Tutorial Letter 101/0/2024: Department of Civil Engineering
Tutorial Letter 101/0/2024: Department of Civil Engineering
Tutorial Letter 101/0/2024: Department of Civil Engineering
Year Module
Note: This is a fully online module. It is, therefore, only available on myUnisa.
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 MODULE OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION ........................................................................................... 6
4 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 6
4.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 6
5 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Prescribed book(s) ........................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 Recommended book(s) ................................................................................................................. 7
5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves).................................................................................................. 7
6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 8
6.1 First-Year Experience Programme ................................................................................................ 9
7. STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 10
8 HOW TO STUDY ONLINE .......................................................................................................... 10
8.1 What does it mean to study fully online? ..................................................................................... 10
9. ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Assessment criteria..................................................................................................................... 10
9.2 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 12
9.3 Assessment due dates ................................................................................................................ 13
9.4 Submission of assessments ........................................................................................................ 14
9.4.1 Types of assignments and descriptions ........................................................................................ 15
9.5 The assessments ........................................................................................................................ 16
9.6 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 16
9.7 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 16
9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring .................................................................................................................. 16
10. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY ........................................................................................................ 17
10.1 Plagiarism ................................................................................................................................... 17
10.2 Cheating ..................................................................................................................................... 17
10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below: ..................................................... 18
11. STUDENTS LIVING WITH DISABILITIES .................................................................................. 18
12. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 18
13. SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 18
14. IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 19
15. ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 19
ANNEXURE: GLOSSARY OF TERM .................................................................................................... 19
16. ANNEXURE 1: GRAPHICAL VIEW OF ENGINEERING QUALIFICATION ............................... 19
18. ANNEXURE 3: LIST OF GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES DIPLOMA .............................................. 21
Dear Student
Teaching and learning in a CODeL context involves multiple modes of delivery ranging from
blended learning to fully online. As a default position, all post graduate programmes are
offered fully online with no printed study materials, while undergraduate programmes are
offered in a blended mode of delivery where printed study materials are augmented with
online teaching and learning via the learner management system – myUnisa. In some
instances, undergraduate programmes are offered fully online as well.
Furthermore, our programmes are aligned with the vision, mission and values of the
University. Unisa's commitment to serve humanity and shape futures combined with a clear
appreciation of our location on the African continent, Unisa's graduates have distinctive
graduate qualities which include:
• independent, resilient, responsible and caring citizens who are able to fulfil and serve
in multiple roles in their immediate and future local, national and global communities
• having a critical understanding of their location on the African continent with its
histories, challenges and potential in relation to globally diverse contexts
• the ability to critically analyse and evaluate the credibility and usefulness of
information and data from multiple sources in a globalised world with its ever-
increasing information and data flows and competing worldviews
• an awareness of their own learning and developmental needs and future potential
Whether a module is offered either as blended (meaning that we use a combination of printed
and online material to engage with you) or online (all information is available via the internet),
we use myUnisa as our virtual campus. This is an online system that is used to administer,
document and deliver educational material to you and support engagement with you. Look
out for information from your lecturer as well as other Unisa platforms to determine how to
access the virtual myUnisa module site. Information on the tools that will be available to
engage with the lecturer and fellow students to support your learning will also be
communicated via various platforms.
You are encouraged to log into the module site on myUnisa regularly (that is, at least twice per
week). [the module website code written out in full, e.g., EPN2601-24-Y].
Because this is a fully online module, you will need to use myUnisa to study and complete the
learning activities for this module. Visit the website for EPN2601 on myUnisa frequently. The
website for your module is [the module website code written out in full, e.g., EPN2601-24-Y].
2.1 Purpose
Students who have completed this module successfully will be able to perform pavement design
calculations and to design pavement structures according to the TRH4 catalogue method. Refer
2.2 Outcomes
• Specific outcome 1:
Apply terminology and principles related to the design, construction and costing of earthworks
and layerworks.
• Specific outcome 2:
Identify road construction materials suitable for various environmental conditions while adhering
to health and safety regulations when working with road construction materials.
• Specific outcome 3:
Apply the design principles and appropriate construction methods when designing flexible and
• Specific outcome 4:
Identify safe and cost-effective material stabilisation agents and stabilisation methods used in
road construction.
• Specific outcome 5:
Design single and double bituminous seals using the appropriate materials.
