Lanthanide Carboxyphosphonates LN (O3PCH2
Lanthanide Carboxyphosphonates LN (O3PCH2
Lanthanide Carboxyphosphonates LN (O3PCH2
Received April 30, 2009; Revised Manuscript Received June 22, 2009
2852(w), 2810(w), 2755(w), 2669(w), 1658(w), 1550(s), 1450(s), Table 2. Selected Bond Lengths [Å] and Angles [o] for 1-4a
1384(w), 1363(w), 1336(w), 1306(w), 1267(w), 1240(w), 1219(w),
1 2 3 4
1144(s), 1117(s), 1069(m), 1046(m), 1035(m), 1011(s), 992(m),
955(w), 940(w), 879(w), 813(w), 789(w), 767(w), 716(w), 633(w), Ln1-O1 2.407(6) 2.404(4) 2.398(5) 2.399(8)
608(w), 561(w), 544(w), 504(w), 460(w), 443(w). Ln1-O2 2.534(5) 2.536(4) 2.526(4) 2.520(7)
For compound 3: Yield 12.2 mg (28.2%). Anal. found (calcd) Ln1-O1W 2.41(11) 2.39(9) 2.39(9) 2.38(15)
for C7H15NO7PTb 3 2H2O: C, 19.31 (18.62); H, 3.98 (4.21); Ln1-O2W 2.37(12) 2.36(9) 2.36(10) 2.36(16)
N, 3.13 (3.10)%. IR (KBr, cm-1): 3425 (b,s), 3116(w), 2954(w), Ln1-O3B 2.280(5) 2.273(4) 2.267(4) 2.262(7)
2924(w), 2856(w), 2810(w), 2756(w), 2344(w), 1647(w), 1550(s), Ln1-O2C 2.283(5) 2.274(4) 2.278(4) 2.275(7)
1450(s), 1384(w), 1367(w), 1336(w), 1308(w), 1268(w), 1219- Ln1-O4D 2.476(6) 2.479(4) 2.462(5) 2.458(8)
Ln1-O5D 2.482(5) 2.484(4) 2.476(4) 2.474(7)
(w), 1136(s), 1070(m), 1037(m), 1012(s), 956(w), 941(w), 852(w),
O1-P1 1.540(5) 1.534(4) 1.536(4) 1.531(7)
814(w), 768(w), 714(w), 669(w), 644(w), 617(w), 558(w), 504(w),
O2-P1 1.562(5) 1.558(4) 1.557(4) 1.557(8)
461(w), 443(w). O3-P1 1.513(5) 1.520(4) 1.509(4) 1.507(7)
For compound 4: Yield 19.1 mg (43.7%). Anal. found (calcd) C7-O4 1.257(10) 1.258(8) 1.252(8) 1.250(13)
for C7H15NO7PDy 3 2H2O: C, 19.14 (18.47); H, 3.74 (4.18); C7-O5 1.243(9) 1.233(8) 1.233(8) 1.230(13)
N, 3.20 (3.08)%. IR (KBr, cm-1): 3347 (b,s), 2951(w), 2919(w),
2852(w), 2810(w), 2754(w), 2668(w), 2362(w), 2343(w), 1655(w), O1-Ln1-O2 59.40(17) 59.34(13) 59.48(14) 59.5(2)
1625(w), 1545(s), 1448(s), 1383(w), 1363(w), 1349(w), 1304(w), O1-Ln1-O1W 79(3) 79(2) 80(2) 80(3)
1286(w), 1267(w), 1239(w), 1213(w), 1154(s), 1119(m), 1069- O2W-Ln1-O1 74(3) 75(2) 74(2) 74(4)
(s), 1052(m), 1037(m), 1012(s), 997(m), 954(w), 939(w), 927(w), O1W-Ln1-O2 77(3) 77(2) 77(2) 77(4)
814(w), 789(w), 766(m), 662(w), 606(m), 566(w), 504(m), 472(w), O2W-Ln1-O2 134(3) 134(2) 134(2) 134(4)
460(w), 443(w). O2W-Ln1-O1W 95(4) 95(3) 95(3) 95(5)
X-ray Crystallographic Analyses. Single crystals of dimensions O2C-Ln1-O1 125.79(18) 125.56(15) 125.82(15) 125.9(3)
0.07 0.05 0.04 mm3 for 1, 0.08 0.06 0.05 mm3 for 2, 0.08 O3B-Ln1-O1 85.72(18) 86.32(14) 85.54(15) 85.4(3)
0.07 0.05 mm3 for 3, 0.08 0.06 0.04 mm3 for 4 were used for O1-Ln1-O4D 146.08(19) 146.21(15) 146.10(16) 146.1(3)
structural determinations on a Bruker SMART APEX CCD dif- O1-Ln1-O5D 138.96(19) 139.03(14) 138.96(15) 139.1(3)
fractometer using graphite-monochromatized Mo KR radiation O2C-Ln1-O2 66.5(2) 66.37(17) 66.44(17) 66.6(3)
