by Bruce Kane
"The Real Problem " is protected by copyright law and may not be
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ANNE: Love… Give me a break. (to Juliet) How long have you and
JULIET: Romeo…
ANNE: I knew it… Now we’re getting down to the nitty gritty. What’s
her name?
JULIET: Exactly.
The Real Problem
DES: His side is fine… It’s mine… You know… The whole racial thing.
DES: Oh please… Look what sneaking around got you. (to Juliet)
Relax… He’ll be here.
(The front door slams open with a bang. Katherine storms in.)
DES: What about Lorenzo? You two were pretty hot and heavy there
for a while.
The Real Problem
ANNE: Face it, Katie. The only reason you fight with all these guys is
for the make-up sex afterwards. Not that I blame you.
(Hecate enters carrying a flagon which she places on the table holding
Anne’s head.)
JULIET: If he doesn’t show up soon, I swear I’ll never talk to him again.
KATHERINE: (to Anne) A girl after my own heart. High five. (realizes)
Oh… Sorry.
The Real Problem
KATHERINE: For one thing, you’re gonna stop mooning around over
this… what’shisname?
JULIET: Romeo.
JULIET: He did.
KATHERINE: Tell him to get lost… Tell him to take long walk off a
short pier.
KATHERINE: Men only want one thing. And as soon as they get it,
they want it from someone else.
DES: How can you talk like that about the man you’re going to marry?
DES: But your father has announced the date of your forthcoming
KATHERINE: Don’t be, that’s the man’s job. It’s your job to keep him
that way.
KATHERINE: Remember, it’s not the destination that counts. It’s the
journey. Men love journeys. All you have to do is keep moving the
DES: Really.
ANNE: Gossip is only when it’s behind someone’s back. She’s sitting
right here. So spill.
KATHERINE: Petruchio told me that Iago told him that that’s there’s
trouble in paradise.
DES: (defensively) Iago doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There is
no such thing.
The Real Problem
DES: Nothing.
ANNE: Only you could have the worst of two worlds. A husband that
thinks you’re having an affair without the fun of actually having one.
DES: Don’t you tell this impressionable child she should be having
promiscuous relationships.
KATHERINE: I’m telling her just the opposite. If Othello was still
pursuing you, he wouldn’t be accusing you of sleeping with other men,
he’d be competing with them.
The Real Problem
KATHERINE: Listen to me. He’s not the only fish in the sea. Look at
you. You’re young… You’re pretty… You’ve got to let him know that as
far as you’re concerned… it’s raining men.
KATHERINE: False… True… They’re all pretenses and they all end in
disaster. When the ship goes down, you just have to make sure you’re
the one in the life boat.
JULIET: Maybe they’re right. Maybe I should see other boys. That’d
show Romeo.
The Real Problem
DES: Real relationships are built on trust. Do you want to end up like
her? (points at Anne)
ANNE: But when I lived, I really lived. Not like you. Prim and proper
and tasting of life in delicate little forkfuls. (to Juliet) You listen to
Katherine. No man will ever rule her.
DES: Maybe he sees beyond your exterior. Maybe he sees the real
KATHERINE: First of all I’ve got a great exterior. And second of all, he
hasn’t gotten beyond first of all.
DES: If you have such a low opinion of Petruchio why do you care if he
stays around or doesn’t stay around?
KATHERINE: Wait till you come home some day and find lipstick on
Romeo’s tunic and it’s not yours.
ANNE: That’s why I never waited around for any man to cheat on me.
If lipstick was going to show up on any tunics, I made sure it was mine.
HECATE: This came for you. (Hecate drops a straw in Anne’s flagon
and exits)
KATHERINE: If he wants to see you, then let him make the trip.
The Real Problem
DES: If you were her you’d still have eggs to put in a basket.
JULIET: Thank you. Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall goodbye
til it be morrow. (runs off)
ANNE: It’s a tough world out there. The child’s gotta be prepared.
DES: Well, thank you Tina Turner. Don’t either of you remember the
first time you fell in love? How startlingly it was. How utterly wonderful.
DES: Well, I still feel that way about Othello. Just like the first day I laid
eyes on him. And you feel that way about Petruchio… I can tell.
DES: And what about the first time you met Henry. What did you see?
DES: I don’t believe it. You must have loved him a little bit.
The Real Problem
DES: Hecate…
HECATE: If I had one, he would have broken it. But, I still turned him
into a toad.
ANNE: It’s almost happy hour. I’m sure I can find someone to take me
ANNE: You sure you don’t want to stay around for another flagon of
sow’s blood?
DES: No, I gotta go. I told Othello that I’d make his favorite dish for him.
The Real Problem
HECATE: So sad.
ANNE: Oh my God. And what about Juliet? Did you see something
about Juliet?
The Real Problem
ANNE: Oh no.
ANNE: Horrors!!!
ANNE: (catty) Well, she always was a little on the heavy side.
HECATE: And then the two of them will have incredible make-up sex.
(Lights down)