Test 1
Test 1
Test 1
?kks’k.kk % eSau s uhps fn;s x;s funsZ” k vPNh rjg i<+d j le> fy, gSaA
Declaration: I have read and understand the directions given below..
iqfLrdk esa i`’ Bksa dh la[ ;k iqf Lrdk esa iz” uksa dh la[ ;k le; ?ka V s iw. kkZa d
28 100 2 200
Number of Pages in Booklet Number of Questions in Booklet Time Hours Total Marks
¼d`i;k dkys cky ikWb.V isu dk gh iz;ksx djs½a (Please Use Black Ball Point Pen Only)
1 - mRrj nsus dk rjhdk% 1. Method of Marking Answer
mRrj nsus ds fy;s vks-,e-vkj- mRrj iqfLrdk esa lEcfU/kr iz”u To give an answer, please darken one bubble out of the
ds cktw esas fn;s x;s pkj xksyksa esa ls dsoy ,d xksys dks iwjk given four, in the OMR Answer Sheet against that ques-
dkyk dhft,A tion.
Q.2. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.2. Consider the following statements.
1- xqtjkr izkar esa fLFkr yka?kukt egRoiw.kZ e/; ik’kkf.kd 1. Langhnaz, located in Gujarat state, is an important
Mesolithic archaeological site.
iqjkLFky gSA
2. Excavation of Langhnaz was done by HD Sankalia
2- yka?kukt dk mR[kuu ,p- Mh- ladkfy;k vkSj ,- vkj- and A.R. Kennedy.
dsusMh us djok;k FkkA 3. 41 human burials have been found from Langhnaz.
3- yka?kukt ls 41 ekuo “kok/kku feys gSA Which of the above is/are correct?
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lR; gS\ (a) 1 and 3
(a) 1 vkSj 3 (b) 2 and 3
(b) 2 vkSj 3 (c) 1 and 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 (d) All of the above
(d) mijksDr lHkh
Q.3. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer based
Q.3. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/ on the given code?
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, \ List-1 (Vedanga) List-2 (Body Organ)
lwph&1¼osnkax½ lwph&2 ¼vax½
A. Shiksha 1. Eye
A. f”k{kk 1- vk¡[k
B. Kalpa 2. Nose
B. dYi 2- ukd
C. Vyakarana 3. Ear
C. O;kdj.k 3- dku
D. Jyotish 4. Hand
D. T;ksfr’k 4- gkFk
E. fu:Dr 5- eq[k E. Nirukta 5. Mouth
dwV% Code:
(a) 2 5 4 1 3
(a) 2 5 4 1 3
(b) 2 4 5 1 3
(b) 2 4 5 1 3
(c) 3 1 5 2 4
(c) 3 1 5 2 4 (d) 1 2 3 4 5
(d) 1 2 3 4 5
Q.4. Information about which of the following Indus Valley sites
Q.4. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls fla?kq ?kkVh LFky dh tkudkjh has been discovered after independence?
Lora=rk ds ckn izkIr gqbZ gS\ 1. Dholavira 2. Chanhudaro
1- /kkSykohjk 2- pUgwnM+ks 3. Lothal 4. Ropar
3- yksFky 4- jksiM+
dwV %
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(a) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(b) 2] 3 vkSj 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 1] 3 vkSj 4
(d) mijksDr lHkh (d) All of the above
Q.6. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.6. Consider the following statements.
1- gM+Iik LFky jkoh unh ds nk¡, rV ij fLFkr gSA 1. Harappa site is situated on the right bank of Ravi river.
2- “kqrZ?kksbZ gM+Iik LFky ikfdLrku ls izkIr gqvk gSA 2. Shortughai, Harappan site has been discovered in Pakistan.
3- gqykl xqtjkr esa vofLFkr gM+IikbZ LFky gSA 3. Hulas is a Harappan site located in Gujarat.
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku vlR; gS \ Which of the above statements is incorrect?
(a) 1 vkSj 2 (a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 vkSj 3 (b) 2 and 3
(c) mijksDr lHkh (c) All of the above
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha (d) None of these
Q.7. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.7. Consider the following statements.
1- in~eklu ;ksx eqnzk esa cSBs f=eq[kh iq:’k ds vkd`fr okyh 1. A seal in the shape of a three-faced man sitting in
eqgj gM+Iik ls izkIr gqbZ gSA Padmasana yoga posture has been found from Harappa.
2- dkyh caxk ls ,d lkFk 7 vfXuosfndkvksa ds izek.k feys gSA 2. Evidence of 7 fire altars has been found together from
3- jksiM+ ls ekfyd ds lkFk dqÙks ds nQuk, tkus ds lk{; Kalibangan.
feys gSA 3. Evidence of dog being buried with his owner has been
found from Ropar.
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lR; gS\
Which of the above is/are correct?
