Organizational Behaviour

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Question Option 1

Select the style of workplace conflcit, implies_ Lets

put our heads together Both way
A field of study that investigates the impact that Organizational Change
individual, group and structure have on behavior within
organization is known as
Organization Behavior is An interdisciplinary
Who has explained the Scientific Mangement F.W.Taylor
Who is called as the Father of Scientific Mangement F.W.Taylor
Who has demonstrated the concept of Hawthorne studies F.W.Taylor

The first phase of Hawthorne studies is known as Illunimation studies

Who has demonstrated the concept of Theory X and Y Abram Maslow

Following are the priciples of scientific Management Describe and bread down
excpet the task to its smallest

Hawthorne studies were conducted to find New chemical formula

Hawthorne studies were conducted at Delhi

Hawthorne studies has been started in following year 1999
A Piece Rate Incentive system has been introduced by F.W.Taylor

Organization structure primarily refers to how activities are

coordinated & controlled

“------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals Management

through group efforts”
Organization Behavior is not a /an A separate field of study

Which of the following forms the basis for the autocratic Obedience
model of OB
Which of the following is not correct for the Organisational behaviour
organisational behaviour? is an integral part of
Following factors affect the OB except People
OB is mainly concerned with the study of __________at human behavior
Organizations is______ Social System

During workplace conflict if you are getting

something in exchange, what next step to take if you
are naturally assertive show what exaclty you would
do? List him your wishes
Select the best approach when short term conflcit
resolution is needed in an workplace conflict? collaberate
Outline a role-set is the range of contacts with whom
an individual in a particular role ? Shaper

Identify The team-role which is likely to demonstrate

such positive qualities as strategic vision and accurate
judgement but may also be overly critical ? Specialist
Identify the external sounds present in the channels of Noise
communication from followings.
Select from the followings which of these should not Noise
be avoided for effective communication?

Select the best way to protect the body from the

harmful effects of stress. learn how to avoid it
Identify type of employee resistance aims at ensuring
the complete failure of change initiatives of the
organization? positive resistance
Identify workers' acceptance of change is
characteristic of what type of culture? Team culture

Choose the term for an organisation that adapts to

changes in the environment by quickly responding to
shifts in supply and demand conditions?


The organization scores

low on the degree of
Culture is most likely to be a liability when ____ formalization.
____ is a process that helps new employees adapt to
the prevailing organizational culture. Formalization
The -------remarks “people fear technological
unemployment, reduced work hours, demotion,
reduced wages and reduced incentives and resist
change.” are the reasons for resistance of change Kert Lewin
The following are the examples of individual
resistance to change except----------------------- Economic reason
The centrality of an attitude reflects: a person’s degree of
negative or positive feelings
about an object.
The ego-defensive function of an attitude: helps a person adjust to
his/her world.
Cognitive dissonance occurs when: the attitude to an object
and the behaviour towards
it are consistent.

The thing which is conception,explicit or implicit, distinctive of Perception

an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which
influences the selection from available mode, means and ends
of action.

The thing which refers to the magnitude or degree of Attitude

favorableness or unfavourableness toward the object/event is

The scale where the statement will be both favourale and Likert's scale
unfavaorable is called
The guttman scale was discovered in the year 1945
Likert scale consist of how many boxes One
_____ describes a positive feeling about your job resulting from enlargement
an evaluation of its characteristics.
The concept that orgaization are becoming more Psychology
hetrogeneous in terms of gender,race ethnicity and
inclusion of others diverse group is

In OB studies which of the following determinant of Indivudual

behaviour in organization
Which of the following field contribute to OB mainly at Psychology
the individual level analysis ?
Which of the field contribute to OB ? Psychology
The model of organizational behaviour are Autocratic Model
Which of the following is most closely associated with Hawthorne Studies
Henri Fayol?
An interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of how A)sociology.
individuals and groups tend to act in organizations is

Organizational behaviour incorporates two distinct

features which are: interdisciplinary and

Which one of the following is not a level at which social individual

science research can be carried out in relation to

One of the following is NOT representative of some of the size, location and industry
variables on which organizations differ, which is it?

