Cit303 2021-2 PQ Ans

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State three forms data can be for processing into information:

1. Text: In data communications, text is represented as a bit pattern, a sequence

of bits (Is). Different sets of bit patterns have been designed to represent text
symbols. Each is called a code.
2. Numbers: Numbers are also represented by bit patterns
3. Image: an image is compound of a matrix of pixels (picture elements), where
each pixel is a small dot.
4. Audio: refers to the recording or broadcasting of sound or music. It is
continuous, not discrete.
5 Video: refers to the recording or broadcasting of a picture or movie. Video can
either be produced as a continuous entity.

State five functions perform by the physical layer:

The Physical Layer consists of the basic hardware transmission technologies of a
1. Modulation
2. Line coding
3. Bit-by-bit or symbol-by-symbol delivery
4. Circuit switching
5. Multiplexing

What Are the Three Types of Signals

1. Sinusoids: are the building block of analog signal processing
2. Impulse: is defined as a signal that has an infinite magnitude and an
infinitesimally narrow width with an area under it of one, centered at zero.
3. Step: A unit step function, also called the Heaviside step function, is a signal
that has a magnitude of zero before zero and a magnitude of one after zero. (mag
0 before 0 and mag 1 after 0)
List five address classes in IPV4 Addressing System
1. Class A.
2. Class B.
3. Class C.
4. Class D.
5. Class E.

Explain any two examples of Common System

- Radio and television are good examples of everyday uses of filters. When a
channel is changed on an analog television set or radio, an analog filter is used to
pick out the carrier frequency on the input signal.

- Another common analog system is an electric guitar and its amplifier. The guitar
uses a magnet with a coil wrapped around it (inductor) to turn the vibration of the
strings into a small electric current. The current is then filtered, amplified, and sent
to a speaker in the amplifier.

Discuss the concept of Signal Sampling

Sampling is usually carried out in two stages, discretization, and quantization. In
the discretization stage, the space of signals is partitioned into equivalence classes
and quantization is carried out by replacing the signal with representative signal
of the corresponding equivalence class. In the quantization stage the
representative signal values are approximated by values from a finite set.

describe any three networking methods.

1. LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) A local area network is a network that spans
a relatively small space and provides services to a small number of people.
2. WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) A wide area network is a network where a
wide variety of resources are deployed across a large domestic area or
A wireless network is basically the same as a LAN or a WAN but there are no wires
between hosts and servers.

Differentiate between the following hardware devices:

(i) Gateway and Protocol Converter
(ii) Multilayer switch and Digital Media Receiver
• Gateway: device sitting at a network node for interfacing with another network
that uses different protocols. Works on OSI layers 4 to 7.
• Protocol Converter: a hardware device that converts between two different
types of transmissions, such as asynchronous and synchronous transmissions.

Multilayer switch and Digital Media Receiver

• Multilayer Switch: a switch which, in addition to switching on OSI layer 2,
provides functionality at higher protocol layers.
• Digital media receiver: Connects a computer network to a home theatre

Describe the three software for Network Connection

• Proxy: computer network service which allows clients to make indirect network
connections to other network services
• Firewall: a piece of hardware or software put on the network to prevent some
communications forbidden by the network policy
• Network Address Translator: network service provides as hardware or
software that converts internal to external network addresses and vice versa

Discuss the following Network Topologies:

(i) Ring
(ii) Tree
(iii) Mesh
Ring Topology: In a ring network, every device has exactly two neighbors for
communication purposes. All messages travel through a ring in the same direction

Tree Topology: Tree topologies integrate multiple star topologies together onto a

MESH TOPOLOGY: Mesh topologies involve the concept of routes. Unlike each
of the previous topologies, messages sent on a mesh network can take any of
several possible paths from source to destination.

Discuss the three causes of impairment in signal transmission.

Attenuation: means a loss of energy. When a signal, simple or composite, travels
through a medium, it loses some of its energy in overcoming the resistance of the
Distortion: means that the signal changes its form or shape. Distortion can occur
in a composite signal made of different frequencies.
Noise: Noise is any unwanted or random interference that distorts or disrupts the
original signal.

Discuss three functions of Network Operating System

1. NOSs monitor traffic and are useful to find traffic bottleneck and equipment
2. Network Operating System (NOS) transfers files between computers, and
between computers and print servers
3. NOSs will monitor and log the users for their time on the net.

What are the three stages or algorithm for designing switches

1. We divide the N input lines into groups, each of n lines. For each group, we use
one crossbar of size n x k, where k is the number of crossbars in the middle stage.
In other words, the first stage has N/n crossbars of n x k crosspoints.
2. We use k crossbars, each of size (N/n) x (N/n) in the middle stage.
3. We use N/n crossbars, each of size k x n at the third stage.

Describe the three types of keys in cryptography?

the secret key
the public key
the private key
In a symmetric-key cipher, the same key is used by both the sender and receiver.
The key is called the secret key.
In an asymmetric-key cipher, a pair of keys is used. The sender uses the public
key; the receiver uses the private key.

Mention three characteristics of block cipher mode?

l. Even though the key and the encryption/decryption algorithm are the same,
equal blocks in the plaintext do not become equal blocks in the ciphertext.
2. Blocks are dependent on each other. Each block is encrypted or decrypted based
on a previous block.
3. The error in one block is propagated to the other blocks. If one or more bits are
corrupted during the transmission

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