, 31, 2022)
Notice of
Suspension ₱ 1,308,750.00 ₱ 0.00 ₱ 110,750.00 ₱ 1,198,000.00
Notice of
Disallowance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Notice of Charge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total ₱ 1,308,750.00 ₱ 0.00 ₱ 110,750.00 ₱ 1,198,000.00