Which of the following best describes the term any group or individual
stakeholder in relation to organizations? with an interest in the

One of the following is NOT representative of some of the career, opportunity and
reasons underlying why managers need organizations to habit
exist, which is it?

Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of reflexive.

the critical perspective on the study of organizations?
A significant contribution of Chester Barnard was the
concept of bureaucracy.
____________ is useful in measuring, understanding and Psychology
changing attitude, communication pattern, the way in
which group activities can satisfy individual need and in
group decision making process.

Bureaucratic organizations approach was a subfield administrative

within ____. management
In_____________ the manager has the power to Custodial Model
command his subordinate to do a specific job.
Management believes that it knows what is best for an
organziation and therefore,employees are required to
follow their orders.

The Industrial Revolution that started with the Eighteenth

development of steam power and the creation of large
factories in the late --------------- Century

The first phase of the Hawthorne work is --------------- Illumination Experiments:

Theory X and Theory Y was given by Douglas McGregor

A Piece Rate Systems was stated by---------------- Douglas McGregor
Hawthorne experiment was conducted by---------------- Douglas McGregor

Hawthorne experiment was conducted at ---------------- Western Electric Co.

The study of organizational behavior is concerned with: Organizational Change

The key factors affecting Organizational Behaviour are People

The study of Organization Behavior has certain basic An industrial enterprise is

assumptions an organization of people

Who has given the four diifferent models of OB Abraham Maslow

OB's current state of investigation and study is best All of OB is based on
described as: universal truths proposed
by academics,
researchers and
practitioners. Political
forces have a tendency to
influence the study of OB
and, hence, skew
resulting conclusions
“field of study that investigates the impact that Organizational Behaviour
individuals, groups, and
structure have on behavior in organizations for the
purpose of applying such

Organization Behavior is An interdisciplinary

Which of the following is/are the key features of Social invention
A study of human behavior in organizational settings is Individual behavior

Psychology’s major contributions to the field of the level of the group

organizational behavior have been primarily
at what level of analysis?

An OB study would be least likely to be used to focus on an increase in

which of the following problems? absenteeism at a certain

Which behavioural science discipline is most focused on Sociology

understanding individual behaviour?
The science that seeks to measure, explain, and Psychiatry
sometimes change the behaviour of humans and other
animals is known as

Which of the following fields has most helped us Anthropology

understand differences in fundamental
values, attitudes, and behaviour among people?

How is the science of organizational behaviour different OB accepts intuitive

from sciences such as physics and chemistry? explanations of
phenomena it studies

Which of the following statements is true about the term It refers to an individual’s
"ability", as the term is used in organizational behaviour? willingness to perform
various tasks.

The study of group processes in the organizational Psychology

behaviour has largely been derived from what field of

_____ is the process by which individuals organize and Perception

interpret their sensory impressions.

What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis Stereotyping

of our perception?
The cognitive process through which an individual selects, Perception
organizes but misinterprets
environmental stimuli is known as_________
What is the external attention factors affecting Perception Intensity

What is the internal set factors affecting Perception Psychological need

Following thing must be done to have quick perception Increase your own
except awareness

_____ is the sum total of ways in which an individual Moods

reacts to and interacts with others.
_____ are enduring characteristics that describe an Personality traits
individual's behavio
The _____ is the most popular typology of personality Hofstede Cultural Profile

Emotional bias
_____is the degree to which individuals like or dislike
themselves, whether they see themselves as capable and
effective, and whether they feel they are in control of their

_____ is the tendency to be pragmatic, emotionally Emotionally maturity

distant, and exploitative.
An individual who is able to adjust his/her behavior to Machiavellianism
external factors is a high _____
Those who have a _____ personality are perpetually self-monitor
involved in a struggle to do more and more activities in
less time
The value attribute that specifies importance is known as mode of conduct
The psychoanalytic theory of Personality has been Sigmund Freud
explained by
Scientific Management approach is developed by Elton Mayo
Who proposed “ bureaucratic structure” is suitable for all Elton Mayo
“Hawthrone experiment” which was a real beginning of applied Elton Mayo
research in OB was conducted by
Process or administrative theory of organization is being given Elton Mayo
Whose concept states that interpersonal and human relations Elton Mayo
may lead to productivity
What does OB stands for Organizational Business

