Specifics of Self-Commercialization of Innovative Products by Machine-Building Companies
Specifics of Self-Commercialization of Innovative Products by Machine-Building Companies
Specifics of Self-Commercialization of Innovative Products by Machine-Building Companies
1, 61–66
Received January
January 10.2015;
10.2015; accepted March 10.2015
accepted March 10.2015
Ab s t r a c t . Scientific literature considering modes and with the commercialization company (engaging
methods of enterprises innovative products commercialization outsourcing company (or several companies) that will be
was analyzed in the article. Also authors’ opinions about
responsible for commercialization process (certain
commercialization of innovative products by manufacturing
stages of the process); and in a mixed mode (combining
companies through using the products for own needs were
described. Based on the information from the studied literature the two previous modes). Whereas, the relevant methods
and statistical data was concluded that the most appropriate for self-commercialization of innovative products inclu-
and most popular method of commercializing innovative de: the use of products for the company’s needs (for
products by machine-building companies is using the products internal needs; for product sales); establishing a
for the needs of the company (for internal needs or for product subsidiary and the sale of patent rights. These methods
sales). However, this method has significant advantages as
are most suitable for that particular mode as it is
well as partial disadvantages expressed in certain risks
occurring during commercialization process implementation. appropriate and practicable for a company to undertake
To provide clearer understanding of these issues the article them alone.
describes the special features of the aforementioned method in The most suitable method of commercialization of
accordance with business objectives and conditions of use in innovative products by manufacturing companies is
the enterprise. using them for the company’s needs (for internal needs
K e y wo r d s : commercialization, innovative products, modes
or for product sales). This statement is supported by
and methods of commercialization, self-commercialization,
machine-building companies
statistics and scientific sources. The method is aimed at
maximizing profits and keeping all information related
INTRODUCTION to innovation within the company. But the unassisted
Commercialization of innovative products is one of sale of innovative products is a quite risky method of
the key stages in the innovation process as it delivers commercialization, as it requires full support with the
competitive advantages to a company. Commercia- company resources at all stages of the process. In case of
lization of innovative products allows for the product incompetent commercialization, the company may incur
market launch aiming at economic benefits. significant losses. A clear knowledge and understanding
Commercialization of innovative products manufac- of the positive and negative aspects of the above method
tured by machine-building companies can be imple- may help the company to assess benefits and predict
mented in following modes: independently by a possible risks of commercialization of innovative
company manufacturing innovative products; jointly products.
MATERIALS AND METHODS also confirmed by the relevant statistics. The analysis of
the distribution of innovation funding in industry (Table
Commercialization of innovation, in particular its
1) allows the statement that the main source of
modes and methods, is an urgent problem which is
innovation funding are own funds, which share
actively studied in contemporary scientific literature.
significantly increased in 2013 and accounted for 72.9%
The scientists studying the modes and methods of
of total costs (63.9% in 2012).
commercialization include [2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21,
22,] et al. 10 companies received state financial support
Bliznichenko M.O. and Marchenko Z. I. [2] claim from national budget and 24 companies from local
that the use of innovative products for own business budgets, totaling 1.9% (2.2% in 2012 respectively).
brings an owner maximum profit resulting from the However, state involvement in the innovative
products sale and monopolistic ownership. At the same development of the country should be much higher as
time the authors note that while using this the public sector is also interested to improve the state
commercialization method the company may incur position on the world stage. 12 companies received
substantial costs associated with the arranging of funds from domestic investors and 12 from foreign,
manufacturing process, marketing, sales, etc. [11] which consisted 1.3% and 13.1% (1.3% and 8.7% in
support the statement that the use of innovative products 2012 respectively). The poor investment in innovation
for own business is the most profitable option. The process can be explained by various factors, including
authors, however, note that while using innovative the deteriorating economic and political situation in the
products for own business, added value will consist of country, increasing distrust of foreign investors to the
two components: a portion of the value that is part of the Ukrainian market, etc. 55 companies took advantage of
intellectual capital obtained in pure form, and the rest of credit facilities in 2013 which accounted for 6.6%
the surplus value derived from sales of innovative (21.0% in 2012 respectively). According to statistics
products together with using intellectual capital in pure data [10, 13, 14, 17] the main source of innovation
form. financing are own funds, which indicates that companies
This statement is also supported by [19]. The author
practice self-commercialization of innovation.
notes that in terms of profitability, commercialization
Besides, [21] in his book The introduction of
through the use of innovation for own business is the most
scientific and technological results into commerce
effective method. He asserts that this commercialization
provides the following interesting information on
method is accompanied by significant risks and is quite
costly. It is difficult to quarrel with this statement while a innovation commercialization by different means (Table
company practicing self-commercialization remains fully 2). As the table shows, the least effective way of
responsible for result as it administers the entire process commercialization is to sell information about the
without any assistance. development. This can be explained by the fact that the
So, the cited authors’ opinion confirms that the most result that innovation can bring will be much more
profitable and effective method is self-commercializa- valuable collectively than just the information about the
tion of innovative products by manufacturing companies relevant idea. Also, while selling the information a
through using the products for own needs. This fact is company loses rights to the innovation.
The method can be used in two ways. A company can manufacture and commercialize
innovative products for sales. For this purpose it must go through all the stages of chain
where innovations are transformed into the object of sale and brought to the market. The
second way of using innovative products is the use for own activities to meet internal
business needs (production, technology, management, etc.). In this case, a company reserves
innovative products within own enterprise.
