Cloud Computing Issues and Challenges
Cloud Computing Issues and Challenges
Cloud Computing Issues and Challenges
Abstract— Many believe that Cloud will reshape the entire ICT Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-
industry as a revolution. In this paper, we aim to pinpoint the demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
challenges and issues of Cloud computing. We first discuss two computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage,
related computing paradigms - Service-Oriented Computing and applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned
Grid computing, and their relationships with Cloud computing and released with minimal management effort or service
We then identify several challenges from the Cloud computing provider interaction [1].
adoption perspective. Last, we will highlight the Cloud
interoperability issue that deserves substantial further research This definition includes cloud architectures, security, and
and development. deployment strategies. In particular, five essential elements of
cloud computing are clearly articulated:
Keywords: Cloud computing; Servcice-Oriented Computing;
Distributed Comptuing; Web Services On-demand self-service: A consumer with an instantaneous
need at a particular timeslot can avail computing resources
(such as CPU time, network storage, software use, and so forth)
I. INTRODUCTION in an automatic (i.e. convenient, self-serve) fashion without
Cloud computing has recently emerged as a buzz word in resorting to human interactions with providers of these
the distributed computing community. Many believe that Cloud resources.
is going to reshape the IT industry as a revolution. So, what is
Cloud Computing? How is it different from service-oriented Broad network access: These computing resources are
computing and Grid computing? What are those general delivered over the network (e.g. Internet) and used by various
challenges and issues for both cloud providers and consumers? client applications with heterogeneous platforms (such as
mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs) situated at a consumer's
In answering these questions, we aim to define key research site.
issues and articulate future research challenges and directions
for cloud computing. To do this, we take an outside-in Resource pooling. A cloud service provider’s computing
approach to organize this paper. We first examine a number of resources are 'pooled' together in an effort to serve multiple
cloud applications that exhibit several key characteristics. We consumers using either the multi-tenancy or the virtualization
then discuss the relationship between Cloud computing and model, "with different physical and virtual resources
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) and the relationship dynamically assigned and reassigned according to consumer
between Cloud and Grid computing (i.e. High-Performance demand" [1]. The motivation for setting up such a pool-based
Computing). We compare these three computing paradigms computing paradigm lies in two important factors: economies
and draw attention to how they will benefit each other in a co- of scale and specialization. The result of a pool-based model is
existent manner. Next, we discuss service models and that physical computing resources become 'invisible' to
deployment models of cloud computing. We elaborate service consumers, who in general do not have control or knowledge
model and deployment model of a cloud, which leads to the over the location, formation, and originalities of these resources
discussion of several data-related issues and challenges such as (e.g. database, CPU, etc.) . For example, consumers are not
multi-tenancy, security, and so forth. Finally, we discuss able to tell where their data is going to be stored in the Cloud.
interoperability and standardization issues. Rapid elasticity. For consumers, computing resources
become immediate rather than persistent: there are no up-front
II. CLOUD: OVERVIEW commitment and contract as they can use them to scale up
whenever they want, and release them once they finish to scale
A. Definition down. Moreover, resources provisioning appears to be infinite
What is Cloud Computing? Although many formal to them, the consumption can rapidly rise in order to meet peak
definitions have been proposed in both academia and industry, requirement at any time.
the one provided by U.S. NIST (National Institute of Standards Measured Service. Although computing resources are
and Technology) [1] appears to include key common elements pooled and shared by multiple consumers (i.e. multi-tenancy),
widely used in the Cloud Computing community: the cloud infrastructure is able to use appropriate mechanisms
B. Servcice Model
In addition to these five essential characteristics, the cloud C. Deployment Model
community has extensively used the following three service
models to categories the cloud services: More recently, four cloud deployment models have been
defined in the Cloud community:
Software as a Service (SaaS). Cloud consumers release
their applications on a hosting environment, which can be Private cloud. The cloud infrastructure is operated solely
accessed through networks from various clients (e.g. web within a single organization, and managed by the organization
browser, PDA, etc.) by application users. Cloud consumers do or a third party regardless whether it is located premise or off
not have control over the Cloud infrastructure that often premise. The motivation to setup a private cloud within an
employs a multi-tenancy system architecture, namely, different organization has several aspects. First, to maximize and
cloud consumers' applications are organized in a single logical optimize the utilization of existing in-house resources. Second,
environment on the SaaS cloud to achieve economies of scale security concerns including data privacy and trust also make
and optimization in terms of speed, security, availability, Private Cloud an option for many firms. Third, data transfer
disaster recovery, and maintenance. Examples of SaaS include cost [2] from local IT infrastructure to a Public Cloud is still, Google Mail, Google Docs, and so forth. rather considerable. Fourth, organizations always require full
control over mission-critical activities that reside behind their
Platform as a Service (PaaS). PaaS is a development firewalls. Last, academics often build private cloud for research
platform supporting the full "Software Lifecycle" which allows and teaching purposes.
