335 Mass Communication Eng L10
335 Mass Communication Eng L10
335 Mass Communication Eng L10
Have you ever visited a radio station? If you haven’t, let us find out how it is. You
may be familiar with conducted tours if you have visited some place of tourist
importance like the Taj Mahal in Agra or Qutab Minar in Delhi. There are guides
who take you around and explain. So let’s go on a conducted tour of a radio
The building of a radio station as such may look like any other public building. The
offices are also like any other office. In this lesson, you will learn all about a radio
station and how it works.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
z describe the working of a radio station;
z explain the role played by different functionaries of a radio station;
z describe the functioning of All India Radio;
z classify the different types of radio stations.
There will at least be two studios in a station. You have just learnt about one of
them. Now you will learn about the second one. This may be smaller in size with
the same type of doors, walls and ceilings. Here you will find the announcer or the
anchor person sitting on a revolving chair with a microphone in front of the table.
Notes i) Programmes are sent from the transmitter to the control room.
ii) Engineers are responsible for the technical quality of radio broadcasts.
iii) Radio broadcasts are received on our radio sets through transmitters.
2. Name three important equipment found in the announcer’s booth.
3 Expand the following terms-
i) LPT
ii) HPT
iii) FM
iv) MW
v) SW
Fig. 10.3
MODULE - 3 The Radio Station
AIR is the one of the largest radio networks in the world.
The headquarters of AIR is at Akashwani Bhawan, New Delhi.
AIR has different services each catering to different regions/ languages across
One of the most famous services is Vividh Bharati (All India Variety Programme)
which offers programmes such as news, film music, comedy shows etc. in several
cities of India.
Now, let us find out how AIR operates.
AIR has a three-tier system of broadcasting, namely, national,regional and local.
The National channel of All India Radio started functioning on May 18, 1988.
It caters to the information, education and entertainment needs of the people,
through its transmitters at Nagpur, Mogra and Delhi beaming from dusk to dawn.
It transmits centrally originated news bulletins in Hindi and English, plays, sports,
music, newsreel, spoken word and other topical programmes, to nearly 76% of
the country’s population fully reflecting the broad spectrum of national life.
The languages of broadcast are Hindi, English and Urdu apart from some music
from other Indian languages.
The Regional Stations in different States form the middle tier of broadcasting.
This also includes the North-eastern service at Shillong which disseminates the
vibrant and radiant cultural heritage of the north-eastern region of the country.
Local Radio is comparatively a new concept of broadcasting in India.
Each of these local radio stations serving a small area provides utility services and
reaches right into the heart of the community,
What distinguishes local radio from the regional network is its down to earth,
intimate and uninhibited approach.
The programmes of the local radio are area specific.
They are flexible and spontaneous enough to enable the station to function as the
mouth piece of the local community.
FM Channels
What do you understand by FM?
FM stands for Frequency Modulation which is a broadcasting technology
or method in radio.
You may have all listened to one or more FM channels.
News bulletins and current affairs programmes are also broadcast from these
There are also other AIR stations on the F.M. mode. There are several private
FM channels which can be heard all over the country.
Let us learn about them.
Private radio stations ( FM channels)
Radio Mirchi, Radio Mango, Big FM, Times FM ……The list is becoming longer.
You must have heard about one or more of them. But have you wondered what
they are ?
These are private or commercial radio stations which have been given a license to
broadcast programmes on radio.
Most of them cater to the younger generation by providing a mix of music and fun.
Activity 10.1
Which is your favourite FM channel? Make a list of the programmes
that you listen to on this channel.
Community Radio is a type of radio service that caters to the interests of a
limited area or a community which is homogenous.
It broadcasts programmes that are popular and relevant to the local audience.
A community radio license is required to operate a community radio station.
These stations are expected to produce programmes as far as possible in the local
language or dialect.
Although the stress is on developmental programmes, entertainment is not banned
on these radio stations.
Anna FM is India’s first campus community radio operating from Anna University
in Chennai, Tamilnadu. This was launched on 1 February 2004.
Activity 10.2
Find out the other community radio stations in India and the cities
in which they are located.