Call To Action QG
Call To Action QG
Call To Action QG
The first thing for you to do is if you've already got a whole bunch of customers, is really dig
into the data of your business and identify your dream buyer. That dream buyer that
represents, you know, the 20% of customers that are driving 80% of your sales volume or
80% of your profits. As I said, it needs to be a combination of both. Yeah, there's only one
or two huge clients that are making up for a massive amount of the profits because they're
just few and far between. They're typically harder to catch then.
You want to use the Halo strategy and please do not rush this process. You saw throughout
this training video, you know how long this is and this is not even knowing near as deep as I
go when I actually do it for my own business and for clients businesses. So this is something
that you really want to think about, really want to dive into super, super deep spend the
time it you know, there is effort required in order to get this done. But I assure you, once
you do this, everything else becomes easier. No longer wondering anything, you know,
without a shadow of a doubt exactly what's going on in your marketplace.
Then organize and study your findings should be something that you reflect upon often
whenever you write, you know, any copy, any emails, any webinars, anything. You should
be looking at this document. You should really be getting in the shoes and in the mind of
that buyer when you're writing copy, that's how you write copy that really strikes. Do you
know what I mean, I have gone up and just obliterated A-level copywriters because I knew
the bullseye of that marketplace. I knew what that market wanted. It's not about just
creating super high converting sales copy in words, right? It's not about words, it's about
salesmanship. And the way that you find out how to sell a prospect is to find out exactly
what it is that they want and how can you help them get that and how can you position
your product, your service, your copy in a way that fulfills on that?
And then the last point is to create your dream buyer avatar, as I said, spend the time on
this flesh, this thing out. So it is absolutely real, it is visceral. Then use the Facebook
audience insights to really flesh out the exact psychographics and demographics and the
location and all of that kind of stuff of your dream buyer so that there's a lot of things to
cover. Go ahead, get to work, and I will see you in the next video.
go through the Halo strategy worksheet and really identify the number one hair on fire
problem. Right.
Re-reading that Halo strategy worksheet is how you're going to be able to do that and just
obsessing over it and really thinking about it, putting yourself in the shoes of that dream
buyer and really finding out what that number one hair on fire problem or question is that
they've got that you could offer them an immediate solution to that hair on fire problem or
question in your high value content offer.
You want to study your dream buyer avatar worksheet and really figure out what's important
to them, Right? You know these people intimately. You know their age. You know how much
money they earn. You know their interests. You know where they live. You know what a
typical day looks like for them.
But if there are some people that have half a brain and they are running, you know, a high
value content offer, have a look at that. Put that in your SWAT file, download it, read the
emails that they send. You, get some value out of it, see what's going on and how they're
presenting it, and try to look for those clues and see if this is actually successful.This is you'll
know from your research, right, by looking at your Halo strategy worksheet if their high value
content offer is addressing what the number one hair on fire problem is.
study the Halo strategy worksheet. You see, that thing just keeps on coming up over and over
and over again. And that's why obsessed on you spending a huge amount of time on getting
those things right.Because once you get that right, all of this stuff almost writes itself. Okay,
then you really want to. I identify by looking at that worksheet of what is that number one
most burning problem that your market is experiencing?
And then you want to write ten eyeball grabbing, high value content, offer titles for your free
report, right? Not just one or two.. Ten and then eliminate the best three. And then asked,
you know, some friends and some coworkers about which ones are the most irresistible and
then juice them up even more.
Then you pick the winner and then you produce your high value content offer, right? And
then you've got this you've got this asset in your business that we're going to fit into the rest
of our funnel that's going to go out there, grab eyeballs, suck in leads, and really create all
these opportunities for your business.
So go ahead, get to work, get busy on that stuff, and I'll see you in the next video and.
Funnel Hack the competition. At least pick 3 to 4 competitors, put them on your funnel, your
competitors off a map, and then basically
start to speak with their sales team. Right. Speak with them, get their proposals, get their
collateral, attend a face to face meeting, see what the next step is that they're pushing for on
that initial phone call. And whatever it is, do it
and then map out their offers using our competitor offer mapping spreadsheet. Fill all of that
in as much detail as possible.