Use of innovations for sales Use of innovations in own activities for own needs
*Resource: made by the author analyzing research material [1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 15, 16]
To select the optimal method of innovative products However, depending on available resources a
commercialization it is advisable to consider – in company may face certain restrictions on the use of a
addition to business opportunities – the objectives and particular method. Regarding the launch of innovative
conditions of the method application. With the sale of products on the market a company should, in the first
innovative products a developer is mainly focused on place, have all the necessary resources (financial, labor,
entering new markets or expanding existing markets time, material, information, etc.). As the method is
and, consequently, increasing its profits. Since products mainly focused on profit a company should have a target
market for products with established distribution
are innovative a company gains competitive advantages
channels and potential client base. Also, for more active
over other market insiders. Due to the fact that the
sales a company should have a developed and
company carries out the process of commercialization recognizable brand.
alone, it gains experience in this area and can As can be seen from Table 3, at the first stage of
commercialize its further products with less effort. This innovative products sales a machine-building company
objective of the commercialization method is typical and has to collect information on relevant products market.
most reasonable for companies where innovation At this stage it is necessary to undertake some actions
activities dominate the business. aimed at identifying the target market.
The next stage of the innovative products sales is status (acquisition of title). Having received legal title to
the assessment of company resource capabilities for self- innovative products, the company is able to further
commercialization. Based on the information received promote the products with no risk of losing the title to
regarding the resource capabilities of the company, it is such products. However, depending on the type of
necessary to calculate accurately the economic product, the company may be required to obtain
feasibility of commercialization of innovative products appropriate certifications to further activities.
carried out by the company alone. The next step in the The next step in the innovative products sales is to
innovative products sales is pricing for products. develop and launch a marketing program for products
Further the possible revenue from sales of promotion and marketing. Upon determining the range
innovative products should be predicted. The next step is and modification options of innovative products
budgeting for commercialization of innovative products. marketing communication policy for promotion of
That is a combination of the two previous stages. innovative products should be developed and
Having analyzed revenues and costs relating to the implemented. The next step in the innovative products
commercialization, and having completed budgeting sales is to develop a client base, reach agreements with
process, it is necessary to determine a break-even point, buyers, and create sales channels.
i.e. the sales of products, where total revenue equals A further step is the sale of products to resellers and
total costs. Whereas, revenue and costs from sales of end customers. At this stage of commercialization, based
innovative products are calculated as follows: on feedback, the company gets the first results regarding
i the demand for innovation, and it can assess all
R = Pq*Q + Pk , (1) advantages and disadvantages of using the products. In
1 case of defects in products use, the company needs to fix
where: R – revenue from sales of innovative products, them through warranty service. Also if the putting the
UAH; Pq – the price per unit of innovative products product into service is a complex process or in case of
sold, UAH; Q – the number of units of innovative any failure the manufacturer shall carry out after-sale
products sold, units; Pk – the price of advice on the use maintenance service, if it is stipulated in the agreement.
of innovative products, UAH; i – the amount of advice The final stage in the innovative products sales is
provided, units: testing the effectiveness of the completed commer-
C = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5 + C6 + C7 + cialization. This stage is designed to carry out a
+C8 + C9 + C10 + C11 + C12 + C13 + C14, (2) mandatory study of results received from the completed
where: C – costs for innovative products sales, UAH; C1 actions. The main indicator of successful commercia-
– the payment for advisory and information services, lization is profit ratio of innovative products sales (3):
associated with the support of legal registration of title PR = Pn / Rn., (3)
to the products, UAH; C2 – the payment for patenting of where: PR – the profit ratio of innovative products sales;
title to the products and their manufacture, UAH; C3 – Pn – the net profit from sales of innovative products,
the payment for products certification (if applicable) , UAH; Rn – the net revenues from sales of innovative
UAH; C4 – the payment for licenses and other gover- products, UAH.
nment approvals for conducting business (if applicable) , Concerning the use of innovative products in
UAH; C5 – the advertising costs, UAH; C6 – the cost of company business to satisfy own business needs, it
packaging and packing materials (if applicable) , UAH; should be noted that it brings many benefits to a
C7 – the cost of paying interest on financial loans company during its internal activities and thus gives it
obtained for replenishment of working capital (if competitive advantages in the market in comparison
applicable), UAH; C8 – the tax costs, UAH; C9 – the with other companies. Innovative products can be used
cost of compensation for storage, handling, transship- both in production (innovative equipment, new
ment, packaging, transport and insurance costs incurred production technology, etc.), and for other economic and
by a provider included in the price of products on the administrative processes. In particular, the use of
basis of deliveries under the agreement of the parties, innovative products can help reduce both material costs
UAH; C10 – the cost of services rendered by freight and time in different organizational processes. Also
forwarding, insurance and intermediary organizations innovative products help to modernize the existing
(including commissions), the cost of which is included logistics equipment, which in turn can result in increased
in the price of products on the basis of deliveries under production. Another main objective of applying this
the agreement of the parties, UAH; C11 – the payment of method is professional development of the staff,
export duties and customs fees (if applicable) , UAH; effective management of warehouses and inventory and
C12 – the warranty and maintenance costs, if it is so on. Thus, on the basis of the above it can be
stipulated by sales terms, UAH; C13 – the wages of concluded that the use of innovative products in own
employees involved in the commercialization process, business activity to meet the in-house needs will result
UAH; C14 – the benefits-related deduction, UAH. in significant competitive advantage.
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