• Specific outcome 6:
Use the Marshall asphalt mix design process as well as other design processes for preparing
asphalt mixes for road surfacing construction.
• Specific outcome 7:
Apply road engineering design principles to manage stormwater drainage systems, and surface
run-off, for urban and rural roads.
Unisa has implemented a transformation charter, in terms of which the university has placed curriculum
transformation high on the teaching and learning agenda. Curriculum transformation includes student-
centred scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of
teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. All of these will be
phased in at both programme and module levels, and as a result of this you will notice a marked change
in the teaching and learning strategy implemented by Unisa, together with the way in which the content
is conceptualised in your modules. We encourage you to embrace these changes during your studies at
Unisa in a responsive way within the framework of transformation.
Physical Address: UNISA Science Campus, JG Gerwel Building, 5th floor, Office C05-056
Telephonic Contact Times: From 8h30 – 16h00
Office Contact Times: By prior appointment.
4.2 Department
Ms PT Ramorei
011 471 3132
Mr VB Nkosi
011 471 2697
4.3 University
To contact the University, follow the instructions on the Contact us page on the Unisa website.
Remember to have your student number available whenever you contact the University. Whenever
you contact a lecturer via e-mail, please include your student number in the subject line to enable
the lecturer to help you more effectively.
Contact addresses of the various administrative departments appear on the Unisa website:
5.1 Prescribed book(s)
All course materials are available on myUnisa https://my.unisa.ac.za under the module course
code under Materials. Discussion forums are set up by your lecturer and available for
discussions with your peers https://my.unisa.ac.za. Some additional electronic resources are
available from the Library site (via www.unisa.ac.za).
E-reserves can be downloaded from the library webpage Find e-reserves. More
information is available at: http://oasis.unisa.ac.za/search/r
Recommended guides:
• For research support and services such as the Personal Librarian service and the
Information Search Librarian's Literature
Search Request (on your research topic) service,
visit http://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Library/Library-services/Research-
• For library training for undergraduate
students, visit https://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Library/Library-
• Lending Services https://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Library/Library-
• Services for Postgraduate students -
• Support and Services for students with disabilities -
• Library Technology Support -https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/techsupport
• Finding and using library resources and tools -
• A–Z list of library databases – https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/az.php
This brochure contains important information and guidelines for successful studies through
If you need assistance with regard to the myModule system, you are welcome to use the
following contact details:
You can access and view short videos on topics such as how to view your calendar, how to
access module content, how to view announcements for modules, how to submit assessment
and how to participate in forum activities via the following link: https://dtls-
Registered Unisa students get a free myLife e-mail account. Important information, notices
and updates are sent exclusively to this account. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours
for your account to be activated after you have claimed it. Please do this immediately after
registering at Unisa, by following this link: myLifeHelp@unisa.ac.za
Your myLife account is the only e-mail account recognised by Unisa for official
correspondence with the university and will remain the official primary e-mail address on
record at Unisa. You remain responsible for the management of this e-mail account.
Many students find the transition from school education to tertiary education stressful. This is also true in
the case of students enrolling at Unisa for the first time. Unisa is a dedicated open distance and e-
learning institution, and it is very different from face-to-face/contact institutions. It is a mega university,
and all our programmes are offered through either blended learning or fully online learning. It is for this
reason that we thought it necessary to offer first-time students additional/extended support to help them
seamlessly navigate the Unisa teaching and learning journey with little difficulty and few barriers. We
therefore offer a specialised student support programme to students enrolling at Unisa for the first time –
this is Unisa’s First-Year Experience (FYE) Programme, designed to provide you with prompt and helpful
information about services that the institution offers and how you can access information. The following
FYE services are currently offered:
www.unisa.ac.za/FYE fye@unisa.ac.za
myUnisa; Study
Referrals to Skills; Academic &
Orientation Digital Literacies;
other support
services i.e. etc
Reading & Writing
To ensure that you do not miss out on important academic and support communication
from the SRU, please check your myLife inbox regularly.
• A study plan will be shared with you, which will assist you in pacing yourself and aligning
your studying with required assessments throughout the semester.
• Studying fully online modules differs completely from studying some of your other
modules at Unisa.
• All your study material and learning activities for online modules are designed to be
delivered online on myUnisa.
Studying fully online modules differs completely from studying some of your other modules at
• All your study material and learning activities for online modules are designed to be
delivered online on myUnisa.
