Family Care Plan - Dubai & Northern Emirates
Family Care Plan - Dubai & Northern Emirates
Family Care Plan - Dubai & Northern Emirates
*Approval protocol for Free Access at network providers will
follow DHA guidelines
Day care Treatment Covered
Out Patient Surgery Covered
Emergency Mental health Covered
Work Related Injuries Covered
Under this benefit the treatment required within three months
following accidental damage to sound natural teeth caused by a
violent external means when the treatment is given by a
Emergency Dental treatment for accidental damage to Physician, dentist or dental surgeon is covered.
natural teeth *No treatment will be covered after 3 months of the accident.
**Treatment required as the result of the consumption of food
or drink or any foreign bodies contained in such food or drink is
not covered.
Babies born inside and out-side UAE - New born expenses are
covered from Date of Birth under the mother`s card for the first
30 days from date of birth up to the policy annual limit.
New Born baby coverage Newborn babies will be added to the principle policy only upon
requested by the policy holder and is subject to Medical
Coverage for new born are in line with DHA benefit guidelines.
Preventive services covered for members over 18 years Diabetic Screening:
of age Fasting Blood Sugar and HBA1C tests are covered once a policy
*Prior Approval is required for Free Access facility year for eligible members
Cancer Treatment:
Screening, healthcare services, investigations and
treatments only for members who are enrolled under
"Patient Support Program" only
HCV Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Screening, healthcare Covered as per terms, conditions and exclusions of the program
services, investigations and treatments related to viral defined by DHA
Hepatitis and associated complications related to
Hepatitis C shall only be for members enrolled under
Support Program.
Hearing and vision aids, and vision correction by
surgeries and Covered only in cases of medical emergencies
- No Financial limitations applicable under this benefit
- Worldwide Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Worldwide Hospital Admission Assistance
- Repatriation of mortal remains to home country from
anywhere in the world, including country of residence.
MedNet’s Global Emergency Assistance services
- Medical Consultation, Evaluation, Referral & Monitoring
coverage through Assist America
- Care of minor children & Compassionate visit
*For detailed information please refer Assist America Table of
Additional Benefits
Maternity Benefit
Inpatient & Outpatient coverage includes: - Normal Delivery expenses are covered up to a sub limit of
1. Pre & Post-natal treatments AED 10,000/-
2. Normal delivery - Medically necessary Caesarean Section and complication
3. Medically necessary Caesarean Section expenses are covered up to a sub limit of AED 10,000/-
4. Maternity related Complications - Any Medical Emergency expenses related to Maternity will be
5. Medically necessary legal terminations covered up to a sublimit of AED 150,000/-
* In-patient maternity treatment are subject to prior - Outpatient Eligible Maternity expenses are covered up to
approval Annual limit
- 10% co-payment applicable on all Maternity treatments,
including out- patient Maternity consultation (no Deductible
- The following screening tests are covered as per DHA
Antenatal care protocol:
o FBC and Platelets
o Blood group, Rhesus status and antibodies
o MSU & urinalysis
o Rubella serology
o Hepatitis C offered to high risk patients
o GTT, if high risk
o FBS, Random blood sugar OR HbA1C
o Ultrasonography: 3 scans
Alternative Medication Benefit
Alternative Medicine Benefit covers: Osteopathy, Covered up to AED 1,600/- PMPY
Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Ayurveda and **Only on reimbursement basis
Herbal Treatments
Vaccination Benefit
Vaccination Covered as per MOH schedule Covered both on *Free Access & reimbursement basis
(Requirepre-authorization) Reimbursements claims are settled at 100% of actual covered
cost subject to maximum of 100% of Applicable Network rates
*Free Access facility is available only within specific MedNet
Vaccination Network
Influenza Vaccine Covered - Once per Annum **Only on reimbursement basis
Dental Benefit
Free Access
- Covered with pre-authorization only
- Co-payment 20% applicable
Covered with sub-limit of AED 3,500
*Additional 20% co-payment applicable
over free access
*No reimbursement for Silk Road NW
inside UAE.
