Rostering Assessment SIXT EDUCATION
Rostering Assessment SIXT EDUCATION
Rostering Assessment SIXT EDUCATION
This Assessment Manual provides you with assessment information and the assessment
tasks you will be required to complete for this unit.
The assessment tasks are an important part of your course as they provide: an opportunity
for you to apply what you have learned; and feedback on your progress.
To demonstrate competency in this unit, you must complete all of the assessment tasks
below. Your trainer and assessor will provide you with a due date for each assessment task
during the first class of the unit. Write the due dates down in the space provided. You will
also find information on due dates once you log in to the e-Learning platform.
Assessment Plan
To be assessed as 'Competent' for this unit, you must complete the above assessment
tasks satisfactorily.
Assessment Tasks
The information provided under each assessment task gives the assessor and the student:
You must type your responses using MS Office Suite programs (or similar). Please note
that some assessment tasks require you to submit completed forms and templates. You will
find these forms and templates in a separate document named 'Appendices and templates'.
In some role-play scenarios, you may be required to work in a small group. If this is the
case, you will still be required to submit your assessment evidence individually, and your
assessor will still assess your performance separately.
Your assessor will check your assessment evidence before submission and provide interim
feedback on the unsatisfactory performance.
You must submit your assessment work via the e-Learning platform by the due date.
Before submitting your assessment work to your trainer and assessor for marking, you
must accept the following assessment submission declaration.
I declare that the evidence provided for this task is my own work; none of this work has been
completed by another person; I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other
student(s); I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts where applicable; I
understand that if I am found in breach of the Academic Misconduct Policy, disciplinary action may
be taken against me; and I know my assessment appeal rights.
The above declaration is an agreement from you that all the assessment evidence you
submit is your own work and that you understand the consequences of academic
Once the assessor marks your work, you will receive either a 'Satisfactory' or 'Not
Satisfactory' result for each assessment task.
If you receive a 'Satisfactory' result for all assessment tasks, you will receive a 'Competent'
result for this unit.
Receive a 'Not Satisfactory' result for any of the tasks or miss any of the tasks. You will
receive a 'Not Competent' result for this unit.
You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the unit's learner
guide or other sources. Still, you cannot copy sentences and paragraphs directly from
these sources. Suppose your responses are found to have been copied directly from the
learner guide or other sources. In that case, your result will be 'Not Satisfactory'.
You will still need to provide references of sources you relied upon to prepare your
assessment work.
You must also ensure that your assessment work must be current and relevant to the given
task and case study scenario.
You will be dealt with as per VIA Education's Academic Misconduct Policy if you are
engaged in academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, or collusion. You can find
more details on this policy and referencing in the Student Handbook available on the VIA
VIA Education will give you a reattempt opportunity if you receive a 'Not Competent' (NC)
result for this unit. You will have two reattempt opportunities for each 'Not Satisfactory' task
during your course. Please note that each reattempt will be subject to a reassessment fee.
Please refer to the Student Handbook available on the VIA website to know more about the
reassessment process.
What can you do if you do not agree with the assessment outcomes
Suppose you disagree with the assessment outcome or believe mistreatment has
happened to you during the assessment process. In that case, you can appeal the decision
using VIA Education's Complaints and Appeals Policy (refer to the Complaints and Appeals
policy in the Student Handbook available on the VIA website).
The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer and assessor. If you are still unhappy
with the outcome, you can request a review of your assessment by lodging a formal appeal.
• The purpose of this task is to assess your knowledge relating to rostering staff.
• You must answer all twenty (20) questions. Where applicable, a guide to the length
of your response for each question is provided next to each question.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Learner Guide and class notes
o Computer with MS Office Suite (or similar) and internet access.
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide or other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or
paragraphs directly from these sources. If your responses found to have been
copied directly from learner guide or other sources, your result for this task will be
Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete this task at home in your own time.
• You must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence Submission Checklist’ by the due
1. List two (2) sources of information you could access to find out more about awards
and other industrial provisions.
Full-time employee
Part-time employee
5. Award provisions for the Restaurant Industry Award 2020 require that full-time and
part-time employees receive at least eight or ten hours off between their ordinary
hours on one day and the start of their ordinary hours the next day. Under an EBA,
can you reduce these hours?
6. To adhere to break restrictions, to simplify rostering and keep wage costs down, list
three common rostering tips an employer will aim to achieve.
8. Henry is a casual employee on $25 per hour and worked the following hours last
week: Monday 07:00 to 12:00, Wednesday 12:00 to 16:00 and Saturday 13:00 to
Jeff is a full-time employee and works 38 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
b) According to the workload productivity data you gathered, only one staff member
is required to work between 7:00 am and 2:00 pm on Mondays. Is there a problem
with the rostering on this shift? If yes, what is the cost? If no, explain why.
9. How are casual and contract employees compensated for lack of work security and
10. Why is it important for a business to create human resource (HR) policies and
procedures that clearly identify leave entitlements and sociocultural issues (e.g.,
religious holidays, carer’s leave, etc.)?
11. One way to accommodate individual needs of employees is to have HR policies that
allow flexible work arrangements. List five ways you can make work flexible and
accommodate the needs of families, carers, employees with disabilities, religious
beliefs, etc.