• All your assignments must be submitted online. This means that you will do all your
activities and submit all your assignments on myUnisa. In other words, you may NOT post
your assignments to Unisa using the South African Post Office.
• All communication between you and the University happens online. Lecturers will
communicate with you via e-mail and SMS, and use the Announcements, the Discussion
Forums and the Questions and Answers tools. You can also use all of these platforms to
ask questions and contact your lecturers.
9.1 Assessment criteria
Assessments are part of the learning material for this module. As you do the assignment, study
the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow students or do research,
you are actively engaged in learning.
Specific outcomes Assessment criteria
Graduate Attributes
To maintain our programme/qualification accreditation, each programme must provide evidence
that our students are attaining key “attributes” as defined by the ENGINEERING COUNCIL of
SOUTH AFRICA (ECSA). As such it is important as a student that you are familiar with the
ECSA assessment criteria (graduate attributes). Please see the annexture regarding
information about graduate attributes.
Rage Statement: Design problems used in exit-level assessment must conform to the definition
of a well-defined engineering problem. A design problem should be used to provide evidence.
The design knowledge base and components, systems, engineering works, products or
processes to be designed are dependent on the sub-discipline or practice area
School of Engineering is following a continuous assessment system. So, you will be able to
accumulate marks throughout the year.
The formative assessment for this module will be in the form of timed online tests and written
submissions via myUnisa. The major online tests will be 2 hours long with an additional 15
minutes to download the test and 30 minutes to upload the answer script. There will be a total of
two-timed online tests plus one additional resubmission in the event you do not meet the
passing mark. There will also be two written assignments and two minor tests, these
assessments will come before each test to guide students on what is expected on the major
Your final mark will be calculated from a total of 5 assessments. All 5 assessments are
Please note:
• All information on when and where to submit your assignments will be made available to
you via the myUnisa site for your module.
• Due dates for assignments, as well as the actual assignments are available on the
myUnisa site for this module.
• Your assignments will comprise a combination of practical, 1 minor tests and 2 major
Assessments Contribution
Minor test 1 (online) 10%
Major test 1 (online) 30%
Practical 30%
Major test 2 (online) 30%
Repeat major test s 30%
Total assessment 100%
• Assignment due dates will be made available to you on the myUnisa landing page for this
module. We envisage that the due dates will be available to you upon registration.
• Please start working on your assessments as soon as you register for the module.
• Log on to the myUnisa site for this module to obtain more information on the due dates
for the submission of the assessments.
9.4 Submission of assessments
• The myUnisa virtual campus will offer students access to the myModules site, where
learning material will be available online and where assessments should be completed.
This is an online system that is used to administer, document, and deliver educational
material to students and support engagement between academics and students.
• When you access your myModules site for the module/s you are registered for, you will
see a welcome message posted by your lecturer. Below the welcome message you will
see the assessment shells for the assessments that you need to complete. Some
assessments may be multiple choice, some tests, others written assessments, some
forum discussions, and so on. All assessments must be completed on the assessment
shells available on the respective module platforms.
• To complete quiz assessments, please log on to the module site where you need to
complete the assessment. Click on the relevant assessment shell (Assessment 1,
Assessment 2, etc.). There will be a date on which the assessment will open for you.
When the assessment is open, access the quiz online and complete it within the time
available to you. Quiz assessment questions are not included in this tutorial letter
(Tutorial Letter 101) and are only made available online. You must therefore access the
quiz online and complete it online where the quiz has been created.
• It is not advisable to use a cell phone to complete the quiz. Please use a desktop
computer, tablet or laptop when completing the quiz. Students who use a cell phone find
it difficult to navigate the Online Assessment tool on the small screen and often struggle
to navigate between questions and successfully complete the quizzes. In addition, cell
phones are more vulnerable to dropped internet connections than other devices. If at all
possible, please do not use a cell phone for this assessment type.
• For written assessments, please note the due date by which the assessment must be
submitted. Ensure that you follow the guidelines given by your lecturer to complete the
assessment. Click on the submission button on the relevant assessment shell on
myModules. You will then be able to upload your written assessment on the myModules
site of the modules that you are registered for. Before you finalise the upload, double
check that you have selected the correct file for upload. Remember, no marks can be
allocated for incorrectly submitted assessments.
• Elective assignments
- If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
- The best of the required submissions will count.