Dental Consultation Covered
Tooth Extraction
- Simple Extraction Covered
- Surgical Extraction
Scaling & Polishing Covered
Tooth filling
- Amalgam filling
- Composite filling
- Glass Ionomer filling
Root Canal Treatment (R.C.T) Covered
Crown Covered if followed by an Root Canal Treatment
X- Ray
- Intra Oral {Bite wing/ Periapical / Occlusal} Covered
- Extra Oral { Panoramic X-ray & Tomograms}
- Antibiotics
- Analgesics
- Antacids
- Enzyme preparations (Edema reductions)
- Vitamins ( only with antibiotics)
Medications exclusion
- Mouth wash
- Tooth pastes
Not Covered
- Dentures cleaning agents
- Desensitizing agents
- Anti-septic
- Covered
- L. Anesthesia
- Not Covered
- G. Anesthesia
Orthodontics Not Covered
- For further details, on the services included in the above table / or about any other services not included Kindly contact our Medical Call
Centre (MCC) at
8004882/ 800MedNet.
- Except For Scaling and Polishing, all other services are covered if medical necessity is established.
CLAIMS SETTLEMENT TERMS (what is Paid by the Insurer)
Free Access (Network) Covered if the chosen provider is available in
the selected Network
Reimbursement in SEA:
- 100% of actual covered cost subject to maximum of 100% of UAE
applicable network rates
Elective Treatment Reimbursement elsewhere within territorial scope of cover*:
Reimbursement - 80% of Actual Covered Cost subject to maximum of 80% of UAE
(Non-Network) Applicable
Network rates
*No Elective treatment reimbursement for Silk Road Network inside
Free Access (Network) 100% of Actual Covered Cost
Emergency Treatment Reimbursement
General exclusion list is in line with DHA mandated benefit and scope of coverage.
4. Custodial care including I) Non-medical treatment services; 2) Health-related services which do not seek toimprove, or which do not
result in a change in the medical condition of the patient
5. Services which do not require continuous administration by specialized medical personnel.
6. Personal comfort and convenience items (television, barber or beauty service, guest service and similarincidental services and
7. All cosmetic healthcare services and services associated with replacement of an existing breast implant. Cosmetic operations which
are related to an Injury, sickness, or congenital anomaly when the primary purposeis to improve physiological functioning of the
involved part of the body and breast reconstruction following a mastectomy for cancer are covered.
8. Surgical and non-surgical treatment for obesity (including morbid obesity), and any other weight controlprograms, services, or
9. Medical services utilized for the sake of research, medically non-approved experiments and investigations andpharmacological
weight reduction regimens.
10. Healthcare Services that are not performed by Authorized Healthcare Service Providers.
11. Healthcare services and associated expenses for the treatment of alopecia, baldness, hair falling, dandruffor wigs.
12. Health services and supplies for smoking cessation programs and the treatment of nicotine addiction.
13. Treatment and services for contraception
14. Treatment and services for sex transformation, sterilization or intended to correct a state of sterility or infertilityor sexual
dysfunction. Sterilization is allowed only if medically indicated and if allowed under the Law.
15. External prosthetic devices and medical equipment.
16. Treatments and services arising as a result professional sports activities, including but not limited to, any form of aerial flight, any
kind of power-vehicle race, water sports, horse riding activities, mountaineering activities, violent sports such as judo, boxing, and
wrestling, bungee jumping and any professional sportsactivities.
17. Growth hormone therapy unless medically necessary
18. Costs associated with hearing tests, vision corrections, prosthetic devices or hearing and vision aids
19. Mental Health diseases, both outpatient and in-patient treatments, unless it is an emergency condition.
20. Patient treatment supplies (including for example: elastic stockings, ace bandages, gauze, syringes, diabetic test strips, and like
products; non-prescription drugs and treatments,) excluding supplies required as a result of Healthcare Services rendered during a
Medical Emergency.
21. Allergy testing and desensitization (except testing for allergy towards medications and supplies used in treatment); any physical,
psychiatric, or psychological examinations or investigations during these examinations.