Then also what you want to do with that is create that folder on your computer and how
to download all of their ads, download all their landing pages, download all of the
keywords that they're targeting and keep them in there for reference and then
buy their products and services. Right? This is a crucial step. Do not do the top three without
doing this. This is an absolute must by their products and services and say what it is that they
offer, how they deliver it, you know, what is there a payment plan, say all of those different
mechanics. A lot of this stuff you can only say by pulling out your credit card and not being
afraid to spend money with youre Competition
don't like people think, Oh, I don't want to go and give my competitors money. Why not?
Right. It's the Trojan horse that you're setting in. Then you're finding out what's going and
then you're going to win. And that's the thing that we care about. We care about winning.
then lastly is build a better product or service and an offer to what they're doing. So don't just
look at the offer and don't just think I'm going to do better marketing, but use that product or
service that you bought and think, How can I make this ten times better? Where are the holes
in this? How do I plug those holes? And when you buy a few different competitors, you know,
products or services, then you really see like where the gap is in your market and where you
can go out and really dominate.
So that pretty much brings us to the end of of this module. I hope you got a lot out of it. You've got a
lot of work to do. So get to work and I will see you in the next video.
as possible. Right. So the action items for this module is you need to
really to understand how to sell. At every stage in the funnel, you need to be thinking about
like you're running ads. Go and look at them and say, like Oh shit, I'm selling like my service
on this. Am I selling the phone call on this or am I selling the click right and looking at each
different step in the funnel and addressing that and making sure that you're effectively selling
and delivering the job that each element's meant to deliver.
And you really need to rewire your brain around the best investment in the world that you
can ever make in is really investing in advertising. Like if you own a business and that is the
vehicle that you're going out there and trying build wealth, then there is no other better
investment than advertising. It is just the best, right?
Because if you can put $1 in and, you know, five, ten, 20, 30 bucks comes back out like there
is no other vehicle on planet Earth that you can do that with predictably and reliably where
you can have the control that you do with paid advertising in your business, like you're
stashing your money in like a high interest savings account. It is sitting in the bank and rotting.
Put that money to work, putting into this money multiplying machine and watch it explode
and come back with much more money soldiers and get sent out way up.
Which funnel is right for you. Do not just jump straight for the sexiest, shiniest, you know, full
major sales funnel with a webinar attached to it.
Do not do that if that's not the right step for you. Right people, I see it all the time. They see
these funnel maps and they get so worked up and so excited about how complex things
complexity is. The enemy of progress and I've only included all of these different funnels in
here. So you have all the tools to ratchet up to eight figures and I want to give you all the
weaponry that you're going to need to do that. But I really urge you to start with the first one
graduate to the second one and then finally move on to the third one,
because don't forget that you don't want to get locked up in perfectionist prison, which is
like, let me go for the major sales funnel and make everything perfect. Let me, you know,
really make this webinar look really, really good.
Let me make sure every email's perfect in this and then you just get stuck in the funnel
building stage and you're there for like three months and you're not getting any clients. This
program is designed to get you clients right and progress is better than perfection, right? You
just want to get something out, get it down and dirty, get it out there, start getting clients,
because that's the only thing that matters.
Having a fancy funnel doesn't matter. You're not getting clients, so you really just want to go
with the first option because it's down and dirty. It's easy to get set up and you're going to get
it out there and start getting clients and start getting feedback the market and changing
things and changing emails and really refining your funnel.
And that's really like I just can't stress this enough is don't get stuck in making everything
perfect, just get some progress, get it out there, start getting clients and you can iterate from
So there you have it. That's today's training. I hope you got a lot out of it and I'll see you in the next
video and.
So first of all is
to select your software stack and have a look at where you're going to basically be hosting
your funnels and it's going to be Clickfunnels or WordPress. You can do your own research
based on where you want to go with your familiar, if you're familiar already with one of the
pieces of software, then you might want to go down that road. It's completely up to you. I do
recommend WordPress, but again, it's completely your choice.
Then you want to customize your copy. You can do that on the Google Docs sheet that we
provided and edit that up, make sure that it's nice and sharp and then just post that directly
in to your funnel pages.