• Mandatory assignments
- If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
• Compulsory assignments
- If not submitted, the result on the student’s academic record will be absent.
• Optional assignments – You are encouraged as a student to do optional
assignment so that it may benefit your learning.
I. Elective assignments
a. the student is given a choice of which assignments within an identified group to
submit, only the best result(-s), the number of which is specified in advance, will
contribute towards the year mark.
b. elective assignments must also be grouped into an elective group.
c. for the student to select which assignment to submit, the elective assignments must
be grouped together. For such an elective group, relevant information must be
provided to the student, such as how many of the assignments must be submitted
and how many of the assignment marks should be combined into the year mark.
d. The selection criteria define how marks received for assignments in an elective group
are to be combined into the year mark. Three different criteria may be used for
calculating the year mark:
• The best mark should be used, or
• If the student submits fewer than the required number of assignments per group or
no assignment in a group, a mark of 0% will be used.
• 0% is awarded to all non-submitted or unmarked assessments. A best mark is
then calculated from all items.
9.5 The assessments
As indicated in section 9.2, you need to complete 5 assessments for this module.
There are no assignments included in this tutorial letter. Assignments and due dates will be
made available to you on myModules for this module. We envisage that the due dates will be
available to you upon registration.
• Keep a clear copy of the assignment for your own reference. This is important, as
assignments do get lost.
• Submissions of assignments must be in accordance with “my studies @ unisa
• You must obtain a minimum of 50% on both major tests. However, all assessments are
compulsory to pass the module.
• Student who fails any of the major tests will have a one opportunity to re-do the
• Because this is an online module, the assignments are not provided in this tutorial letter.
Instead, they will be posted online as they become due, and you will see them when you
go online.
• All assessments must be submitted in PDF format only.
Examination information and details on the format of the examination will be made available to
you online via the myUnisa site. Look out for information that will be shared with you by your
lecturer and e-tutors (where relevant) and for communication from the university.
9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring
Since 2020 Unisa conducts all its assessments online. Given stringent requirements from
professional bodies and increased solicitations of Unisa’s students by third parties to unlawfully
assist them with the completion of assignments and examinations, the University is obliged to
assure its assessment integrity through the utilisation of various proctoring tools: Turnitin,
Moodle Proctoring, the Invigilator App and IRIS. These tools will authenticate the student’s
identity and flag suspicious behaviour to assure credibility of students’ responses during
assessments. The description below is for your benefit as you may encounter any or all of these
in your registered modules:
Turnitin is a plagiarism software that facilitates checks for originality in students’ submissions
against internal and external sources. Turnitin assists in identifying academic fraud and ghost
writing. Students are expected to submit typed responses for utilisation of the Turnitin software.
The Moodle Proctoring tool is a facial recognition software that authenticates students’ identity
during their Quiz assessments. This tool requires access to a student’s mobile or laptop
camera. Students must ensure their camera is activated in their browser settings prior to their
IRIS Invigilation software verifies the identity of a student during assessment and provides for
both manual and automated facial verification. It has the ability to record and review a student’s
assessment session. It flags suspicious behaviour by the students for review by an academic
administrator. IRIS software requires installation on students’ laptop devices that are enabled
with a webcam.
Students who are identified and flagged for suspicious dishonest behaviour arising from the
invigilation and proctoring reports are referred to the disciplinary office for formal proceeding.
Please note:
Students must refer to their module assessment information on their myModule sites to
determine which proctoring or invigilation tool will be utilised for their formative and summative
• Copying and pasting from any source without acknowledging the source.
• Not including references or deliberately inserting incorrect bibliographic information.
• Paraphrasing without acknowledging the original source of the information.
10.2 Cheating
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Buying completed answers from so-called “tutors” or internet sites (contract cheating).
10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below:
Please note that the department has a web site where additional information on the department
and the modules are available.
Tutorial Letters are available from the myUnisa website. (See my Studies @ Unisa)
Should you encounter any problems in submitting an assignment on myUnisa, you may contact
the help line at myUnisaHelp@unisa.ac.za
Signed Declaration
Every essay-type assignment we receive must include the following declaration along with your
name and the date:
“I declare that this assignment is my own work and that all sources quoted have been
acknowledged by appropriate references”. We will subtract marks if this declaration is absent
from your assignment, just as we will subtract marks if your assignment does not have a Table
of contents, List of references cited, and so on.
Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you are experiencing problems with the content of this
tutorial letter or with any academic aspect of the module.
We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material, and trust that
you will complete the module successfully.
The 360 credit Diploma in Civil Engineering was designed considering the HEQSF document
from 2013 and the generic ECSA document “Qualification Standard for Diploma in
Engineering: NQF Level 6; Document: E-02-PN; Rev 5; from 01 September 2020”.
For the 360 credit Diploma the Dublin Accord rules and regulations are applicable
Assurance of substantial equivalence through this agreement may enhance mutual exemption
between jurisdictions by leading to opportunities to streamline processes and procedures for the
recognition of competent individuals in other jurisdictions.
The equivalency of the engineering programmes was possible through the introduction of
Graduate Attributes. Graduate Attributes are assessable outcomes, developed by the
signatories that give confidence that the educational objectives of programmes are being
achieved ensuring the quality of the programme.
As the Graduate Attributes are “assessable outcomes”, each module part of the qualification,
has several Graduate Attributes attached to them and must be assessed in a measurable way,
namely through assignment or laboratory reports or projects or exams. Some Graduate
Attributes may be assessed via several measurable ways.
From 2022 the Graduate Attributes are assessed in design, practical, project and Work-
Integrated learning modules and the total number of 12 Graduate Attributes will be assessed
over the whole qualification.
The Graduate Attributes may be assessed at basic, intermediate and exit level.
If the student is not declared competent in all 12 Graduate Attributes, he /she will not be
able to graduate, regardless of the credit obtained in the knowledge areas.
Therefore, it is extremely important for the students to understand the importance of the
graduate attributes, as is the only measure of the substantial equivalency of engineering
technician qualifications, between signatory countries.
Graduate Attribute 1: Problem solving.
Identify, formulate, analyse and solve well-defined engineering problems.
A thorough grounding in mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and formal aspects of computer
and information science to support analysis and modelling applicable to the sub-discipline;
A thorough grounding in the engineering fundamentals required in the engineering sub-discipline; and
Engineering specialist knowledge in the accepted practice areas in the engineering sub-discipline
Range Statement: Mathematics, natural science and engineering sciences are applied in analysis and
modelling of engineering situations, and for reasoning about and solving well-defined engineering
Note: An investigation differs from a design in that the objective is to produce knowledge and
understanding of a phenomenon and a recommended course of action rather than specifying how an
artifact could be produced.
Graduate Attribute 5: Engineering methods, skills and tools, including information technology.
Demonstrate competence to use appropriate engineering methods, skills and tools, including those
based on information technology.
Range Statement: A range of methods, skills and tools appropriate to the disciplinary designation of the
program including:
• Sub-discipline-specific tools, processes or procedures.
Range Statement: Multidisciplinary tasks require co-operation across at least one disciplinary boundary.
Co-operating disciplines may be engineering disciplines with different fundamental bases other than that
of the programme or may be outside engineering.
Graduate Attribute 9: Independent learning ability
Demonstrate competence to engage in independent learning through well-developed learning skills.
Range Statement: Operate in well-structured environment with some unfamiliar elements requiring
personal responsibility and initiative, accurately self-evaluate and take responsibility for learning
requirements; be aware of social and ethical implications of applying knowledge in particular contexts.
Graduate Attribute 10: Engineering professionalism
Demonstrate critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to exercise judgment
and take responsibility within own limits of competence.
Range Statement: Evidence includes case studies typical of engineering practice situations in which the
graduate is likely to participate. Ethics and the professional responsibility of a technician and the
contextual knowledge specified in the range statement of Graduate Attribute 7 is generally applicable
Graduate Attribute 11: Engineering management
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic
Range Statement: Basic techniques from economics, business management; project management
applied to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
Graduate Attribute 12: Workplace practices
Demonstrate an understanding of workplace practices to solve engineering problems consistent with
academic learning achieved.
Range Statement: Tasks to demonstrate this outcome should be designed to connect academic
learning with workplace practice and may be performed in one or more of the following types of work-
integrated learning:
i) Work-directed theoretical learning.
v) Simulated learning.
Note: While attribute 12 is specific to workplace practices, other attributes may be demonstrated
Qualification Standard for Diploma in Engineering: NQF Level 6 E-02-PN
REVISION No. 5: 01 September 2020. Available via www.ecsa.co.za
Unisa 2024