22. Services rendered by any medical provider who is a relative of the patient for example the Insured personhimself or first-degree
23. Enteral feedings (via a tube) and other nutritional and electrolyte supplements, unless medically necessaryduring in-patient
24. Healthcare services for adjustment of spinal subluxation.
25. Healthcare services and treatments by acupuncture; acupressure, hypnotism, massage therapy, aromatherapy,ozone therapy,
homeopathic treatments, and all forms of treatment by alternative medicine.
26. All healthcare services & treatments for in-vitro fertilization (IVF), embryo transfer; ovum and sperms transfer.
27. Elective diagnostic services and medical treatment for correction of vision.
28. Nasal septum deviation and nasal concha resection.
29. All chronic conditions requiring hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, and related investigations, treatments, orprocedures.
30. Healthcare services, investigations and treatments related to viral hepatitis and associated complications, except for the treatment
and services related to Hepatitis B and C.
31. Any Services related to birth defects, congenital diseases and deformities unless left untreated lead to anemergency.
32. Healthcare services for senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
33. Air or terrestrial medical evacuation and unauthorized transportation services.
34. Inpatient treatment received without prior approval from the insurance company including cases of medicalemergency which were
not notified within 24 hours from the date of admission where possible.
35. Any inpatient treatment, investigations, or other procedures, which can be carried out on outpatient basis withoutjeopardizing the
Insured Person’s health.
36. Any investigations or health services conducted for non-medical purposes such as investigations related toemployment, travel,
licensing or insurance purposes.
37. All supplies which are not considered as medical treatments including but not limited to: mouthwash, toothpaste, lozenges,
antiseptics, milk formulas, food supplements, skin care products, shampoos and multivitamins (unless prescribed as replacement
therapy for known vitamin deficiency conditions); and allequipment not primarily intended to improve a medical condition or injury,
including but not limited to: air conditioners or air purifying systems, arch supports, exercise equipment and sanitary supplies.
38. More than one consultation or follow up with a medical specialist in a single day unless referred by the treatingphysician.
39. Health services and associated expenses for organ and tissue transplants, irrespective of whether the InsuredPerson is a donor or a
recipient. This exclusion also applies to follow-up treatments and complications unless left untreated develop to an emergency.
40. Any expenses related to the treatment of sleep related disorders
41. Any expenses related to immunomodulators and immunotherapy unless medically necessary
42. Services and educational programs for People of determination, this includes disability types such as but notlimited to mental,
intellectual, developmental physical or psychological activities.
Healthcare services outside the scope of health insurance (In Emergency cases as defined by
PD02-2017, the following must be covered until stabilization at minimum)
1. Injuries or illnesses suffered by the Insured Person as a result of military operations of whatever type.
2. Injuries or illnesses suffered by the Insured Person as a result of wars or acts of terror of whatever type.
3. Healthcare services for injuries and accidents arising from nuclear or chemical contamination.
4. Injuries resulting from natural disasters, including but not limited to earthquakes, tornados and any other type ofnatural
5. Injuries resulting from criminal acts or resisting authority by the Insured Person.
6. Injuries resulting from a road traffic accident.
7. Healthcare services for work related illnesses and injuries as per Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 concerning theRegulation of
Work Relations, its amendments, and applicable laws in this respect.
8. All cases resulting from the use of alcoholic drinks, controlled substances and drugs and hallucinatingsubstances.
9. Any investigation or treatment not prescribed by a doctor.
10. Injuries resulting from attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries.
11. Diagnosis and treatment services for complications of exempted illnesses.
12. All healthcare services for internationally and/or locally recognized epidemics.
13. Healthcare services for patients suffering from (and related to the diagnosis and treatment of) HIV – AIDS and its
complications and all types of hepatitis except virus A, B and C hepatitis
No (re)insurer shall be deemed to provide cover and no (re)insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or
provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, paymentof such claim or
provision of such benefit would expose that (re)insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction
under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the
European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America.
For further details, on the services included in the above table / or about any other services not included, please contact our
Medical Call Centre (MCC) at 8004882 - MedNet