cloud consumers to develop cloud services and applications
(e.g. SaaS) directly on the PaaS cloud. Hence the difference Community cloud. Several organizations jointly construct
between SaaS and PaaS is that SaaS only hosts completed and share the same cloud infrastructure as well as policies,
cloud applications whereas PaaS offers a development platform requirements, values, and concerns. The cloud community
that hosts both completed and in-progress cloud applications. forms into a degree of economic scalability and democratic
This requires PaaS, in addition to supporting application equilibrium. The cloud infrastructure could be hosted by a
hosting environment, to possess development infrastructure third-party vendor or within one of the organizations in the
including programming environment, tools, configuration community.
management, and so forth. An example of PaaS is Google Public cloud. This is the dominant form of current Cloud
AppEngine. computing deployment model. The public cloud is used by the
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Cloud consumers general public cloud consumers and the cloud service provider
directly use IT infrastructures (processing, storage, networks, has the full ownership of the public cloud with its own policy,
and other fundamental computing resources) provided in the value, and profit, costing, and charging model. Many popular
IaaS cloud. Virtualization is extensively used in IaaS cloud in cloud services are public clouds including Amazon EC2, S3,
order to integrate/decompose physical resources in an ad-hoc Google AppEngine, and
manner to meet growing or shrinking resource demand from Hybrid cloud. The cloud infrastructure is a combination of
cloud consumers. The basic strategy of virtualization is to set two or more clouds (private, community, or public) that remain
up independent virtual machines (VM) that are isolated from unique entities but are bound together by standardized or
both the underlying hardware and other VMs. Notice that this proprietary technology that enables data and application
strategy is different from the multi-tenancy model, which aims portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load-balancing between
to transform the application software architecture so that clouds). Organizations use the hybrid cloud model in order to
multiple instances (from multiple cloud consumers) can run on optimize their resources to increase their core competencies by
a single application (i.e. the same logic machine). An example margining out peripheral business functions onto the cloud
of IaaS is Amazon's EC2. while controlling core activities on-premise through private
Data storage as a Service (DaaS). The delivery of cloud. Hybrid cloud has raised the issues of standardization and
virtualized storage on demand becomes a separate Cloud cloud interoperability that will be discussed in later sections.
service - data storage service. Notice that DaaS could be seen Interestingly, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has recently
as a special type IaaS. The motivation is that on-premise rolled out a new type of deployment model - Virtual Private
enterprise database systems are often tied in a prohibitive up- Cloud (VPC), a secure and seamless bridge between an
front cost in dedicated server, software license, post-delivery organization’s existing IT infrastructure and the Amazon public
services, and in-house IT maintenance. DaaS allows consumers cloud. This is positioned as a mixture between Private Cloud
to pay for what they are actually using rather than the site and Public Cloud. It is Public because it still uses computing
license for the entire database. In addition to traditional storage resources pooled by Amazon for the general public. However,
interfaces such as RDBMS and file systems, some DaaS it is virtually private for two reasons. Firstly, the connection
offerings provide table-style abstractions that are designed to between IT legacy and the cloud is secured through a virtual
scale out to store and retrieve a huge amount of data within a private network, thereby having the security advantage of
very compressed timeframe, often too large, too expensive or Private Cloud. In fact, all corporate security policies still apply
too slow for most commercial RDBMS to cope with. Examples to resources on the cloud even though it is on the Public Cloud.