(a) 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 vkSj 3
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1 vkSj 3
(d) 1 and 3
Q.8. lqesfyr dhft,%&
Q.8. Match the following :
lwph&1 lwph&2
List-1 List-2
¼fla/kq ?kkVh lH;rk LFky½ ¼[kkstdrkZ½
(Indus Valley Civilization Site) (Discovered by)
A. gM+Iik 1- n;kjke lkguh A. Harappa 1. Dayaram Sahni
B. nSekckn 2- ch-ih- cksikjMhdj B. Daimabad 2. B.P. Bopardikar
C. pUgwnM+ks 3- ,e-lh- etwenkj C. Chanhudaro 3. M.C. Majumdar
D. jksiM+ 4- ;KnÙk “kekZ D. Ropar 4. Yagyadutt Sharma
dwV% Code:
(a) 1 2 4 3 (a) 1 2 4 3
(b) 3 2 1 4 (b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 1 2 3 4 (c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 3 4 2 1
(d) 3 4 2 1
Q.10. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.10. Consider the following statements.
1- ;tqosZn esa gy ds fy, lhj “kCn dk iz;ksx fd;k x;k gSA 1. In Yajurveda, the word Sira has been used for plough.
2. Urdar was a vessel for measuring grains in the Vedic
2- mnZj oSfnd dky esa vukt ekius dk crZu gksrk FkkA period.
3- _xosn esa gy ls fufeZr ydhjksa dk lhrk dgk x;k gSA 3. In the Rigveda, Sita has been called the lines made by
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls lR; gS\ the plough.
(a) dsoy 1 Which of the above is/are correct?
(b) 1] 2] 3 (a) 1 only
(b) 1, 2, 3
(c) 1 vkSj 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 1 vkSj 2
(d) 1 and 2
Q.11. gM+Iikdkyhu uxj fu;kstu ls fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk Q.11. Which of the following statements is correct about city
dFku lR; gS\ planning during the Harappan period?
1- bl lH;rk dk uxj fu;kstu tky i)fr ij foU;Lr FkhA 1. The city planning of IVC was organized on the lines
of grid system.
2- bl lH;rk esa lHkh uxjksa dks rhu Hkkxksa esa ckaVk x;k FkkA 2. In this civilization all the cities were divided into three
dwV % parts.
(a) dsoy 1 Code:
(b) dsoy 2 (a) only 1
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.12. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, ,oa lR; dFku dk p;u Q.12. Consider the following statements and choose the correct
dhft,& statement-
1- mÙkj oSfnd dky esa fL=;ksa dh n”kk esa fxjkoV fn[kkbZ nsrh 1. There is a decline in the condition of women in the
gSA later Vedic period.
2- mÙkj oSfnd dky esa jktk ds vf/kdkjh lewg dks lsukuh 2. In the later Vedic period, the king’s officer group was
dgk tkrk gSA called Senani.
3- bl dky esa fonFk uked laLFkk dk vfLrRo lekIr gks 3. During this period the institution called Vidatha came
x;kA to an end.
dwV % Code:
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 (c) 2 and 3 only
(d) mijksDr lHkh (d) All of the above
Q.14. _Xosn ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, ,oa Q.14. Consider the following statements in the context of
Rigveda and choose the incorrect statement-
vlR; dFku dk p;u dhft,&
1. In the seventh mandal of this Veda, the famous Gayatri
1- bl osn ds lkros eaMy esa lw;Znsork lkfo=h dks lefiZr Mantra dedicated to the Sun God Savitri is mentioned.
izfl) xk;=h ea= dk mYys[k gSA 2. The 9th mandal of this Veda describes the Dasaragya war.
2- bl osn ds 9 osa eaMy esa nljkK ;q) dk o.kZu gSA 3. Purushasukta is mentioned in the 10th mandal of this Veda.
3- bl osn ds 10 osa eaMy esa iq:’klwDr dk mYys[k gSA Code:
dwV % (a) only 1
(a) dsoy 1 (b) 1 and 2 only
(b) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (c) 1 and 3 only
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (d) All of the above
(d) mijksDr lHkh
Q.15. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer based
Q.15. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/ on the given code.
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft,A List-1 (Mahajanapada) List-2 (Capital)
lwph&1¼egktuin½ lwph&2 ¼jkt/kkuh½ A. Magadha 1. Kushavati
A. ex/k 1- dq”kkorh B. Vatsa 2. Girivraj
B. oRl 2- fxfjczt C. Malla 3. Kaushambi
D. Chedi 4. Mathura
C. eYy 3- dkS”kkEch
E. Shursen 5. Shuktimati
D. psfn 4- eFkqjk
E. “kwjlsu 5- “kqfDrefr
A B C D E (a) 2 3 1 4 5
(a) 2 3 1 4 5 (b) 2 3 1 5 4
(b) 2 3 1 5 4 (c) 5 4 3 2 1
(c) 5 4 3 2 1 (d) 4 5 2 3 1
(d) 4 5 2 3 1
Q.16. Match the names of different 16 rituals and their
Q.16. fofHkUu 16 laLdkjksa ds uke vkSj mlds vFkksZa dks lqesfyr
dhft,%& List-1 (16 Sanskars) List-2 (Meanings)
lwph&1 ¼16 laLdkj½ lwph&2 ¼vFkZ½ A. Jaatkarma 1. Touching the baby, chanting
A. tkrdeZ 1- f”k”kq dks Li”kZ dj ea=tki vkSj mantras and making the baby lick
“kgn pVkuk honey.