Which of these is a core underlying discipline that informs Motivation

organizational behaviour?
Which of the following is not an example of bureaucratic Paperwork and record-
functioning in organizations? keeping
Today’s organization are Open system
Which of the following is a process theory? Achievement Motivation
Which of the following option, is an important term used in the Inputs
Who has explained the three step model for change Kert Lewin
Which type of motivation is associated with activities that are Intrinsic motivation
rewarding or satisfying in themselves?
The three stages of the change process are: unfreezing, Freezing and
Which organization theory can be understood by IF and THEN System approach
Individual who achieve the goal through others people is /are Individual

A continuously coordinated social unit, composed of two or Organization change

more people that function on a relatively continuous basis to
achieve a common goal is
Which one give management skill? Robert Katz
Management Skill is concerned with Technical Skill

One contingency model of leadership is the path-goal The necessary direction,

theory. This suggests that an individual‘s motivation guidance, training and
is dependent on _____________________. support being provided
The ----------- is the social invention for
accomplishing goals through group efforts Management
The ------- is the non specific response of body to the
situation joy
Communication is the task of imparting _______ Training
The----------is the attractiveness of the members
towards the group or resistance to leave it
Group norms

The ability and willingness of group members to set

goals and work toward their accomplishment is ------- Group norms
Conflict that occurs among employees following a
merger is usually caused by different values and
beliefs. 1
The higher the level of task interdependence, the
higher the risk of conflict. 1
ERG theory includes a frustration-regression process
whereby those who are unable to satisfy a higher
need become frustrated and regress back to the next
lower need level. 1
Employees with a low need for achievement perform
their work better when money is used as a financial
incentive. 1
The energy is the mesure of element in motivation for
drive 1
A manager shouting at his subordinate is a illustration
of regrssion 1
people's expressed attitudes predict their average
behavior much better than their behavior in a specific
situation TRUE
People who are made self-conscious by looking into a
mirror act more in line with their attitudes TRUE
Social Learning theory stresses on the change of
behavior through learning from several sources. TRUE
Most companies have training programs in ethical
behavior. 1
A field of study that investigate the impact that Organization change
individual,group and sructure have on behaviour within
organziation is known as
This model focuses better employee satisfaction and Custodial Model
security ,Under this model organizations satisfy the security
and welfare needs of employees.
Which of the following is a reason that the study of Human behavior does not
organizational behaviour is useful? vary a great deal between
individuals and situations.

What is the most relevant application of perception concepts the perceptions people
to OB? form about each other

Which of the following is a top-down factor that affects Personality.

attention and selection?
The process by which you become aware of messages through Organization
your sense is called
Following is the external factor affecting process of perception Psychological need

The perception process demonstrates the integration of our: Conscious self, unconscious
self and physiology

Which of the following is not an example of common Age

The subsequent activities that take place in the perceptual Perceptual organization
process after a stimulus is received is called.
In perceiving stimuli or phenomena, the tendency is to keep Perceptual organization
certain phenomena in focus and other phenomena in
background is called

Following are the external atteention factors of Perception Intensity

The ---------deals with the basic behavior of an individual, Intensity
caused by his physiological functions.

Though people are exposed to several stimuli , they tend to Perceptual selectivity
select only a few at a given point of time, this is -------
An individual tends to group several stimuli together into a Social Perception
recognizable pattern is called -------------

Identify the concept that orgaization are becoming

more hetrogeneous in terms of gender,race ethnicity
and inclusion of others diverse group. Psychology

Summarize what organization structure primarily How activities are

refers to? cooedinated and
Select the most important asset or resource of every
Organizational Change
organization from the followings.
Identify the type of leadership from following
defination? "That occurrence where one or more
persons engage with others in such a way that leaders
and followers raise one another to higher levels of
motivation and morality" Legitimate