Identify applicable sponsor/s here. (sponsors)
Second, AWS will dedicate a set of 'isolated' resources to the Cloud for Web Service Development. Cloud can host
VPC. However, this does not mean users have to pay these service-oriented development under the PaaS service deploy
isolated resources up-front. Users still enjoy "pay-per-use" on model. SOC development often requires distributed computing
these isolated resources. VPC represents a perfect balance resources that are difficult to obtain for SMEs. For example,
between control (Private Cloud) and flexibility (Public Cloud). Google's AppEngine (the platform, its SDK, and client IDE)
provides a full-fledged development platform in which
Notice that the service model is orthogonal to the developers can develop and deploy Java Web services to build
deployment model. For example, an SaaS could provisioned their applications. In addition, the Yahoo Pipe platform
on a Public cloud or Private cloud.
illustrates the potential that Cloud can serve as the design-time
and run-time for service Mashups and Composition.
Cloud for Web Service Testing. Web services developers
In this section, we identify relationships between Cloud could tap into infinite computing resources in a Public Cloud to
Computing, Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) and Grid simulate real-world automated machine requests and network
Computing. flows as a means of load testing and stress testing for services.
The ability and cost to simulate network traffic for WS testing
A. Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing has been an inhibitor to overall Web reliability. The low cost
The encapsulation, componentization, decentralization, and and accessibility of the Cloud’s extremely large computing
integration capability provided by SOC are substantial: they resources provides the ability to replicate real world usage of
provide both architectural principles and software these systems by geographically distributed users, executing
specifications to connect computers and devices using wide varieties of user scenarios, at scales previously
standardized protocols across the Internet [3]. In fact, the unattainable in traditional testing environments.
notion of Cloud is more or less based on the evolving Cloud for Web Service Deployment. Using IaaS, Web
development on SOC, in particular the SaaS service model. services deployment can be streamlined. For example, under
Advances in SOC can benefit Cloud Computing in several the Amazon EC2 setting, service deployers can use the
ways. Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to distribute their offerings.
When requests are present, a service deployment image will be
Service Description for Cloud Services. Web Services loaded into a specified virtual machine to serve the client
Description Language (WSDL) and the REST protocol are two requests. Stateful information produced during service
widely used interface languages to describe Web services. interactions can be also kept persistent onto the AMI when
They have been utilized to describe Cloud API specification. Web services are resumed from the suspended mode (e.g. from
Service Discovery for Cloud Services. Various service a long-last transaction).
discovery models can be leveraged for cloud resource Cloud for Service Process Enactment. The integration and
discovery, selection and service-level agreement verification. composition of services become frequent problems and their
Service Composition for Cloud Service. Since Web services solutions can be packaged as services deployed in the cloud
are born to compose business applications, a great deal of environment. Therefore, a prevailing approach is to exploit the
research in this area can be leveraged for cloud services power of crowd (service users) to allow the re-use of solutions
integration, collaboration, composition. that are ready-to-use with minor configuration and composition
patterns using various algorithms (e.g. Case-Based Reasoning).
Service Management for Cloud Service. Research and
practices in SOA governance and services management can be The integration question of Cloud and SOA/SOC is an
adapted and reused in the cloud infrastructure management. interesting one. Are they at the same technical/business level?
Do they aim to achieve the same goal? Can they be employed
On the other hand, we need to consider what is missing in at the same time? If so, how? These are research challenges
SOC, especially from the perspective of small and medium that can be addressed with the further development and
enterprises? SOC represents a high level of abstraction from adoption of cloud computing.
the integration and business process perspective. However,
SOC does not provide a practical computational models for B. Cloud and Grid Computing
running services. For example, how to run my services with
minimum cost? How to scale in/out my applications built on Grid computing [4] is a hardware and software
top of Service-Oriented Architecture. These computational infrastructure motivated by real problems appearing in
details have to be dealt with in a project-specific and ad-hoc advanced scientific research. To our understanding, the Grid is
manner, which burdens the workload for SOC developers and distributed computing ‘middleware’ that provides ‘coordinated
IT department in SMEs. In addition, how to include services at cross-organizational resource sharing’ to high-end
different levels into a coherent organizational entity is an open computational applications such as science and engineering.
