JEE Main 2024 Jan30 Shift1 Physics Morning

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JEE (Main)-2024 : Phase-1 (30-01-2024)-Morning

SECTION - A Sol. For 2 kg block
Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20 T – 2g sin37 = 2a ...(i)
multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices For 4 kg block
(1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Choose the correct answer: 4g – 2T =
1. Two rings of equal radius R arranged perpendicular to
each other with common centre at C, carrying equal 2g – T = a ...(ii)
current I. Find magnetic field at C. T = (2g – a)

2g − a − 2g  = 2a

3a = 2g 

0 I 0 I a=
(1) (2) 15
2R R
 I 0 I 3. A particle of mass m is projected with speed v at an
(3) 2 0 (4)
R 2R angle of 30° with the horizontal, find its angular
Answer (4) momentum about point of projection when it reaches
Sol. its maximum height.

mv 3 mv 3
(1) (2) 3
16 g 16 g

mv 3 mv 3
(3) (4) 3
3g 8g

 I  I Answer (2)
B1 = 0 iˆ, B2 = 0 jˆ
2R 2R Sol. Velocity at maximum height = vcoss30°
0 I  L = m(vcos30) H
BC =
2. Find the acceleration of 2 kg block shown in the  3  v 2 sin2 30
= mv  
 2  2g
diagram. (neglect friction)  

mv 3
= 3
16 g

4. The ratio of kinetic energy & potential energy in 5th

excited state of Hydrogen atom is
(1) –2 (2) 2
4g 2g
(1) (2) 1 1
15 15 (3) − (4)
2 2
g 2g
(3) (4) Answer (3)
15 3
Answer (1) Sol. Kinetic energy: Potential energy = 1 : –2
JEE (Main)-2024 : Phase-1 (30-01-2024)-Morning

7V ( 20 – 5 ) 15
Sol. ibattery = = A
5. 200 200

700  5
i300 = A
3.5 k 200  15 5
 i zener = –
200 300
= 58.33 mA
In given circuit find potential difference across
8. Ball released from height 10 m strikes ground and
700  resistance (i.e. V0). rebounds height 5 m. Find impulse imparted by
(1) 2 V (2) 0.5 V ground while collision, given mass of ball is 100 g.
(Take g = 10 m/s2)
(3) 1.1 V (4) Zero
(1) ( 2 − 1) Ns (2) ( 2 + 2) Ns
Answer (3)
(3) (2 2 − 1) Ns (4) ( 2 + 1) Ns
7 7
Sol. i = = Answer (4)
3.5 k + 0.9 k 4.4 k
Sol. v 1 = 2g10
7 4.9
V0 = i × 700  =  .7 k = = 1.1 V v 2 = 2g 5
4.4 k 4.4

6. A ball is released from a height of 1 m on a smooth I = p

hemispherical surface as shown. Find its velocity I = 0.1{ 2g10 + 2g 5}
when it is at a height of 0.5 m. (Take g = 10 m/s )
= 0.1{10 2 + 10}

= ( 2 + 1) Ns
9. Potential due to electric dipole on axial position at
(1) 20 m/s (2) 10 m/s distance r from dipole is proportional to (assume r >>
length of dipole)
(3) 10 m/s (4) 5 m/s 1 1
(1) (2)
Answer (3) r r3
Sol. By conservation of mechanical energy 1
(3) (4) r
mg(1) = mv2 + mg(0.5) Answer (3)
v2 = 10

10 m/s 2kP
v= E =
7. Find current through zener diode if its breakdown
dv 1
voltage is 5V. E=− ,v
dr r2
10. Maximum wavelength of light source such that
photoelectron can be ejected from material of work
function 3 eV is
(1) 2133.3 Å (2) 3133.3 Å
(1) 58.33 mA (2) 25 mA (3) 4133.3 Å (4) 313.3 Å
Answer (3)
(3) 28.33 mA (4) 20.23 mA
Answer (1) Sol.  = = 4133.3 Å
JEE (Main)-2024 : Phase-1 (30-01-2024)-Morning