Then the next element is what you want to do is really collect your proof elements, okay, you
need to go through and you need to do whatever you need to to go and collect a body of
proof. And I dare say that you're not just going to have a folder on your computer with all the
proof just sitting in there. But it's something that I recommend that you start doing. And
because you may be operating from a place where you feel like you don't have proof, you're
going to need to go and start collecting it.
You're going to going to have to start asking clients for photos for before and after. You're
going to have to go see emails that they've sent you and then ask them if they're okay for you
to include those emails as social proof. But you want to go and get as largest variety of social
proof and different proof elements that you can and you want to use them throughout your
entire funnel.
Because if you have no proof, then you're like, Oh, that doesn't really matter. All this use this
copy and these design files, in a way I go, You're just not going to get the results that you
need. I need I could go out there and collect the proof for you. Trust me, I would, because I've
tried to make this thing as plug and play as possible.
But you're going to need to do the work. You need to go out there It is people you don't feel
comfortable with asking. You're going to have to pass clients, People have been with you for
like for ages, people that have left you a while ago, way that you can go out and get get the
proof, go and do it.
Then the last step is to configure your funnel pages using the wizard that I just showed you,
or you're going to use Clickfunnels. You can go ahead and do it in Clickfunnels, go ahead,
customize it, configure it, get it live and get it going. So that's all the different elements there.
The action items go and get to work and I'll see you in the next video and.
So first is to really select your software stack, whether it's Clickfunnels or it's Infusionsoft or
you're going to use ActiveCampaign. As I said, my preference is for you to go with Infusionsoft
as that is going to be the most powerful base for you to build your funnel off.
And then the next is to follow the step by step set up in the resources section of this module
where you can just go through each single step, step by step and get your calendar set up, set
up your Zapier account, you know, ever webinar, get all those tech stacks all set up step by
step, and then configure the funnel by watching this video and following along with that step
by step set up.
Then also just getting everything integrated. So as I mentioned before, using Zapier and get
all of the software stack talking to each other by following the instructions.
Next is to customize your copy, whether that's through the funnel builder and you're clicking
through each individual email and customizing it live in the funnel builder. Or if you're going
to be using Google Docs and going through the copy and really tightening it up and really
making it super specific to exactly the market that you operate in for your own individual
business. And I really need to stress of you spending the time on this. This is higher level
activities, right? You're creating a selling machine and the selling system and the copy that
goes into something that is going to be bringing you in new customers and you for me, I
remember when I first wrote out my first funnel and I got so busy in my business, and by the
time that I got to come back to it, it had been like nine or 12 months. And I went back and
had a look at how much money that each individual email and how much money this funnel
had made me. And it was multiple of millions of dollars and was like, My God, like, it only
took me so long to set this up. And look, this thing is has been a workhorse.
This has been delivering for me every single hour of every day for the last 9 to 12 months. And that's
when you really understand the weight of it. So really spend the time, make this copy as sharp as you
possibly can with all the educate and all the tools that I'm giving you inside this training program.
Then the next one is to update your campaign link.
So as I showed you how to do an Infusionsoft, make sure that you've updated all those links so they
just update throughout your entire funnel and you're sending people directly to the right pages.
And then lastly is set your machine loose, put this thing out in the wild, let it start going out
there, educating your prospects, nurturing them, getting them to booking your calendar and
ultimately delivering you high paying clients.
So today's training, you know, we've covered a lot and there is a lot for you to go through. There's a
bit of homework for you to go through and actually get it to the stage where you can set your
machine loose. So get to work and I will see you in the next video and.
look at that Halo strategy worksheet and analyze the most pressing that your market is
Then you want to map out your own journey for your prospects. When to map out your
prospect's journey from where they are right now to where it is that they want to go.
And you want to brainstorm 2 to 3 videos to shoot and you want to think about, okay, cool.
Like this is the best way that I've found to do it is just to put like a heading for each video and
then just have bullet points of what you want to cover in those videos.
Do not script them. And when you shoot them, I want you to look straight down the barrel of
the camera or your iPhone, and I want you to talk to the camera like it is your best friend. I
don't want you to feel like, Oh shit, camera's on. I need to act all professional. I need to put
my suit on and they need to be all proper.