question in SOC. For example, how to maximize the utilization There exists evident similarities between Cloud Computing and
of my IT services in order to support my business services? Grid Computing. For one thing, they both aim to achieve
Therefore, we believe Cloud computing can benefit Service- resource virtualization. However, they do have significant
Oriented Computing research in several important ways. differences:
x Grid emphasizes the “resource sharing” to form a A. Security
virtual organization. Cloud is often owned by a single It is clear that the security issue has played the most
physical organization (except the community Cloud, in important role in hindering Cloud computing. Without doubt,
this case, it is owned by the community), who allocates putting your data, running your software at someone else's hard
resources to different running instances. disk using someone else's CPU appears daunting to many.
x Grid aims to provide the maximum computing capacity Well-known security issues such as data loss, phishing, botnet
for a huge task through resource sharing. Cloud aims to (running remotely on a collection of machines) pose serious
suffice as many small-to-medium tasks as possible threats to organization's data and software. Moreover, the
based on users’ real-time requirements. Therefore, multi-tenancy model and the pooled computing resources in
multi-tenancy is a very important concept for Cloud cloud computing has introduced new security challenges [6]
computing. that require novel techniques to tackle with. For example,
hackers are planning to use Cloud to organize botnet as Cloud
x Grid trades re-usability for (scientific) high often provides more reliable infrastructure services at a
performance computing. Cloud computing is directly relatively cheaper price for them to start an attack [6].
pulled by immediate user needs driven by various
Q: Rate the challenges/issues of the 'cloud'/on-demand model
business requirements. (1=not significant, 5=very significant)
Security 88.5%
x Grid strives to achieve maximum computing. Cloud is
after on-demand computing – Scale up and down, in Performance 88.1%
and out at the same time optimizing the overall Availability 84.8%
computing capacity. Hard to integrate with 84.5%
in-house IT
Not enough ability to
C. Cloud and High Performance Computing customize
pure economic view if the cost-saving do not offset the extra SaaS, and DaaS) will need to define different SLA meta-
data transfer cost. specifications.
In addition, the cost of data integration can be substantial as This also raises a number of implementation problems for
different clouds often use proprietary protocols and interfaces. the cloud providers. For example, resource managers need to
This requires the cloud consumer to interact with various possess precise and updated information on the resource usage
clouds using cloud provider-specific APIs and to develop ad- at any particular time within the cloud. By updated
hoc adaptors in order to distribute and integrate heterogeneous information, we mean any changes in the cloud environment
resources and data assets to and from different clouds (even would fire an event subscribed to by the resource manager in
within a single organization). For example, to tackle the order to make real-time evaluation and adjustment for SLA
security issue, cloud consumers (e.g. the Eli Lilly research lab fulfillment. The resource managers need to employ fast and
[9]) may have to split confidential data (e.g. the drug usage for effective decision models and optimization algorithms to do
each patient) into pieces and distribute them onto different this. It may need to reject certain resource requests when SLAs
clouds so that security compromise in one cloud will not lead cannot be met. All these need to be carried out in a nearly
to disaster as a whole. However, splitting and mixing data not automatic fashion due to the promise of "self-service" in the
only adds substantial extra financial cost, but can also severely cloud computing. Furthermore, advanced SLA mechanisms
affect the system performance (i.e. the time cost). need to constantly incorporate user feedback and customization
features into the SLA evaluation framework.
C. Charging Model
From a cloud provider's perspective, the elastic resource E. What to migrate
pool (through either virtualization or multi-tenancy) has made Based on a survey (Sample size = 244) conducted by IDC
the cost analysis a lot more complicated than regular data in 2008, the seven IT systems/applications being migrated to
centers, which often calculates their cost based on the cloud are: IT Management Applications (26.2%),
consumptions of static computing. Moreover, an instantiated Collaborative Applications (25.4%), Personal Applications
virtual machine has become the unit of cost analysis rather than (25%), Business Applications (23.4%), Applications
the underlying physical server. A sound charging model needs Development and Deployment (16.8%), Server Capacity
to incorporate all the above as well as VM associated items (15.6%), and Storage Capacity (15.5%). This result reveals that
such as software licenses, virtual network usage, node and organizations still have security/privacy concerns in moving
hypervisor management overhead, and so on. their data on to the Cloud. Currently, peripheral functions such
as IT management and personal applications are the most easy
For SaaS cloud providers, the cost of developing multi- IT systems to move. Organizations are conservative in
tenancy within their offering can be very substantial. These
employing IaaS compared to SaaS. This is partly because
include: re-design and re-development of the software that was marginal functions are often outsourced to the Cloud, and core
originally used for single-tenancy, cost of providing new activities are kept in-house. The survey also shows that in three
features that allow for intensive customization, performance years time, 31.5% of the organization will move their Storage
and security enhancement for concurrent user access, and Capacity to the cloud. However this number is still relatively
dealing with complexities induced by the above changes. low compared to Collaborative Applications (46.3%) at that
Consequently, SaaS providers need to weigh up the trade-off time.