Jury Duty
Maternity &
parental leave
Long service
Injury and
rehabilitation of
injured workers
a) Hotel reception
b) Nursing home
c) Event
15. Explain four (4) ways that rosters are an important management tool for controlling
staff costs.
16. List three (3) ways you can decrease labour costs to meet your wage budget when
developing rosters.
18. What are three (3) formats of staff rosters used? List and briefly explain the formats
and inclusions of each one.
19. Under the industry agreements, what must an employer discuss with an employee
before making changes to a roster?
20. List three (3) ways you can you communicate roster information to employees.
Assessment Task 1
Assessor Name
Date of Assessment
If yes, please record the type of adjustments made below under ‘Comments’ section
• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess your skills relating to rostering
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Business technology and office equipment including computer with MS Office
Suite (or similar) and internet access
o Space/technology to conduct meetings/presentations
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide, Case Study Scenario or other sources when preparing evidence, but you are
not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly from these sources. If
your responses are found to have been copied directly from learner guide, case
study scenario or other sources, your result for this task will be Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete the research and documentation type of activities at home in your
own time and the practical type (role-plays and presentations) activities in the
simulated assessment environment under the assessor’s supervision.
• After completing the activities, you must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence
Submission Checklist’ by the due date. For observation type activities, your
assessor records your performance using a checklist, so you do not need to submit
anything unless the activity asks you specifically to do so.
You are currently working as the F&B Supervisor at City Restaurant. Recently you have
been asked by the Manager to assist with the rostering of restaurant staff.
You are required to prepare staff rosters that meet diverse operational requirements across
three (3) different roster periods (three weeks).
Staff Details (All staff members are older than 20 years of age)
Tommy F&B Attendant Casual (on call) Level 2 - F&B Attendant grade 2
Shelly F&B Attendant Casual (on call) Level 3 - F&B Attendant grade 3
Derek F&B Attendant Casual (on call) Level 4 - F&B Attendant grade 4
Note: Each full time staff works 4 x 8-hour shifts and 1 x 6-hour shift. Each shift includes a
30 minute unpaid meal break.
You were provided with the following customer ratio projection for the next two weeks, so
based on this projection, develop staff roster for two (2) weeks. You are to calculate the
number of staff required for servicing the restaurant on a continuous basis for two weeks.
You should mix full-time, part time, and casual staff (it is up to you regarding the mix).
• Compliance with the relevant award provisions (in this case, the Restaurant Industry
Award 2020).
• Adequate skills mix to ensure effective use of staff and to meet operational
• A wage budget of $9,500 for normal weeks and $10,000 for weeks with significantly
high customer bookings.
• Effectiveness of rostering times to keep overtime and allowances to a minimum.
• Provisions of meal breaks in line with legislation.
During your interviews with the part-time staff members, you were provided with the
following information on their availability.
Jimmy (full timer) emailed you requesting for Saturday and Sunday off to look after his
children due to his wife’s work commitments during the upcoming weekends.
A manager or a supervisor must be present during the busy periods and be present at
opening and closing hours.
Weekend dinner times are the busiest periods, so to ensure smooth operation of the
restaurant, roster should reflect the use of maximum number of staff during these periods.
Use the City Restaurant Staff Roster (Appendix 1) spreadsheet template to develop the
rosters for two (2) weeks. Use the first two tabs (Week 1 & Week 2) to develop rosters for
the two weeks period.
You must use the current pay information available from the Restaurant Industry Award
[MA000119]. The current pay guide has been provided as Appendix 2 for your
convenience. You can also use the following website to find out the pay rates for
employees covered by the Restaurant Industry Award 2020.
Activity 2
During week 3, there was booking of 100 people attending a birthday party on Sunday at
dinner time. This is in addition to the usual customer numbers of a typical Sunday evening.
The manager has decided to roster additional F&B attendants. Company policy is to either
provide additional hours to the current staff or call in casuals. You sought input from the
Use the City Restaurant Staff Roster (Appendix 1) spreadsheet template to develop the
rosters. Use the third tab (Week 3) to develop roster for the third week.
Activity 3
Write an email to the staff members informing them of rostering arrangements for week 3.
In this email, thank the staff members for their input into preparing the roster for the
upcoming week.
Activity 4
All staff members have emailed you their week 3 timesheets. Prepare the wage record for
week 3 to be sent to the accountant as required by company policy.
First, copy the time sheet data from Week 3 tab to Wages tab.
b. Locate the correct weekday normal hourly rate, weekday penalty rate, Saturday and
Sunday hourly rates for each staff member based on the Restaurant Industry Award
[MA000119] and include it under the Column K, N, T & W.
c. Calculate the weekday normal total wages, weekday penalty total wages, Saturday
and Sunday total wages for each of the staff and include them under the Column L,
O, R & U.
d. Calculate the total Gross Pay for each employee by adding all the wage totals and
include it in Column Y.
e. Determine if the wage budget of $10,000.00 for the week is being met. By how
much is it over or under?
Roster prepared for third week by taking input from the staff member
and by ensuring diverse operational requirements are met