Summarize the findings of the Bank Wiring Room

Experiment from the followings.
group pressures and
financial incentives
were equally as strong.
What is the process by which individuals organize and
interpret their sensory impressions in
order to give meaning to their environment? Interpretation
Which of the following is / are not direct method to
solve intergroup conflicts Problem solving
Summarize who has developed the Grid Organisation
Development from the followings. Blake and Mounton

Select the Big Five Personality Trait as per the Big
Five Personality Trait from the followings
Emotional Stability,
Openness to experience
Summarize the term for Putting people into a
convenient group on basis of some characteristics and
make an assumption to perceive Stereotyping

Identify the charecteristics of Theory X Manager

from the followings. Employees dislike
When an employee compares their inputs and
outcomes with another employee within their
organization, they are making a which comparison. self-outside

Choose the personality attribute which is From the Big

Five personality dimensions, behaviors such as speaking
fluently, displaying ambition, and exhibiting a high degree
of intelligence ? Agreeableness
Choose a motivational factor, according to Herzberg's
two-factor theory from the followings? quality of supervisions
Select the variables which should include sementic
difficulties,misunderstanding, and noise in
communication channels? structure
Identify the best approach when short term conflict
resolution is needed, in an workplace sidestep
Identify the people who strongly believe that each
person have control of his own life. extroversion
Have had an
Choose the people who requires Stress management unexpected change in
techniques? their life
Outline of the following which is cited in the text as
an example of how changing behavior can alter
attitudes? seatbelt legislation
Identify Coping strategies assists individuals in
managing stress and adapt to the environment or to
change through which purposeful responses? Learned

Choose a process that starts with psychological

and or physiological deficiency that
activates the behavior towards goal attainment. Perception
Identify the thing which follows an occurance of
specific behavior with the
intention of acknowledging the behavior in a positive
Identify the person associated with achievement
motive ? Abraham Maslow
Select the motive which is indicative of the need
belong to and be accepted by the others. Power Motive

Identify a process where Daydreaming or other forms

of imaginative activity provide an escape from the
reality and imagined satisfaction of the company? Regression

That it provides more

Outline the major benefit of having employees time for management to
participate in goal setting ? pursue other activities.

Show what Employee recognition can play for an

employees? Be a strong motivator

Identify the theory that an employee will compare his

or her job inputs and outcomes relative to others? Performance Theory
Summarize what you can call for allocating extrinsic
rewards for behaviour that has been previously
intrinsically rewarded tends to decrease the overall Intrinsic Evaluation
level of motivation? Theory
Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answers

Part Way Your way My Way 1

Organizational Behavior Organizational Stress Psychology

Having Limited focus Closed system approach Negative approach


Abram Maslow Henry Fayol Peter Drucker 1

Abram Maslow Henry Fayol Peter Drucker 1
Abram Maslow Henry Fayol Elton Mayo

Bank Wiring room Relay Assembly studies Chemical Study

studies 1

Henry Fayol Elton Mayo Douglas McGregor's


Restrict behavioral Use 'time and motion' Use of Chemical process

alternatives facing studies
worker-remove worker 4
discretion in planning

Radiation effect Black effect to determine the

relationship between
work environment and 4

Singapore Chicago Washington 3

1997 1920 1940 3
Abram Maslow Henry Fayol Elton Mayo

how resources are the location of the policy statements

allocated departments and office developed by the firm 1
Organization Leadership Behavior

Applied science Normative science Pessimistic approach


Authority Power Dependence on boss


Organisational behaviour Organisational behaviour “Organisational behaviour

is a disciplinary approach helps in analysis of is goal-oriented 2
Structure Technology Home 4
Animal Behaviour Chemical process Biological process

Physical system Chemical process Closed system 1

Try to gain ground, you contractualliy bound

have ceded be cooperative him 2
cede to others
stand your ground sidestep requirement 1

Plant Team Worker Specialist 2

Shaper Team Worker Monitor-Evaluator 4

Semantic problems Cultural barriers Over communication
Planning Semantic problems Wrong assumptions
take a long walk and
take your anger out on bottle up your
learn how to manage it inanimate objects frustration. 2

negative resistance passive resistance active resistance 2

Collaborative culture Group culture Collective culture 2

Enterprising International
organisation organisation Agile organisation 4

The organization's
management is highly The organization's The organization is
efficient. environment is dynamic highly centralized. 1