B. fu’Øe.k 2- f”k”kq dks igyh ckj ?kj ls ckgj B. Nishkraman 2. Taking the baby out of the house
for the first time
C. Seemantonnayan 3. Worship to protect the child
C. lhekarksUu;u 3- cPps dks vfu’V ls cpkus gsrq iwtk from harm.
D. lekiorZu 4- xq:dqy esa f”k{kk iw.kZ dj ?kj ykSVuk D. Samapvartan 4. Returning home after completing
dwV% education in Gurukul.
A B C D Code:
(a) 1 2 3 4 A B C D
(b) 2 3 4 1 (a) 1 2 3 4
(c) 3 4 2 1 (b) 2 3 4 1
(d) 4 3 2 1 (c) 3 4 2 1
(d) 4 3 2 1
Q.20. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.20. Consider the following statements.
1- dksly egktuin dh igpku vk/kqfud ^vo/k {ks=* ls dh 1. Kosala Mahajanapada is identified with the modern
‘Awadh region’.
tkrh gSA
2. Republican governance system was prevalent in Malla
2- eYy egktuin esa x.krkaf=d “kklu O;oLFkk izpfyr FkhA
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lgh gS\ Which of the above is/are correct?
(a) dsoy 1 (a) Only 1
(b) dsoy 2 (b) Only 2
(c) nksuksa lR; (c) Both correct
(d) nksuksa vlR; (d) Both incorrect
Q.22. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/
Q.22. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer based
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, \ on the given code.
lwph&1¼iqLrdsa½ lwph&2 ¼jpukdkj½ List-1 (Books) List-2 (Composed by)
A. iapfl)kar 1- ojkgfefgj A. Panchasiddhanta 1. Varahamihir
B. lw;Zfl)kar 2- vk;ZHkV~V B. Surya Siddhanta 2. Aryabhatta
C. cky pfjr 3- Hkk’k C. Bal Charit 3. Bhasa
D. eqnzkjk{kl 4- fo”kk[kknÙk D. Mudrarakshasa 4. Visakhadutt
dwV% Code:
(a) 1 2 3 4 (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 3 2 4 (b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 4 3 2 1 (c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 2 4 1 3 (d) 2 4 1 3
Q.23. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.23. Consider the following statements.
1- Hkjgqr Lrqi osfndk dk fuekZ.k v”kksd }kjk djok;k x;k 1. Bharhut Stupa Vedika was built by Ashoka.
FkkA 2. The archway of Bharhut Stupa was built during the
2- Hkjgqr Lrwi dk rksj.k }kj ekS;Z dky esa cuk FkkA Maurya period.
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls lR; gSA Which of the above is/are correct?
(a) dsoy 1 (a) Only 1
(b) dsoy 2 (b) Only 2
(c) nksuksa lR; (c) Both correct
(d) u rks 1 u gh 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.24. Le`fr xzaFkksa ds vafre jpuk Øe vuqlkj igys ls ckn ds Øe Q.24. Arrange the Smriti texts in the order from first to last
esa O;ofLFkr dhft,A according to the final composition order.
(a) ;kKoyD; Le`fr] euq Le`fr] ukjn Le`fr] dkR;k;uh Le`fr] (a) Yajnavalkya Smriti, Manu Smriti, Narada Smriti,
Katyayani Smriti, Brihaspati Smriti
c`gLifr Le`fr
(b) euq Le`fr] c`gLifr Le`fr] dkR;k;uh Le`fr] ukjn Le`fr] (b) Manu Smriti, Brihaspati Smriti, Katyayani Smriti,
Narada Smriti, Yajnavalkya Smriti
;kKoyD; Le`fr
(c) Manu Smriti, Yajnavalkya Smriti, Narada Smriti,
(c) euq Le`fr] ;kKoyD; Le`fr] ukjn Le`fr] c`gLifr Le`fr]
Brihaspati Smriti, Katyayani Smriti
dkR;k;uh Le`fr
(d) Manu Smriti, Narada Smriti, Brihaspati Smriti,
(d) euq Le`fr] ukjn Le`fr] c`gLifr Le`fr] ;kKoyD; Le`fr]
Yajnavalakya Smriti, Katyayani Smriti
dkR;k;uh Le`fr
Q.26. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/ Q.26. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer based
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, \ on the given code?
lwph&1 ¼izkar½ lwph&2 ¼jkt/kkuh½ List-1 (Province) List-2 (Capital)
A. vofUr 1- r{kf”kyk A. Avanti 1. Takshashila
B. Dakshina Path 2. Patliputra
B. nf{k.kk iFk 2- ikVyhiq=
C. Prachi Pradesh 3. Suvarnagiri
C. izkph izns”k 3- lqo.kZfxfj
D. Kalinga 4. Ujjayani
D. dfyax 4- mTt;uh E. Uttara Path 5. Tosali
E. mÙkjk iFk 5- rkslyh Code:
dwV% A B C D E
(a) 2 3 5 4 1
(a) 2 3 5 4 1
(b) 4 3 2 5 1
(b) 4 3 2 5 1
(c) 4 2 3 1 5
(c) 4 2 3 1 5
(d) 4 5 2 3 1
(d) 4 5 2 3 1
Q.27. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/ Q.27. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer based
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft,A on the given code?
lwph&1¼rhFkaZdj½ lwph&2 ¼izrhd fpUg½ List-1 (Tirthankar) List-2 (Symbol)
A. vthrukFk 1- fgj.k A. Ajitnath 1. Deer
B. Shantinath 2. Elephant
B. “kkafrukFk 2- gkFkh
C. Parshvanath 3. Horse
C. ik”oZukFk 3- ?kksMk+ D. Sambhavnath 4. Serpent
D. laHkoukFk 4- liZ Code:
dwV% A B C D
(a) 2 1 4 3
(a) 2 1 4 3
(b) 2 4 1 3
(b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 2 3 1 4
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 1 2 3 4 (d) 1 2 3 4
Q.28. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.28. Consider the following statements?