(λ=0.71073 Å) at room temperature. A hemisphere of data were O3B-Ln1-O2 85.55(18) 85.28(15) 85.21(15) 85.2(3)
O4D-Ln1-O2 141.72(18) 141.54(15) 141.64(15) 141.6(2)
collected in the θ range 1.81-25.99° for 1, 1.81-26.00° for 2, 1.82-
O5D-Ln1-O2 137.96(18) 138.46(15) 138.08(14) 138.1(2)
25.50o for 3, and 1.82-25.00° for 4 using a narrow-frame method
O2C-Ln1-O1W 86(3) 86(2) 86(2) 86(4)
with scan widths of 0.30° in ω and an exposure time of 10 s/frame. O3B-Ln1-O1W 161(3) 161(2) 161(2) 161(3)
Numbers of observed and unique reflections are 8187 and 3013 O1W-Ln1-O4D 125(2) 125(2) 125(2) 125(3)
(Rint =0.0422) for 1, 8003 and 2964 (Rint =0.0292) for 2, 7704 and O1W-Ln1-O5D 73(2) 73(2) 73(2) 73(3)
2822 (Rint = 0.0232) for 3, 7456 and 2663 (Rint = 0.0414) for 4, O2C-Ln1-O2W 159(3) 159(2) 160(2) 159(4)
respectively. The data were integrated using the Siemens SAINT O3B-Ln1-O2W 92(3) 93(2) 92(2) 92(4)
program,19 with the intensities corrected for Lorentz factor, polar- O2W-Ln1-O4D 80(3) 80(2) 80(2) 80(4)
ization, air absorption, and absorption due to variation in the path O2W-Ln1-O5D 78(3) 78(2) 78(2) 78(4)
length through the detector faceplate. Multiscan absorption correc- O3B-Ln1-O2C 93.6(2) 93.33(16) 93.46(16) 93.5(3)
tions were applied. The structures were solved by direct methods O3B-Ln1-O4D 73.54(18) 73.23(15) 73.84(15) 73.9(2)
and refined on F2 by full matrix least-squares using SHELXTL.20 O2C-Ln1-O5D 82.4(2) 82.50(16) 82.49(17) 82.3(3)
All the non-hydrogen atoms were located from the Fourier maps O2C-Ln1-O4D 82.9(2) 83.12(16) 82.84(16) 82.7(3)
and were refined anisotropically. All H atoms were refined isotro- O3B-Ln1-O5D 125.52(17) 124.91(15) 125.68(14) 125.7(2)
pically, with the isotropic vibration parameters related to the non-H O4D-Ln1-O5D 52.00(18) 51.70(15) 51.87(14) 51.8(2)
atom to which they are bonded. For compounds 1-4, crystal- P1-O1-Ln1 101.0(3) 101.0(2) 100.9(2) 100.9(4)
lographic and refinement details are listed in Table 1, and selected P1-O2-Ln1 95.2(3) 94.9(2) 95.1(2) 95.2(3)
bond lengths and angles are given in Table 2. P1-O2-Ln1C 151.0(3) 151.0(3) 151.1(3) 151.1(5)
P1-O3-Ln1B 141.3(3) 140.4(2) 141.3(2) 141.3(4)
C7-O4-Ln1A 93.4(5) 93.5(4) 93.7(4) 93.8(6)
Results and Discussion C7-O5-Ln1A 93.5(5) 94.0(4) 93.5(4) 93.6(6)
Syntheses. Compounds 1-4 were prepared through Ln1C-O2-Ln1 113.5(2) 113.63(17) 113.56(17) 113.4(3)
hydrothermal reactions of 4-cpmpH3 and equal molar cor- a
Symmetry codes: A: x þ 1, -y þ 1/2, z þ 1/2; B: -x þ 1, -y, -z;
responding lanthanide acetates at 140 °C for 24 h. It is found C: -x, -y, -z; D: x - 1, -y þ 1/2, z - 1/2.
Article Crystal Growth and Design, Vol. 9, No. 10, 2009 4447
Figure 1. Building unit of structure 1 with atomic labeling scheme Figure 2. One inorganic chain in structure 1.