11. A long wire carrying current 2A is placed in 14. Find the temperature of H2 gas at which its rms speed
is equal to that of O2 at 47°C.
uniform magnetic field of 3 × 10–5 T. If magnetic field
(1) 20°C (2) –20°C
is perpendicular to wire, find the magnetic force on
(3) –253°C (4) 17°C
unit length of wire.
Answer (3)
(1) 3 × 10–4 N (2) 3 2  10−5 N
Sol. Vrms =
(3) 3 × 103 N (4) Zero M
Answer (2) T 320
Sol. 2 32
T = 20 K
 T = –253°C
F = i L B sin 15. In AC circuit with source voltage  = 20 sin 1000 t is
connected to series L – R circuit whose power factor
= 2  1 3  10−5  sin90
is . If E = 25 sin 2000 t, the new power factor is
F = 3 2  10 N 2

12. If the area of cross-section is halved and length of wire 2 1

(1) (2)
having young’s modulus Y is doubled, then its young’s 5 5
modulus will become 1 3
(3) (4)
(1) Y (2) 4 Y 3 5

Y Y Answer (2)
(3) (4)
2 4 Sol.

Answer (1) Old

Sol. Young’s modulus is property of material of wire and
it is independent of geometrical factors.
13. In an electric transformer, 220 V is applied on primary
coil having number of turn 100. Find output current 45°
through 3  resistance if number of secondary turn is
L = 1000 L  L = R.
R = 1000 L

(1) 4 A (2) 4.4 A
(3) 2 A (4) 2.2 A 2000 L
Answer (2) R
cos  =
VI N 220 100 Z
Sol. = I  =
V0 N0 V0 10 1000 L
V0 = 22 V (1000 L)2 + (2000 L)2

1 1
 I0 =
= 4.4 A = =
5 1+ 4 5

JEE (Main)-2024 : Phase-1 (30-01-2024)-Morning

16. In an electromagnetic wave the electric field is given 18. A wire has resistance of 60  at temperature 27°C.
as E = E0 sin(t − kz ) iˆ the corresponding When it is connected to a 220 V dc supply, a current
2.75 A flows through it at a certain temperature. Find
magnetic field will be
the value of temperature, if coefficient of thermal
(1) E0C sin(t − kz ) jˆ resistance () is 2 × 10–4/°C.
(1) 1694°C
(2) sin(t − kz ) ˆj (2) 1500°C
(3) 1000°C
(3) cos(t − kz )iˆ (4) 1200°C
Answer (1)
(4) 0 sin(t − kz ) iˆ V
C Sol. Final resistance ( R ) = = 80 
Answer (2)
then, R = R0(1 + T)
Sol. E  B is along +z axis

80 = 60 1 + 2  10−4 T )
B0 = 0
C T = 1666.67

E T – 27
 B = 0 sin(t − kz ) jˆ
C T = 1693.66

17. At a point away from planet of radius 6400 km, the = 1694°C
gravitational potential and field are –6.4 × 107 SI units 19. Match the two columns.
and 6.4 SI units respectively. Find height of that point Column 1 Column 2
above surface of planet.
P. Surface tension 1. [ML2T–2]
(1) 3000 km
Q. Viscosity 2. [ML2T–1]
(2) 6400 km
R. Angular momentum 3. [ML–1T–1]
(3) 3600 km
S. Rotational kinetic energy 4. [ML0T–2]
(4) 9400 km
(1) P–1, Q–2, R–3, S–4
Answer (3)
(2) P–4, Q–3, R–2, S–1
Sol. = 6.4  107 ...(i) (3) P–1, Q–3, R–4, S–2
(4) P–4, Q–2, R–1, S–3
= 6.4 ...(ii) Answer (2)
Sol. S =
6.4  107 L
r =
 [S ] = [MT −2 ]
= 10 m
= 10,000 km F = nA
R + h = 10,000
MLT −2  T
  = ML−1T −1
h = 10,000 – 6400 = 3600 km L2
JEE (Main)-2024 : Phase-1 (30-01-2024)-Morning