1- dikfyd laiznk; ds bZ’Vnso HkSjo ekus tkrs gSaA 1. Bhairav is considered to be the Isht Dev of Kapalik
2- dkykeq[k laiznk; ds vuq;k;h egkozr /kj ds uke ls tkus sect.
tkrs gSA 2. Followers of Kalamukh sect are known as Mahavrat
3- fyaxk;r laiznk; dks ohj “kSo laiznk; ds uke ls tkuk
3. Lingayat sect is known as Veer Shaiva sect.
tkrk gSA Which of the above is/are correct?
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lR; gS\ (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(a) 1 vkSj 2 (b) 2 vkSj 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) All of the above
(c) 1 vkSj 3 (d) mijksDRk lHkh
Q.30. ekS;d
Z kyhu rhFkZ rFkk mlls lacfa /kr foHkkxksa dks lqesfyr dj fn, Q.30. Select the correct answer on the basis of the code given to
x, dwV ds vk/kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, \ match the Maurya period Teerth and its related
lwph&1¼rhFkZ½ lwph&2 ¼foHkkx½ departments?
A. vkVfod 1- jktdh; vkns”kksa ls fyfic) djus List-1(Teerth) List-2(Department)
okyk A. Atwik 1. One who writes down
government orders
B. lekgrkZ 2- jktegyksa dh ns[kjs[k djus okyk
B. Samaharta 2. Caretaker of royal palaces
C. iz”kkLrk 3- ou foHkkx dk izeq[k
C. Prashasta 3. Head of Forest Department
D. nkSokfjd 4- jktLo foHkkx dk iz/kku
D. Davarik 4. Head of Revenue Department
E. O;kogkfjd 5- uxj dk eq[; U;k;k/kh”k
E. Vyavaharik 5. Chief Justice of the city
(a) 3 4 1 2 5
(a) 3 4 1 2 5
(b) 3 2 1 4 5
(b) 3 2 1 4 5
(c) 3 1 2 4 5 (c) 3 1 2 4 5
(d) 1 2 3 4 5 (d) 1 2 3 4 5
Q.32. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&ls “kkldksa dk laca/k ex/k egktuin Q.32. Which of the following rulers belongs to Magadha
ls gS\ Mahajanapada?
1- lkrd.khZ 2- fcfEclkj 1. Satakarni 2. Bimbisara
3- vktkr”k=q 4- f”k”kqukx 3. Ajatshatru 4. Shishunag
dwV % Code:
(a) 1] 3] 4 (b) 2] 3] 4 (a) 1, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4
(c) 1] 2] 4 (d) mijksDr lHkh (c) 1, 2, 4 (d) All of the above
Q.35. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/ Q.35. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer based
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, A on the given code?
lwph&1 ¼vfHkys[k½ lwph&2 ¼”kkld½ List-1 (Inscription) List-2 (Rulers)
A. gkFkh xqQk 1- v”kksd A. Hathigumpha 1. Ashoka
B. twukx<+ 2- [kkjosy B. Junagadh 2. Kharavela
C. Hkczw 3- leqnz xqIr C. Bhabru 3. Samudra Gupta
D. iz;kx iz”kfLr 4- :nznkeu D. Prayag Prashasti 4. Rudradaman
dwV% Code:
(a) 2 4 3 1 (a) 2 4 3 1
(b) 3 2 4 1 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 2 4 1 3 (c) 2 4 1 3
(d) 4 3 2 1 (d) 4 3 2 1
Q.36. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, rFkk lR; dFku dh Q.36. Consider the following statements and identify the correct
igpku dhft,A statement.
1- eanlkSj iz”kfLr vfHkys[k dh jpuk dqekj xqIr ds njckjh 1. Mandsaur Prashasti inscription was composed by
fo}ku oRlHkVVh us dh FkhA Vatsabhatti, the court scholar of Kumar Gupta.
2- fcYlM vfHkys[k mÙkj izns”k jkT; ls izkIr gqvk gS] ftlesa 2. Bilsad inscription has been obtained from the state of
xqIr “kkldksa dh oa”kkoyh izkIr gksrh gSA Uttar Pradesh, in which the genealogy of the Gupta
rulers is found.
3- dqekjxqIr dk eFkqjk vfHkys[k tSu izfrek ij mRdh.kZ
3. Mathura inscription of Kumargupta is an inscription
vfHkys[k gSA
engraved on a Jain statue.
dwV %
(a) 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 vkSj 3
(b) 2 and 3
(c) mijksDr lHkh
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha (c) All of the above
(d) None of these
Q.40. fuEufyf[kr dFku ij fopkj dhft,A Q.40. Consider the following statements.