No, like you just talk to that person just like that. Your best friend, so they can feel the
genuineness so that you really want to help them.
And don't overthink it. Just shoot the videos. Listen, when I say that, do not wait for the
perfect lighting and the perfect day and till you've lost weight to shoot the videos and to the
sun shining and all of that kind of stuff, just shoot them down and dirty, get them deployed.
Progress is better than perfection.
Then what you really want to do is you want to use the templated magic landing pages in the
King Kong funnel, build up, embed that video and get that puppy live. I recommend
embedding the videos in Wistia. Yes, it's paid. You do need to pay for the account. It's much
more professional than YouTube and it just looks a lot better. It doesn't have all the
recommended videos that pop up at the end of like a YouTube videos and you also get all the
video analytics so you can start to see like how much of the video people are watching. So get
a Wistia account, you know, it's not going to cost a lot of money and it's an awesome asset
your business
and then you want to go into the funnel and you want to replace those text emails with
video. So just edit the email copy and put an email thumbnail I'm sorry, a video thumbnail in
that email that links through to the corresponding page using the Magic Lantern Technique
template funnel in the funnel builder and just have them link out to that.
So there you have it. We covered a lot of ground. There's a lot of homework for you to go out and
Go ahead and do that now and get to work and I'll see you in the next video.
So there you have it. You've learned the key elements and strategies that you really need in order to
create great emails from scratch that are going to suck in sales and create goodwill with your list and
really become your own little personal honeypot that you can go to whenever you want to fill up
calendars and generate sales and do all of that kind of stuff.
And you've seen how how to do it in, you know, just two hour training instead of the years and years
of pain and trial and error that it took me. I know that we covered a lot in this training, but I really
want you to commit to this and nurturing those people that do go through your funnel and they still
haven't taken the desired action that you want them to.
So go ahead, reference, jump into the resources section of this module and get to work and I will see
you in the next video and.
Now, the resources for this module, I've included 1500 winning headlines for you to study. I've also
included the billion dollar copywriting formula cheat sheet for you to reference and the nine
questions that your sales message must answer. And you want to be referring to these, looking at
them thinking about and I've also included, you know, as a pin up the patent interop plus a unique
hulk burning intrigue squared times.
A specific benefit equals the killer ad advertising mental model for you to reference often and every
single time that you write ads.
So let's take a look at the action items.
So first of all, you want to make a list of where your prospects are hanging out. Where are
they congregating online, what is happening, where are they?
And then you want to take screenshots of the most noticeable content on those platforms
and where it is that they're hanging out. And you know what seems to really grab your
attention and jolt you into action.
And then you also want to understand that their time and attention is limited and they have
endless possibilities on what they can spend it on. So why should they spend it on your ads?
You want to make your copy bold, dramatic and super, super clear.
You want to use advertising mental models for all of your ads. You want to use that model
that I've given you and run that through as a framework like, does it include all three
ingredients? And if not, where do I go and find them to add and inject into my ad?
Then lastly, you want to spend more time researching than you do writing, and that is just an
absolute key. Don't get caught up just in the copywriting component. You know, I'm a huge
student of copywriting. I love it, but I spend way more time researching than I do writing
copy. And you know that is it.
That's really the framework and the overarching concepts behind really going out into any market and
hijacking the mind of your prospect and then writing ads that have so much raw clicking power that
your prospects can't help themselves and they have to click on your ads.
So go ahead, go through these action items, get to work, and I will see you in the next video. And.
So, look, we've covered a lot the resources section of this. I'm you a you know, the chase sheets for
killer Facebook ads, cheat sheet with all the tools, the formulas, everything that you need in there.
You're also getting the 1500 winning headline cheat sheet. I'm going to give you, you know, the pin
ups of the anatomy of the killer Facebook ads and also give you the swipe files and cheat sheets of all
like the really highly targeted clickbait ads that have a huge amount of click through rates on those
just for inspiration to get the juices flowing.
So let's take a look at the action items for today.
Understanding that you're writing for Man Plus Machine. You're not just writing for just your
prospect, you are writing to kind of align with what the inputs that the algorithm and the
machine wants. And you're also writing for your market.
