Sort 2 Darraybycolumn
Sort 2 Darraybycolumn
Sort 2 Darraybycolumn
sorting algorithm (e.g., bubble sort, insertion sort, quicksort) to compare rows based on the values
in the chosen column.
1. sort2DArrayByColumn Function:
◦ Takes the 2D array, the number of rows, and the index of the column to sort by as
◦ Uses bubble sort to compare rows based on the values in the speci ed column.
◦ Swaps entire rows if the order is incorrect.
2. main Function:
Bubble Sort: Simple but inef cient for large arrays (O(n^2) time complexity). Suitable for
small datasets or educational purposes.
• Insertion Sort: Generally more ef cient than bubble sort for smaller arrays.
• Quicksort: Often the best choice for large arrays due to its average O(n log n) time
complexity. However, it can have a worst-case O(n^2) complexity.
• Merge Sort: Also has O(n log n) average time complexity and is stable (maintains relative
order of equal elements).
• Other Options: Explore more sorting algorithms (e.g., heap sort, selection sort) depending
on your speci c requirements and dataset size.
Key Improvements:
• Generic Function: The provided example works for a 2D array with 3 columns. You can
generalize the sort2DArrayByColumn function to handle arrays with varying
numbers of columns.
• Data Types: Adapt the code to work with different data types (e.g., float, double,
strings) as needed.