01 Abnormal Psychology
01 Abnormal Psychology
01 Abnormal Psychology
10 Feb - 2
12 Feb - 4
15 Feb - 7
Abnormal Psychology
Understanding Abnormal Behaviour
Meaning and Definition of Abnormal Psychology
1.3 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5)
1.4 Growth and Development
1.4.1 Difference Between Growth and Development
1.4.2 Principles of Development
1.5 Understanding Personality
1.5.1 Meaning and Nature of Personality
1.5.2 Big Five Factors of Personality
1.6 Understanding Attention
1.6.1 Definition of Attention
1.6.2 Types of Attention
1.6.3 Terms Related to Attention
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
Abnormal Psychology 1
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Know the skills and characteristics of a counsellor
• Explain counselling as a profession
• Know how the counselling setup should be
• Identify the personal challenges of a counsellor
Abnormal Psychology 3
Notes with the intent to be able to reliably predict, explain, diagnose, identify the
causes of, and treat maladaptive behaviour—is what we refer to as abnormal
psychology. Abnormal behaviour can become pathological in nature and so
leads to the scientific study of psychological disorders, or psychopathology.
This brings the question of what is the accepted definition of a psychological or
mental disorder?
From our previous discussion, we can frame the following definition –
Mental Disorders are characterised by psychological dysfunction which causes
physical and/or psychological distress or impaired functioning and is not an
expected behaviour according to societal or cultural standards.
Abnormal Psychology 5
Notes 6. Principle of interrelations: Various aspects of development are
interrelated. If a child is healthy, physical, mental, emotional development
may be appropriate.
7. Principle of interaction: Development is resulting from interaction
between heredity and environment. Each and every aspect of development
is an outcome of this interaction.
8. Principle of cephalocaudal and proximodistal tendencies: That means
development proceeds from head to foot, and from near to distant parts of
the body.
9. Principle of predictability: Development is predictable. We can predict
development of an individual with substantial accuracy. We can start
intervention program to enhance an individual’s development if there is
any problem.
Abnormal Psychology 7
Notes 4. Personality refers to the constant qualities of the individual.
5. Personality is influenced by social interaction. It is defined in terms of
Activity 1
Abnormal Psychology 9
Notes applications like in advertising, teaching, road signals and other public safety
concerns and many more aspects of human life. Attention and Perception
are the two most important things in cognitive processes. Perception is
essential for making things meaningful. It is a must to code and organise it for
better understanding and better memorising of the material learned. A lot of
theoretical and empirical research has been done regarding perception. Basic
principles of perception and inherent perceptual characteristics are of special
interest to educational psychologists. In that, Gestalt principles have enjoyed
a lot of popularity. This unit covers all these issues related to human attention
and perception.
1.6.1 Definition of Attention
Attention is not a faculty of the mind. It is a process where the individual
concentrates all senses on a particular subject matter or object. Let us consider
a scientific definition of attention. Attention is defined as follows.
‘Attention is a concentration of consciousness upon one subject
rather than upon another.’(Dumville, 1938)
● ‘Attention can be defined as a process which compels the individual
to select some particular stimulus according to his interest and
attitude out of the multiplicity of stimuli present in the environment”.
(Sharma, 1967)
By and large, attention is defined as, ‘Focusing and concentration of
mental effort that results in conscious awareness of certain aspects of external
sensory stimuli.’
1.6.2 Types of Attention
We can easily understand if a person is paying attention to what we
are saying on the basis of posture, eye contact and general facial expression.
Attention helps bringing about mental alertness and preparedness for using other
cognitive functions. It is useful for concentration, detailed understanding of the
object or study subject. It is essential for improving performance on learning,
memory, transfer, thinking, reasoning and all other higher-order processes. To
understand the role of attention in our day-to-day life, attention is divided into
two basic types.
1. Voluntary Attention – When conscious efforts are made to pursue a
particular activity, it is voluntary attention. We have to devote a lot of
attention for solving a difficult mathematical problem. Especially at the
time of examination, we have to be more careful to sustain our attention
and concentrate on studies.
2. Involuntary Attention – When we attend to something without any
specific intention or conscious efforts, it is involuntary attention.
Sometimes stimuli like loud noise also attract our attention. Instincts
and emotions also play an important role in deciding course of
Activity 1
● Try and recite a new poem loudly and after every line count backward
from hundred. Record to find out, how your performance is affected.
Abnormal Psychology 11
Activity 3
● Moving into the mid to late 1900s, psychologists developed a more
scientific investigation of mental illness which allowed us to examine the
roles of both nature and nurture and to develop drug and psychological
treatments to make miserable people less miserable.
● The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition
(DSM-5 for short), states that though “no definition can capture all aspects
of all disorders in the range contained in the DSM-5” certain aspects are
● Every living being is constantly going through some kind of changes. Life
starts with conception in mother’s womb which is the means of growth
and development of the new life.
● Dysfunction: Dysfunction includes clinically significant disturbance in
an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behaviour that reflects a
dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes
underlying mental functioning.
● Distress: Distress means when the person experiences a disabling
condition “in social, occupational, or other important activities”.
● Deviance: Deviance means any behavior that differs significantly from
what is considered appropriate or typical for a social group.
● Personality: Personality is the unique way individuals think, feel and
act. It is different from character and temperament. It may be defined
as a complex blend of a constantly evolving and changing pattern of a
person’s unique behaviour, emerged as a result of his interaction with his
● Attention: Attention is not a faculty of mind. It is a process where the
individual concentrates all senses on a particular subject matter or object.
Abnormal Psychology 13
Notes Check your Progress 4
Multiple Choice Single Response.
1. The two types of attention are
i. Voluntary Attention and Involuntary Attention
● https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm/
● Abnormal Psychology 1st Edition Alexis Bridley and Lee W. Daffin Jr.
Washington State University Washington State University Pullman, WA
● Alexis Bridley and Lee W. Daffin Jr.
● LICENSE Abnormal Psychology by Washington State University is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.