1- Hkkjr vkus okyk izFke dq’kk.k “kkld foe dMfQlsl FkkA 1. The first Kushan ruler to come to India was Vima
2- foedMfQlsl us jktkokax dh mikf/k /kkj.k dhA
2. Vima Kadphises assumed the title of Rajawang.
3- foedMfQlsl us ikVyhiq= dks thrdj Hkxoku cq) dk
3. Vima Kadphises conquered Pataliputra and obtained
deaMy izkIr fd;kA the kamandal of Lord Buddha.
4- foedMfQlsl us f”ko] uanh vkSj f=”kwy dh vkd`fr okys 4. Vima Kadphises issued coins with the shapes of Shiva,
flDds pyok,A Nandi and Trishul.
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lR; gS\ Which of the above is/are correct?
(a) 1 vkSj 4 (a) 1 and 4
(b) 2] 3] 4 (b) 2, 3, 4
(c) 1] 2] 3 (c) 1, 2, 3
(d) 2 vkSj 3 (d) 2 and 3
Q.43. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer based
Q.43. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/ on the given code?
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft,A List-1 List-2
lwph&1 lwph&2 (Gupta period officer) (Department)
¼xqIrdkyhu vf/kdkjh½ ¼foHkkx½ A. Mahabaladhikriti 1. Chief of the cantonment
A. egkcykf/kd`fr 1- Nkouh lsuk dk iz/kku army
B. egkn.Muk;d 2- U;k;k/kh”k B. Mahadandanayak 2. Judge
C. egkv{kiVfyd 3- ys[kk foHkkx ds izeq[k C. Mahakashpatalik 3. Head of Accounts
D. n.Mikf”kd 4- iqfyl foHkkx
D. Dandapasik 4. Police Department
(a) 1 3 4 2
(a) 1 3 4 2
(b) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 1 4 3 2 (c) 1 4 3 2
(d) 4 3 1 2 (d) 4 3 1 2
Q.44. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dj lR; dFku dk p;u dhft,A Q.44. Consider the following statements and select the correct
1- xqIrdky esa rglhyksa dks fofFk dgk tkrk FkkA statement.
2- xqIrdkyhu uxjksa dks iqj dgk tkrk FkkA 1. During the Gupta period, tehsils were called Vithi.
3- isB dbZ xzkeksa dk lewg gksrk FkkA 2. The cities of the Gupta period were called Pur.
dwV % 3. Peth was a group of several villages.
(a) 1 vkSj 2 Code:
(b) 2 vkSj 3 (a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1] 2] 3
(c) 1, 2, 3
(d) 1 vkSj 3
(d) 1 and 3
Q.46. lwph&1 dks lwph&2 ls feyku dhft, rFkk fn, x, dwV ds vk/ Q.46. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer
kkj ij lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, \ based on the given code?
lwph&1¼jkT;oa”k½ lwph&2 ¼laLFkkid½ List-1 (Dynasty) List-2 (Founders)
A. “kaqx oa”k 1- dqtqy dMfQlsl A. Shunga Dynasty 1. Kujul Kadphises
B. fgUn ;wukuh oa”k 2- foa/; “kfDr B. Indo-Greek dynasty 2. Vindhya Shakti
C. dq’kk.k oa”k 3- iq’;fe= “kqax C. Kushan Dynasty 3. Pushyamitra Sunga
D. okdkVd oa”k 4- fMesfVª;l D. Vakataka dynasty 4. Demetrius
dwV% Code:
(a) 1 2 3 4 (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 1 4 2 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 3 4 1 2 (c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 4 2 1 3 (d) 4 2 1 3
Q.47. v”kksd ds fdl vfHkys[k dks jkuh dk vfHkys[k dgk tkrk gS\ Q.47. Which inscription of Ashoka is called the queen inscription?
(a) lk¡ph (a) Sanchi
(b) lkjukFk (b) Sarnath
(c) fuXyhok (c) Nigliva
(d) dks”kkEch (d) Kosambi
Q.48. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A Q.48. Consider the following statements.
1- gkbMsLiht dk ;q) fldanj vkSj panzxqIr ekS;Z ds chp 1. The battle of Hydaspes took place between Alexander
and Chandragupta Maurya.
2. Alexander established the city of Boukephala on the
2- fldanj us >sye unh ds rV ij C;wlsQsyk uxj clk;kA banks of river Jhelum.
3- fldanj dh lsuk us lryqt unh dks ikj djus ls badkj 3. Alexander’s army refused to cross the Sutlej river.
dj fn;k FkkA Which of the above statements is incorrect?
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku vlR; gS\ (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
(a) 1 vkSj 3 (b) 2 vkSj 3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2, 3
(c) 1 vkSj 2 (d) 1] 2] 3
Q.49. Consider the following statements.
Q.49. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,A 1. During the Sangam period, ministers were called
1- laxedky esa eaf=;ksa dks vekbPpkj dgk tkrk FkkA Amaichar.
