WRDTP Studentship Supervisor Information (2024/25)

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This information is for all supervisors of WRDTP-funded students.

As the supervisor of an ESRC-

funded student, you are expected to support the student to meet all of the requirements attached
to WRDTP/ESRC funding. This includes engaging with the Development Needs Analysis (DNA)
process, supporting the student to undertake their ‘Research in Practice’ (RIP) placement, and
ensuring that the student is in the best possible position to submit their thesis within the funded
period, as required by the ESRC. Please ensure that you read this information carefully, and that you
retain it for future reference.

All supervisors named on the nomination form will be invited to an online supervisor information
session at the start of the 2024/5 academic year. This offers an important opportunity to
understand the WRDTP’s training and development offer and to meet the WRDTP team. You should
make every effort to attend this, even if you have supervised a WRDTP-funded student previously.
There have been a number of significant changes to our funding structures and to ESRC
requirements, so it is vital that you are aware of them so that you can support your student

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via enquiries@wrdtp.ac.uk.

1. General funding conditions

● The studentship entails a standard UKRI stipend for each year of the award, pro-rata for
part-time study, and full tuition fees for the duration of the award, payable at the home or
international rate as appropriate. The WRDTP will meet the costs of the stipend and tuition
fees in full, excluding the international fee difference, which must be met by the home
● A comprehensive guide to the studentship can be found in the ESRC Postgraduate Funding
Guide. The document includes information regarding sickness and parental leave policies,
rules on undertaking additional employment, withdrawing from the studentship award, and
other important policies.
● The ESRC expects that doctoral projects are designed and supervised in such a way that
students are able to submit their thesis within the funded period, as defined at the outset of
the project. All students should aim to submit by the end of their funded period.
● The onus is on the student to ensure that they are aware of the terms and conditions of
their studentship. By accepting the ESRC/WRDTP studentship award, the student confirms
that they have read the ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide, and agree to adhere to the
ESRC’s terms and conditions for studentship award-holders.

2. Progress and Development Needs Analysis (DNA)

● Awards are renewable subject to satisfactory academic progress. Students awarded a 1+3.5
(i.e. a 1 year masters degree followed by a 3.5 year PhD) studentship are expected to pass
their masters course before progressing to their PhD studies. Students awarded a +3.75
studentship (i.e. a 3.75 year integrated PGCert/PhD) must pass their PGCert research
methods modules in order to continue receiving WRDTP funding for their PhD. Students
should ensure that they comply with all institutional processes regarding progress, such as
annual progress updates, confirmation review, or the thesis advisory panel.

White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership

Email: enquiries@wrdtp.ac.uk Web: wrdtp.ac.uk

● Students/Supervisors are required to complete a Development Needs Analysis (DNA) at key
points during the student’s research, including at nomination and registration. The purpose
of the DNA is to ensure that the student is equipped with the key research and transferable
skills necessary to a) undertake their programme of research, b) effectively engage with
research that draws on a wide range of conceptual and methodological frameworks; and c)
to prepare them for a wide range of careers within and beyond academia. Student
engagement in the DNA process (with appropriate supervisory support) is a condition of
award. The ESRC will (selectively) audit the DTP on this, and failure to engage will be taken
very seriously.

3. Research in Practice (RIP)

● All WRDTP studentships include a 3-month ‘Research in Practice’ placement, which is
compulsory for all students. The WRDTP will work with students to identify a suitable
placement, based on students’ prior experience and future career aspirations. We anticipate
that a range of placement options will be available, including full-time and part-time
placements (subject to agreement with the host organisations).
● Placements should not be used to conduct academic research or undertake activities that
directly contribute to the doctoral project. All placements, including those organised as
collaborative projects, must be signed off by the WRDTP before the student commences the

4. Additional funds to support research and research-related activities

● A Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) is available to all ESRC-funded students and can
be utilised during the funded period of their doctoral studies. Funds are not available in your
masters year (for 1+3.5 award-holders) or after the funding end date. Additional funding
schemes are also available for students requiring further funds to support overseas
fieldwork, difficult language training, overseas institutional visits and internships relating to
their research project, as well as additional RTSG funds, where needed.
● Students making an application to any of the WRDTP’s additional funding schemes will be
asked to evidence their adherence to any relevant policies from their institution. This
includes any relevant policies relating to the booking of travel and accommodation.

5. Managing the studentship

● All study undertaken as part of a WRDTP studentship must be carried out within the UK,
except as part of overseas fieldwork which is an integral part of the study, conferences, or
training. Students may not, for example, write up their thesis whilst resident outside the UK
during the period of their ESRC award. In such a case, fees and/or maintenance grant will
not be payable in respect of the student award. Students must be resident close to the host
institution at which they are registered, and we would expect there to be regular direct
contact between the student and supervisor. This applies to full-time and part-time
● Further details relating to the management of ESRC Studentships are available via the
wrdtp.ac.uk site, the ESRC Postgraduate Training and Development Guidelines, and the ESRC
Postgraduate Funding Guide.

White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership

Email: enquiries@wrdtp.ac.uk Web: wrdtp.ac.uk

● If during the lifetime of the studentship, the primary supervisor leaves the institution where
the student is registered, wherever possible alternative supervision should be identified
from within the student’s current academic department/school. Student transfers are
viewed as a last resort and require additional approval from ESRC.

White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership

Email: enquiries@wrdtp.ac.uk Web: wrdtp.ac.uk

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