You want to you want read winning headlines before writing anything, get those juices
flowing, get into the practice of running, reading headlines every single morning, write them
every single day before you'll write your copy.
Then you want to write two entirely different ad angles with the five headlines, one body
copies, two leads and five images. And this is a high value skill. You don't want to worry about
wasting time on this stuff. There's pretty much nothing that you could be doing right now
other than taking strategy sessions and closing leads into clients.That is going to be more of a
high value task.
You want to remember to deliver value in your ads, your Ads must be of standalone value by
themself. And the reason why is that you really need to address that skepticism. That is ramp
in your market and value is the antidote to skepticism. So please spend the time and make
sure that your ads that you write are standalone pace of value outside of everything else
that's in your funnel.
And lastly, you want to create a SWAT file of ads that you see that get your attention a SWAT
file of all the ads from other competitors in your market. So you know, the landscape that
your ad is out there vying for attention for
now, what you have just learned is seriously the most lately potent strategy for exploding sales and
profits, you know for your Facebook ads and really any display ad network in general.
And these are, you know, timeless strategies. And I've never seen anyone go into this level of granular
scientific analysis of behavioral economics when applied to Facebook ads. And the reason that I am is
I know you get this stuff right and you apply everything I've taught you in today's training. This is
going to geometrically change your business and you are going to get an absolute quantum leap of
growth out of your business.
So I hope you got a lot out of it. Get to work and I'll see you in the next video and.
So There you have it Here are the resources section. From this module, you've got all of these
available to you in the resources section. You can download them, you can play around with this
calendar, you can look at the hyper segmented remarketing framework and revisit that for creating
your audiences. And you have even included some more of the copywriting, you know, mental
models around pattern interrupts and unique hawks and specific benefits to create killer ads.
And you've got all of that in there and you call your copy split testing as well. So there's a lot of
resources. Look through those.
Now the action items for this video is
you want to get clear on your unit economics. That is the very first thing. There's no point
setting up campaigns, doing anything like that if you're not clear on the outcome of what it is
that your target is and what you're shooting.
So start to plug in your numbers, start to look at what your profit margins is, what your LTV, and get a
firm grip on what those numbers are and have a look at what your KPIs are going to need to be in
order for you to deem your Facebook ad campaign a success.
You need to go and extract your list of customers. If you don't have any customers, they're going to
have to start with cold audiences. But if you do you know, if you've got an email list, if you've got a
customer list, start to segment them out and start to create your seed audiences to populate into
Facebook ads manager.
Then want to go through today's module again and go through it step by step, pulls it every
step of the way and build out your first campaign.
Then once that thing is live and out there in the wild you want to start split testing angles
and ads and really having a look at what is the stimulus that you're putting in front of your
marketplace that that is reacting to that?
And what is the most effective stimulus that you can put out there and then start to go, okay, well,
this is like an angle that really resonates with my market and then trying to beat the control, trying to
beat the best ads in those ad sets and, you know, constantly whittle down those cost per leads,
constantly increase the CTA on your ads and make all of your metrics sing like a beautiful symphony.
Then you want to track your results religiously. This is something that you need to be doing
every single day. I want you to schedule a time in your calendar every single morning to track
your results and look at how you did the day before. Put them all manually in there. This kind
of discipline, it just ingrained in you and these numbers.
Even if you're not a numbers person, you become a numbers person by exercising this every single
and what you want to do is learn and iterate. Once you're tracking those results, you're
looking at what are the angles that are working, what are the ads, what are the images you
want to be feeding that into your algorithm and in how you write copy and the headlines in
the images that you use and you over time, this is going to compound and you're going to
start to getting much better results.
And then the cost to acquire a customer is going to get cheaper and obviously everything else in that
funnel. So the cost to get a consult, cost to get an opt in, all those metrics are going to play in line and
it's going to basically result in you squeezing as much juice out of the orange as possible and it's going
to give you the confidence to go out there and keep scaling and keep ratcheting this up to get to the
target of exactly where it is that you.