2- laxe dky esa U;k;ky; dks euje dgk tkrk FkkA 2. During the Sangam period, the court was called
mijksDr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lR; gS\
Which of the above is/are correct?
dwV %
(a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.52. NÙkhlx<+ ds fuEu esa ls dkSu ls LFkyksa dks ykSg;qxhu ekuk tkrk Q.52. Which of the following sites of Chhattisgarh are considered
of Iron Age?
1. Karhibhadar
1- djghHknj
2. Dhanora
2- /kuksjk
3. Teram
3- Vsje
4. Karkabhath
4- djdkHkkB
(a) 1, 2, 3
(a) 1] 2] 3
(b) 2, 3, 4
(b) 2] 3] 4 (c) 1, 2, 4
(c) 1] 2] 4 (d) 1, 2, 3, 4
(d) 1] 2] 3] 4
Q.53. Consider the following statements and select the correct
Q.53. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa dks i<+dj lR; dFku dk p;u djsaA statement.
1- egkHkkjr ds Hkh’e ioZ esa NÙkhlx<+ dk uke dksly ds :i 1. In Bhishma Parva of Mahabharata, the name of
esa of.kZr gSA Chhattisgarh is mentioned as Kosala.
2- egkHkkjr ds lHkk ioZ esa egkunh dk o.kZu fp=ksRiyk ds 2. In the Sabha Parva of Mahabharata, Mahanadi has
uke ls gqvk gSA been described by the name of Chitrotpala.
(a) dsoy 1 (a) only 1
(b) dsoy 2 (b) only 2
(c) nksuksa 1 vkSj 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.55. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa dks i<+dj lR; dFku dk p;u djsaA Q.55. Consider the following statements and select the correct
1- jktf’kZrqY;dqy oa”k dk jktfpUg flag FkkA statement.
1. The royal symbol of Rajarshitulyakula dynasty was
2- jktf’kZrYq ;dqy oa”k dh tkudkjh Hkhelsu izFke ds vkjax lion.
rkezi= ls izkIr gksrh gSA 2. Information about Rajarshitulyakula dynasty is
3- bl oa”k dk laLFkkid Hkhelsu nso FkkA obtained from the Arang copper plate inscription of
dwV % Bhimsen I.
3. The founder of this dynasty was Bhimsen Dev.
(a) 1 vkSj 2
Code :
(b) 2 vkSj 3
(a) 1 and 2
(c) 1 vkSj 3 (b) 2 and 3
(d) dsoy 1 (c) 1 and 3
(d) only 1
Q.56. ÞnsoHkksxß dk laca/k fdl oa”k ls Fkk \
(a) ik.Mq oa”k Q.56. “Devbhog” was related to which dynasty?
(b) “kjHkiqjh; oa”k (a) Pandu dynasty
(b) Sharabpuriya dynasty
(c) ioZr }kjd oa”k
(c) Parvat Dwarak dynasty
(d) uy oa”k (d) Nal dynasty
Q.57. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa dks i<+dj lR; dFku dk p;u djsa \ Q.57. Consider the following statements and select the correct
1- rsjkfla?kk rkezi= ls ioZr }kjd oa”k dh tkudkjh izkIr
1. Information about the Parvat Dwarak dynasty is
gksrh gSA obtained from the Terasingha copper plate.
2- ioZr }kjd oa”k dk izFke “kkld jktk rqf’Vdj FkkA 2. The first ruler of Parvat Dwarak dynasty was King
3- bl oa”k ds “kkld LraHks”ojh nsoh ds mikld FksA Tushtikar.
3. The rulers of this dynasty were worshipers of
dwV % Stambeshwari Devi.
(a) 1 vkSj 2 Code:
(b) 2 vkSj 3 (a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1 vkSj 3 (d) 1 and 3
Q.58. lkrokgu oa”k ds jktk vihyd dh eqnkz fuEu esa ls fdu LFkkuksa Q.58. From which of the following places has the currency of
ls izkIr gqbZ gS\ King Appilak of the Satavahana dynasty been obtained?
1. Malhar
1- eYgkj
2. Balpur
2- ckyiqj 3. Chakarbeda
3- pdjcsM+k Code:
dwV % (a) only 1 (b) 1 and 2
(a) dsoy 1 (b) 1 vkSj 2 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) none of these
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Q.60. nqxZ ftys ds ckukojn ls izkIr flDdksa ls fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdu Q.60. Which of the following Gupta rulers have been mentioned
xqIr “kkldksa dk mYys[k gqvk gS\ in the coins discovered from Banbarad in Durg district?
1- JhxqIr 1. Shrigupt
2- leqnzxqIr 2. Samudragupta
3. Chandragupta
3- pUnzxIq r
4. Kachh
4- dPN
dwV %
(a) 1, 2, 3
(a) 1] 2] 3
(b) 2, 3, 4
(b) 2] 3] 4
(c) 1, 3, 4
(c) 1] 3] 4
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4
(d) 1] 2] 3] 4
Q.62. HkonÙk oeZu ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dj lR; Q.62. In the context of Bhavadutta Varman, consider the
following statements and select the correct statement:
dFku dk p;u djsa&
1. He assumed the title of Maharaja.
1- blus egkjktk dh mikf/k /kkj.k dh FkhA
2. He expanded his empire by defeating the Vakatakas in
2- blus cLrj rFkk dksly {ks= esa okdkVdksa dks ijkftr dj Bastar and Kosala region.
vius lkezkT; dk foLrkj fd;k FkkA 3. His wife’s name was Achaali Bhattarika.
