Measuring Biodiversity in The Anthropocene A Simpl
Measuring Biodiversity in The Anthropocene A Simpl
Measuring Biodiversity in The Anthropocene A Simpl
DOI 10.1007/s10531-017-1401-1
Received: 1 June 2017 / Accepted: 1 July 2017 / Published online: 12 July 2017
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017
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2994 Biodivers Conserv (2017) 26:2993–2998
Measuring biodiversity is an extremely complex task, especially when it is defined with the
broad concept described by the Convention on Biological Diversity and global agendas
such as the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services (Dı́az et al. 2015). Even when limiting the definition to changes in the abundance
and distribution of species and their attributes in time or space (not including genetic and
ecosystem diversity), the mission remains very complex. However, to understand biodi-
versity it is essential to have accurate quantitative metrics of the study systems, and thus
generate adequate conceptual and theoretical models that can be used to inform man-
agement and conservation practices (Maclaurin and Sterelny 2008). In fact, given the
reduced level of biodiversity conservation, mainly as a result of land use changes related to
anthropization (Newbold et al. 2016), adequately measuring biological diversity has never
been so urgent.
Under this scenario of complexity and urgency, methods for measuring biodiversity
have rapidly evolved, from the simple number of observed species, the traditional indices
of alpha diversity derived from information theory (e.g., Shannon–Weaver index) and
compositional similarity indices (e.g., Jaccard index) proposed at the beginning and middle
past century, to more sophisticated methods developed in the last decades to evaluate
different facets and dimensions of biological diversity. Paradoxically, such evolution of
methods, rather than encourage its use, may result overwhelming, especially for those that
are introducing themselves in this issue and that do not have a clear guide on how to
achieve a proper biodiversity assessment. Conceptual debates (e.g., Gorelick 2011;
Legendre 2014), controversies on commonly used methods (e.g., Chiarucci et al. 2008),
revivals of proposals that remained less used (Jost 2006), as well as proliferation of novel
methodological approaches (e.g., Villéger et al. 2008; Tucker et al. 2017) may discourage
or even intimidate those interested in measuring species diversity, or lead them to use
traditional methods without a proper methodological or conceptual basis. Moreover,
methods are dispersed in specialized scientific articles, and syntheses helping us to select
proper measures for each case are scarce (but see Magurran and McGill 2011). As an
attempt to guide future research on biodiversity patterns in human-modified environments,
in this brief essay we synthetically present four recent analytical approaches accompanied
by empirical examples that, in our opinion, are strongly valuable to assess spatial and
temporal patterns of biodiversity in different contexts, and understand the processes and
mechanisms that regulate such patterns.
First, for alpha diversity—diversity within ecological communities (sensu Whittaker
1960)—we highlight advances in methods used to compare among communities
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Biodivers Conserv (2017) 26:2993–2998 2995
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2996 Biodivers Conserv (2017) 26:2993–2998
functional space (Weiher 2011; Gómez-Ortı́z and Moreno 2017). An important contribu-
tion relies on measures that separately assess functional richness, evenness and divergence
(Villéger et al. 2008), because they assess the degree of functional dominance in a com-
munity. These methods have been used, for example, to estimate the effect of land use
change due to cattle ranching in dung beetle communities (Barragán et al. 2014), the
impact of deforestation on bat communities (Garcı́a-Morales et al. 2016) and the success of
a forest restoration program for amphibian conservation (Dı́az-Garcı́a et al. 2017). In these
cases, the study of functional diversity has shown trends of change that differ from those
found when only neutral measures of diversity are used (i.e., those that do not take into
account differences among species), such as species richness or traditional alpha and beta
indices. Measures of functional diversity can also be very important to assess the loss of
ecological redundancy and its impact on ecosystem resilience due to anthropization. These
measures could be helpful to evaluate the impact of defaunation on biotic interactions such
as frugivory, and how this is related (through trophic cascading effects) to changes in
tropical tree sapling communities (Camargo-Sanabria et al. 2015; Camargo-Sanabria and
Mendoza 2016).
Finally, regarding the phylogenetic diversity, the methods proposed to quantify this
dimension of biodiversity have also emerged in the last few years, allowing the incorpo-
ration of evolutionary history from the structure of phylogenetic trees as a surrogate of
phenotypic, genetic, behavioral and/or phenological differences among lineages (Tucker
et al. 2017). The acceptance of these methods has been so high, that there are currently
more than 70 indices to measure phylogenetic diversity (Winter et al. 2013; Tucker et al.
2017; Miller et al. 2017). This approach has strengthened the way we uncover processes
driving biodiversity. For example, the effective numbers of lineages, mean phylogenetic
distance and phylogenetic dispersion indices have been used to demonstrate the importance
of facilitation on the phylogenetic diversity of plant communities (Valiente-Banuet and
Verdú 2007) and the phylogenetic impoverishment of remaining plant assemblages asso-
ciated with chronic human disturbances (Ribeiro et al. 2016).
These and other methods have been implemented in more creative and novel ways with
ample potential of use in biological conservation. For example, functional and phyloge-
netic beta diversity measures have been used to assess virus turnover in bat communities in
an anthropization gradient (Rico-Chávez et al. 2015). Doubtlessly, recent effervescence in
these methods will also be fundamental to the success in ecological restoration programs,
to assess the relationship between biodiversity and emergent diseases, the impact of cli-
mate change, among other research topics with applied implications. Therefore, we
encourage the study and proper application of the multiple concepts and current methods to
evaluate biodiversity, especially to students and teachers of disciplines related to biodi-
versity and conservation, as well as those involved in environmental issues in an ample
range of sectors (academia, governmental agencies, environmental consultancies, NGOs,
among others). We urge the formation of critical users that analyze the biological meaning
of information provided by each measure of diversity, and claim them to pay attention to
the multiple and constant proposals that will surely remain arising in this dynamic research
Acknowledgements This contribution was inspired by the authors’ opinions during an update workshop on
concepts and methods to assess biodiversity, organized with the support of the Conacyt Basic Science
Project 222632 ‘‘Evaluación de la diversidad de especies mediante el análisis e integración de elementos
ecológicos, funcionales y evolutivos’’ and the Conacyt Red Temática 251272 ‘‘Biologı́a, Manejo y Con-
servación de la Fauna Nativa en Ambientes Antropizados’’.
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