First is really understanding who you're writing for research Research. Research. You know,
I'm going to be like going on like a broken record about this thing because it's really it's what
nobody wants to do. It's the most unsexy thing yet.
It's the things that gives you the most compounding dividends over time. So do not just get into, like
writing the ads, do your research research, spend 80% of your time when putting together your
Google ads on the research component. It will make sure that your copy strikes like lightning and it
sets your prospect on fire.
That's it. Search engine results pages for your big keywords and really understanding it. What are
those big keywords and what are the ads that you're competing with on those big keywords?
Then you want to read news headlines in the swipe files, go online at gossip magazines, do all
that kind of stuff,
and you want to write two entirely different ad angles and you want to write the three
The two buddy to give you your six ads. There's no point when you're writing your ads is
having very similar angles in them. You want them to be different. You want to have two
different angles that you can radically see the difference in. They can't just be modifications
of themselves. You want to go to polarizing angles, then you'll find the winning angle and
then you can zero in on that angle and start to split test around that.
Okay, so what you've just learned is seriously the most lethal, potent strategy that I have discovered
for breaking into any market, regardless of the competition and just dominating your competitors.
And I hope you got a lot out of it. I know it's completely different to any kind of Google ads training
you've probably sat through before. Now, the most important time for you is to go and get to work
you've got a lot of stuff to get through, so go away, get to work.
You can get them in the resources section, which is obviously the winning headlines, the Unicorn
Google ads cheat sheet that you can look at and you'll kind of like, you know, checklists that you're
looking at to make sure that your campaigns are getting optimized. And then any inspiration that you
need in terms of writing the copy on those ads.
So the first thing that you really want to go ahead and do is set up your Google ads account,
get that app, set it up all your billing, all the details that you need.
And then once that's all up and running, then you need to conduct your four day keyword
research. And really, as I stressed before, spend the time. Do not rush into the campaign set
up before spending like a good day on your keyword research. This can be a cumbersome
process, but it is worth every single piece of effort that you put in there, and it allows you to
really mine the richest veins in your marketplace and find out where those riches veins are.
And the only way that you can do that is by doing the research. So use all the additional Wikia, you
know, Wikipedia, Reddit, SRM, Rush, all the additional tools that I've given you to really get that four
day perspective on your market and on the keywords that people are typing in.
Then you want to set up your locations that where it is you're going to be targeting.
And again, you can have a look when you're optimizing these campaigns of what locations that you
are getting the best cost per lead for,
then you really want to split test angles and ads. I've showed you three examples of ads that
you could write, one being the big benefit with the intrigue, then being the negative angle
and then like the whole, like just a straight up Do you need this person?
Do you need this service? Do you need this product angle? And you really want to test and you want
to see what resonates in your market and what it is that is getting you the best cost per lead overall.
Then really what you want to look at is kind of tracking your results. And this is an interactive
You're going to need to constantly be tracking the results. It's not something that you just look at it
once a month and that's it. You want to watch this like an absolute hawk because, you know, always
you don't want to be wasting money, right? You don't want to be you know, you want to eliminate the
wastage, cut the fat off the campaigns, because that's ultimately more money in your bottom line,
and it's more money that you can basically reinvest into other advertising channels or into this
advertising channel.
But on the keywords that are giving you results. So constantly track them, set it up as a reminder on
your Google calendar or whatever it is that you manage your day workflow where you look at it every
day to with that every week as a bare minimum every week. It depends on what you spend levels are
and you start to get a really firm grip of what your numbers are.
And then the biggest part with all of this is to learn and to iterate. When we're tracking our
results, we're going to be adding those negative keyword lists, right? So that's learning. And
then it's iterating and then we're also going to be building out and further fleshing out these
campaigns based on keywords that we see A firing ads are getting us conversions, but we
haven't added on the initial build.
So we're just going to constantly keep building on this thing and over time you're going to get more
volume of keywords is going to be how to increase your budget to basically meet the demand of
those keywords and your cost per lead is going to be dropping. And then overall, your your cost to
acquire a customer from this channel is also going to be dropping over time.
So that's the action items you've got a lot of work ahead of you go ahead, get to work and I'll see you
in the next video and.