between the provision of multi-tenancy and the cost-savings
yielded by multi-tenancy such as reduced overhead through
amortization, reduced number of on-site software licenses, etc. V. CLOUD INTEROPERABIOLITY ISSUE
Therefore, a strategic and viable charging model for SaaS Currently, each cloud offering has its own way on how
provider is crucial for the profitability and sustainability of cloud clients/applications/users interact with the cloud, leading
SaaS cloud providers. to the "Hazy Cloud" phenomenon [10]. This severely hinders
the development of cloud ecosystems by forcing vendor lock-
D. Service Level Agreement in, which prohibits the ability of users to choose from
Although cloud consumers do not have control over the alternative vendors/offering simultaneously in order to
underlying computing resources, they do need to ensure the optimize resources at different levels within an organization.
quality, availability, reliability, and performance of these More importantly, proprietary cloud APIs make it very difficult
resources when consumers have migrated their core business to integrate cloud services with an organization's own existing
functions onto their entrusted cloud. In other words, it is vital legacy systems (e.g. an on-premise data centre for highly
for consumers to obtain guarantees from providers on service interactive modeling applications in a pharmaceutical
delivery. Typically, these are provided through Service Level company). The scope of interoperability here refers both to the
Agreements (SLAs) negotiated between the providers and links amongst different clouds and the connection between a
consumers. The very first issue is the definition of SLA cloud and an organization's local systems. The primary goal of
specifications in such a way that has an appropriate level of interoperability is to realize the seamless fluid data across
granularity, namely the tradeoffs between expressiveness and clouds and between cloud and local applications.
complicatedness, so that they can cover most of the consumer There are a number of levels that interoperability is
expectations and is relatively simple to be weighted, verified, essential for cloud computing. First, to optimize the IT asset
evaluated, and enforced by the resource allocation mechanism and computing resources, an organization often needs to keep
on the cloud. In addition, different cloud offerings (IaaS, PaaS,
in-house IT assets and capabilities associated with their core RESTful Web services interfaces, through which cloud
competencies while outsourcing marginal functions and consumers are able to create and manage cloud resources,
activities (e.g. the human resource system) on to the cloud. In including compute, storage, and networking components in a
this case, frequent communications between cloud services (the unified way. Using the HTTP as the application protocol and
HR system) and on-premise systems (e.g. an ERP system) JSON for resource representation, the open cloud API defines
becomes crucial and indispensable to run a business. Poor the following key resource types: Cloud, Virtual Data Center,
interoperability such as proprietary APIs and overly complex Cluster, Virtual Machine, Private Virtual Network, Public
or ambiguous data structures used by a HR cloud SaaS will Address, Storage Volume, and Volume Snapshot. These
dramatically increase the integration difficulties, putting the IT constructs share a certain degree of similarity with the internal
department into a difficult situation. Second, more often than architectural design of Eucalyptus [14]. In fact, the Eucalyptus
not, for the purpose of optimization, an organization may need project is willing to making efforts to ensure the compatibility
to outsource a number of marginal functions to cloud services between Eucalyptus clouds and the Sun cloud API [15]. This is
offered by different vendors. For example, it is highly likely aligned with DEBII's on-going research in providing a light-
that an SME may use Gmail for the email services and weight PaaS open API using RESTful Web services. Notice for the HR service. This means that the many also that the notion of Virtual Data Center, which represents
features (e.g. address book, calendar, appointment booking, the core entity to instantiate the Sun Open Cloud, is equivalent
etc.) in the email system must connect to the HR employee to the concept of Virtual Private Cloud recently introduced in
directory residing in the HR system. Amazon EC2 (See Section II - C).
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