(50% probability). All H atoms are omitted for clarity.
forming a dimer of {Eu2O14} with the Eu1C-O2-Eu1 bond
Scheme 1 angle of 113.5(2)o. The dimers are connected by {PO3C}
tetrahedra through corner- or edge-sharing, resulting in a 1D
double chain running along the a-axis (Figure 2). Within the
chain, the Eu 3 3 3 Eu distances over μ3-O2, O1-P1-O3, and
O2-P1-O3 bridges are 4.031, 5.485, and 5.552 Å, respec-
tively. The chain is further linked to its four equivalent
neighbors through the coordination of the phosphonate
and carboxylate oxygens to the Eu atoms, leading to a 3D
open framework containing uniform large parallelogram-
like channels with the size of 15.978 9.777 Å (van der Waals
radii not accounted) (Figure 3). The lattice water mole-
cules fill in these channels and are involved in hydrogen
bonding networks formed among phosphonate oxygens
(O3, O4) and lattice waters (O3W, O4W, O5W). The three
shortest contacts are 2.779 Å for O3W 3 3 3 O4a, 3.029 Å for
O4W 3 3 3 O5Wb, and 3.034 Å for O4W 3 3 3 O3Wc (symmetry
codes: a: x - 1, -y þ 1/2, z þ 1/2; b: -x, -y þ 1, -z þ 1; c:
x, -y þ 1/2, z - 1/2).
The structures of 2-4 are analogous to 1 except that the
Eu atom in 1 is replaced by Gd in 2, Tb in 3, and Dy in 4. The
crystal cell volume decreases in the decreasing sequence of ionic
radii with Eu>Gd>Tb>Dy. The Ln-O distances and O-
Ln-O bond angles are 2.273(4)-2.536(4) Å and 51.70(15)-
161(2)o for 2, 2.267(4)-2.526(4) Å and 51.87(14)-161(2)o for
3, and 2.262(7)-2.520(7) Å and 51.8(2)-161(3)o for 4, respec-
tively. The sizes of the channels are 15.978 9.792 Å in 2,
15.920 9.734 Å in 3, and 15.879 9.733 Å in 4.
The open-framework structures of 1-4 are different from
that the pH values play a key role in the formation of four that of Pr4(H2O)7(O3PCH2-NC5H9-COO)4(H2O)5. In the
compounds. The pH value above 4.0 results in flocculent latter case, chains of edge-sharing {PrO8} and {PrO9} poly-
mixture, whereas the pH value below 3 leads to a lower yield, hedra are observed, which are interconnected via organic
and even clear solution. Compounds with good crystal acids to create an open framework structure. While in 1-4,
quality and high yields are obtained in the pH values between the inorganic chain is built from dimers of edge-sharing
3.5 and 4.0. {LnO8} connected by {PO3C} linkages. Further, each chain
Crystal structures. Compounds 1-4 are isostructural and is linked by its four equivalents via eight 4-cpmp3- ligands
crystallize in monoclinic space group P21/c. As shown in in Pr4(H2O)7(O3PCH2-NC5H9-COO)4(H2O)5, instead of
Figure 1, the building unit of 1 contains one Eu atom, one four 4-cpmp3- in 1-4. Finally, the coordination modes of
4-cpmp3- ligand, two coordination and one lattice water 4-cpmp3- in 1-4 (Scheme 1a) are also different from those in
molecules. Each Eu is eight-coordinated by four phospho- Pr4(H2O)7(O3PCH2-NC5H9-COO)4(H2O)5 (Scheme 1b-d).
nate oxygens (O1, O2, O2C, and O3B) from three equivalent It is worth noting that a few transition metal phosphonates
4-cpmp3- ligands, two carboxylate oxygens (O4D and O5D) based on 4-cpmp3- were also reported, including Mn(O3-
from the fourth equivalent 4-cpmp3- ligand and two water PCH2-NHC5H9-COO),17 Zn(O3PCH2-NHC5H9-COO),
oxygens (O1W and O2W). The Eu-O bond lengths and the and Co3(O3PCH2-NHC5H9-COO)2(O3PCH2-NC5H10)-
O-Eu-O bond angles are in the normal range of 2.280(5)- (H2O).21 Their structures, however, are all pillared layered,
2.534(5) Å and 52.00(18)-161(3)°, respectively. and the 4-cpmpH2- ligand adopts two other coordination
Each 4-cpmp3- serves as a pentadentate ligand, binding modes (Scheme 1e,f).
four Eu atoms through three phosphonate oxygens (O1, O2, Thermal Analysis. In order to explore the thermal stability
O3) and two carboxylate oxygens (O4, O5) (Scheme 1a). The of these materials, the TG curves of 1-4 were measured. The
phosphonate oxygen O2 bridges two equivalent Eu atoms, first step decomposition appears in the temperature range
4448 Crystal Growth and Design, Vol. 9, No. 10, 2009 Cao et al.
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