CLASS -11TH –A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE As we all know stress has become a very integral part of our lives, it is common to everyone. We all consider it as an enemy so my purpose of choosing this topic is to change the approach of readers towards stress supported by scientific studies so that we all can learn to see the positive side of stress and handle it in an efficient manner so that it can’t hamper our productivity also it’s said that the effects of stress on our body are inevitable so through this topic I want to make readers aware that we are not under the control of stress, it’s remote control lies inside our minds.
In order to complete the assigned task that is to prepare a
report on any interview, podcast etc. on time, firstly I searched for a ted talk on the topic favourable for me then I listened it in order to prepare a report along with making rough notes so that content for the report can be framed in a better manner and finally wrote a report on the above mentioned topic. MATERIAL FOR REPORT REPORT “Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are” Generally the term stress means pressure or strain. Life constantly subjects us to various kind pressures be it physical, emotional or psychological. We all experience stress, be it moderate or intense, it is very well woven in a life of human, and undoubtly we all have same kind of perception about it, we all think it’s like an evil which destroys us physically, mentally and emotionally, we keep telling people that stress is bad for your health it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and much more, we all have turned it into an enemy but what if I say stress is your friend? You may judge me and consider me as crazy but believe me we need to change our approach towards stress, a study by American researchers would definitely change the approach. In the study about 30,000 Americans were asked two simple questions-the first one was how much stress they had experienced last year and second one was if they believe stress is harmful for their health or not and when the completion of data collection was done, after 8 years they used Public Health Report to find out who died among them and concluded that people who experience a lot of stress have 43% increased risk of dying but here comes a twist, it is only true for those who believe stress is harmful for the health ,whereas people who have lot of stress but didn’t view stress as harmful are at no risk of dying in fact they are at lowest risk than anyone in the study. Shocking, right? So from now onwards instead of saying stress is the top 15th reason of death in USA it’s better to say that belief of considering stress as harmful for health is a major cause of death in USA. Even science also says that changing your approach towards stress can significantly change body’s response towards stress. Generally sweating, throbbing of heart, increased breathing rate are signs of stress but what if we start thinking that these signs are making body even more energised ,it’s making us to prepare for the challenges ,due to increased breathing more and more oxygen is going to brain and other organs that’s what scientist of Harvard University tested and proved that such positive thinking towards signs of stress bring positive changes in body ,it prevents blocking of arteries and keeps them relaxed and enhances cardiovascular health hence we should not try to get rid of stress but should try to make ourselves better out of stress because after all how we think really matters to our body. Coming to other major benefit that makes us to reconsider our idea about stress is that it makes us even more social, amazing power of stress right? Nowadays when we are going far from our social relations and are becoming self-cantered ,stress is trying hard to restore them back ,the science behind this is that pituitary gland releases a neuro hormone called Oxytocin and in common language it is known as cuddle hormone because it is generally released when we hug someone but amazingly it is released during stress as well so that our body can motivate us to tell someone about how we feel during odd conditions, instead of bottling it within hence this stress hormone makes us to crave for friends and family and makes our relations better with society and makes us to help others hence when we feel that life is difficult our stress wants us to make us surround by people we love ,another aspect is that this stress hormone oxytocin prevent heart related problems and makes stress respond of our body even more healthier. Will you still consider it an enemy? at the end I would like to state that it’s in our hands to make stress our friend or enemy ,when you make it as your enemy then you and your organs will go through the same condition as majority of people go through ,they lose the enthusiasm and make their lives colourless but if we make stress our friend we change our destiny as instead of suffering from heart diseases at 50’s we live happily till 90’s ,when we understand that it’s harmful effects are not inevitable and change our perspective towards it and think that stress is helpful then we create strongest stress medicine of the world and when we choose to connect with others during stress then we create resilience . STUDENT’S REFLECTION I feel really lucky that I got a chance to do this project only because of this project I came to know about the idea of stress as friend which will definitely help me in my future, I came to know about the ways to deal with stress, also through this project I was able to express my ideas freely and came to know about various scientific researches and facts which overall enhanced my knowledge and gave me a life lesson. LIST OF RESOURCES Link - THANK YOU
Hijacked by Your Brain: How to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over (Groundbreaking Self-Help Book on Controlling Your Stress for Better Mental Health and Wellness)