3- bldh iRuh dk uke vpkyh Hkêkfjdk FkkA Code:
dwV % (a) 1 and 2
(a) 1 vkSj 2 (b) 2 and 3
(b) 2 vkSj 3 (c) 1 and 3
(c) 1 vkSj 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
Q.65. Þlqnsojktß ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, ,oa Q.65. Consider the following statements with reference to
lR; dFku dk p;u djsa & “Sudevraj” and choose the correct statement -
1- ;g okdkVd oa”k ls lacaf/kr “kkld gSA 1. He belonged to the Vakataka dynasty.
2- blds dqy ^10* rkezi= izkIr gq, gSA 2. A total of ‘10’ copper plates have been found.
dwV % Code:
(a) dsoy 1 (a) only 1
(b) dsoy 2 (b) only 2
(c) nksuksa 1 vkSj 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.66. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, ,oa lR; dFku dk p;u Q.66. Consider the following statements and choose the correct
dhft,& statement-
1- “kjHkiqjh; jktoa”k esa iz”kklu dh lcls NksVh bdkbZ 1. The smallest unit of administration in the Sharabhpuri
xzke FkhA dynasty was gram.
2- “kjHkiqjh; jktoa”k esa iz”kklu dh lcls cM+h bdkbZ 2. The largest unit of administration in the Sharabpuriya
^jk’Vª* FkhA dynasty was ‘Rashtra’.
dwV % Code:
(a) dsoy 1 (a) only 1
(b) dsoy 2 (b) only 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.69. uy oa”k ds fdl@fdu “kkld@”kkldksa us Lo.kZ eqnzk tkjh dh Q.69. Which ruler/rulers of Nal dynasty issued gold currency?
Fkh \ (a) Varaha Raj (b) Bhavdutt Varman
(a) ojkg jkt (b) HkonÙk oeZu
(c) Arthapati Bhattarak (d) All three of the above
(c) vFkZifr Hkêkjd (d) mijksDr rhuksa
Q.70. fuEufyf[kr 'kjHkiqjh 'kkldksa dks muds “kklu Øe ds vuqlkj Q.70. Arrange the following Sharabhpuri rulers in the
O;ofLFkr djsa& chronological order :
1- O;k?kzjkt 2- 'kjHkjkt 1. Vyaghraraj 2 Sharabhraj
3- ujsUæ 4- çlUuek= 3. Narendra 4. Prashannamatra
5- lqnsojkt 5. Sudevraj
dwV % Code:
(a) 2] 3] 1] 4] 5 (a) 2, 3, 1, 4 ,5
(b) 2] 4] 5] 3] 1 (b) 2, 4, 5, 3, 1
(c) 2] 3] 4] 5] 1 (c) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
(d) 1] 2] 3] 5] 4 (d) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4
Q.73. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, ,oa lR; dFku dk p;u Q.73. Consider the following statements and choose the correct
dhft,& 1. Information about Jain Tirthankar Shantinath is
1- tSu rhFkZdj “kkafrukFk dh tkudkjh vkjax ls feyrh gSA obtained from Arang.
2- tSu rhFkZdj _’kHkukFk dh tkudkjh HkkVkxqM+k ls feyrh 2. Information about Jain Tirthankara Rishabhnath is
gSA available from Bhataguda.
3- tSu lar egkohj Lokeh dh tkudkjh xaqth ls feyrh gSA 3. Information about Jain saint Mahavir Swami is
available from Gunji.
dwV %
(a) 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1 vkSj 3 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 vkSj 3 (c) 2 and 3
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha (d) none of these
Q.74. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls@lk LFky ckS) /keZ ls lacaf/kr gS\ Q.74. Which of the following places is related to Buddhism?
1- Hkksaxkiky 1. Bhongapal
2- fljiqj 2. Sirpur
3- eYgkj 3. Malhar
4. Turturia
4- rqjrqfj;k
dwV %
(a) only 2
(a) dsoy 2 (b) 1 and 2
(b) 1 vkSj 2 (c) 1, 2, 3
(c) 1] 2] 3 (d) All of the above
(d) mijksDr lHkh
Q.75. Consider the following statements and select the correct
Q.75. fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa dks i<+dj lR; dFku dk p;u djsa & statement-
1- NÙkhlx<+ esa okdkVd oa”k ds laLFkkid izojlsu f}rh; FksA 1. The founder of Vakataka dynasty in Chhattisgarh was
Pravarasena II.
2- okdkVd “kkld :nzlsu f}rh; dk fookg pUnzxqIr izFke
2. Vakataka ruler Rudrasena II was married to Prabhavati,
dh iq=h izHkkorh ls gqvk FkkA daughter of Chandragupta I.