Socialization Social loafing Satisficing 2

Keith Davis Abraham Maslow Peter Drucker 2

Social Reason Psychological reason Globelization 4

the extent to which an the extent to which an the attitude’s resistance to
attitude is related to a attitude is part of a person’s change 3
person’s other attitudes. concept of self.
helps an person defend allows satisfaction to be helps a person mentally
his/her self-image. derived from expressing structure and organise
central values his/her world, to make it 2
more predictable.
the attitude to an object when a person has no when a person is unsure of
and the behaviour towards attitude towards an object. his/her attitude to an object
it are inconsistent. 1

Attribute Value Belief


Valence Attribute Belief


Thurstone's scale Bogardus's social distance Guttman scale

scale 2
1940 1950 1974 3
Two Five Four 3
satisfaction engagement involvement
Work Diversity Anthropology All of these

Group Structure All of these

Social Psychology Anthropology All of these
Social Psychology Anthropology All of these 4
Custodial Model Supportive Model All of these 4
Time and Motion Study Iron Cage Classical Management
School 4
B)cultural anthropology. psychology. organizational behaviour.

interdisciplinary and explanatory and interdisciplinary and 2

explanatory systematic systematic

group managerial collective


management style, structure, scope of location, age and

government policy and operations and age technology 2

owner or person with a employee or other customer or supplier

financial stake in the person dependant on the
business organization 1

lifestyle, expectation and

status, power and self- career status, power and 1
interest lifestyle

embedded. supports the status quo. multi-dimensional.

organization as a co- total quality traditional theory of
operative system management. authority.
Social Psychology Anthropology All of these above

systems theory scientific management human relations school

Autocratic Model Anthropology All of these

Twenty Nineteen Twenty First


Relay Room Experiments: Mass Interviewing Bank wiring room study

Program 1
Ure Taylor Mayo 1
Ure Taylor Mayo 3
Ure Taylor Mayo
East India Company Tata Motors Ford Motors
Organizational Behavior Organizational Stress All of above
Structure Environment All of above
These people must be The goals of the All of above
motivated to work employee and the
effectively employer may not 4
necessarily coincide

Keith Davis Douglas Mcgregor Peter Drucker 2

There is little OB is practically based on Cause-effect principles,
disagreement among OB situational or contingency which tend to apply to all
researchers and scholars conditions driven by situations, have been
as to the current state. leadership style. isolated.

Motivation Perception None of above

A humanistic approach Total system approach All of these

Accomplishing goals Group efforts All of these
Group behavior Organizational behavior None of these
the level of the individual the level of the the level of the culture
organization 2

a fall in productivity in a decrease in sales due to an increase in theft by

one shift of a growing foreign employees at a retail 3
manufacturing plant competition store

social psychology Psychology anthropology

Psychology Sociology organizational behavior

Psychology political science operations research


Much of the data used in OB does not seek unifying Most people have
OB is collected by underlying principles for preconceived notions
scientists working in the phenomena it about the phenomena
different, but related, studies. studied by OB 4

It is a current assessment It refers exclusively to It refers exclusively to

of what an individual can intellectual skills. physical skills
do. 2

Sociology Anthropology Social Studies


Intuition Analysis Self-serving bias


Categorizing Halo effect Prototyping


Selective Perception Projection Mis-Perception


Past Learning Education Perciver attitude


Intensity Novelty and familiarity Motion 1

Be aware of the effect Be visible at strategic React emotionally to the
you have on others moments feedback you receive 4