Go ahead, get that done. Sign up to whatever the one that is going to be applicable to how much
revenue that you're going to be doing and tracking through that platform
and then schedule a time with that team to get onboarded and to really set up your account
and go through that process of getting it all up and running.
And you know, they're great over there. They will help you run through it all. There's a reason that
you pay that $1,000 as an onboarding is because they're going to basically help you with diving into
your account, making sure that everything's set up and everything's tracked because if your it
depending on what your payment gateway is and how you're actually like you know, closing the loop
on that data, like for us, as you know, for a lot of our services, we're closing that loop offline.
So where we have created a field in Infusionsoft where we import manually the value of that client
because you know, it might be that we're taking that we're basically getting that transaction. It
happens offline. So we want to close the loop by creating an order in Infusionsoft, putting the lifetime
value of that client and then putting through a like a payment process for that.
Even though we've processed that payment offline, we're going to be putting through an order on
Infusionsoft and that will basically close the loop and add the total ROI for that channel. And if that's
confusing to you right now, don't worry, Wicked reports will show you exactly how to do that. It all
just depends on how you're actually charging your clients and how you're closing the loop.
But there is always a workaround, right? There is always some way to get it working and you want to
basically doesn't matter how difficult it is and how involved it is, you need to go ahead and get that
set up with Wicked Reports to make sure that you're actually tracking all of that data.
Then you want to update relevant links using the Wicked reports UTM Builder to get all that
functioning in your account.
I gave you the brief rundown on that, but they've got lots of videos and training of exactly how to set
that up in more granular detail than
you want to set up. A weekly calendar Reminder to check stats. Right. This is something that
you don't just want to wait to getting around to you want to schedule a time every week and
every month to go through the numbers.
And the way that I do it is I go through all the numbers on Friday and that will be an express session
where it's maybe about an hour of me running through the data. And then typically, like on the first
of the month, I am going to basically spend usually 2 to 3 hours looking at the entire month's worth
of data and start to look at what's going on.
I'm not going to make any huge assumptions or huge optimizations based on that. 30 days of data.
I'm going to be making big bets and big plays every 90 days. So every quarter I have a meeting with
my team. Well, we sit down and we actually look at it based on a whole three months worth of data
because we know that it takes 90 days for a lot of that our Y to flow in.
So that's why what we're doing is we're optimizing for ROAS every 30 to 90 days, depending
on what that sales cycle. Is. It something that we're running an eCommerce to? Yeah, we can
optimize it on 30 days if it's something that we're generating leads for and then we're getting
on the phone and we're converting those leads into customers, we don't want to be making
any optimizations within like a 30 to 60 day period.
We want to let that 90 days flow through because we know the cohort for our business is it takes that
long for that pendulum to swing back and for us to convert those leads into clients. So we have a very
strategic meeting every quarter we go through, okay, let's kill that campaign, let's turn off that
targeting. We're not exactly getting the best APC on this channel.
Let's remove that from the mix and further reinvest that to this or whatever it might be. So you need
to find out what that looks like for your business, but it must be scheduled, it must be on the
calendar. It must be a religious exercise that you do every week, every month, every quarter, and
ingrain it in your team, in your business, because This is how we make decisions.
So you just really need to be disciplined. Numbers are everything and nobody, nobody knows
the numbers really. When you like the people that think they know the numbers, they don't
know the numbers because as soon as you ask them, okay, what's your app say from this
channel? How long does it take you to actually get an arrow?
Why from that channel in the customer, What's the EPL? How much is the maximum that you would
be willing to spend per click because you know what your app is. So if you're running Facebook
campaigns and you know that your app on Facebook is $10, then you don't give a shit. If the CPA, the
cost per click on that campaign is four or $5 while everyone is hunting for those cheaper clicks, like
how do I get the $0.60 clicks?
How do I do that? Right? You don't care about that because, you know, every single time someone
clicks on your ad, you earn ten, $10. So you can spend all the way up to $10 and not lose any money.
Right. So this is really where you become disciplined and really understand the numbers. So that's it
for the action items.
For today's modules, you got a lot of work. Go ahead. Get all of that set up. I hope you enjoyed this
video. So go ahead and get to work and.