3- okdkVd “kkld izojlsu izFke ds le; izfl) dfo dkfynkl 3. Famous poet Kalidas came to Chhattisgarh during
NÙkhlx< vk;s FksA the reign of Vakataka ruler Pravarsen I.
dwV % Code:
(a) 1 vkSj 2 (a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 vkSj 3 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(d) none of these
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Q.82. Þegkf”ko rhojnsoß ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj Q.82. In the context of “Mahashiv Tivardev” consider the
following statements and select the correct statement -
dj lR; dFku dk p;u djsa &
1. He expanded the Pandu dynasty up to Orissa.
1- blus ik.Mqoa”k dk foLrkj mM+hlk rd dj fn;k FkkA
2. He assumed the title of Sakalkosaladhipati.
2- blus ldydkslykf/kifr dh mikf/k /kkj.k dhA
3. He was a follower of Shaivism.
3- ;g “kSo /keZ dk vuq;k;h FkkA
dwV %
(a) 1 and 2
(a) 1 vkSj 2
(b) 2 and 3
(b) 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1 and 3
(c) 1 vkSj 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
Q.83. Consider the following statements regarding
Q.83. egkf”koxqIr ckyktZqu ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj Mahashivgupta Balarjun and choose the correct statement:
dhft, ,oa lR; dFku dk p;u dhft,& 1. His reign was between 585 AD and 645 AD.
1- bldk “kkludky 585 bZ- ls 645 bZ- rd jgk FkkA 2. During his reign, Hiuen Tsang visited Sripur in 639
2- blds “kkludky esa g~ous lkax us 639 bZ- esa Jhiqj dh ;k=k AD.
dh FkhA 3. In the Sirpur copper plate, Mahashivgupta Balarjun
3- fljiqj rkezi= esa egkf”koxqIr ckyktZqu dks ijeegs”oj ds has been mentioned as Paramaheshwar.
uke ls mYysf[kr fd;k x;k gSA Code:
dwV % (a) only 1
(a) dsoy 1 (b) only 2
(b) dsoy 2 (c) 1 and 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 (d) 2 and 3
(d) 2 vkSj 3
Q.85. dkadsj ds lkseoa”k ds lnaHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj Q.85. Consider the following statements with reference to Som
dhft, ,oa lR; dFku dk p;u dhft,& Dynasty of Kanker and choose the correct statement -
1- dkadsj ds lkseoa”kh; “kkld jruiqj ds dypqfj;ksa ds 1. The Som Dynasty rulers of Kanker worked as
ek.Mfyd ds :i esa dk;Z djrs FksA Mandaliks of the Kalachuris of Ratanpur.
2- bl oa”k ds laLFkkid f”koxqIr FksA 2. The founder of this dynasty was Shivagupta.
dwV % Code:
(a) dsoy 1 (a) only 1
(b) dsoy 2 (b) only 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.87. ÞpdjcsM+kß ¼fcykliqj½ ls fdl oa”k ls lacaf/kr eqnzk,¡ izkIr gqbZ Q.87. Coins related to which dynasty have been found from
gSa \ “Chakarbeda” (Bilaspur)?
(a) ekS;Z oa”k (a) Maurya dynasty
(b) lkrokgu oa”k (b) Satvahana dynasty
(c) dq’kk.k oa”k (c) Kushan dynasty
(d) uy oa”k (d) Nal dynasty
Q.88. Þck.k oa”kß ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, ,oa Q.88. Consider the following statements in the context of “Baan
lR; dFku dk p;u dhft,& Dynasty” and choose the correct statement –
1- bl oa”k ds laLFkkid foØekfnR; FksA 1. The founder of this dynasty was Vikramaditya.
2- bl oa”k dh jkt/kkuh ikyh] dksjck FkhA 2. The capital of this dynasty was Pali, Korba.
dwV % Code:
(a) dsoy 1 (a) only 1
(b) dsoy 2 (b) only 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.95. Þfdjkjh ds dk’B LrEHkß ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij Q.95. Consider the following statements in the context of
fopkj dhft, ,oa lR; dFku dk p;u dhft,& “Kirari’s Wooden Pillar” inscription and choose the correct
1- ;g LrEHk 1918 bZ- esa lDrh ftyk ls izkIr gqvk gSA
1. This pillar was discovered from Sakti district in 1918
2- bl LrEHk esa okdkVd dkyhu vf/kdkfj;ksa dk mYys[k gSA AD.
3- ;g LrEHk orZeku esa egar ?kklhnkl laxzgky; esa lajf{kr 2. This pillar mentions officers of the Vakataka period.
gSA 3. This pillar is currently preserved in Mahant Ghasidas
dwV % Museum.
(a) 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) dsoy 1 (c) Only 1
(d) dsoy 3 (d) only 3
Q.98. ik.Mqoa”k ls lacaf/kr iz”kfLr;ksa esa mUgsa vkSj fdu ukeksa ls tkuk Q.98. By which other names, in the prashatis the Pandu dynasty
tkrk gS\ rulers are known?
1- lkseoa”k 1. Som Dynasty
2- “kf”koa”k 2. Shashivansh
3. Sheetanshu Dynasty
3- “khrka”kq oa”k
4. Vimalambar dynasty
4- foeykEcj oa”k
dwV %
(a) only 1
(a) dsoy 1
(b) 1 and 2
(b) 1 vkSj 2
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(d) All of the above
(d) mijksDr lHkh