L =r p 1 1 1
+ =
v u f
 L  [ML2 T −1]
1 1 1
+ =
1 30 −15 f
KE = I  2
1 − 2 −1 1
= =
2 −2
 KE  ML T 30 30 f

20.  f = 30 cm

SECTION - B 23. A particle is having uniform acceleration. If its

displacement from t to (t + 1) second is 120 m and
Numerical Value Type Questions: This section
change in velocity is 50 m/s. Find its displacement
contains 10 Numerical based questions. The answer to
(in m) in (t + 2) second.
each question should be rounded-off to the nearest
Answer (170)
Sol. v = a(t + 1– t )
21. A block of mass 2 kg is placed on a disc which is
rotating at constant angular velocity 4 rad/s. Find  a = 50 m/s2
the friction force (in N) between block and disc if
block is not sliding. s =u+ ( 2(t + 1) – 1)
120 = u + ( 2t + 1)
 u = 120 – 25(2t +1)
In (t + 2)th second
Answer (32) s = u + ( 2(t + 2) – 1)
Sol. Block is not slipping, so = u + 25(2t + 3)
f = mr2 = 2 × 1 × 16 = 32 = 120 – 25(2t) – 25 + 25(2t) + 75
22. Distance between virtual image, which is of twice of
s = 170 m
size of object placed in front of mirror and object is
24. A uniform disc of mass 5 kg and radius 2 m is
45 cm. Magnitude of focal length of mirror is
_______ cm. rotating with 10 rad/s. Now another identical disc is
gently placed on first disc. Because of friction, both
Answer (30)
disc acquire common angular velocity. Loss of
kinetic energy in process is _______ J.
Answer (250)
Sol. COAM gives I 0 = 2I 
Sol. 0
v 2
| m |= =2
u 2
1 2 1  
|v| = |2u| Loss in KE = I 0 − ( 2I )  0 
2 2  2 
n + 2n = 45
1 2
n = 15 cm = I 0
u = –15
1 2
v = 30 =  5   100 = 250 J
4 2
JEE (Main)-2024 : Phase-1 (30-01-2024)-Morning

25. Two cell one of emf 8 V, internal resistance 2  and Answer (50)
other of emf 2 V and internal resistance 4  are Sol. Charge on C1 = CV
connected as shown in figure.
Find potential difference (in V) across point AC. Charge on C2 = 4CV

When connected in parallel

Vc =

5 10
 Q1' = CV , Q2' = CV
3 3
Answer (0)
8−2 1
Sol. Current in circuit (I) = = 1 A.  E = CV 2
6 2

So, VC – 4(1) – 2 + 8 – 2(1) = VA 25 25

E = CV 2 + CV 2
VC – 6 – 2 + 8 = VA 18 9
VC – VA = 0 V 25 50E
CV 2 =
26. Electron in an hydrogen atom is excited to an 6 6
energy level having energy –0.85 eV. Find the
 x = 50
number of possible transitions it can make while de-
Answer (6)
Sol. –0.85 =
43 If wire BC has Young’s modulus of Y = 2 × 1011
 Number of transitions = =6
2 N/m2 and cross section area of 5 × 10–4 cm2. Find
27. Energy stored in circuit 1 is E. If capacitors in circuit strain in wire BC (in unit of 10–4)
1 and circuit 2 are connected in parallel as shown,
Answer (20)
the energy stored becomes , find x.
6 3 3
Sol. a = g , For C, 3g – T = 3a = (3) g
9 9

T = 2g = 20 N


 20
= 
Y 5  10  2  1011

= 2 × 10–3
= 20 × 10–4  20



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