Values Personality Attitudes


Individual dimensions Value systems Terminal values


Holland Code Big Five Model Myers-Briggs Type

Indicator 4

Machiavellianism Job satisfaction Core self-evaluation

Low self-esteem High self-esteem Machiavellianism


locus of control Type A self-monitor


Type A Type B Machiavellian


end state intensity freedom


Adolf Hitler F.W.Taylor Henry Fayol

Henry Fayol F.W. Taylor A. Maslow 3
Henry Fayol F.W. Taylor Max Weber
Henry Fayol F.W. Taylor Max Weber
Henry Fayol F.W. Taylor Max Weber
Henry Fayol F.W. Taylor Max Weber
Organizational Behaviour Organizing Behaviour Organizing Business
Sociology Teamwork Leadership
Hierarchical organizational Advertising and marketing Policies, rules, and
structure brochures procedures 3
Closed system Open as well as closed None of these 1
Performance - satisfaction ERG theory Two factor theory
model 2
Promotion Working condition Responsibility
Elton Mayo Sigmund Freud Alderfer 1
Extrinsic motivation State motivation Trait motivation
adjustment, unfreezing, and adjustment, unfreezing, and adjustment, re-adjustment,
refreezing. re-adjustment. and unfreezing. 1
Contingency approach Process approach Scientific approach
Group Manager All of these
Organization Organization stress All of these

Organization Organization stress All of these 1

Human skill Conceptual skill All of these 4

Expectations that
increased effort to
Whether path-goal achieve an improved
relationships are Their effective level of performance
clarified performance will be successful 3

Organization Leadership Behaviour 3

Happiness Sadness Stress 4

Information Knowledge Message 2

Group behavior Group cohesiveness Group structure 3

Group behavior Group Maturity Group structure 3









0 1
Organizational Behaviour Organiztion stress All of these

Social Anthropology Anthropology All of these


Human behavior is not Human behavior is not Human behavior is rarely

random consistent predictable

the perceptions people the perceptions people the perceptions people

form about their employer form about their culture form about society 1

Novelty. Familiarity. Colour.

Sensation Interpretation-Evaluation Perception
Intensity self acceptance Personality
Environment, conscious self Unconscious self, physiology Physiology, environment
and unconscious self and environment and conscious self 2

Politics Social Perceptual

Perceptual context Subminimal perception Situation
Perceptual context Subminimal perception Figure-ground

Contrast Motion Personality

Motion contrast Sensation

Social Perception Stereotyping self presentation

Stereotyping self presentation Perceptual Grouping

Work Diversity Anthropology Social Psychology
The location and
How resources are department of office The Policy statement 1
allocated space develped by the firm
Human Resources Organizational Stress Technical Resource 2
Coercive Transformative Charismatic 3

group pressures on financial incentives pressure from

individual workers were offered by management individual workers was
stronger than financial were stronger than stronger than the
incentives offered by group pressures on pressure exerted by the
management. individual workers. group as a whole. 2

environmental analysis Outlook perception 4

Removing key figures Domination by the
in conflict management Persuasion 4

Elton Mayo F W Taylor Max weber 1

Extroversion, Extroversion,
Agreeableness, Extroversion, Agreeableness,
Friendly, Emotional Agreeableness, Conscientious,
Stability, Openness to Courage, Friendly, Emotional Stability,
experience Openness to experience Easy going 1

Perception Perceiving Group perception 1

Employees can view
Employees will The average person will work as natural as rest
exercise discretion. seek responsibility. or play. 1

self-inside other-inside other-outside 3

Openness Extraversion Neuroticism 4

recognition pay relations with others 2

communnication controlled personal 1

cede to others
collaberate requirement stand your ground 2

internal locus of control conscientiousness external locus of control 2

Manifest an Are healthy and show
illness/disease no signs of illness Donts get stressed 2

capital punishment 2
prohibition traffic laws legislation

Behavioral Cognitive Emotional 2

Learning Leadership Motivation 4

Punishment Warning Scolding 1

Ivan Pavlov Peter drucker David C. McClelland 4

Achievement Motive Primary Motive Affiliation Motive 4

Aggression Rationalization Fantasy 4

That it takes less time The possibility that That it appears to induce
and resources to more desirable employees to accomplish
implement this type of customers will be more difficult goals and
system. attracted. tasks. 4
Help with MBO
Always bring additional program Lead to unrealistic
salary. implementation. expectations. 1

Comparative Theory Equity Theory Employee Theory 3

Extrinsic Evaluation Reward Evaluation Cognitive Evaluation

Theory Theory Theory 4

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